Disclaimer: KHR belong to Amano Akira
Meeting in the Past
Chapter 1
It was a peaceful day in Namimori, the birds were chirping, the people going about with their lives and the greatest mafia in the world tenth leader was quietly sitting in his classroom in Namimori Middle School.
Sawada Tsunayoshi leaned his head on his hand as he listened to the teacher speech. A few seats ahead Gokudera Hayato, his Storm guardian and self-proclaimed right-hand man was seemingly painfully bored. A few rows behind him Yamamoto Takeshi, his friend and Rain guardian wasn't even attempting to follow the class and was sleeping on his arms. Glancing to his side Tsuna saw that Kozato Enma, his best friend was listening though disinterestedly. He knew that Dokuro Chrome, his sub-Mist guardian was most likely looking out the window waiting for the end of class patiently.
Tsuna turned his head slightly and his eyes came upon Sasagawa Kyoko, the girl he had liked for three years already, she caught his gaze and gave him a bright smile in return. Tsuna felt he could get blinded from looking at her directly, no wonder she was Sasagawa Ryohei's, his Sun guardian, little sister. From the corner of his eyes he saw Kurokawa Hana smirking at him and he quickly turned his head back to the front.
It was a wonder so many people associated with the Mafia were in the same class, not that the faculty or normal students knew about that fact, Tsuna wondered at the faces they'd make if they knew. He in turn just felt lucky to be in the same class as so many of his friends. The teacher probably just thought of it as dumping the most troublesome elements in the school together, that class and the next one, where the other three remaining Shimon students were in as well as Naito Longchamp, though the Tomaso family Decimo was absent half the time, it was a wonder he could graduate.
Not that Tsunayoshi considered himself part of the Mafia, if anyone bothered asking him anymore he would tell them he'd never become a mafia boss, no matter how Reborn put it, Vongola Decimo or Neo-Vongola Primo. Still he couldn't completely resent Reborn for crashing into his life nearly three years ago or Nono, Timoteo the Vongola Ninth, for making him the Vongola Boss heir and sending Reborn to tutor him to that effect. After all he had made most of his friends because of it and became stronger than he ever could have imagined.
That was something he already had begun to believe in the future world, as he had told Byakuran then, everything that happened were a precious part of his life. And thinking back a lot certainly had happened, beginning with Reborn, the infant hitman, arrival in Japan and his house.
After that he had met Gokudera-kun, became friend with Yamamoto, Lambo had crashed into his life, or more like house followed by Bianchi, Gokudera-kun older sister. He came to know Miura Haru, one of his precious friend though an odd girl, he also met Ryohei onii-san and through that became closer to Kyoko-chan. He also met I-pin, Fuuta and Dino, the Cavallone Family Boss.
He met so many people during his first year of Middle School.
Though somehow it paled in comparaison to the adventures he had during his second year. Meeting Naito-kun, going to Mafia Land, and the summer festival where they fought with Hibari Kyoya, his Cloud guardian (tentative). But after that, it seems their adventures took a more serious turn beginning with Mukuro apparition, Rokudo Mukuro was his other Mist guardian (also tentative) who wanted to possess his body.
Though he won that first battle and Mukuro was ultimately thrown in the Mafia prison, Vindice. Troubles only followed from there, what with the Varia appearing and the battle for the Rings and who would become Nono successor between him and Xanxus, Varia's leader.
Not that he wanted the title of Decimo or the Vongola ring then but he also couldn't have let Xanxus succeed Nono and done as he please, not the least reason being that would have meant forfeiting his and his friends lives.
In the end it was revealed Xanxus was Nono adopted son and not of his blood and Tsuna became the heir, he really hoped Nono and Xanxus would bridge back the rift between them...
That was also the time when he learned that his father Iemitsu was part of Vongola as the Boss of CEDEF. That damn Dad, he thought mulishly, the man was probably sprawled in their living room right now, since he actually had come to attend his graduation ceremony, Tsuna hoped he wouldn't do anything embarrassing, at least his mom was happy.
And then he was actually sent ten years into the future, it was probably his most outrageous adventure mostly because it was so out of this world anyone would have a hard time believing it. Byakuran was definitely his toughest opponent up to then, he was glad the white haired man seemed to have turned a new leaf in the present, Yuni would keep an eye on him.
Some time after they got back to their own time they met the Shimon Family, because of a deep misunderstanding they fought but thankfully they were able to resolve it with the help of mementos left by Vongola Primo, Giotto, and Shimon Primo, Cozart. They learned that Daemon Spade was behind everything, the suffering of the Shimon family and the plan to kill Tsuna and his guardians. Fighting together Tsuna and Enma were able to win against him, and Mukuro was released from Vindice thanks to his part in the conflict.
Now everyone was friends, well at least the Shimon guardians and his own got along well mostly. Though Tsuna knew some in Vongola still wanted retribution against the Shimon for their part in wrecking the inheritance ceremony but Tsuna was grateful Nono was understanding and forbade any actions against them, even if some saw it as a sign of weakness. Tsuna was glad, maybe the Shimon could live a more peaceful life now.
After that however they barely had time to rest before the Arcobaleno Representatives Battles began. That certainly was a hectic time, and they had to fight against the Vindice who were actually former Arcobaleno, and really strong too. Even with Tsuna's group, Varia, CEDEF, Mukuro's group, Yuni and Byakuran's peoples, Dino, Enma and all the Arcobaleno fighting on the same side they had nearly lost. Thankfully the Arcobaleno curse was lifted in the end, with Bermuda and the others Vindice taking care of the device. Though Tsuna still didn't really get what had changed for Reborn and the other babies.
Well compared to that, his third year of Middle School had been positively boring with only the crazy antics of his famiglia and friends to deal with, Reborn continuous sadistic training and of course the few assassinations attempts on him here and there that he and his closest guardians dealt with. Though all that however he was still no-good Tsuna as Reborn often reminded him, his average on test had only gotten up to 40, even with all the studying he did, and he tripped over his own feet at least once a week, the other day he also had a dog chase him down a few streets before he managed to lose him. Thinking about it Tsuna sighed internally, actually it kind of was a miracle he was able to graduate with his grades, but thinking on it the teachers of Namimori were probably lax in passing grades as long as there wasn't too much abscenteism. As expected of a school who let a certain student chose his own grade, not that Tsuna blamed them, he was terrified of Hibari too.
"That's all. Class dismissed and I'll see you in a week for the graduation ceremony." The teacher finally announced.
A few exclamation of joy and sigh of relief were let out by students as the class emptied.
As per usual Tsuna's group began to make their way outside together.
Tsuna saw the others students move out of their way, and could feel their gazes on them, or more like girls eyes on Gokudera and Yamamoto and boys eyes on Kyoko-chan and Chrome.
Arrived at the gate the boys said bye to the girls and Enma-kun who left with the other Shimon.
"I need to hurry or Lambo will make a fuss about me being late again." Said Tsuna as his two guardians followed.
"I'm going to have a word that selfish cow brat." Gokudera glared.
"Mah mah, he's just a kid." Yamamoto cheerfully said.
Arriving before Namimori South Primary School, Lambo was already waiting along I-Pin and Fuuta. They all had begun to go to school this year, Lambo and I-Pin in 1st grade and Fuuta in 5th. Well April come they would move onto the next grade just as Tsuna would enter High School.
"You're slow Idiot-Tsuna !" Complained the afro-haired child.
"Ya want a beating stupid cow ?!" Threatened Gokudera.
"Blegh ! I'm not listening to Stupid-Dera." Lambo stuck his tongue out.
"Lambo being impatient no good." Lectured I-Pin whose japanese had improved since starting school.
"Sorry Tsuna-nii, Mama don't want us three to go home by ourselves." Said Fuuta.
"It's okay, it's a small detour only and I'm the one to pick you up only half the time."
Bianchi would do it the rest of the time, when she wasn't out of town since she'd begun to work and take mission again. Haru would occasionally pick them up when she'd promise his mom she'd babysit the small ones. Though to be honest they probably hadn't anything to fear from most people with how strong I-Pin and Lambo were and Fuuta had a sharp intelligence that had often helped him escape people after his abilities.
Before the argument between Gokudera-kun and Lambo could degenerate further and dynamite and grenades made their apparition, Tsuna calmed them down, as Yamamoto laughed.
"You two sure argue like brothers." He pointed out, earning him a glare from Gokudera.
The commotion they made, as usual, attracted the eyes of the other people there to pick up their children and Tsnua quickly herded everyone away. Thankfully no more incident or argument broke out as they made their way to Tsuna's house. Gokudera and Yamamoto each veering off to their own houses.
"Welcome home." Nana smiled at them.
As the little ones went to get their snacks Tsuna went up to his room. His father poked his head out of the living room.
"Oh, Tsuna, come have a chat with your old man." Iemitsu grinned.
"Maybe later." Replied Tsuna. 'If you put some pants on.'
Finally in his room he fell on his bed. He had one week of free time before him. Maybe he would do something with Enma-kun, Gokudera-kun and Yamamoto. And he had that video game to finish with Lambo. Well that was if Reborn didn't plan some ridiculous activity related to his 'training'. Speaking of, where was the former Arcobaleno ? Normally he would already have been subjected to a kick for slacking off in form of greeting.
Maybe he was out. Getting a manga out Tsuna begun to read.
Two hour later Tsuna was woken up from his small nap by Lambo barging into his room like a tornado, his bazooka out, proudly held above his head.
"Look ! Look Tsuna ! I got my Bazooka modified!" The young cow-printed boy excitedly reported running in.
"Eh ?" Tsuna blearily said, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"Giannini is in town." Reborn said from the door.
"Giannini is here ? Is it really okay to have him touch the Ten-Year Bazooka after what happened last time ?" Cautiously asked the future Vongola Boss.
"Probably, he became better at weapons tuning recently."
"Reborn ! How can you be this carefree, it would be a huge problem if something..."
Lambo who had grown bored of being ignored had tried to jump on Tsuna's bed only to trip, the Bazooka leaving his hands to fly toward Tsuna, who tried to get out of the way but it was too late.
A big cloud of pink smoke appeared but when it dissolved nothing and more alarmingly nobody was there.
"That might be a problem." Said Reborn as he proceeded to kick Lambo around while waiting for the five minutes to be up. However 5, then 10 minutes passed and still Tsunayoshi Sawada didn't reappeared.
So this is my version of tenth generation meet the first. It follow what I think would be in line with the manga characterization, so no fluffy genius Tsuna sorry. No romance either, only friendship. Still I hope you enjoy this story !