"Besides surfing and Bora Bora, what else is on your bucket list" Eddie asked, as they were getting ready for bed that night. She had changed into one Jamie's old Harvard t-shirts that hit the top of her thighs.
Jamie was in the bathroom brushing his teeth "A few others" he mumbled around his tooth brush, as Eddie walked behind him putting her hair in a pony tail and grabbing her tooth brush. "I figured that, that's why I asked" she rolled her eyes as she brushed her teeth and nudged Jamie out of the way.
"Marrying you" he smiled at her in the mirror." He ran his hand up and down her back meeting her gaze in the mirror.
"You can cross that one off soon, hence me buying a wedding dress" Eddie replied as she finished up. Both leaving the bathroom and getting comfortable in bed with Jamie on the right and Eddie on the left.
"Were you serious about a honeymoon in Bora Bora?' Jamie asked as he held his ipad in his lap as he watched her apply lotion to her legs that he loved so much.
"Sure, why not. We want to go on a nice trip for the honeymoon and you've always wanted to go. I call that a win win." She looked over at him and caught him staring. "What" she asked.
"What do you mean what? I can't look at you" Jamie scoffed as he placed his ipad back on the nightstand. "Look? Of course but if you stare to long it becomes creepy" she laughed.
"Oh shut up Janko" he rolled closer to her bringing her down next to him.
"What are you going to do when we get married and I take your name, you still going to call me Janko?" she teased as she kissed his neck.
He laughed "I don't know, I will have to try out Reagan a few times, but Janko may still come out every once and while" He kissed her again and again. "So you are going to take my name? Thought you said you may keep Janko for work" he asked as he started to move his t-shirt up her torso.
"I haven't decided one hundred percent yet, but I am leaning towards taking your name. I love you and we are going to be married and I am so happy to be part of your family," she said as she kissed him again. He smiled down at her.
"Eddie Reagan does have a nice ring to it" She smiled up at him. "Yes it does" she kissed him again and again bringing her legs up and around his waist. "I think that is enough talking for a while Janko" he said and he tossed her shirt to the floor.
Eddie walked into Donovan's almost an hour after Jamie left the precinct. She looked around to see where he was as she walked towards the back where they normally grabbed a spot near the pool tables and darts. He was sitting at a high top table nursing a beer, he looked up and smiled at her almost like her knew she was there. "Get everything squared away," he asked as she pulled her chair closer to him and grabbed his beer to take a drink. "We did, all fourteen are processed and were waiting to be taken to their cells when I left." Jamie waved to the waitress to bring two more beers over.
"So are you going to hit me here or are you going to wait till we get home?" Jamie asked as Eddie smirked at him.
"I haven't decided yet, I think I will let you be surprised. Plus you may be getting more than one." He leaned over and kissed her smirking mouth.
"Are you sure you are okay with not getting the dress you saw the other day" He asked.
She reached and interlocked their hands. "Yes, there are other dresses that are just as beautiful and will have you bawling like a baby as I walk down the aisle" she took a sip of her beer and smirked at him. "Plus Ms. Rodriguez needed that money more than I needed it. I could help make sure her son got the insulin he needed. No biggie" she said shrugging her shoulders.
"No biggie? Ed it is a very big deal and like I told you it is one of the many reasons I love you." He leaned over and kissed her again.
"So explain to me exactly how you ended up being worried about us not working together anymore," He asked as he leaned back in his chair.
"Jamie it really isn't important. I just worried over nothing." She said as she started picking at the label on her beer bottle.
"Eddie, if it was something I did or said you has to tell me? Our relationship isn't make or break on the fact that we were partners, and both work for the NYPD." he leaned in closer to her. "I love you not your job or the job we did together"
"It wasn't anything you said. I swear Jamie. I was talking with Erin and Nikki when I was dress shopping and Jack was brought up" Jamie groaned. "Oh hush. Erin said that their marriage was great until they stopped working together and I guess it worried me."
"Ed, we are nothing like my sister and Jack. Trust me, their relationship was a lot more complicated then them not working together anymore. It doesn't mean we will be the same way" he stood up and pulled her closer.
"I know! I said it was stupid, but it just got me thinking and I got worried. I don't want us to lose what makes us us you know" he laughed. "Seriously Reagan don't laugh at me" she popped him in the stomach. He stepped back. "And don't think that is one of your paybacks. You won't see it coming"
"I love you Eddie. We waited a long time to give acknowledge our feelings and it took us even longer to decide to act on those feelings." She rolled her eyes "And who should we blame for that?" she scoffed.
He wrapped his arms around her waist. "We don't need to worry about that, we took the time" she gave him the look "okay I took the time we needed to make sure we had a solid foundation. You and me, we are for life. No if's and's or buts about it." He leaned in and kissed her hard.
"We sure are" she replied her forehead resting against his. "Why don't we skip the game of pool and head home? I have a sudden urge to do some work with the boxing gloves" she said.
"I will pull the punching bag out of the corner give you some more room," he said as laid money down for their drinks.
"Who said I wanted to use the bag? I have another target in mind" she sassed as she started walking towards the door swaying her hips from side to side. Jamie laughed as he happily followed her out.