My name is Farrah Fox, I wear a white tank top with a orange jacket on top and some black paints. I used to live a normal life here at Moebius, but I wanted adventure since I was little. It took weeks for my own mother to teach me who to fight when I was 13 and that's when I met Miles.

He fought off some jerks who were harassing me and he took me under his wing. He was strong, loyal, and all about justice.

He was there for me when my parents died in a house fire. He showed me love and kindness through all of it.

I liked that about him, until he had change after being with the Suppression Squad for a few mouths. He was now cruel to people, making all the wrong choices, and treating me like trash when I turned 16.

The next thing that him and the suppression squad let another fox who looks just like me. Her name was Fiona Fox, they said that she me from another universe and she incredibly rude to me.

When I heard Scourge wanted Miles and Boomer build a ring gate to get to the other universe so he can rule over, I knew Miles had to be stopped.

Chapter 1

I bashed through the door of the workshop and found Miles working on the finishing touches of the star posts that he been working on for 2 years, but Boomer is no where to be found.

"Ah, Farrah" Miles greeted carelessly. "Your just in time." He said well pushing some buttons.

"Miles I have something that needs to be said." I said firmly.

"Well hold that thought for a minute." Miles turned on the star post for a test run. There were sparks at first, then they form into a portal. I stared at it amazed as Miles smirked. "Perfect, now all I have to do is to inform Scourge and we're-" I grabbed Miles' arm stopping him dead on his tracks.

"Miles, this has gone far enough." I said determined and Miles stares at with a frown.

"Care to run that by me again, Farrah?" He asked aggressive.

"I want you to stop before ruin more people lifes. I want you to stop treating me like I'm nothing! You been doing this since you join the suppression squad!" I said firmly and getting louder.

"Then why should I?" Miles asked with a murderess look.


He grabbed me by the throat and stared at me with a look that he was going to hurt me. I stared back with disbelief that he would do this.

"That was a long time ago." Miles said firmly and then lets go. "Now stay out of my way." He walks towards the star posts to turned it off.

"So that how it going be then." I said as I stepped in front of him with a grenade in my hand.

I pulled the pin well hold the trigger tight and Miles looks at me wide eyed.

"Farrah...what do you think your doing?" He asked backing away.

"I'm not going to let you hurt more people, Miles. I'm not going to stand and watch from the sidelines as you do it." I said firmly, hold the trigger even tighter.

"Come on, Farrah. Let's not do anything rash." Miles said despite.

"I used those words over and over again and YOU. NEVER. LISTENED!" I yelled and Miles stared. "Did really care about me, Miles? Did you really wanted to help people? Did really love-" Before I got to finished that last question, Boomer fired his elbow gun at me.

It knocked me back, right through the portal, while dropping the grenade down to the floor.

"NO!" I heard Miles yell before I went through the portal.

I crashed down on some dark grass and groan in pain. I sat up and saw the portal exploded before closed. I stared in horror, knowing that I'm stuck in this universe and not knowing if she had hurt Miles or not.

"What. Have I. Done!" I cried out loud, curling up to my knees.

I feel the urge to cry as one urge is telling me to hold it together. I took a few seconds to think. I looked around seeing that I'm in a forest at the dead of night.

"Okay, stay clam. Stay clam." I said out loud. "If Scourge made it back to Moebius, so can I." I got up on my feet and walk at one direction.

But then I froze thinking what would suppression squad do to her after doing something like that and the person that Miles had become, then I asked myself.

"Do I really want to go back?"

"Hello?" A familiar voice called out.

I looked where the voice came from and found an unmistakable yellow twin-tails fox. It was Miles. I hid behind a tree, but he saw me before I did.

"Hey!" I heard Miles yelled.

I heard steps walking toward my hiding place. So, I took out my gun that I had the whole time and fired a shot at Miles' leg. He collapse down to the ground.

"To be clear: What Boomer did was uncalled for." I said while walking toward Miles.

"Darn it, Fiona! What are you doing here!?" Miles asked staring at me with a frown and I stopped.

"Fiona?" I repeated what he called me and he stares at me confused. "Wait...your not wearing your...OMG!" I dropped the gun realizing that this isn't really Miles. "I'm so sorry!" I knelled down to the other Miles, taking a look at his leg. "I thought you were that other guy, but you not and I shot you out of hate-"

"Hold on!" Miles cut me off with an expression of realization. "Are you...Anti-Fiona?"

I took a moment to answer. "I don't know what you meant by that, but if you that what you call people at Moebius then...yes."

"How did even get here and what was that explosion?" The other Miles asked.

"It's...complicated." I answered. "Do you want me help you with your leg?"

"Yeah, there some medical supplies over at my workshop, it just through those trees." Miles instructed as I put my gun back into my pocket.

I put his right arm over my head and lift him up.

"My name Farrah, by the way." I said.

"The name is Tails."

As I was working on Tails' leg, I explained the whole story about Miles and how I got here.

"That must be ruff." Tails said, sitting on the couch while I was fixing his leg.

"Yeah and right now I don't know if I want to go back to them after pulling of that." I said.

"I don't know how to answer off-hand if I pulled any of that with my friends in the Freedom Fighters." Tails remarked

"I take it that the Freedom Fighter are the Suppression Squad of this universe." I said finishing Tails' leg.

"Yeah...pretty much." He answered. "Speaking of Freedom Fighters, I might give Sally a call and see what they can do to help."

"Seeing how I don't any much place to go, I'll say we'll give it a shot." I said and finished Tails' leg.

"Thanks" He said moving it around. "There a spare bed room up stairs, just find a red door and that should be it."

"What about you?" I asked.

"I'll might as well sleep on the couch after I'm done calling Sally." He answered.

"Are you sure?" I asked and Tails' nodded. "O...k" I walked to the stairway. I looked at him one more time before I went up-stairs.

Tails POV – After watching Farrah walking up the stairs, I grabbed my TV remote / phone to call up Sally.

"Tails!" Sally greeted through the video call. "How are you? You missed my call today."

"Sorry, Sal." I started. "I had...surprising visit." I said and Sally noticed my injured leg.

"What happened to your leg!" She asked with worry.

"That one of the reasons why called. I found Fiona's anti-self and she shot me thinking that I was anti-Tails." I answered.

"Anti-Fiona?" Sally asked and I nodded. "As in Moebius Fiona?"

"Yeah. she calls herself Farrah Fox and she told me quite the story how she got here."

"Is that so? What happened next?" She asked.

"She brought me back to workshop and then fix up my leg. I'm letting her stay the night here." I explained and Sally took note of it.

"I see…I might come over tomorrow morning and I meet her in person." Sally said.

"Aright, see you then." I said my farewells.

"To you as well." Sally said her's.

We both hung up.

'The only thing to hope for is that history doesn't repeat itself'