Right now it appears that a lot of people want FNAF elements from what I'm seeing in the poll and the reviews, but Undertale is pretty close behind. I'm going to be busy for a little while, as I am behind in my personal schedule for schoolwork (which is a math class, so I really want to hurry up and finish it so I can move on to Geography), so I may work on my stories, but not update for a while. This story and Dream Potter are my main priorities right now, so don't be surprised by the other stories not getting updated for a while. Thank you guys for all your support, and stay safe during these crazy chaotic times. Also, don't forget to be careful whenever someone is at the door, as there are people pretending to be testing for COVID going door-to-door so they can rob the houses. If it's not someone you know, or something you knew about before hand (UPS delivery, perhaps), than make certain to have some form of protection close by. Even just a simple baseball bat can work wonders, trust me, I know. Again, stay safe, and have a lovely day.