Like the cascade of water over her shoulders, Beth felt the weight of it all crashing down on her.

Finding out her husband was cheating on her had not been easy, even when she'd done it first, six years ago.

She couldn't care less about his secretary, her marriage was a sham, had been for a very long time. But she had laid so much effort in it, it hurt to know it had been all trivial. The worst of it all what he had hidden from her... the financial predicament they were in.

She let the tears flow under the shower hot water, feeling sorry for herself and the state of her life. For the past six years, she had lived through a smokescreen. She'd tried so hard... It felt trying was all she'd ever done. Try to fix her fractured marriage and make amends for her own infidelity, while she held on to a broken shell of herself. Even when she knew there was no fixing, she kept trying... for the kids, for gratitude, convenience, for appearances, but most of all, weakness. Her early strife with Dean flowed her mind.

She had been waiting for him. When he finally arrived, striding straight for the fridge and looking extremely relaxed for someone who just worked until the late hours of the night. She was sure if she got close enough he would reek of sex and tacky perfume. She'd snubbed the little stab in her heart, refusing to feel anything but indifference.

"If you're looking for the vodka, I drank it." She'd slurred.

"What are you doing in the dark?" He seemed surprised to find her there.

"Guess I'm used to it after twenty years." Beth deadpanned, the afternoon spent binge drinking offered her the boldness to face him, in a way she hadn't been able in more than six years.

He gave her an obscure, mystified look, with his droopy face and blank eyes. That expression was common... when he was about to award her a striking, sometimes even stunning surprise... with a closed fist. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means your child-bride wears very expensive underwear,"

He opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water, unquestionably nabbed. Beth had almost laughed, but there were other, more pressing things she wanted to discuss.

"It doesn't even matter… why do we have three mortgages that we haven't paid? Why do our credit cards all have advances on them and we have hardly anything in our accounts?" Beth continued, pointing to the papers on the table. The look on his stupid face was making her want to scream. Suddenly it was all too clear, even under the haze of alcohol... they were in deep trouble.

"I… I've made some bad investments… lost some money, but…"

"We have children!" Beth finally lost it. "Are we going to lose this house?"

"Look, I've dropped the ball, that's all. I've made some bad decisions but the sales are up, I'm sure…"

Beth cut him, she didn't want to hear the stream of bullshit coming out his mouth. She wanted the truth. "ARE WE GOING TO LOSE THE HOUSE?" She asked firmly.

Her heart sank as Dean looked at her with tear filled eyes. "I DON'T KNOW… maybe."

It had been a shock, but most of all she was scared. She was weak. Her fingers brushed over the shape of a fading yellowish-bruise around her upper arm. Dean's fingerprints embedded in her skin.

If ten years ago someone said she would be in this position today, she would have said they were crazy. But then, ten years ago she was a different woman, ten years ago she would have never let her husband smack her around for his ill pleasure. Heck, she was surprised he didn't put his hands on her after her little upburst earlier. Their financial situation must be that bad, it usually took way less for him to lose it.

But it was time to stop the self-pity, she couldn't afford any at the moment, she would not stand by and watch her children's future go down the drain, this she could fix. She was going to rob that grocery store.

- 3 Weeks Later -

She was in the kitchen preparing the kids' school lunch and feeling proud of herself. Three days ago she had robbed a grocery store, and walked away with half a million dollars. She gathered every ounce of that pride and spoke to Dean.

"I've handled the mortgage. And I'm going to need the password for our accounts." She stated as he grabbed his mug of coffee.

"You handled the mortgage? How?" Dean asked surprised.

Gosh, every time she looked at him she'd wonder how was it possible that she'd loved this man once, and hoped nothing lingered from that love. She tried not duel too much on her feelings for her husband. She favoured not to feel... when possible. "It doesn't matter how… I handled it because you couldn't."

Beth stepped back as soon as the words left her mouth, but he was faster and soon enough his hand was squeezing around her neck. Regardless, this time she didn't cower. "I've packed a bag for you. I want you out of the house."

"Bettie, dear. You're overstepping your place here." He warned. Voice calm but anger flicking in his light blue eyes, he pushed her harshly, her lower back slammed against the sink hard enough to make her moan in pain. "I asked... How-did-you-paid-the-mortgage?" He repeated, squeezing her neck harder with each word and Beth found herself struggling to breathe. She tried in vain to loosen his grip, curling her fingers under his. "How, Beth?" She couldn't answer even if I wanted to as black and white dots start to flash behind her eyes.

The sound of the kids coming down the stairs made him release his grasp. Fighting for air to reach her lungs, Beth leaned on the benchtop for balance. Behind her, Dean glided his hands over her hips, on what might have been a lover's gentle caress, but for Beth was nothing else than repulsive. He then thrust his groin against her. It sickened her to feel his excitement, her stomach churned dangerously as he ran his hot tongue over the side of her neck.

As fast as he started he stopped. He sighed, breathing over her skin, making her shiver in fear, waiting to be hurt. But he simply whirled her around and hugged her. It didn't make her less fearful.

"Beth, I'm sorry. I-I lost my temper. I'm sorry." He whispered in the crook of her neck. "I'll do what you want, I'll go away for a few days, okay? We'll work through this. Like we always do."

Beth didn't say anything, she couldn't. She just stood there, tense like a bowstring. His way of 'working through things' usually conveyed a black eye for her.

The kids finally barged in the kitchen, but it didn't end his torment. "I love you, Beth." He said, then his lips touched hers and the feeling of his sloppy tongue invading her mouth was almost too much to bear. Thankfully the kids demanded his attention and he quickly stopped the kissing. The one thing Dean loved more than punish her, was their children. She had to turn around to compose herself, the last thing she wanted was for the kids to notice something was wrong. They left for school with Dean shortly after, as they said their goodbyes, Beth noticed the promise on Dean's eyes, he would go but they were far from finished.

Once alone, she looked in the mirror above the fireplace not recognizing the reflection anymore, what happened to her? From high school A's student, voted most likely to succeed turned housewife extraordinaire and husband's scapegoat. Wasn't life grand! As the tears trailed she noted that the red marks on her neck were starting to bruise, she would need makeup to hide that.

Hours later she was sitting in front of one of her biggest mistakes, she didn't like to classify it like that, but she lacked a better word. It had been a transgression but not an error. The last thing she expected in her life was to see him once more, but then again she never in her wildest dreams thought she would rob a grocery store and walk away with half a million bucks.

Yet here they are, in her kitchen waiting for the girls to show up.

For all she remembered of that fatidic night, he might not even be the same guy, but the eagle tattoo on his neck was a painful reminder. How many guys would have one just like that? Besides, there was this thing... a pull, an uncharacteristic tension stretching between them, one she'd only felt for a stranger in a seedy bar. There was the aura about him that was remarkably familiar, she was 100% sure this was the man she'd betrayed her husband with, six years ago.

At least he didn't seem to recognize her, or so she thought.

Blurry flashbacks from that night storm her brain… his lean tan body moving against hers, she even recalled how is short crisp hair felt against her palm, her loud moans of pleasure as she took him deep inside.

Beth shifted uncomfortably on her seat, as an unexpected warmth spread in her lower belly. She couldn't remember the last time she had any kind of voluntary sexual arousal, Dean had taken that away from her a long time ago. Swallowing the knot in her throat she dared to look at him, heat spread over her cheeks. He was staring at her from under half-lidded eyes that gave nothing away, and the cocky half-slime, made her even more uncomfortable than the golden gun resting on the counter. If he remembered her she was probably one of many one-night-stands, nothing memorable. But for Beth, that night had left a mark, one she would treasure for the rest of her life.

The girls finally arrived and they have been sitting down for at least 10 uncomfortable minutes, whilst he inspected her kitchen.

"Yo, this backslash is dope! What's that made out of, marble?" At the sound of his voice, the three of them jump a little on their seats. "You ever get any problems with stainin' back here?" He asked pointing to the back of the stove. "Like if you cookin' a big pot of spaghetti sauce or somethin' like that?"

Annie elbowed Beth urging her to answer. "No, I... I don't think so." Beth mumbled, her voice just a little shaky.

"Nah? Hmm." He went back to admiring the backsplash like it was some intricate masterpiece.

"We didn't know you owned the store." Ruby blurted out after a few seconds of tense silence.

He chuckled amused, "Do I look like some kind of grocery store manager to you? What, like rotary club or somethin'?" He asked, walking closer to them, "Nah, let's just say we got certain arrangements with some local businesses. I mean, we help each other out and what not, you know?"

"Like… money laundering for drugs?" Ruby remarked, whispering between her teeth, "I told you it was shady!"

"How 'bout you stop worryin' about my business dealings and start figurin' how you gonna pay me my money back." He said harshly, making the three of them jump again.

"We can get it back," Beth confirmed promptly.

"Well, that'd be great." he smiled slyly.

"Most of it!" Annie added almost inaudibly.

"Sorry, what?" he asked looking at them like he was about to flip.

"Some of it for sure…" Annie babbled as he chuckled in disbelief, then she snapped at the girls, "Oh, what? Like you guys didn't spend a dime!"

"How much Annie? Beth asked.

"I don't know, probably, like... 100… grand?!"

"WHAT?!" Both Beth and Ruby complained, jaws dropping at the amount.

"I could shoot you myself!" Ruby threatened her.

"Nah... you just gonna pay me back, that's all. And right quick too, with interest! So… I'll see you real soon, yeah?"

As he was about to leave he stopped, "You known, you gotta be careful ladies." he said, waving the gold-plated gun in their direction, flashing a dashing half-smile. "I mean with citrus in marble, lemon and what not. That stuff will corrode like crazy!"

Then his attention focused to Beth, "Ain't it a surprise?" his dark brown gaze roamed all over Beth's body, the tip of his tongue performing a lewd little lick over his lips, "Thought I'd never see you again."

All of a sudden Beth's mouth went sandpaper dry, and cold sweat pooled at her nape. Fuck...fuck...fuck, this couldn't be happening.

"What the f… Do you two know each other?" Annie's eyes almost popped out of their sockets as she looked between them in total shock.

"Oh, me and… what's your name again? Bella? Nah...Beth!?" His gold plated-gun pointed at Beth while he mentioned the fake name she'd gave him that fateful night. Oh, he remembered her all right. "We go way back… ain't that right, sweetheart? He remarked, putting his arm around her shoulders. Beth sucked in a shaky breath as she felt his weight and strength of his lean body. She didn't recall him being this solid, but then again that night was a hazed blur in her mind.

"I'll leave the details to you, yeah?" He grinned and slipped his bottom lip between his sharp teeth sensually, but his dark gaze was harsh and full of anger.

As soon as the door closed behind him, both Ruby and Annie started to talk at the same time, barking questions and demanding answers. Beth opened the drinks cabinet, still a bit shaky and grabbed the bourbon, serving a very large portion to herself, she took a large swig. They finally shut up noticing how she hadn't said a word so far. Beth calmly asked them to sit and serve 'em some liquor.

"Do you guys remember Lorain's bachelorette party?" She said taking another large sip for courage.

"Which one? That bitch has been married, what? Like seven times?" Ruby said.

"Yeah. She might be a bitch, but damn… she does know how to throw a party!" Annie remarked looking absently far away, recalling the parties with a longing sigh.

Beth sighed, grabbing the bridge of her nose, a tremendous headache was brewing behind her eyes. "I don't know, it was seven or six years ago. When the party ended, the three of us shared a cab, you guys remember?"

They both nodded so she continued. "After I dropped you guys the taxi had a flat. It was very late so I decided to wait for the driver to change the tire instead of taking my chances to get another taxi. There was this bar, just on the other side of the road, so I decided to go in for a drink and he was there."

"Who are you and what have you done with my sister?" Asked Annie in complete disbelief.

Beth chuckled bitterly at the astonishment on her face, they didn't know the half of it. "Dean and I were having problems at that time, I was lonely, he was nice and we drank some tequila... you guys know how tequila makes me do stupid things. Next thing I know... It's mid-morning and I wake up on this shabby roadside motel, alone, naked and sore… as in sex... sore." Beth trailed off wondering how long would it take for them to figure it out the math.

"Daaamn!" they both say at the same time.

"I mean, not judging but holy shit, Beth! That's so not... you! What the fuck?" Annie added after a few minutes of silence.

"Wait… wait a minute!" Ruby almost jumped from her seat. "How long ago did that happen again? Seven, six years?" She started counting using her fingers. "Oh my… Beth!? Oh my lord! Oh, my... my sweet baby Jesus!" She just looked at Beth in complete utter shock, mouth hanging half open.

"Wh..What? WHAT?" Annie screamed, snapping her head between the other two.

Beth burst out in guilty tears under the understanding stare of her friend.

"Emma... Emma is the gangbanger's child!" Ruby finally let out.