An Architect and his Pet Lunatic

Summary: Sequel to Lunatic Beast. One-Shot. After Dean heals from Brock Lesnar's assault he and Seth slowly learn to trust each other and become a Tag Team again. After they win the titles Seth notices that Dean is antsy, agitated, and aggressive. When Dean gets snippy with him he makes an offhand threat to reign him in, but Dean's reaction to the threat makes Seth decide to follow through with it.

A/N: There is a plot…a little one but it is there lol…mostly just shameless Ambrollins kinky smut and fluff…inspired by the ending of my other story Lunatic Beast but can be read as a stand-alone without too much confusion.

Warning: Language, consensual pain kink, Master/Pet kink, bondage, spanking, fisting…yeah…they're gonna get kinky…let's just say that lol.

After Roman had called Seth in the early hours of the morning one day because Dean had been hurt badly by Brock Lesnar…assaulted really…he had spent months trying to earn Dean's trust back. Dean hadn't said a word to him the day after he had helped Roman take care of him, even though Seth had done most of the work, and he kept up his silent treatment for several weeks no matter what crazy stunts Seth pulled to try and get his attention. It wasn't until Seth had come out and rescued Dean from Brock, who had been tossing him around the ring like damn ragdoll, that Dean finally started talking to him again.

Seth was now in the middle of the ring receiving a two on one beat down at the hands of Sheamus and Cesaro, the current Tag Team Champions, and Dean decided to fly into the ring and start wailing on the two men to get them off of Seth. Once the two men were on the floor outside the ring Dean and Seth exchanged some rather heated words and Seth finally apologized for having betrayed the Shield so long ago, but Dean decided he'd rather fight than talk. As they were fighting the other two got back into the ring and started attacking them so they stood back to back and beat them down again until the two fled from the ring entirely. After they fled Seth held out his fist as Dean paced back and forth and was pleasantly surprised when Dean slammed his fist against Seth's, barely even hearing the huge roar from the crowd over the blood rushing through his ears.

It took the two of them a couple more weeks to get back to where they had once been, a seamless team that was very hard to beat. At the next pay per view event they had a match against Sheamus and Cesaro for the titles and, after a very long and hard-fought battle, they managed to pull off the win when dean pinned Sheamus. They defended the titles until the next event when the former champions demanded to have their rematch…which Dean and Seth won yet again. Roman was just happy to see the two finally getting along again and being able to have both of his little brothers back…but Dean was still…off, somehow.

After their successful defense of the titles Dean and Seth returned to the hotel and the room they now shared, with Roman having his own room next to theirs so he wouldn't have to listen to them bicker in the morning because Seth was a morning person and Dean was definitely NOT a morning person. Once they were in the room Dean started pacing, muttering under his breath, cracking his knuckles, and just showing basic signs of agitation and being antsy.

"What the hell is wrong with you lately Dean?"

"Nothin's wrong with me…fuck off Seth."

"Hey! Watch it Dean. I'm trying to help you here damnit. You've been more and more agitated every week and I know you normally have trouble sitting still for long but lately you've been a lot worse about it. Something is clearly eating at you so just talk to me man."

"I said…FUCK…OFF!"

Dean got up in Seth's face and yelled at him before turning around and punching the wall and then returning to his pacing.

"You are just cruisin for a bruisin Dean…watch it man."

"Oh Fuck You! You're all 'Look at me I'm Seth Rollins and I'm the man' but you're not the man…you're just like everyone else…you can't get the job done…no one ever gets it right…so just fucking fuck off!"

Seth's eyes narrowed at him and he threw out a sort-of offhanded threat that he had no intention of following through on.

"Keep it up Dean and I swear to god I will take you over my knee and turn your ass into a damn cherry."

Seth's tone was low and even…and it froze dean in the middle of his pacing…shoulders and back tensed up as his chest heaved with the force of his breathing. Seth's eyes widened just slightly for a moment before he decided to push a little further as an idea of what was wrong started to form in his head.

"Or maybe…maybe that's what you want…maybe you want me to bend you over my lap…pull down your pants…and just spank your ass until its bright red and flaming hot…maybe you need the pain…need that loss of control…need to be dominated by someone who knows what the fuck he's doing…maybe you need someone to make your body hurt to quiet the pain inside…"

As Seth spoke he moved in to press himself against Dean's broad back, leaning in to speak in a low tone in Dean's ear. He felt Dean's entire body shudder against him as the man's head tipped down to look at the floor beneath him, his shoulders hunching forward as breaths grew heavier and faster.

"Look at me Dean…tell me…is that what you want? Is that what you need? Dean…I said look at me Dean. NOW!"

When Seth barked the word now in Dean's ear his head snapped up and over to lock eyes with Seth, his entire body frozen in place at the command. Seth ran his fingertips along Dean's jawline and held his chin in a firm but gentle grip.

"Is that what you need? Do you need me to make you hurt Dean?"

"Seth…fuck…I can't…I don't know…Seth I don't know what I fucking need…I just know I don't feel right…I don't feel like me…Ever since Lesnar…"

"Lesnar went way too far…and he did everything all wrong Dean. Come here…sit with me for a bit so we can talk this out ok?"

Dean allowed Seth to lead him to the king sized bed and the two men sat with their legs touching. Seth made sure Dean was comfortable before continuing on.

"The way this is supposed to work is that we establish before we even start what is and is not allowed…and we establish a safe word of some kind. The safe word is something that you would not normally say during a sexual encounter and, when spoken by you, makes everything stop. You say that word and I stop everything to find out what's wrong and we determine together how to fix it ok?"

"I guess…that makes sense…I'm gonna pick Roman."

"For what?"

"For my safe word…cuz I guarantee you I ain't gonna be talking about Roman during sex."

Seth snorted softly and shook his head with an amused little half-grin. Dean gave him a cheeky little grin in return and Seth figured Dean was relaxing a bit more now.

Now that we've gotten that part out of the way…we need to discuss what your hard limits are…the things you absolutely will NOT tolerate under any circumstances."

"Uh…well…nothing that'll kill me or send me to the hospital…"

"With me, Dean, that's always going to apply. I'm a sadist, yes, but I don't break my toys."

"Right…wait…toys? I'm not a toy…"

"No…not you…in your case it would be a bit different from my usual…with random hook-ups they're just toys to me…play with them, make sure they're ok, then send them on their way…I could never do that with you though…I think I'd rather keep you as my pet…my own little pet lunatic."

Seth watched as Dean's eyes closed when he called him his pet lunatic, his head tipping back with the tiniest little breath of sound coming out between his lips.

"I think you like the sound of that…don't you Dean? You want to be my little pet?"

"I…yeah…yes…I think I do…"

"Then let's continue so we can get to the good part. I don't do any of that human waste crap…it's unsanitary and dangerous…I also don't play with knives or anything but if that's something you need…?"

"Nah…Not really into that…had enough cuts in the Indys to last me a lifetime."

"Yeah…I've watched a lot of your old stuff…some of that was brutal man. Ok…so I know you're interested in getting spanked…hands, paddles, what?"

"Umm…hands definitely…paddles are ok…just…no crop or anything like that…never again…"

"I know Dean…its ok pet…no one will do that again."

Dean shivered as Seth pulled him against his side and called him pet again and it made Seth give him a softer look.

"Alright…anything else you're interested in trying?"

"Uh…I like being tied up…tied down…whatever works…"

"You like feeling helpless and at someone else's mercy…feeling the control being taken away from you so you can just be free to feel without having to make decisions."

"Yeah…that…exactly that…damn Seth…"

"I told you Dean…I'm good at what I do. Anything else of interest to you?"

"Uh…that's uh…that's all…"

"No it isn't. You hesitated too much…there's something else but you're afraid to say it. Trust me Dean…I've heard damn-near everything by now so you won't shock me or gross me out…just tell me."

"I uh…I've been watching videos online…yeah I know, me willingly using technology…but I saw one…then looked for others…It looks hot as hell…"

"Dean…spit it out pet…"


"Ok…we can work our way up to that if you want to try it…takes hours to do it right…by the time it's over you'll be a flushed panting mess begging for me to fuck you though."

"Fucking hell Seth…you trying to kill me before we even get started man?"

"Nah…just getting you worked up and ready for it. Anything else?"

"Uh…maybe sometime soon we can get one of those little plug things…you know…for my ass?"

"I'll get a whole collection of them Dean…different sizes, shapes, materials…Plugs can be a whole lot of fun for both of us pet. Anything else?"

"Not right now…maybe some other time as I learn more about this stuff…"

"I can show you all kinds of fun things Dean…different ways to be bound up…different toys to play with…different kinks to try out…there's a whole hidden world of sexual pleasure just waiting for you pet…and I can guide you through it…keep you safe and sane through the journey."

"Fuck…yes…I want you Seth…"

"Do you want me to own you though Dean? If we continue from this point on that's what will happen…I will own you. You will be my pet and I will be your master. You will do what I say, when I say to do it…follow my every command…you can question me if you have concerns or feel unsure…you can always tell me you don't want to do something but you have to give me a reason why…when we're alone together I expect you to be naked and ready for me and to call me Master or Sir. Can you do all of that? Can you let me be your Master and give you what you need?"

"Aside from sex…what do I get out of it?"

"In return for your obedience I will keep you safe…protect you from harm…protect you from yourself if need be. I will teach you and guide you. I will take care of you…physically, mentally, and completely. You need hard sex, you got need cuddles, done…you need to build a damn blanket fort and hide from the world…I can do that. Whatever you need, I will provide if I can…understand?"

"Yeah…I think so…"

"So…my question for you Dean…is this. Are you ready and willing to submit to me as your Master and be my pet?"

"Yes…I'm ready Seth…please?"

Dean's face had such a pleading and desperate expression that Seth couldn't resist pulling him in for a hard, deep kiss to seal the deal as it were.

"If you want I can write up a contract later on for both of us to sign."

"Hell no…Seth…I trust you…ok? I know you won't go too far…I know you'll do it right…"

Seth watched him for a long moment and then pointed at the floor between his own legs, raising an eyebrow at Dean when he just stared at him in confusion.

"On your knees pet…right here in front of me."

Dean's eyes widened slightly and he hopped off the bed before dropping to his knees hard enough to make Seth wince."

"Carefully pet…no need to hurt yourself…that's my job remember?"

"Sorry…just uh…little excited."

Dean gave Seth a slightly sheepish look and Seth chuckled before ruffling his fluffy hair. Dean was reminding him of an eager puppy at the moment and when he told him as much Dean wiggled his butt like a dog trying to wag it's tail which had Seth laughing at how adorable he looked doing that.

"Maybe I need to look into getting you some dog tail plugs."

"They have that? That's a thing?"

"Oh Dean…I have so much to show you pet. Yes, that's a thing. Some people enjoy being treated like a dog, or a cat, or even a horse in some cases…personal preference and all. They have anal plugs with tails…headbands and hair clips with ears…even mitts that lock over the hands to look and act like paws."

Dean's eyes had gone really wide open and his pupils had turned his eyes so dark Seth could barely see the blue around the edges.

"Oh…I think my little pet likes the sound of that. Did we just discover another kink of yours pet? You want to become my little puppy Dean?"

"Fuck yes…"

"Yes what?"

"Umm…yes Sir?"

"Better…stand up and strip then move back to your current position."

Dean quickly stood on his feet and yanked his shirt up over his head and tossed it somewhere, not caring in the least where it landed. He undid the top of his jeans and slid them, along with his briefs, over his hips and down his legs before kicking them off in a random direction as well. He hesitated for a moment before sliding back to his knees between Seth's legs and looking up at him expectantly. Seth's hand came down to pet his head and Dean leaned into the gentle touch.

"Good boy pet…good boy."

Those two little words had Dean moaning softly and rubbing his head against Seth's hand, and Seth realized that, aside from the brotherly affection from Roman, Dean hadn't had much positive physical contact in a long time. This was something he fully intended to fix, sooner rather than later.

"Open my pants and pull my cock out pet."

Dean's hands slid up Seth's thighs and slowly pulled down the top edges of Seth's pants and briefs to allow his cock to spring free of the confining material. He stared at it for a long while but when he leaned forward to try and taste it Seth's voice stopped him and he looked up at him with a whine.

"Stop. I didn't say you could touch it yet pet…you have to earn it. I want you to spread your knees apart nice and wide…as wide as you can go without pain…there you go…now put your hands behind your back…now look up at me…there's my good boy. How does that feel pet?"

"I uh…it…feels different…exposed…kind of…vulnerable…"

"Good…that's the idea…"

Seth reached into his bag he'd tossed on the bed when they'd checked in that morning and pulled out a pair of soft handcuffs, letting them hang off of his index finger as he held them out in front of Dean's face.

"Take these and cuff your own hands behind your back pet."

Dean reached up to grab the cuffs and his hands vanished behind his back but Seth heard the tell-tale clicking sounds that let him know Dean had done as he was told.

"Bend forward so your forehead touches the floor so I can see."

Dean followed Seth's command, his forehead resting against the floor as his torso was bent over between his own wide-spread knees. He heard Seth make an appreciative sound and then a hand was tangled in his short hair, pulling until he was upright and his back was arched.

"Such a good little pet for me aren't you? You want to suck on Master's cock pet?"

Dean tried to nod his head but Seth's tight grip on his hair prevented that and he realized Seth had done that on purpose so he'd have to speak.


"Yes what pet?"

"Yes Master…"

"You can do better than that pet…come on now…ask me nicely…"


"Gotts do it better than that…beg for it pet…"

"I…I want you cock Master…please let me suck on it?"

"Much better pet…you may suck Master's cock pet."

As soon as Seth released his hair and gave him permission Dean realized he couldn't use his hands to help at all thanks to them being cuffed behind his back. He had always made sure people saw him as a ladies man, always banging random chicks left and right…but he liked men too…he was just a lot more picky about them. He carefully moved around so he could reach Seth's cock without having to hurt himself and took the tip between his lips, sucking on it a bit until Seth moaned for him. He knew how to do this but it had been a while since he had last had a cock in his mouth so he slowly moved forward so Seth's cock slid deeper into his mouth. When Dean stopped, Seth's cock only about halfway in, Seth huffed a soft chuckle at him.

"What's wrong pet? You want me to do it for you? You want Master to fuck your pretty mouth with his cock…make you gag on it?"

Dean's loud moan was answer enough for Seth but he made sure to tell Dean that if it got to be too much all he had to do was gently bit down a bit and he'd pull back. When Dean gave a tiny nod to show he understood Seth took control. He put a hand on either side of Dean's face and pushed his cock deep into the back of Dean's throat, watching him gag and choke as tears formed in his eyes…but Dean didn't bite down so Seth kept going. He slammed his cock into Dean's mouth and throat over and over again as dean choked on it, only stopping when he was dangerously close to spilling his load down his pet's throat. When he pulled back Dean made a pitiful little whining sound but Seth hushed him and soothed him.

"Easy pet…I don't want to cum in your mouth…not the first time…the first time I cum inside you it's going to be inside that pretty little ass of yours."

"Yes Master."

"Such a good boy. Stand up pet…"

Once Dean was on his feet Seth stood up and walked around behind him where Dean couldn't see him and finished undressing himself. He pressed himself against Dean's back and gently nipped at his ear, chuckling as Dean moaned and he felt the man's fingers flexing between their bodies.

"Walk forward until you hit the bed…very good…now bend over…all the way…turn your head pet, I'm not trying to suffocate you here…spread your legs…wider…as far as you can pet…that's my good boy."

Dean was bent over the edge of the bed, feet on the floor and legs spread wide apart as Seth looked him over. Seth ran a hand up Dean's back and felt him shiver under the touch, then slid his hand back down along his spine.

"You said you wanted me to punish you pet…to spank you like a bad boy…and I will…but first…you need to tell me why you need to be punished."


"Not an answer pet. Why do you need to be punished?"

"Cuz I refused to listen to you…cuz I was an ass when you were tryin to come back to us…and cuz I was stubborn about lettin you back in…"

"You had a good reason for not trusting me Dean."

"Please Master? I need it…I need my Master to punish me…please?"

Seth couldn't resist such pretty begging from Dean so he ran gentle fingers across Dean's ass cheeks before pulling back and laying a hard spank across the left one. Dean's body hips jerked into the side of the mattress with a low moan and then he pushed his ass back out for more. So Seth gave him what he needed…one spank after another, alternating which cheek he hit and how hard he hit so dean couldn't prepare for it and got the full force each time. He didn't stop until he heard Dean finally start crying and saying he was sorry over and over and he knew that Dean finally felt he'd been punished properly. Seth sat on the bed and gathered Dean into his arms, letting him cry against his chest while rubbing his back until he settled back down again.

"Feel a bit better now pet?"

"Yes Master…thank you."

"You're welcome pet. Anytime you feel like you need that just tell me ok?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good boy. Now…how about we start working on that pretty little ass of yours and see just how wide open Master can stretch it…sound good pet?"

"Yes Master…please?"

"Alright then…I'm going to undo the cuffs because I have another plan in mind for you."

Seth removed the handcuffs and Dean rolled his shoulders around to loosen the muscles back up while Seth reached into his bag again, this time pulling out a large coil of soft rope that he held out for Dean to run his fingers over.

"Feel that? Feel how nice and soft it is? I'm going to use this to tie you up in the perfect position for me to have easy access to your ass…but you'll be able to see what I'm doing to you as well. You like that idea pet?"

"Yes Sir."


Seth grabbed the pillows on the bed and moved them to make a sort-of wedge right in the middle in front of the headboard.

Sit in front of the pillows, I want your but right in front of them…perfect…now lay back against them…all the way…there you go…arms stretched out to either side now…good boy."

Seth gently grabbed hold of one of Dean's ankle and pulled his leg up and back towards the wrist of that same side, tying the two together and using the length of the rope to secure them to the headboard before repeating the process on the other side. When Seth was finished Dean had his arms tied to each side of the bed's headboard, and his ankles tied to his wrists so his entire ass was exposed and vulnerable. Thanks to the pillows Dean was kept at an angle that allowed him to watch Seth and what he was doing to Dean's body which Dean was surprised to find he really liked. Dean was nervous but clearly aroused by the position and Seth was digging around in what Dean had now decided was going to be called his Fuck bag…because whatever was going to come out of there would be used to fuck Dean in some fashion. Seth pulled out a bottle of lube and proceeded to squirt a large amount of it directly onto Dean's exposed ass hole, using one finger to spread it around and rub against the puckered opening until Dean was panting and trying to push his ass against Seth's finger.

"You like that pet? Does it feel good?"

"Yes Sir…"

Seth pushed more against the opening and slowly slid the tip of his finger inside, letting it just sit there as Dean's ass squeezed and released several times before relaxing a bit. He pushed a bit more and let him relax again, repeating the process until his entire index finger was inside Dean's ass.

"Very good boy Dean…does that feel good pet?"

"Fuck yes…it feels good Master…more…please?"

"Slowly pet…remember what I said earlier? This is going to take hours and turn you into a panting, begging, mess of a slut for me. Oh…that got you going there didn't it? You want me to turn you into a little slutpuppy pet?"

"Yes Master…make me yours…"

"God damn Dean…why the hell did I not know you could be like this before? I never would have left the Shield if I'd had you like this…"


"Shh…I've got you pet…this is only the beginning."

Seth took his time slowly inserting a second finger, then a third, then a fourth. He spent a good half hour just working his fingers and thumb into Dean's ass little by little. To Dean it was like torture with how slowly Seth was going…there was some pain from the stretching, but it was constantly being offset by the pleasure of Seth's fingers stroking him inside…the combination of pain and pleasure was making his head spin. Seth spent another half an hour working Dean's ass to accommodate his hand while curved into a cone-like shape. Once Dean was able to take that he spent a good hour getting Dean's ass to take his closed fist and then pumping it in and out of Dean's ass over and over again until Dean was flushed and panting. He watched Dean's face as he pulled out entirely and then slowly pushed his closed fist back into Dean's ass…Dean's head fell back as a long low moan fell from his lips as he felt Seth push inside.

"Fuck…I need more…please Master…feels so good…"

"I know pet…you have to trust me…"

"I do…I trust you Master Seth."

"That's my good boy…"

Seth pushed his fist deeper into Dean's body until it was as deep as it would go, pulling out and pushing back in repeatedly. Once he felt Dean's hole was nicely stretched he pulled out completely again and waited until Dean looked at him, an adorably confused little whine coming out of him in the process.

"I want to try something…you tell me if it hurts too much or anything ok pet?"

"Yes Sir…"

Seth took a deep breath as he pulled his arm back a bit and then punched his fist deep into Dean's ass. Dean's back arched and his limbs strained against the ropes holding him in place, but the cry that came out of him was one of pleasure rather than pain and when he rolled his head back down to look at Seth his eyes were nearly black as the pupils had taken over. Dean had never felt anything like that before and he wanted more of it.

"Master? Seth…please…please do that again…it hurt so good…please Master?"

Seth was looking at Dean with a mix of amazement and awe on his face, but he couldn't deny that it was hot as hell to actually punch into Dean's ass and hear him moan from that. He did it again as Dean had begged for and got the same reaction…over and over again he kept punching Dean hard and fast in his ass until Dean was nearly incoherent from the mix of pleasure and pain taking over his body. Seth started using his free hand to pull on his own cock until he was just about ready to cum, pulling his fist out of Dean's ass and positioning his cock right in front of Dean's wide open ass hole before finishing the job and shooting his cum into Dean's open ass. Dean felt the hot cum hitting the walls of his ass and that was the final little push he needed to have him cumming along with Seth, the position of his body causing his own cum to end up all over his face.

When they were both finished Seth looked at Dean and tried to commit the image he saw to his memory as it was probably the hottest damn thing he'd ever seen in his life. Dean's eyes were closed, his face covered in his own cum, mouth open and panting for breath. His chest was heaving from the panting and his muscles were all quivering from being in one position for so long and straining against the ropes that bound him in place…but his ass…now that was a real work of art to Seth…the cheeks were still fairly red from the earlier spanking and the hole was just gaping wide open, and it probably would be for at least another hour or more. He pulled a large glass plug out of his bag and waved it in front of Dean's face for a moment, delighting in the little whine he got for it. Seth used his fingers to scoop Dean's cum off of his body and wiped it off into his ass so their cum mixed together inside, then he pushed the plug into Dean's hole to make sure every last drop of their mixed cum stayed inside until he decided to let it out.

Dean was whining and whimpering at him like a needy puppy and Seth gently pet his head before releasing his limbs from the ropes, rubbing them hard and fast to make sure the circulation went back to normal quickly. Once Seth was finished with the he sat back and watched as Dean crawled onto his lap ns nuzzled his face against Seth's neck. Seth raised a hand to pet Dean's head and let him just nuzzle up and seek comfort from his new Master. Once Dean had settled Seth carefully got him to stand and led him into their bathroom, leaning over to start a hot bath before turning back to Dean who looked…well…truly well-fucked in Seth's not so humble opinion.

"How do you feel Dean?"

"Like I'm high as a fucking kite…everything is all…floaty and shit…and my ass feels funny…like…I can feel your stuff swishing around when I move…it's weird but…I kinda like it…"

Seth snorted softly at him in amusement and ruffled his hair. He realized Dean had gone into subspace towards the end there and knew he needed to bring him down slowly and gently so it wouldn't ruin the experience for him. He carefully guided Dean into the bath and then slid in behind him, gently cleaning his body with a soft cloth and listening to the little noises of content happiness that his efforts earned him. He'd never seen Dean like this before…relaxed, peaceful, and still. Dean was completely compliant and almost boneless against Seth's body as he cleaned him up. One his body was clean Seth reached down between them to slowly pull the plug out of Dean's ass, relishing in the little whine Dean made as he did so. Once the plug was out Seth let it drop to the bottom of the tub and slid his hand into Dean's ass, swishing the bathwater around inside to clean him out really good and make sure none of their cum was still in there. Dean just let his head fall back onto Seth's shoulder and clung to the arm that was wrapped around his chest, whining at the slight stimulation it caused.

"Shh…hush pet…I've got you…just had to get you nice and clean. I'm gonna drain the bath now and then get you dried off…then we'll go to bed ok pet?"

"Hmm? Sounds good…"

Seth quickly finished those tasks and half-carried Dean back to the bed, pulling back the covers so Dean could roll in and then climbing in behind him before covering them back up. He nestled himself up against Dean's back, one arm slung around his waist, and watched Dean's fuzzy brain slowly shut down and go to sleep. Once Dean was asleep Seth followed him, his mind spinning with ideas of what to do to Dean next time and all the new things he could teach him now that Dean was his. He vowed to never fuck up again because this…this was not something he could bear to lose now that he had it. Dean was perfect for him…his perfect little pet Lunatic.

A/N: Well…I need a cold shower now…don't know about ya'll…hope you enjoyed reading that even half as much as I enjoyed writing it lol….Now for that shower…