A/N: Hello, hello! I have had this story planned out for ages and finally my muse decided to let me write it out! I'm not sure how many chapters this will contain, but I do hope you enjoy!
Keep Smiling!
It has been over a century since the war against Hybern that threw Prythian upside down. It took a considerable amount of time for the Courts to rebuild and settle once again, to truly believe that we are safe and peace reigns at last. After the longest time, I have been able to enjoy the time with my family, and my wonderful mate. It took a while to get used to it, considering that we have never had any truly peaceful time together without something else happening or pressing on us.
Fifteen years ago, Rhys and I confessed to each other that whilst we adore spending time with each other, we finally felt ready to try for a new addition to our wonderful family. We had spoken about it before, perhaps forty or so years ago, but decided we weren't ready for the responsibility of a little one: we had Cass and Az after all.
We have been trying ever since our decision, but I am struggling to conceive. It certainly isn't through lack of trying because my love for Rhys and his love for me has only grown exponentially, as has the intimate knowledge of each other's bodies.
I feel my mate walk up behind me as I stare out of our bedroom window, looking at the beautiful simplicity of Velaris. His steps are near silent on the carpet before stopping behind me. His arms slide around my waist as he presses against my back.
"What's wrong, darling?" he mumbles, head resting against mine. "There is all sorts across the bond … I'm not entirely sure what you're feeling."
A sigh escapes me, an unhappy one. I'm not entirely sure what I'm feeling either. It is all a large... jumble. I relax my muscles, sinking backwards against my mate's chest.
I try to speak, but tears sting at my eyes. I spend a moment trying to force them back.
"I... I worry that I am doing something wrong." I whisper, a lump forming in the back of my throat.
Rhys is quiet for a second, considering the meaning behind my words. It is clear he knows what I am talking about when he says, "Why would you think that?"
My eyes slip shut and I take a breath. "We've been trying for fifteen years, Rhys. There is still no baby."
Rhys rests his chin on my shoulder, his breath fanning over my neck. The steady weight of him provides an anchor, helping me keep my emotions under control.
"Fae children are a rarity, sweetheart." Rhys says, softly. I already know that, but surely it does not take this long. "For some, it can take a while. I know of some who spent years and years trying to conceive, so we have nothing to worry about."
I let out a breath, soothed slightly by my male's words. I open my eyes, looking out the window again.
"Mentally, I suppose I am still used to human reproduction." I say, my voice quiet. "Sometimes, all it can take is one time and next thing you know, a baby has arrived."
Rhys chuckles into my ear, his arms tightening around my waist. "If that were the case for us, my darling, we would have dozens of children running about the place."
Despite my previous sadness, I manage a laugh and relax more. I turn to face my mate and his concern for me is so clear on his features. My right hand raises to brush some hair away from his forehead.
"Are you sure it is natural for it to take a while?" I ask, needing to double-check.
Rhys smiles and leans in. His lips capture mine in such a tender way that I can't help but melt into him. I slide my arms up to wind them around his neck. Strong arms tighten more around my waist.
"I am absolutely sure, Feyre darling." he tells me when we part. His nose nudges mine. "You have nothing to worry about whatsoever."
I give myself a minute of staring at my mate, allowing his words to sink in and accept them, before a smile forms on my lips.
"I believe you promised me some lunch."
Somehow, the sound of my mate's laughter allows me to forget my worries and I focus on the now... on us.
End note: Please review! :)