
"You have to run! Please, run away!"

A woman desperately said to her young looking son. The boy couldn't of been older than 8 years old. The boy in question was of normal height and weight for a child his age. His grey hair shone in the dawn of the new coming day, and black streaks could be seen woven through it. His grey eyes looked at the panicked expression on the woman's face, and didn't understand.

[Yaegaki-kun, I am sorry, about all of this.]

[Please, even if you have to kill me...spare my child, and my wife. Please, they are innocent.]

[You know that I can't, Yaegaki-kun, I wish I could, but I…]

[Touji-san! Please! They wife, and my child are innocent. My boy...he's so young, please don't hurt him. I beg of you, please, leave that child alone. He hasn't done any crime. He is just my boy, he doesn't deserve death. Please, spare him.]

The boy could hear the clashing of swords going on outside of the room. He had been brought up around blades, so naturally he knew what they were. But he could hear the words. This Touji, however that was, was hurting his father, that much was clear.

He turned to his mother who was frantically packing things into a bag.

"Kaa-chan? W-What's going on? Who's outside? Where's Tou-chan?"

Question after question was coming from him.

He simply didn't understand.

Why did this happen?

Why did his mother look as if she was going to pass out?

Why did it this was the end?

The woman, with tears streaming from her eyes, took the boy by the shoulders, and it sounded as if a battle was going on outside of the door.

"Listen to me, you have to run away. They've come for us, and I wont let them have you. My precious baby, please, just please run away!"

"B-But Kaa-chan I can't leave you..."

The young woman hugged her son desperately, and kissed the top of his head shoving him towards the window. She grabbed a bag, and thrusted it onto his shoulders as banging at the door could be heard. A powerful barrier type was placed around the door, so they couldn't get in right away.

"Find Diehauser, he'll protect you, okay? I know he will, he'll look after you, he'll protect you, and he'll raise you like we wanted... And...I'm so sorry my boy. Your Tou-chan and I love you, never forget that. Never forget that we lived in love, and happiness. For the brief time we had together, we both loved you with everything that we had. We both cherished you, and decided to have you, and love you. Also, take this." She grabbed something that emanated a glow, and put it into his hand. "Take this and never look back. Even if you hear my screams, even if you think you see something you shouldn't, just run my boy, and never look back...and be happy, and be loved. If you can do that, then we'll know we did our best."

The young boy shed tears, realizing what his mother was saying.

"N-No! Kaa-chan! I can't leave! A real man would stay and fight! Tou-chan taught me that! Always to protect family!"

"And that's...what we're doing my boy. We're protecting you...I'd gladly die a thousand deaths, if it meant you are safe, and sound. And your Tou-chan would say the same. Because, you are the fruits of our love. Your Tou-chan and I weren't supposed to fall in love, but I never regretted a single moment of it, and now, I can say that, seeing you, as you are, I am proud, and I'll always be proud. Now...Now go!"

The boy shed more tears, as the door caved in.

Cleria, the boys mother, grabbed her son and threw him out of the window.

"I wont let you have my boy!"

She declared and blocked the path to the window, and didn't move even an inch.

The boy outside, shed more tears, but respected what his mother and father wanted, and turned around and ran away as fast as he could. But then he felt eyes on his form. He turned around slowly, and saw that there was a man standing there. Blood on a sword, and his eyes pierced right towards the boy.

They felt hollow, and...scary.

Though regret wove itself onto the man's face, his brown hair shadowed his eyes. The boy felt fearful, scared, and even was frightened of who's blood that was. His mother's? His father's perhaps? Did that mean they were dead?

All he knew was that this man, had eyes that pieced through his soul.

The boy saw the man tighten his hand on the blade he had, so rather than tempt fate, the boy ran as fast as he could, but the man didn't pursue. He couldn't even look at the child, and went back into the house as if he hadn't seen him at all, guilt spread itself across his face.

While running, he heard a feminine scream come from the house that was very blood curdling, and the rest, was silent.

", don't be..."

He called, briefly stopping and tried to have a glimmer of hope left inside of his body.

But that seemed to be his undoing.


"I've found him!"

Two, what seemed to be Exorcists, wielding light blades, saw the young boy, and chased after him with their swords.

The boy looked at the house once more, seeing that more of them were inside, and he couldn't tell if his mother and father had gotten away, he had to hope that they had done.

But, he then turned and ran away while shouting "I love you Kaa-chan and Tou-chan!" and ran away as fast as he could, but as he ran, he tripped, and landed on the ground. The men behind him came up to him with their swords, fully intending to slay the child down.

But then, as they were, a mysterious glow spread out around him...


The boy gasped, his head raising up, only to hit a tree branch.

He grasped the top of his head, and murmured "Owwww..." before looking around his surroundings. What he was inside, was a hollowed out tree. It had been like that for about a year now. He had been moving around, searching for different places.

But, each time that he tried to get in contact with his home, with Diehauser, he was always interrupted. People were relentless. Maybe because he was a half Devil child, maybe because he was a half human, maybe it was because of them both together, that made up his being. Maybe it was something entirely different.

All he knew was that he was endlessly being pursued by his enemies. By the time he would actually make it away from them, if he could that was most days, he would be too exhausted to try anything. He didn't know why that day, a year ago, he was attacked. Why his family were attacked.

All he could hope for now was that they managed to get away somehow. Even if it was a childish fantasy, even if it was something that he couldn't predict, even if it was…



The boy turned curious, looking to the side to see a young girl with blonde hair clung to his body. She was quite small, and her skin was perfectly white, it had the looks of a china doll honestly.

He flickered his eyes, then pushed the girls head upwards.

"Oi, Gasper-chan. Wake up."

The girls eyes slowly opened, and faced the boy, who looked down at her curiously.

"A-Aki-samaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I-I slept on you again!"

"Yeah, you did. Now, take off your clothes."

He demanded, shocking Gasper who's face turned bright red.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh?! Y-You want me to strip already!?"

"Yes, take off your clothes right now."

His voice was cool, and didn't betray anything at all, what he was feeling.

"B-But! W-Well, if Aki-sama s-says that then..."

"Take them off, so I can wash them, dummy."

Gasper's red cheeks died down, and she settled on a blush.

"Y-Yes...I understand..." Her stomach began to rumble. "...I'm hungry..."

The boy looked down at himself as she said that.

He clearly was malnourished.

He hadn't had a proper meal since…

Even he couldn't remember the exact time in his life when he had a meal.

All he had now were a few little berries that he had collected, that he knew weren't poisonous after reading about them in a book.

However, he pulled his neck to the side.

"Bite me."

"A-Aki-sama, t-that's so intimate..."

"You're hungry, drink from me."

"B-But, that's..."

The boy casually took the girls head, and put it against his neck, where she melted at the smell of him, she found it delicious, more so with his blood.


The boy stalled himself, when he heard the sound of a tree branch breaking.

Taking out a knife, he spun it around in his palm, and placed it near a vine that he had set up.

Peeking out from his space in the hollowed out tree, he saw two men once more, holding up light swords. Though they weren't the same Exorcist's as before. He watched as they walked, and talked.

"Where's that Demon child…?"

"He's around here somewhere, his tracks were back there. But he's very good at hiding himself."

"Along with that Vampire."

The boy didn't show it, but he was angry.

He just wanted to be left alone.

He hadn't hurt anyone.

He didn't want to hurt anyone.

But he didn't have a choice.

"Gasper-chan, you stay here, and keep yourself hidden."


"Listen to me, I chose to protect you, I'm protecting you, stay here, and stay safe, I'll lure them away, and come back for you, I promise."

Gasper hugged onto the boy, but he gently pushed her off, and offered her a smile, before going for it.



One of the men screamed, due to a large piece of bark that the boy had set up on a string slamming against his body. His body hit the back of the forest they were in, and then the boy came out of hiding, and span the knife in his hand.

"Leave me alone!"

"Not until you're dead you little Devil brat!"

The man yelled, and charged at him with his sword. The boy, learning what he did from his father, clashed blades with the man, and danced into his zone, getting close to the body of the man, and then put his hand outwards, gathering demonic power from his mother.

"Ooh! Hah!"

Unleashing a devastating, but not deadly, wave of demonic energy, the man was blown back through the trees, and landed on the ground, unconscious. His demonic energy wasn't anything to laugh at for a child. Inexperienced Exorcists like this, he could take. If they had been trained, more seriously, then he would have more problems, like he had in the past.

The boy smiled in victory, but as he took a step, he seemingly lost his balance for a second, placing his hand out on the tree beside him.

"So tired..."

He groaned, panting.

He hadn't had much rest, maybe twenty minutes.

It was sunny when he went to sleep, and it still was now. Since he had been chased through the night, that happened more often than not, he rarely ever got the chance to eat, sleep, or do anything truly.

As he panted, he noticed from the side that a blade came for him.

He was too slow to react, and saw that it was a blade with light energy around it.



Using his inherited power of Belial, he made the light energy worthless, meaning it didn't exist anymore. As long as he knew about it, what it was, then it couldn't affect him. Though he couldn't made the dagger worthless, as that was wasn't a power, he wasn't affected by the light energy due to his powers.

He looked at the dagger, and placed his hand on it.


He cried as he ripped the dagger out of his body, only for the man who threw it to come running at him with several others behind him. Even he couldn't fight them all. Even then, before he could retreat, one of the Exorcists made it to him.

"Die you Demon!"

The Exorcist swung his sword for the young boy. The boy reacted with training from his father, and avoided the blade, which went overhead. Then, with a fist of demonic power, he turned his hand on the energy.

"Blow away!"

The demonic power released was swiftly cut down by the Exorcist who wore a cocky grin.

But that was sort lived when the boy got close, and filled his hand with demonic power, swiping for the back of the neck. The impact of his fist was enough to knock him down to the ground and knocked him out.

Seeing the blade on the ground, he picked it up, just in time for another two Exorcists to come for him. One held a sword, and the other had a gun in his hand. The boy spun his sword around and deflected the bullets of light for his body.

"Damn this kid is good! He was trained by an Exorcist! Those moves are Exorcist type movements!"

Indeed, the way that he swung his sword, as he cut down the man with the gun, but didn't kill, was that of an Exorcist. Because of his father, he managed to learn a few tricks with a blade, and that was enough to baffle the Exorcist's before him.

But it wasn't enough.



He called, and the blade of light lost its hardness, and turned to nothingness once hitting his skin. Because there wasn't any steel with the blade, it could only cut the boy a little bit. His hand managed to touch it and activated his clans ability.

But, that put a strain on his body and the Exorcist kicked him in the stomach, hard.


He spat out bile.

If he had anything in his stomach, he surely would be vomiting by now. He hunched over, and held his stomach, but the Exorcist grabbed the boy by the back of his head, lifted him up, punched him in the face, breaking his nose.

"Don't cry out now, scummy Devil. And I heard you call out Worthless. That's the power of one of the Devils, right? Haha, are you calling me, or yourself, worthless?"

The boy panted, blood dripping from his broken nose.

His swollen eye from the impact closed, and his good eye focused in on the human.

"All I see before me, is you, a worthless being. And I'll invalidate you!"

The boy's hand glowed with demonic power, and the Exorcist takes note. He drops the boy, and tries to make distance, but the boy didn't allow it, and shot off a good chunk of demonic power, the energy rolling off of it wasn't a joke either.

"Oh shi-"


The power released into the stomach of the man, and wounded him greatly. His body crumbled down to the ground, smoke coming off his form. The boy panted once more, and almost fell to his knees, feeling his consciousness fading…

"He's over here!"

"Kill the Demon!"

"He needs to die!"

Shouted the men and women from the Church who came to kill him.

He winced at the pain running through his body, but he stood up, on shaky legs.

"Need to go, to protect Gasper-chan..."

He grabbed what he could, and ran away at top speeds so he could protect Gasper, even if it meant he was going to die.

He ran for what seemed like hours, but in reality, it was only minutes.

He was running on empty.

He was tired, hungry and felt like he could pass out at any second.

He felt sick.

He felt like his body was going to give up, and part of him didn't even care anymore.

He was too tired, he didn't know how he was going to continue on...

And the fact that they were firing bullets of light towards him didn't help either.


He cried out, wishing his parents were with him.

Wishing that before he died, he could see them once more.

Just a single time would do.

And when he reached the end of his stamina, he came to a clearing, where-

"D-Don't! Haaa!"

Suddenly, his body came into contact with someone else's entirely.

He fell forward, onto this person and their body felt warm, and soft…

Oddly, he hadn't felt this since, his parents were with him.

"Eyaaaaa! W-Why is there a boy on me?!"

The boy could have been wrong, but it sounded like she was using a country dialect.

He saw silvery white hair that waved around. It was long, longer than any man's he had seen before, and even his own father who had quite long hair, and even he now due to the fact that he hadn't had the chance to get it cut in a while, also had long hair, but this persons hair was even longer than that.

"Rose, oh Rose! Are you okay?"

An elderly woman's voice rang out, as the boys head lifted up.

His weak eyes caught the sight of a blue robe.

The elderly woman gently brushed the boy off the girl, who stood up. Her long silver hair waved down behind her, and her eyes went to the boy.

"Obaa-chan! Look, he's..."

"It would seem like this child is on the verge of dying. But look at those wounds, who would hurt a child like this…?" The old woman leaned closer, as if she was sensing. "This child has demonic energy...he's a Devil…? But, something else...holy energy? Could this child possess both? But how is that…?"

The old woman couldn't quite figure it out, she wasn't sure what to make of this.

"We have to help him Obaa-chan!"

The girl called Rose bent down towards him, and her aqua eyes came into contact with his grey eyes. With the last of his strength, he muttered "...Find...Diehauser...protect Gasper...chan..." and passed out. The young girl, and the old woman soon heard the sound of running coming from the trees that were behind the young boy.

Inside of a hospital room, many days later, the young boy laid there, almost lifeless. Wires were hooked up to him and mysterious symbols surrounded the area, like magic. Though the symbols were confusing and he couldn't work out what all of them meant.

Sat beside the bed, was the girl called Rose.

She hadn't left since he was brought in. honestly, she was fascinated with him. Being half Devil and half human she figured. All she could tell was that he had demonic and holy energy inside of him. How that happened, she didn't know.

But she was very intrigued by him, and when she was intrigued, she couldn't let it go.

She examined him, thoroughly, and almost to the point that it would be called intimate.

However, what she didn't bank on was that he woke up at that moment.

"Aaaah! Y-You awake?!"

The boy's eyes sharpened towards her, looking around the place that he was in. The hospital room, and saw the wires hooked up to his body.

His hand went towards them to pull them out, but Rose thrusted her hands forward yelling "DON'T!" which startled him, and he moved back onto the bed. His hand gathered demonic energy and he pointed it towards her.

During his time alone, he had learned not many people seemed to be kind for the sake of it. And he couldn't trust someone outright.

Rose attempted to move, but his hand snapped towards her.

"Don't move." He snapped, Rose's body froze at that moment. "Where am I? And what's inside of that drip thingy?" Rose didn't answer me, so the boy inched closer. "Don't make me shoot you."

"D-Don't! Shoot me ya, don't!" Her tone of voice turned to a country dialect once more which surprised him. "No, ya? Y-Ya don't have to do anythin' like that, ya know?"

"Why are you speaking like that? You don't sound normal, even to the Devil me who can understand all spoken language..."

Rose inhaled a few breaths, her chest raising and falling.

"T-That's..." She took a breath, and her voice turned to a normal sounding one. "...I get nervous when people point demonic power at me."

"Well, I get nervous when I'm abducted to a strange land and have me hooked up to a drip." He countered, causing Rose to smile weakly. "You have a minute, answer me, what have you done to me?"

"Nothing! We haven't done anything ya know!?" Some of her country dialect slipped into her normal speech once more. "I came running out of the forest so did you even get into that forest? It was supposed to be protected by powerful magic's...we were on a field-trip, and then you suddenly came..."

"I nullified it."

He revealed as the demonic power swirled in his hand, which surprised Rose.


"Yes, that's what I said, I nullified it, my power can do that if I can understand the thing that is before me, and I understood it, so I could nullify it. I thought that since it was a strong type of barrier, that maybe I could use that to give those Exorcists the slip and keep Gasper-chan safe, I studied it for a little while to understand how it works, and then used my powers...but, they got inside and...I lost consciousness...and now...wait, where's my Vampire...?"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help but notice, you have a few scars across your body..." His hand cocked, causing Rose to back away. "W-Well it isn't that bad ya know!?"

"Let me go, and tell me where Gasper-chan is."

"Let me remind you, I'm not the one who has demonic power pointed at you. Clearly, the balls in your court here."

"Is that supposed to be funny?"

"J-Just an observation is all..."

She squeaked out, looking to the side with a grimace.

Seeing that she didn't look menacing, he dropped the demonic power, and stood up. As he did, he noticed that he only had on a hospital gown. Rose looked towards him, but he shot her a look, so she backed down.

His eyes cast outside of the window, and looked at the beautiful city before him. He didn't quite understand it, but it looked to be from the Norse. His eyes scanned, and saw beautiful big building's, and small building's alike. He even saw that there was a waterfall in the far distance.

His eyes turned back to Rose.

"S-So, where am I exactly?"

"...In the Norse...I mean, technically, this place is called...mehehe, why are you looking so angry?"

"Because I am. I'm worried for my Vampire."

"Oookay..." Rose grimaced once more, as the boy sat back on the bed. "Maybe I should go and get Obaa-chan..."

"Don't you mean your parents?"

The boy called, thinking that was what she meant.

"No, my parents aren't here...they are busy serving the Norse Gods so I don't see them much..."

"So, you have family huh..." A vulnerable look appeared on his face. "Must be nice...parent...grandparents...must be lovely."


The boys eyes shot towards her.

"That name..."

"That's yours, isn't it? You said the name Diehauser when you were in the forest."

" name isn't Diehauser, that's the name of my Uncle. My name is Yaegaki Akira Belial."

Akira introduced himself, which caused Rossweisse to tilt her head.

"Whoa, that's a weird name..."

"There's nothing wrong with my name." He snapped back. "My name is a meaning to my birth, sunlight and moonlight, it is written like that. As in, being of a human, the sunlight, and the Devil, the moonlight, so what's wrong with my name exactly? I'm proud to have my name."

"Y-Yes, it's a lovely name...and that sounds like an interesting usage of the name. Forgive me, I hadn't heard such a name before. Since I haven't really ever gone to the human world before..."

"And what's your name?"

He quickly questions, wanting to know more answers than before.


She answered casually, but with a hint of worry on what he was going to do.

"Rossweisse...san huh."

"Yes, and I wasn't insulting your name, I was just saying that you say it weirdly. Like, you have three names."

"I'm half Japanese from my Tou-chan's side." He said calmly, feeling a little more relaxed. "My Tou-chan's name is Yaegaki Masaomi, and my Kaa-chan's name is Cleria Belial, I put my human last name first like in Japan, and my Devil last name at the end, with my first name in the middle...say, you haven't heard of them, right? Maybe they're looking for me..."

"Looking for lost your parents?"

That's what she could gather.

But then she saw his face drop slightly.

"They..." He didn't know how to answer it. "It's complicated, and I have to go, and get Gasper-chan."

He went to move, but Rossweisse put her hand out.

"No, you can't! Odin-sama and the other Gods wish to-"

"I'm not talking to your God's, if they are anything like the Church and other factions, they'll only be coming after me. So you can either move, or I'll just have to..." He looked upon her once more seeing that she wasn't aggressive, she was merely an innocent girl, and he wasn't going to hurt innocent girls, so he sighed. "Look. I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to hurt anyone, I just want to go home to my parents...just let me go. Please...I wanna go home to my Kaa-chan and Tou-chan..."

Rossweisse could hear how heartfelt that his words were.

How sincere, how honest they were.

And it was heartbreaking for her to listen to it.

Clearly, he had been through something.

She didn't even need to hear his words to know that, since his body told a story that a thousand words couldn't.

"Look, you aren't in danger here. No one's going to hurt you. Odin-sama...well, he's very perverted, but he isn't a bad guy, even if you're a Devil, human hybrid."

He was surprised that she knew what he was. Then again, he didn't know how long he was out for. What they could have done to him. What experiments that they could have done to his body. He didn't care either way, because he wasn't going to be used by anyone.

"I've heard that a hundred times before and each time I hear it, it doesn't work out that well for me, so just let me go. I'm not asking for anything fantastic, tell me how to get out of this place, and then I can go to my home again..."

As he said that, the door opened to reveal two men. One was an old man who had a long beard, and a monocle it seemed. And the other was a younger man who had blue hair, and they both were dressed in fancy robes.


Gasper came shooting through the door, and latched onto him. He smiled lightly, petting the back of her head gently.

"It's okay now, I'm here."

"B-But Aki-sama, these people c-came and it was scary! B-But, they've been kind!"

"They have? That's good. I'm so glad you're okay Gasper-chan, I feared the worst."

Gasper snuggled against him, as his eyes went to the newcomers.

The first one looked to be kind, if not have a weird expression on his face. The second one however was someone who the boy felt more malice from than any enemy he had felt before. Something about his cold eyes, could freeze him instantly.

"Hohoho, he's awake!"

"O-Odin-sama! I wasn't aware you were coming now!"

Rossweisse quickly stood up, as Odin moved inside. The boy tactically put himself near Rossweisse along with Gasper, just in case something was going to happen, though the chances of that, Akira didn't know. He knew he couldn't fight these two, they simply were too insane levels of power that radiated from them.

"I had to see this child, didn't I? The one that the Valkyrie who's years equal the time she has been single, or something like that, right Rossweisse? Isn't that what your classmates say about you?"

Rossweisse put a hand to her mouth, and tears formed at the base of her eyes, something that the boy didn't quite understand.

"It's not my fault ya know?! I am studying me best! I am doing it! I don't have time for a boyfriend!"

The Devil in the room thought "Why would she need a boyfriend at her age? And why take it so seriously?" to himself, sweatdropping as Rossweisse fell to the ground like it truly was a dramatic turn in her life, while Gasper gave her a weird look, before deciding to just cling to Akira as tightly as she could, and didn't say anything.

Odin on the other hand continued to chuckle.

"Well, young man, do you have a girlfriend? Rossweisse here might be weird, but you could date her."

The boys face flew into redness as Rossweisse's did as well.

"W-What are you saying you weird Ojii-sama!?" Odin's eye twitched. "I want to know what's going on right now! And people better not mess me around because I am a child!"

"Hohoho, what a fun reaction-"

"This child is a Devil, Odin." The man said next to Odin. "He, shouldn't be here. I say we ship him off immediately along with that Vampire."

The way that the man said it, the boy felt something very cold in his tone. And since he directed anger towards Gasper, he held her very close, and protectively.

"Now, Loki, there is no need to act like that." The newly named Loki gave a grunt in return. "They're our guests. And they're children, I hardly doubt they're going to cause problems. Besides, Gondul vouches for them as well, and Rossweisse here hasn't even left the room since he came here those many days ago."

The lone Devils eyes turned to Rossweisse who refused to look at him.

"You...stayed here all that time?"

"I was worried ya know?" The boy let slip a small chuckle, Rossweisse's eyes twitched. "W-What?"

"Nothing...ya know?"

Gasper snickered lightly, as Akira patted the back of her head gently.

"Grrr! Are ya making fun of me voice ya know!?"

"Ya got it."

Rossweisse puffed out her cheeks as Odin began to laugh.

"So there is a sense of humour. Say child, you aren't an ordinary Devil, right?"

"I'm half human if that's what you mean. This Vampire girl, is half human too."

He grumbled back to Odin who stroked his beard once more.

"A half human and Devil child along with a half Vampire, that's rare. Also, it seems that there's holy power within you. Is it the ability to use it? To wield Holy Swords? Well, it would be interesting to find out."

The Devil boy wasn't really understanding what was being said. He didn't much care. All that he cared about was that he was

"Look, Ojii-sama. I wanna go home with Gasper-chan...or, at least, find my parents, and Kaa-chan said that I should go to my Uncle, but each time I've tried, I have been attacked. So, I can't do it. If you can point me in the right direction, then I'll leave like that guy there wants."

Loki, who heard what he said, became slightly annoyed.

"Listen you little brat, speaking to a God as if you have any rights at all-"

"Now, Loki, calm down." Odin silenced Loki but it was clear that Loki wasn't happy. "He's only a child, look at him, his body, he's probably been through a rough time like the Vampire girl said. Anyone of us would be guarded when going to a new place, and would lash out." Odin, walked closer to the young boy. "So young man, what do you intend to do once you're well?"

"I intend to find my family, Ojii-sama." The boy answered truthfully. "We were..."

"What happened?"

He had visions of that time again. The time they burst down the doors, and seeing his mother crying, and that man with brown hair, and a sword that had blood on it. He envisioned in, and sweat began to pool down his face, as well as some tears forming in his eyes, which Gasper kindly wiped away, making him smile down at her.

"...That's not your business."

Wanting to defend himself, and put up blockades, he turned his head to the side, and refused to answer.

Rossweisse could tell by the tone that whatever happened, it wasn't a pleasant experience.

"I see, well. What Devil clan do you belong to?"


He replied while looking back, his face now free of the tears.

"I see...Belial huh...I have heard of that name...hmmmm, Belial...relation to Diehauser?"

"He's my Uncle."

He replied swiftly, Odin leaned closer, and inspected the boy.

"I see, I see! So, he is your Uncle! Well, looking at your face, you do look like him. Quite a handsome child huh. I am sure Rossweisse here-"

"Odin-sama! Please don't involve me!"

She cried out, but Odin continued regardless.

"-would love to get better acquainted with you. And if not Rossweisse, there are quite a few girls your age who have had boyfriends. Not a problem for Rossweisse though who's age-"

"Waaaaaaah! Please stop!"

Rossweisse broke down into tears, Odin chuckled, while Loki rolled his eyes. The Devil boy looked towards Odin.

"I thought you were a God."

"That I am~ Impressed with me? I even score with women hundred of years younger than me~"

"Well, I don't understand this 'scoring' but it sounds like you're bullying this girl, please stop."

Odin, and Rossweisse were surprised for different reasons.

"I see, so you want me to stop?"

"That's right, she's clearly uncomfortable, and while I don't get why it should matter that she doesn't have a boyfriend, since she's like, similar age to myself, she seems to take it seriously, and also, since I kinda threatened her before, I feel bad so I decided to speak up for her in her defence, that's all."

Looking kind of cool, and aloof, Rossweisse's eyes turned towards him, and burned into her memory about this event, and how he stood up for her.

"I see, well that's it huh. Okay, that sounds good, progress Rossweisse, I'll get you a boyfriend yet." Rossweisse sobbed at the dig at her, while the boy narrowed his eyes at Odin. "For now, relax boy, you haven't recovered yet. Stay here, and we'll be back soon. Also, while you're here, you'll understand if I leave some guards outside."

"Don't trust me, I get it."

Odin chuckled light heartedly.

"Not that...well, perhaps a little bit. It is abnormal for a Devil child to be here. So, you being here might cause some to become rowdy, this is for your own protection as well, just in case. But, relax, and take in the sights once you're done recovering. I heard from the doctors, you have broken ribs, and other things. Gondul said that it would have been excruciating for you to run around like you did. You must have a very high pain tolerance."

"...It's nothing really, had to be tough is all."

Odin could see wisdom behind his eyes. Even if he was young, he still looked to be wise beyond his years, battle hardened. And for that, Odin actually genuinely felt sympathy for the child, not wanting to see a child of that age suffering, regardless if he was a Devil, or anything else.

"Well, that's good, being tough is good. So, rest now child, and I'll see you later on~"

"Actually..." At that moment, his stomach rumbled a lot, and his cheeks turned slightly red. "...I could go for some food."

"I see, then we'll get you some right away."

"Don't worry, I'll get you some."

Rossweisse offered a kind smile, as did Odin as they walked out.

Loki on the other hand, smirked down at the boy, and he glared back. Loki walked towards the bed, and produced a knife with some magic.

Naturally, he didn't feel safe, so he put some distance between them.

But Loki laid the knife down on the bed.

"If you want to try and..." He gestured to the boys wrists, and then made slitting motions. " get the idea."

He looked at the knife, and then looked back at Loki, seeing a sadistic smirk that was on his face, while Gasper shivered immensely. Clearly, he wanted to see the pain of others. Especially his own at this moment. Loki wanted to see a Devil suffer, but he wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.

"You want me to kill myself?"

Loki waved his hand as if waving his rights to any of the conversation that they were having.

"I never said that, just merely thought you might want to. You know, being a half breed and all. You wont be accepted by the Devils, and the humans wont ever look at you like their own kind. You're nothing, to no one, and lets face it, even if your parents are alive, would they want this defective thing back that's not even a single thing?" His eyes narrowed upon Loki who chuckled slightly. "It was a joke, don't take offence."

"Right, I see how that works. If that's what you say. Sorry, I wont be killing myself, find your amusement somewhere else, Loki."

Loki felt anger at that moment, and wanted to take it out on the boy...but stopped himself at the last moment.

Loki turned his head, and walked towards the door.

As he did, the boy chuckled which forced Loki to stop.

"For a mischief God, you aren't very funny, or creative either."

Loki's hand tightened as it neared the door.

"Listen brat, speak to a God such as myself again and we'll have problems."

"Oh, a funny remark, the build up could be a bit better though. You could say "I am the almighty God Loki-sama, and a peasant like you has no right not to speak to me! Anymore nonsense and I'll have my followers behead you!" or something like that, right Loki-kun~?"

He shot a challenging smirk towards Loki.

He didn't have anything to lose anymore.

And he wasn't going to back down from Loki either.

Because, even if Odin was being kind, he sensed evil within Loki, and because of that evil, he didn't intend to ever hold himself back. Maybe it was crazy, he was beyond the point of caring at this point to care about what Loki wanted.

"You cocky..."

"I'm not cocky, I know the difference between us in power, you're immensely more powerful than I am. But I don't take kindly to threats either. I've been through hell this past year. If you're a God, why are you bothering with a half breed like me exactly?"

Loki's eyes became enraged. The mere thought that this boy wasn't either respectful, or fearful, gave him anger that couldn't be quelled immediately.

"Don't you understand who I am? I am a God, and you, aren't even a Devil, or human. You should show more respect."

"Respect is earned, not given straight away. There are people that deserve respect, but for someone to come in here, and tell a child to kill himself because you either want amusement or pleasure from my death, you don't deserve any respect from me. Odin-sama, however, despite being rude to Rossweisse-san, at least has a nice presence, and does garner respect. There's evil in your heart, I don't respect evil."

"You watch it child or I might just send you to your..." He stopped when he saw Rossweisse returning with some food. "Goodbye Devil-kun, enjoy your stay."

The venom in his voice wasn't even funny.

"Thank you Loki-kun, see you soon enough."

Loki left the room as Rossweisse walked back in with a tray of food. Briefly, Rossweisse noticed Loki had narrowed eyes, and she wondered why that was.

"It's...from the hospital, so I don't know if it is going to be good..."

"No, anything is fine with me. I'm starving, don't ya know~?"

Rossweisse looked at him, as he made a joking mock of her country dialect, while petting the back of the frightened Gasper's head.

"Mou...are you making fun of me?"

He pinched his fingers together.

"A little bit."

"W-Well, don't ya...ugh!" He began giggling to himself, as Rossweisse puffed out her cheeks. "W-Well, eat your food!"

"Yes, captain Rossweisse-san~"

He saluted, allowing himself to relax a little bit. He didn't sense danger (besides Loki and he doubted Loki would try anything now) so he could become calmer than before, staying with Gasper helped as well.

The next day, Akira was allowed more freedom with movement. His body was healing at a rapid rate. The injuries had been more than the others had thought, but he still was a fighter, and managed to get back on his feet.

What he didn't understand was Rossweisse though.

She kept staying.

She didn't even leave.

Why, he didn't understand.

She even now, was asleep on the bed. Her head rested on the mattress at the end. Though he didn't quite understand, he did find it, soothing that she was staying around. Though with how she treated him, she didn't quite understand it either.

As he sat there, watching Rossweisse sleep and Gasper slept within his arms as well, he saw the door open. Instincts kicked in and he grabbed a knife from nearby...but stopped when Odin walked through the door, so he slipped the knife under the covers.

Rossweisse stayed asleep along with Gasper, something that Akira never could understand how people could.

"Hohoho, I saw that knife there young man."

"...Sorry, I'm used to being attacked now."

Odin waved his hand as two women Valkyrie's stepped inside with him. He also saw that Odin kept looking at them with lecherous eyes, or rather eye since Odin's other eye (if he had one Akira didn't know) was hidden, and rolled his own eyes at the sight.

"Well, no bother."

"For a God, you have a lot of free time to come and visit me."

Odin chuckled at the words he used.

"That's me, I have plenty of free time~" Akira sweatdropped. "Well, I am also intrigued by you. I haven't met a half Devil child before that also has human inside of him...well, maybe once, I am not sure, I can't remember. Maybe I'm going senile or something~"

Akira was going to follow up with something, but he stopped himself, and chuckled gently.

"Odin-sama, why is Rossweisse-san staying here?"

Odin's eye went towards the sleeping Rossweisse.

"Fufu, maybe she's in love with you~"

"I doubt that, all I've done is show hostility towards her."

He said with a regretful heart.

"Well, maybe she wants to know more about the human world, and the likes. Maybe she's intrigued by you. Maybe it is because you and her met under weird circumstances. Whatever the case is, it seems to be something quite, fantastic, doesn't it? This girl, Rossweisse, I have my eye on her, she is quite the studious person, and could be a potential asset to me one day."

"If that's the case, why do you keep mentioning about her lack of boyfriend? Which apparently matters here."

"Hahaha, that's just for enjoyment, I don't mean anything bad by it~"

Akira didn't know if that was true or not. But he didn't sense any malice behind this man's words.

"Well, I hope not."

"In any case, I am glad you're recovering. And by the way, as a fellow man, I want your opinion on something."

"Erm...sure, what's that then?"

Odin adopted a perverted expression and pointed at the two ladies beside, he pointed to their breasts, and then their butts. The child that he was, Akira naturally became embarrassed, and the women didn't look like they were doing much better either.

"Which is better? Their breasts or their butts? I myself am a breast kind of man."

"I am a child you sicko! I-I don't look at women's b-bodies like that!"

"Fufu, don't be a prude. I always ask everyone I know this, and now I know you young Akira, what is your opinion? Do you find bigger boobs more attractive, or are you a butt man?"

"...Are we really having this kind of conversation?"


"...So, the Norse God, Odin-sama truly is just a pervert?"

Odin did a spit take, which stirred Rossweisse awake but surprisingly Gasper didn't wake up. She saw that Odin was pointing between the women's female assets. Rossweisse's cheeks became red with embarrassment, and she turned her head to the side, to see Akira's weirded out face.

"I am a God, young man!"

"But, you are perverted though, you just asked me if I prefer….I-I wont even say anything at all! I don't think about those things!"

Odin began to chuckle, stroking his chin.

"Well, you'll be interested eventually. But yes, speedy recovery."

"Wait, did you come here for another reason? Or was that it?"

Odin chuckled and walked away.

Akira blinked a few times, then looked towards Rossweisse.

"Rossweisse-san, don't take offence to this, but your God is a perverted weirdo."

"...How can I be offended by that when you're right?"

The pair let out a childish laugh together.

But then Rossweisse shot up off the chair she sat in.

"Aaah! I just realized, I slept in here! Ooh, I am sorry, I shouldn't of done that!"

"Rosssweisse-san, why did you stay with me?"

"E-Eh..." Rossweisse didn't know how to answer. "Honestly..?" Akira inclined his head. "Because, I wanted...I wanted to know more about you...y-you as in a Devil, and a human, I've never really heard of such things, so I am...sure that it must be weird...sorry, I am being rude."

"No, it's fine, I was rude to you, right?" Rossweisse didn't say anything, but Akira bobbed his head along with a small smile. "I'm sorry, I have been rude, I threatened you, I shouldn't have done that."

"N-No! It is fine! It's my fault..."

"No, it's my own fault. Can we just start again? I promise not to threaten you."

Rossweisse released a small giggle from her mouth.

"Sure, I don't mind. Yes, let us get along from now on."

The pair smiled at one another, and talked happily together. Less strain came between them as they talked. Though there was a little tension in the air, it didn't deter them and allowed them to continue to speak normally together. Even when Gasper woke up, they all had a good time together.

Several days later, Rossweisse was walking along the city with Akira and Gasper, who had finally been discharged from the hospital, and Gondul walked close by, being amused by the sights of the pair walking together. She didn't say anything, but she was glad that Rossweisse had someone to be social with. Even if it was a Devil/human child, it didn't matter to her.

Rossweisse and Akira had become a little friendlier with one another since the time that he was within the hospital, to the point that they could speak naturally together, and truthfully, Akira was glad that he could speak to people normally, as he usually only spoke to Gasper, who he did enjoy very much, but he did often wonder how his social skills were becoming.

"Eeeek! Aki-sama! People are staring at us!"

"It's because we're different faces, don't worry about it my little Vampire." He soothed, as she clung to his form. "So, you go to Valkyrie school, and want to be a Valkyrie serving under Odin-sama, that Ojii-sama, right?"

Akira questioned Rossweisse who stuck out her tongue.

"I study very hard thank you."

"I wasn't denying it. But, why do you study so hard?"

He questioned, while Gasper looked up towards him, seeing him smiling down at her, which in turn made her smile brightly.

"Because I want to succeed, why would anyone else study so hard?"

"What about having fun?"

Akira questioned, but Rossweisse turned her head to the side.

"...There's no time for that, I couldn't even inherit..."

"Inherit...what exactly?"

Akira questioned further, but Rossweisse's face took a nosedive.

"It's nothing important. But, you've recovered, and don't want me to die..."

"I wasn't ever going to kill you." He clarified as he petted Gasper's head. "I was….I suppose you could say I was scared...I've not had the easiest of times for a while now. I haven't been able to trust many people, and the people I have trusted, either disappeared, or have turned on me, and tried to kill me in one way or another. Well, besides Gasper-chan here of course."

The Vampire giggled, cuddling tightly to him.

Rossweisse couldn't imagine a life like that.

Where she was being chased constantly, she couldn't understand why anyone would want to hurt a child, and do something like that. What she saw on his body, the shape he was in when they met one another. It just seemed so insane that it didn't matter.

He looked around and saw a bunch of females around his age, giggling and waving towards him. He didn't know what to do, so he ended up giving an awkward wave right back towards them.

"Eeeh, why are they smiling at me?"

"Probably because they want to be friendly." Rossweisse replied honestly. "Haven't you, ever had someone do that?"

"I haven't had many friends before besides Gasper-chan here, and a select few others, I lived a secluded life with my parents. We had fun...I had to be a secret, from the world...or, it would have been difficult for us to live peacefully. But, in the end….well, something happened, and it doesn't matter."

"I haven't got many friends either."


Rossweisse bites her lower lip, and shows a teary eyed expression, something Akira wasn't prepared for.

"B-Because, the age of myself, doesn't equal the number of boyfriends I've had or something like that! They keep saying because I don't have a boyfriend, that I am already past the marrying age! That means, no one is going to look at me like they want me as their girlfriend!"

"Why is that so important here?"

"I don't know! It seems to matter a lot though to everyone else! Everyone my age has a boyfriend and girlfriend and t-they go on dates, and make fun of me because I don't want one! It isn't my fault that no boy wants to date me and I spend all my time studying! Maybe I'm already past the age of dating!"

"...Does that mean that I am as well?"

Akira asked with a hesitant gaze, Rossweisse turns back to him, bags under her eyes, and a fearful expression on her face, only driving up Akira's fears even more, and then her weak hand touched his shoulder, heavy breathing came from the silver haired Valkyrie in training.

"I'm afraid so, I heard if you don't find your true partner by the age of ten, then you'll never be married."

Akira looked on for a few moments…

And then soft tears rolled down his face.

"I wanted to get married one day..."

"It's too much for me as well! I'm never going to get married, and will remain single forever!"

"Waaaaah! Kaa-chan! Tou-chan! I'm sorry, I can't ever give you grandchildren because I'm near the age and I haven't found my ideal partner yet! I've been too busy, and now no one is going to look at me either!"

Gondul watched as they leaned on one another, and cried.

She actually found it funny and began to laugh to herself.


They yelled at her, but Gondul continued to chuckle.

"Hohoho, you children and your stories, Rossweisse, scaring our guest like that."

"But, I heard it is true! One of my classmates told me that she has betrothed herself already!"

"It isn't true. You both can marry at any age, and because of your species, you have lifetimes to find your loves. Don't listen to rumours now."

Rossweisse and Akira looked at one another, and then turned their heads to the side.

"Don't worry Aki-sama! I-I'll become your bride!"

Gasper cheered, making Akira smile, looking down at her with said smile.

"I see, then I'm okay, I'll marry Gasper-chan, Rossweisse-san you'll have to find a husband. Good luck Rossweisse-san."

Rossweisse whined as she heard a rumbling coming from Akira's stomach.

"Seems like you're hungry child."

Gondul spoke up, Akira looking down in embarrassment.

"Aah...yeah, sorry, I feel embarrassed."

Gondul waved her hand gently.

"It isn't a worry. I told Odin-sama that we would take care of you for this evening."

"What about contacting my family?"

"Odin-sama's sent word, we'll be receiving it back shortly, hopefully."

Akira put on a smile, and to Rossweisse and Gasper, it had been quite the sight.

"Thank you very much Gondul-sama! To be able to go return to my family again...It will be the best thing feel my Kaa-chan's hugs and my Tou-chan's fighting experience coming to me...I can't wait..."

As he was speaking, Gondul placed a hand to her ear, as a magical circle appeared.

"...Yes, I see, I understand. I shall come right away." Gondul turned her eyes towards the two children. "Rossweisse, I've been called by Odin-sama. I'm sorry, but I am going to have to go. Are you three going to be okay?"

"Yes, we shall be fine Obaa-chan."

Rossweisse answered normally, Akira turning his head to the side, and overlooked a beautiful mass of water nearby. The shimmering of the water caused himself to feel cool inside. Gasper looked as well, and then blushed as she felt Akira's hand petting her head gently, soothingly and calmly as well.

"Wonderful. Then, return home when you're ready Rossweisse. Be careful now."

Gondul bowed her head, and then she left them with only each other as company.

"So, what should we do now Rossweisse-san?"

Akira quizzed the young girl, who tilted her head.

"I'm, not really sure."

"Is there anything fun here to doooooooooooo?"

Gasper yelled out, surprising Rossweisse.

"It costs too much for people like us. We couldn't afford it, and I'm not exactly the richest either so..."

"Gondul-sama and your parents are poor?"

"We aren't destitute or anything, but money doesn't grow on trees."

"I see..."

Akira looked around, as did Rossweisse and Gasper.

It didn't feel awkward between them, but they didn't know what to do.

That was until Akira saw that people, mostly kids, were running around. Akira decided to follow them with his eyes, and saw that they were entering a building. Curious, his eyes turned towards that area.

"Rossweisse-san, what happens there?"

Rossweisse looked towards the place he pointed.

" there, they hold like...tests of strength. There's this one girl from my class that has this hero on the rising as her boyfriend, and because she is from a family that holds a lot of money and the likes, she likes giving out prizes to people who could beat her boyfriend, but because he's rather strong, no one our age has done it before."

"So, basically it is a place where this girl watches others fail, and finds it amusing?"

"That's one way to put it, she's really stuck up, and cruel."

Akira hummed to himself, then walked that way.

"Let's go and watch Rossweisse-san. It might be entertaining to see people having fun at our age. Come on Gasper-chan, lets go~"

"Yes Aki-samaaaaaaaa!"

"Ah, I suppose we could..." She saw Akira walking off with Gasper close on his waist. "Hey! Wait for me!"

Rossweisse rushed to his side, and then they walked together.

Reaching the large doors, they went to open them, but a boy around their age came bursting out from the door, and landed on the ground heavily. Akira, Gasper and Rossweisse gave him a curious look, seeing his eyes rolling in the back of his head.

"Are you sure we should do this Akira-kun?"

"S-She's right Aki-sama! I'm worried!"

"It should be fine, right? They are your people Rossweisse-san, and Odin-sama's already told the area about my existence, so they wont attack me."

"Well, that is true..."

So, Akira, Gasper and Rossweisse entered the area together.

Upon getting inside, Akira was surprised to see a lot of women. Not just half and half male and females, it was predominantly female. He guessed it was because most of them were Valkyrie's. Though he didn't know if males could be Valkyrie's. He just wasn't knowledgeable on their species as a whole. He did see a few males around as well, but the number of females outweighed the males by a large margin.

In the centre, inside of a fairly decent sized arena ring, was a young boy who was quite buff for a child his age. But still was a child, and there was an elegant girl that stood in the middle, dressed with proper and prim outfits that would put most to shame. Even Rossweisse, looked on with a slight pout at the expensive clothing she wore.

"Honestly, doesn't she even know about discount stores? They sell amazing items for fractions of the price."

Akira gave Rossweisse a weird look as they walked forward.

"A-Aki-sama, these people seems scary..."

"Hehe, don't they just? Don't worry, I'll protect you."

Gasper's face lit up, clinging tightly to the boy.

"Now, my boyfriend who is just the best, won his 27th match this day, cannot be beaten! However. Would anyone like to come and try and defeat him? The prize fund currently stands at 10 thousand, is there anyone that would like to fight him?"

Akira watched as all of the males backed down. They clearly had seen something that he didn't.

The young woman in the centre of the stage looked around, and her eyes fell upon Akira who was enjoying the spectacle. She remembered who this was from the news, and developed a sly smile on her face.

"Easy one." She thought to herself, then directed her hand towards Akira. "There, how about you handsome?" Akira looked around, and then pointed to himself. The girl smiled wider. "Yes, that's right, you! Would you like to try your hand?"

"H-He doesn't have any money for the fee."

Rossweisse interjected, but the girl snickered.

"That's alright, one free try is enough. So, what do you say handsome?"

Akira looked at the prize money, then back to the girl, and her boyfriend, which he thought was weird since they were around ten years old, and from the sounds of it, she was running a business scheme to have her boyfriend fight these people and take their money for themselves.

"So, if I beat your boyfriend there, I get all that prize money?"

She snickered lightly.

"That's right, that's how the game works."

"And, how does one win? Do I have to knock him out? Or, is it where they are thrown out of the ring?"

"It's any of those. And also, if the opponent gives up, then that's considered a win. So, what do you say?"

This girl, she clearly wanted to see some fun activity.

She wanted to see her boyfriend win no matter what.

"Okay sure, all in good fun, right?"

The girls smile widened, as a round of snickers came from a group of her friends.

"Exactly. Come up, and test your strength!"


Akira got himself pumped up, Rossweisse on the other hand placed a hand on his arm, pulling him back.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, I've heard he's quite strong, and you've only just come out of the hospital."

Akira waved his hand towards her.

"I'll be good. Don't worry so much, it is only a practice match and what not."

Akira waved off her worries, and jumped onto the stage.


He turned to Gasper, and gave her a thumbs up.

"I'll buy you some new clothes Gasper-chan~"

Gasper fiddled with her skirt, and blushed lightly.

The young girl who was running the fight smirked, and went to the side. The man with the muscles looked upon Akira, and snickered.

"Puny Devil, I'll crush you!"

The boy roared, and the crowd went wild. Rossweisse and Gasper watched on with worry as Akira swung his head back and forward.

"If that's what you say. You shouldn't underestimate your opponents before getting a good feel for them. Like, I am not underestimating you, I'd ask you do the same for me please."

The boy before him began to chuckle heartily.

"Haha, you're a weird Devil!"

The young girl from the side now, rang a bell.


As soon as she said that, the boy before Akira clapped his hands together, and a small shake of the arena happened. Akira got into a fighting pose. He was more comfortable with a sword, but he didn't mind hand to hand.

"Listen puny Devil, you'll be suffering a defeat, so why don't we make this less humiliating to you?"

"Oh, I'll be fine, thanks for worrying though."

Akira answered while giving off a radiant smile.

The boy didn't like that and his hand glowed with magical powers. Rossweisse didn't like this at all, she didn't want Akira to be hurt, and then saw that the man's hand glowed with fire magic. Akira took note of that, and hummed to himself as Gasper's nervous hands tightened.

"What a Devil, showing no fear in the face of defeat."

"Anyone who doesn't fear the battle ahead even a tiny bit is either crazy, or lying to themselves."

"And which are you?"

The boy before him asked with interest.

But Akira shrugged.

"Maybe all, maybe none, we'll find out eventually."

"Damn bastard! Be gone!"

The boy rushed Akira with his fist full of flames. Rossweisse looked on, worried for what was going to happen, but then as the boy neared Akira, his hand outstretched.

"What is he trying to do? Take the attack with just his fist alone?"

Akira heard the girl who ran this speak loudly, and mockingly as well.

"No, Aki-sama's got his skills!"

Gasper cheered, making Akira smirk.

But the instant that Akira's and the boys hand touched, Akira muttered "Worthless." and the fire magic around his hand, disappeared.


He didn't know what to say and neither did the audience and Rossweisse showed a small smile on her face along with Gasper, as Akira pulled to the side.

"I said before, don't underestimate your opponents. My Tou-chan taught me that. Always have a plan within a plan when fighting to fall back on."

He got to the left of him, and put his leg behind the boys. Then, using a thrusting technique of his palm, the force of it forced the boy backwards, and with his leg behind him, his body went into the air, and due to the force, he went flying across the stage.

"H-Hey! Stop! You're about to get out of the game here!"

He tightened his teeth, and regained his balance.

He stumbled upon finding his feet, but regained his stance once more.

"What kind of strange power is that?!"

Akira put his hand up in a peace sign.

"It's my power as a Devil, from my clan."

He replied strongly, and showed a strong form.

The boy looked on at Akira, who showed a relaxed face, and stance as well.

"Screw this! I'll take you down with this!"

He put his hand forward, and activated a few magical circles. From the circles, flames appeared, into balls, and shot them forward towards Akira. Akira himself jumped forward and danced around the battlefield as the flames fell down towards him.


Rossweisse looked worried about the fight ahead.

But Akira was holding his own rather well. He was able to avoid all of the flames, and then got close. He dashed forward, surprising the young man hero fighter, but he didn't give up, and his hand tightened.

"Be gone with you!"

His hand slammed down onto the ground and created a shockwave. Akira confronted it head on, and jumped high. He sailed through the sky, and all of the women and even the men looked on as he spun in the sky.

The enemy looked on as well, as Akira landed on the ground.

"I wont be beaten!"

He forced his fist towards Akira. Akira used his keen battle sense to dodge the attack, and got close.

"Sorry about this!"

Akira's palm went upwards, slamming against the boys chin. He went up into the air, stunned. Akira then focused on the centre of the boys body and tightened his fist. The boy went to defend, but Akira's fist embedded into the body of the boy before him.


He spat out some bile, and then his body landed outside of the arena.


No one said anything.

Rossweisse didn't say anything.

Gasper didn't say anything either.

Akira looked around, at the stunned faces of everyone that was focusing in on him.

"...So, I get that money, right?"


The girl that organized the fight, dropped the mic on the ground and just stared on at her boyfriends body on the ground, and then she looked back towards Akira who just looked back at her, raising his eyebrows ever so slightly.



She didn't answer, she couldn't answer.

But then Rossweisse got onto the stage and smiled gently.

"He's right, he did win and you said it yourself-"

"Okay, I get it! Take the prize money, I don't care."

"Awesome, it must be thanks to the Lord for this!" Because he was half Devil, he suffered a slight headache. But then he turned to Rossweisse with a smile. "Well, seems that I won Rossweisse-san. Hey, why don't you have half? Gasper-chan and I will share my half."

"E-Eh!? I couldn't! You won it!"

"Maybe, but I wouldn't have know about it if it wasn't for you saving my life back at the forest, and you kept my Gasper-chan safe when I was knocked out, she told me as much. So, have half, we both won. Isn't that something?"

Rossweisse's body twitched, and she looked at the prize fund.

She then looked back at Akira, gained starry eyes, then fainted with a happy smile on her face.

"O-Oh no, I've killed her." He worried, bending down and shook her body. "Rossweisse-san! Speak to me!" She giggled awkwardly. "Is there an accountant in the house?"


Rossweisse continued to giggle, money and discount shops, and how much she could buy was on the brain.

Later during the evening...something magical occurred, at least that's how it was to Rossweisse.


"Delicious! This is fantastic food! And you say this is all bought with cheap money? Fantastical! I didn't know such warm foods could be bought on a budget!"

Akira was invited to Rossweisse's house to eat some food, and stay for a little while until they could choose what to do with the boy. Rossweisse, and her grandmother, Gondul were watching the boy practically inhale food, Gasper was used to it, so she just sat beside him, and ate her food calmly, well as calmly as she could anyway.

Akira surely was hungry. It was clear with the amount that he was eating. And he was devouring everything insight.

"M-My, Obaa-chan, he can eat a lot."

"Haha, that child is a man to eat such foods without holding back, and look, he's not gaining weight either."

"Hehehe, I don't get why he can be so hungry."

She whispered to herself, but Akira heard her with his Devil hearing and so did Gasper with her Vampire hearing. His eyes briefly went towards Rossweisse, who flinched. Seeing that reaction, he lowered his eyes, and continued eating the food without restraint.

"By the way Rossweisse-san, after you've finished your meal, take off your shirt."

"Pft!" Rossweisse did a spit take, while Gondul coughed into her hand, Gasper looked on with wide eyes. "W-What did you say?! Y-You want me to what!?"

"Take off your shirt, and give it to me."

"W-Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! W-Why are you saying that!?"

"So I can clean your shirt, it has become dirty, and I wish to repay the kindness you've given me, I don't like being in peoples debts."

Rossweisse blinked, and looked down, and it was indeed true, seeing that she had some dirt on her clothing.

"O-Oh...N-No, you don't have to do that..."

"I insist."

Rossweisse looked troubled, and didn't know what to say.

"A-Aki-sama, y-you shouldn't ask about such things with girls..."

"Why? I take your clothes all the time and wash them."

Rossweisse's cheeks went bright red, while Gasper's nervousness kicked in, and she twiddled her thumbs.

"B-But, that's different Aki-sama!"


"B-Because, asking for peoples clothing is strange Aki-sama! E-Even though you want to do kind things...t-then again you were raised in a Church environment so you are blunt without trying to be malicious or anything..."

"Being blunt is okay with me, why hold back what you feel?"

Gasper shyly shook her head, and lowered her eyebrows, knowing that Akira wasn't being rude, he was just brought up differently, and sometimes was blunt, but not in a derogatory way.

He finished off the round of food, as Gondul cleared her throat.

"Diehauser-san has been contacted, and he's very eager to see you."

Akira looked up towards Gondul with hopeful eyes.

"...Really? He wants to see me? So, you really got in contact with him?"

"Yes, that's right. He'll be here tomorrow to collect you."

As she said that, Rossweisse's face turned downwards slightly.

"Yes! Diehauser-nii is coming! This isn't a joke, right?"

"No, I am not joking. He seemed very excited to see you. Apparently, he had been looking for you for a long time as well."

Akira adopted a wide smile, not seeing Rossweisse's face continue to fall, while Gasper seemed so happy for Akira.

"I knew he would be. Kaa-chan always said that he was dependable. At last, I can return home with my family! I get to see Kaa-chan and Tou-chan again~ I can't wait to see my parents again!"

Rossweisse, understanding the situation, turned her head downwards.

"Obaa-chan, I am going to go and wash..."

Gondul, Gasper and even Akira noticed the tone, as Rossweisse got up, and walked towards the stairs.

"What's wrong with her Gondul-sama?"

"It seems that Rossweisse has developed a friendship with you Akira-kun. And now that you're see, Rossweisse doesn't really have any friends. Maybe before spending what brief time that you've been together, she has found out that having a friend is nice."

"...I see, so she desires friends...who doesn't desire them? But, why would she think that we can't be friends?"

"That's, something that probably plays in Rossweisse's head, and the fact that sometimes, other children bully her as well for, various things. And she probably doesn't want to lose her friend that she made quickly."

"I see...then, I'll go and speak with her. I am a man after all, and upsetting a girl is wrong, even if unintentional." His eyes went to Gasper, patting her on the head. "You stay here Gasper-chan, I'm going to go and heal a maidens heart."

"Y-Yes Aki-sama!"

Akira stood up from the table, and walked up the stairs.

Walking through the house, he definitely could tell that he was in a different place to the city. Not that he minded though. It was humble, and it reminded him of the home he and his parents had just a year ago.

Making it up the stairs, he walked towards Rossweisse's door, and knocked on it.

"Rossweisse-san, it's me."

[...Is there something you need? I'm a little busy.]

"I want to talk to you, because you are sad, right?"

[No. I'm fine! Don't worry about me!]

Akira didn't believe that to be true, so he knocked on the door once more.

"Rossweisse-san, please open the door, I want to see your face."

He heard her sigh.

She didn't answer it for a minute more, maybe hoping that he would leave.

But when she saw him on the other side of the door, she turned her head to the side.

"Rossweisse-san, your Obaa-sama seems to think that you're sad that I'm leaving tomorrow. Is that true?"

Rossweisse bit her lower lip, turning her head to face him, and continued to look slightly down.

"...I'm sorry, I'm kind of acting childish, we've only known one another for a few days now...but, the truth is, I've not had so much fun in a long time. Even today, when you were fighting that boy, who's name escapes me, and when you won, and gave me half the money...not about the money, but I hadn't received a gift from someone my own age before..."

"That's because, we are friends, right?"


Akira put his hand to the back of his head.

"I don't really get it, and maybe we're only beginning the road to friendship, and could be called acquaintances. But, I truly believe that things happen for a reason, and we met for a reason. Besides, we got to hang out together happily, didn't we? We could even play together, like we did today and in the hospital, even when I threatened you, which I am sorry for. I just, don't understand much about friendship, I've never really had any friends before, so I don't know if I am doing it right but...we can still be friends. Even if I leave, right?"

"...Can we? Even if we don't see one another often?"

"We'll meet up from time to time. Odin-sama seems fine with me and my races, so he would be fine if we met one another sometimes, right?"

"Well, that's true..."

"And we can write one another everyday, and send them with magic."

"You're right..."

"So, don't be sad Rossweisse-san, I'm sure that we'll become good friends eventually."

Rossweisse allowed a beautiful, and enchanting smile to spread across her face.

"Yes, we'll become friends! I'm sorry, it was childish of me...but, I understand, it would be nice if we became friends."

Akira nodded his head, the pair declaring to one another that even if they aren't true friends yet, they'll definitely become better acquainted, no matter how far apart they were from one another.

That night, Akira casually began removing his clothes to go to bed, he hadn't even considered that Gasper might become embarrassed upon seeing his naked body, or most of it at least.

"A-Aki-sama! Y-Your body!"

"Yes, I'm stripping off my clothes so I can relax more comfortably, perhaps you should do the same, and then get into bed with me."

"B-But, that's...y-you want me to strip Aki-sama...? F-For Aki-sama, I'd..."

Akira casually smiled, removing his shirt, tossing it to the side, and then went towards his pants, making Gasper blush even more.

"I only suggested it for comfortable sleeping. You can do as you wish. Because, tomorrow, I'm going to be going home to Kaa-chan and Tou-chan and we're going to live happily again~"

Gasper went towards Akira, and pulled on his hand, as his pants slipped off, revealing his underwear to her, making her gush.

"A-Aki-sama! Y-You're nearly naked!"

"You've seen me naked before Gasper-chan, when we've had baths together." He brought up, making her feel embarrassed. "By the way, you're coming home with me tomorrow."

"E-Eeeeeeh?! A-Aki-sama, that's-"

"I saw the worry on your face, I know you well. I said that day I rescued you that I'd keep you with me if that's your wish, and you decided to follow me. So, you'll come back home with me when I do. You'll love Kaa-chan and Tou-chan, they're amazing parents, and they'll take you on as well, I'm sure. Aaah, when we finally get back to Kuoh, it is going to be fantastic, Gasper-chan. Maybe I'll see Iri-chan again, I wonder how she is now...? She'll be a year older, maybe she forgot about me...but, I'm going to see my parents, this is the best feeling ever..."

Gasper tackled Akira onto the bed, and snuggled against his body, as he dragged himself up the bed, and they looked into one another's eyes.

"Aki-sama...I-I can always stay with you...yes?"

"Yes, that's right, you can always stay with me."


She groaned, collapsing into his chest, as he stroked the back of her head, thinking about tomorrow, finally being able to go back home to his parents again...or, that's what he hoped.

The day of the meeting arrived, and Akira couldn't contain his happiness. He barely could sit still as he waited within a special room that housed the teleportation circle that was meant for long distance travelling between different areas of the world. Even as Odin, Gasper, and Rossweisse (Gondul was busy with something that Akira didn't get) stayed near his form.

"Hohoho, he should be here soon enough."

"Odin-sama, what about my parents? Did you hear anything about them?"

Odin turned his head to the side so Akira couldn't see his face.

"...You'd have to ask Diehauser about that, I wouldn't know."

Something in his voice indicated that he did know, but for whatever reason Akira couldn't discern, he wasn't going to tell the truth.

They continued to wait for a few minutes. They had been waiting nearly an hour, when the light of the circle began to grow brighter and brighter. Akira stood up, and walked closer, a silhouette appearing.

A single one.

That confused Akira.

But he didn't allow himself to be deterred down from this.

Soon, a single figure arrived. It was a man that looked to be around his twenties, and bore a striking resemblance to Akira himself. This man was of course, Diehauser. Akira's eyes welled up when seeing him, and soon the tears rolled down his face.

"Diehauser-nii! It's me! Akira!"

Diehauser's form came into full viewing, and his eyes turned downwards.

Seeing the young boy stood there, looking at him as if new life had been breathed into him, his smile grew as well, and a few tears came from his eyes as well, he didn't even care that he wept in front of Odin or anyone else.

"Akira! Come here!"

Akira rushed towards him, and jumped, hugging onto his body. Diehauser returned the favour, and hugged him right back.


"It's okay now Akira, I'm here now." He soothed to the young boy, petting the back of his head. "I've been searching for you, for so long."

"It's okay, I'm okay..." His eyes went behind him to see if anyone else would have come, but he couldn't see anyone. "Diehauser-nii, where's Tou-chan and Kaa-chan exactly? They' home, waiting for me, right? I bet they've missed me so much too...they're probably going to arrange a birthday party for me, for the one we missed together, and then they'll..."


Diehauser's voice turned towards sadness. Akira's eyes landed upon Diehauser's own.

"Diehauser-nii…? Tou-chan...Kaa-chan, they aren't...t-they couldn't be. They survived, right…? B-Because Tou-chan is strong, and Kaa-chan is strong too, they wouldn't... They're waiting for me to come back home...and we'll be a family again, right…?"

His voice got weaker and weaker as he spoke. Diehauser couldn't stand seeing this. Breaking a child's heart, he didn't want to do it. But he couldn't pretend that they were okay either. It wouldn't be right, and even if it pained him, he had to tell the truth.

"Akira...I'm so sorry..."

"N-No..." His voice trembled, as tears fell from his eyes. ", don't...t-they're not gone...they can't be...w-we're a family...w-we're supposed to g-go home now...a-and h-have fun...a-and..."

"I'm so sorry Akira, I am so sorry. But there's no easy way to say this...they're dead."

Diehauser's eyes sprang a single tear that ran down his face.

With that, it was just confirmation on what Akira truly thought. He had held out hope for as long as he could...but, he knew the truth now, and that truth was...

"They're dead." His voice was broken, beyond depressed, beyond sadness, he was destroyed, hot tears rolling down his near lifeless face. "They're...gone...why? Why are they gone…? We didn't do anything bad...we lived together...we ate often...Tou-chan and I had a bath together...while Kaa-chan cooked...and then we'd eat our meals together every night, and then we'd sit together, and play board games sometimes, or read, or even sing together...why did those people come and kill them…? What did we do wrong…? ...Was it because of me...? I...I wasn't supposed to exist...because Tou-chan's from the Church...and Kaa-chan's a Devil...but, I-I'm a s-secret so...m-my birth w-was se-secret...a-and we hid a-all of the time...b-but, our life was good, we always had fun..."

"I..." Diehauser didn't know how to answer, as Rossweisse's eyes turned downwards, feeling sorry for Akira. "I don't know why Akira, but you didn't do anything wrong. It wasn't because of you, you've done nothing to be blamed for. But I am going to find out. We'll find out why this happened, and I'll get justice for you...for them, for her...for Cleria, I'll do everything I can to get justice for them both...I promise."

It was a promise that Akira couldn't register.

Truly, his parents were gone now.

There were no words that could comfort him.

There were no words that could ease his soul.

All he could do was shed silent tears, replaying the memories back in his head. Memorizing the faces that had taken his mother's, and father's lives. The eyes that met his. The cloud of darkness that filled his mind.


Gasper murmured, seeing the pain that was on his face, and wished she could do something, anything to get rid of it, but of course, she couldn't right now, no one could.

"Diehauser-nii...what am I supposed to do now…? ...If Kaa-chan and Tou-chan are...then where can I go...?"

"Do…? There's nothing to do. You're going to come home with me, to the Underworld. I'll take care of you don't have to be alone anymore."

"But, I can't go to the Underworld...I'm a half a man of the Church...and...Kaa-chan always said that if I was discovered...then I'll be killed for being who I am..."

"I know, I've been working this past year for your rights, so hard for you, and you can come to the Underworld, and live there with me. I'm not going to lie, your life is going to be tough, many wont accept you so easily, because of your half breed status, but you're my nephew, I know you can handle anything thrown at you, you survived on your own, for a year. It must have been so scary, all alone, but you did it."

"...They hunted me, everyday, I never...I never got to take a break...I saw a lot of things, Diehauser-nii...people that I grew to care for...people tried to help me, but they killed them...and some even ran...and they tried to kill me, and I was separated from people I grew to care for...but, Odin-sama and Rossweisse-san and Gondul-sama were kind to me after I acted terribly because I was scared...and I saved a girl...she's coming back with us...I'll protect her...I'll keep Gasper-chan safe now...but, I can really go to the Underworld...? Will I be...a low class Devil...?"

"I...I'm not entirely sure right now, it's a little complicated due to your status as a half breed, however even if you are, you can rise through the ranks with my guidance, and obtain a peerage, and do what you like. I rose through the ranks of the Rating Game, and became the strongest, so I could provide for my family, you can do the same thing. No one's ever going to hurt you again, Akira. I'll make sure of it."

Akira's eyes fell behind Diehauser, and focused on the ground.

"...I need to become find out what happened...why they tried to kill us that day...why they came for us...and get justice for them...for my parents..."

"Yes, and I'll help you become strong, Akira. Stronger than anyone."

"Thank you, Diehauser-nii...Kaa-chan...Tou-chan..."

Akira's eyes faced the ground and made a vow within himself.

No matter how hard it was.

No matter what trials and tribulations he would have to face.

He was going to find the people responsible for what happened to his parents, and he was going to make them pay, for taking them away from him.

On this, he was sure.

End chapter!

First of all, an update on stories people think are dead, or something else for those who are interested and have been asking me about, I thought I'd address it here for everyone, if not, skip this bit, and look below for some important information.

Astaroth Heir; I'm currently debating on doing a rewrite for it as I do like Astaroth Heir, while keeping the core of the story the same with Zenki and other things.

Unusual Uchiha; I am going to be doing a rewrite for this fic, and change some stuff around that I didn't like before, same basic premise and character in Ryouta, but updated to fit the ideal story I'd like going forward.

Exorcist of Phenex; Still writing chapters for it, just taking a little longer but that isn't dead.

Younger Brother's New Life; Still writing chapters for it, just taking a little longer but it isn't dead, finishing off the Rating Game for that story.

So, there we go!

This story, is to celebrate the fact that I've been on this site for just over five years now! Time really flies, I hadn't realized until I was skimming through my page and looked at the date that I joined.

But back to here, we got Akira, the son of Masaomi and Cleria, who did their best to protect their son. And Akira has been through quite a lot, on the run for an entire year, and being attacked and what not, and has met a few people that might pop back up in the story later on, along with taking Gasper with him, we'll get back to that later on. Then his fated meeting with Rossweisse, and what he had been through there. Loki even seems to dislike him, and might be playing a bigger role than he did in canon when it comes to Akira. He's going to have quite a tough time, he's a half breed from a Devil, and a human from the Church, but it shall make him a stronger person, and he's got a story arc to go through.

And yes, I can confirm that Rossweisse, Gasper (fem) and Irina, are going to be apart of his peerage, and harem. Those three, confirmed, and unmovable.

Why those three? Some might be asking that.

Well, Irina because of what happened at the beginning of this chapter, and if you know who Touji is, or look him up quickly, then we'll be seeing some interesting developments there. And Rossweisse, because I think Rossweisse is a really good character, quite strong with her magic, and totally underutilized in the main series. The same can go for Irina actually to a slightly lesser extent. And Gasper because I've got some cool combinations for Gasper and Akira in the future, and they're both half breeds, so Akira would understand Gasper more than Rias would. So yeah, those three are going to be in his peerage for quite some different plots. What pieces they'll be, Irina a Knight, and for Rossweisse and Gasper, I haven't fully decided yet, they can fit into different roles.

Now, here comes the fun part of his peerage building! A good, solid balanced Peerage between attackers, supporters, and what not. And actually, I have a few ideas that can be voted for as well as suggestions are always good.

Two are, Asia and Xenovia, I thought they'd be pretty interesting, considering that Akira is somewhat religious despite being a Devil due to his Father, and a few other things like Xenovia's holy swords, and Asia's healing along with Fafnir she gets later on, they'd be pretty good on Akira's peerage.

Another one is a female Vali and Akira, they would be able to relate to one another pretty well, considering their half breed status, their terrible childhoods in some different ways, but still quite equally terrible, and Vali's pretty powerful, so probably either a Rook, a number of Pawn's, or the Queen piece.

Oh yeah, any member taken from Rias' peerage I've got a replacement for.

Since Akira is a half Devil, he is gonna have a Sacred Gear. If that's a Longinus, or something else entirely, depends on how you guys, and girls, vote!

I thought about Regulus Nemea as his Sacred Gear, then I thought about Sairaorg, and what he'd have instead of Regulus Nemea. I thought about having a Nemean lion as his Pawn, as there's been mentions of them so Sairaorg could tame one of them, just an idea I thought so. If anyone has suggestions for that, let me know.

Another idea is a normal Sacred Gear, that could evolve into a Longinus later on, kinda like how Gasper's did, Variant Detonation would be a pretty good one for Akira to have I think, quite explosive and with Akira's powers, it could be a cool combination.

I'd say one of the new Longinus' that have been introduced, though we really don't know much about them right now even though some sound pretty awesome.

Another idea is a Sacred Gear or split into two like Saji's is split into four, based off Fenrir's power, or similar to how Sairaorg did with Regulus, and reincarnate Fenrir perhaps (yes I know he's powerful, so he'd probably take all the Pawn's, or Queen piece), and have them sync their powers together, someone suggested this to me a while ago and I thought this was a pretty cool idea.

I wont be doing Annihilation Maker for this Oc, since I've got a plan for that in a future half Angel fic for those who were wondering.

And suggestions for both peerage and Sacred Gear, always welcome of course. For definite though, three places on the peerage are taken, as well as the harem.

So yeah, that's it, I'll begin posting peerages next chapter once I have a good idea on where the votes lie, but for the harem, here it is and until next time!

Akira; Rossweisse, Irina, Gasper (fem).