Sonic the Hedgehog and its characters don't belong to me, they are property of SEGA/Sonic Team.

Sailor Moon and its characters don't belong to me, they are property of Naoko Takeuchi/TOEI Animation.

Chapter 4: Miracle Romance! The Legendary Silver Crystal vs. The Chaos Emeralds!

Both rivals continued with their confrontation, Metal Sonic shot their discharges against the blue hedgehog, he could barely dodge his attacks by now. When Sonic realized that Metal Sonic's attack ceased, he rushed to execute his Homing Attack against the robot, however, Metal Sonic activated his barrier making Sonic to step back and quickly tackled him with it, strongly impacting the hedgehog by throwing him a few meters away. Having no intentions of surrendering, Sonic charged his Spin Dash while several lights began to surround his body, Metal Sonic imitated this action, and now both were surrounded by a green-aura. Both took position.


"I've let you live long enough..."



Both rivals executed their Light Speed Dash clashing with the other's one, bouncing back after the impact. They did this repeatedly, maintaining a confrontation consisting of punches, kicks, Homing Attacks, and a long etcetera. After the Light Speed Dash of both ended, they reloaded a Normal Spin Dash, clashing once again. However, Metal Sonic was able to overcome Sonic by sending him through mid-air.

"What the heck…?! Metal didn't have this kind of strength a few moments ago! Why does it seem as the battle progresses, he becomes stronger over and over? "- Sonic said concerned.

"That's because of the new program I had installed in my system, it allows me to adapt to my opponent movements and respond with more accurate and powerful blows. In other words… I'm stronger, faster and smarter that your Sonic" - mocked the robot.

"As if was!" - he rushed with his Homing Attack, being blocked by Metal Sonic's barrier, and just as he removed it, Sonic drop-kicked Metal, making him to bounce on the ground, but he quickly regained his combat position.

"So... You still have some fighting left in you, I'll show you a little trick then" - Metal Sonic said while his right arm took on a cannon shape -"FIRE!" - literally, a burst of fire shot out of the robot's arm.

"A FLAMETHROWER?!" - this really had surprised the hedgehog at the same time he dodged the incoming flames, but he could feel the heat of that attack.

Metal Sonic used his propellers to raise up to pursue the blue hedgehog with its flamethrower; he hated to admit it, but Metal was giving him serious troubles. The robot put aside its flamethrower to launch several of its lighting attacks to the hedgehog, which did a great jump to dodge it and stayed above Metal Sonic, giving it a powerful kick that send it to the ground; Sonic upon touching the ground quickly loads his Spin Dash and tackles Metal Sonic tightly, sticking to his robotic body pushing him several meters. Metal Sonic tried to stop Sonic's Spin Dash with his robotic hands, using its legs to maintain his position just to lift up the whole ground. However, Metal made a risky move, allowing Sonic's Spin Dash to hitting him on its chest, causing great damage on him, only to embrace the hedgehog with both arms, stopping his Spin Dash in the process and have Sonic face him.

"You're mine now" - said maliciously Metal Sonic.



"DDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" - Sonic shouted in pain feeling the powerful discharge roam to every part of his body. Moments later, the electricity ceased, leaving behind a completely motionless hedgehog after receiving the attack, Metal raised up a few meters to release and land a powerful kick on the hedgehog, sending him to the floor after being dragged a few meters, leaving him badly wounded plus practically out of combat. Not only that, Metal Sonic finally took over the Chaos Emerald.

"Hmhmhmhmhmhmh... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" – the robot laughed maliciously after seeing his rival lying on the floor, the moment he's been waiting for a long time was just at hand, just one more attack and he would be the only and true Sonic – "Looks like I finally won Sonic, so I'll be taking this Chaos Emerald as a symbol of my triumph" - he said with a great and perverse satisfaction as the two emeralds begun to float around Metal Sonic, adhering to his body and therefore increasing his power - "The experiment of these women gave much better results than I had anticipated"

"W-Women...? You mean that Eggman is not alone in this?" - he said with great difficulty.

"Oops, I think I spoke out of account, although no that it matters anymore in truth, after all this place will be your grave Sonic. Thanks to these improvements, and along with the 7 Chaos Emeralds, I will become the most powerful being of this pathetic world, I WILL BE A GOD! The hell with the doctor plans, anyone who dares to challenge me will suffer the consequences!" - said Metal Sonic as he began to charge one last attack against the blue hedgehog.

"Darn it, guess I won't be able to keep my promise after all, I'm sorry Serena..." - Sonic said full of frustration trying to stand up, never before in his whole life he had felt so powerless. Metal Sonic was ready to deliver the final blow.

"FAREWELL! SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!" – Metal Sonic released his discharge against the hedgehog, causing a loud noise raising a large cloud of dust that covered the entire impact site - "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AT LAST! I DID IT! I HAVE ALREADY KILLED THAT BLASTED HEDGEHOG! NOW I AM THE REAL SONIC!" - Metal Sonic shout triumphant, but his joy would soon disappear after realizing his cruel reality, little by little the dust dissipated - "IMPOSSIBLE!"

For Sonic's surprise, he had heard Metal Sonic's attack collide, but he didn't feel the impact. He looked up to spot a figure standing in front of him, who formed a barrier around them raising her rod that it used to create it.

"SERENA!" - the hedgehog said very happy to see his friend safe and sound.

"It's a good thing I decided not to listen to your proposal after all Sonic" - Serena said turning her head a little while showing a warm smile the hedgehog could notice.

"Hehe, normally I'm the hero of this place, today you are completely overshadowing me Sailor Moon" - he said with a tone full of irony letting out a slight laugh, which Serena also did.

"Sonic! Are you alright?!" – Tails said moving aside his best friend worried about his condition, but they were interrupted again.

"STUPID GIRL! YOU SHOULD HAVE STAYED LIKE I LEFT YOU! THAT WAY YOU WOULD HAD A LESS PAINFUL DEATH!" – the robot said furiously as he rushed at full speed towards Sailor Moon to nail one of his claws on her.

"MOON BARRIER ON!" – the Sailor invoked her barrier again blocking Metal Sonic's attack the same way he did with Sonic a few moments ago. At this moment the light coming from the full moon rested on Sailor Moon's tiara, making it to glow brightly.

"MOON TWILIGHT FLASH!" – she released a sky-blue energy beam from the tiara impacting on Metal Sonic, causing a great damage on him stepping it back about 20 meters away from they were, sending it to the ground for the umpteenth time that night.

"Way it go Sailor Moon! That's how it's done! "- Tails encouraged the Sailor Senshi; Sonic for his part felt very proud of Sailor Moon and put a smile of satisfaction on his face, while an angry Metal Sonic stood up, releasing a violent yellow aura reddening his eyes even more.

"YOU MISERABLE RUNTS! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU! I'M SENDING THE THREE OF YOU STRAIGHT TO HELL!" - Metal Sonic shouted irritated rising a few meters from the ground charging an attack within the core located in the center of his chest, he would use all the energy of the Chaos Emeralds to put an end to the fight.

"I won't let you! I may be a very whiny, scared, and clumsy girl, but... I wish to help everyone!" - Sailor Moon said willing to protect both Sonic and Tails. She the began to have visions of her friends who offered her their support.

Amy: Serena!

Rei: Serena!

Makoto: Serena!

Minako: Serena!

Chibiusa: Serena!

Luna and Artemis: Sailor Moon!

Haruka: Kitten…

Michiru: Serena...

Setsuna: Princess...

Hotaru: Serena!

Mamoru: Serena... you must have faith in yourself, YOU CAN DO IT SAILOR MOON!

"Everyone, Mamo-chan..." - she said as a tear escaped from her right eye falling on the transformation brooch that Queen Serenity had given to her, causing the Silver Crystal which rested inside of it to intensely shine, wrapping the Sailor Senshi with so many red ribbons causing a great glow. When the light faded, Sonic and Tails were stunned by Serena's new appearance, she was wearing a beautiful white dress with shoulder pads, there was a half-moon posed on her forehead. It was Princess Serenity in person; the Silver Crystal settled on the center of her chest with its flowering form, the princess extended her arms holding the Moon Rod pointing towards Metal Sonic.

(Moonlight Densetsu - OST)

"MOON PRINCESS HALATION!" - the princess harnessed energy within her Moon Rod and freed it as a yellow energy beam directly to Metal Sonic.

"DIE!" - shouted Metal Sonic releasing a powerful bolt of blue energy from the core of his chest, which collided with the attack of the princess.

At this very moment, lots of cracks formed on the ground due to the strength of both attacks, and strong gusts formed around the place. Serena could feel the overwhelming power of Metal Sonic's attack which was gaining territory over the princess' attack.

"You wretched girl! Why you keep getting in my way?!"

"You're trying to hurt those who I care about, I've let many do that in the past and regret it later… I'm through of watching my friends suffer!"

Gomen ne sunao ja nakute

Yume-no nakanara ieru

Shikou kairo-wa shouto-sunzen

Ima-sugu aitai-yo

"You fool, I'd worry about yourself first, YOU THINK YOU CAN STOP ME WITH THAT PUNY POWER?!"

"YES, I CAN! Because my friends gave the power to save everyone!"

"Yeah! You tell him Moon!" – Sonic cheered the blondie.

"Go for it Serena!" – Tails did the same.


"IDIOT! Those who rely on others strength are nothing but weaklings! I'LL CRUSH YOU WITH MY ULTIMATE POWER!" – Metal Sonic intensified its attack, pushing back Serena's one little by little, she found herself struggling.

Nakitaku naru-yo-na moonlight

Denwa mo dekinai midnight

Datte junjou doushiyou

Haato-wa mangekyou

"This is… is just like that time…" - at this moment the Silver Crystal within Serena's chest began to glow again. "Please… please, Silver Crystal! Make me believe in the world Sonic wants to protect… His World!"

Tsuki-no hikari-ni michibikare

Nando-mo meguri-au

Hikawa Shrine

The sadness that had invaded the shrine was replaced by a sensation filled with hope, thus Rei had another vision on the sacred fire.

"Serena...! SERENA IS ALIVE!" - the priestess shouted with joy, leaving everyone with mixed feelings.

"I knew it! I knew it! Serena couldn't just leave us like that!" – Minako said drying her tears.

"We might not know where she is, but is good to know she is safe" – Makoto said feeling relieved, who also dried her tears.

"Wait girls! I see something else..." – Rei said trying to understand the vision the sacred fire presented her, which was a prayer from Serena - "Serena... She's fighting! And she needs our help!" – the Sailor of fire said alarmed.

Seiza-no matataki kazoe uranau koi-no yukue

Onaji kuni-ni umareta-no


"But what can we possibly do? I can't even detect her signal on my mercury computer!" – Amy said desperately.

"Girls! You might not be able help her physically, but you can lend her your strength through your spirits as Sailors!" - Luna explained to the Sailor Scouts.

"That's true! Remember your friendship goes beyond all frontiers!" - Artemis told the Inner Senshi, who nodded to each other and then transformed.

Mo-ichi-do futari-de weekend

Kami-sama kanaete happy-end

Genzai-kako-mirai mo

Anata-ni kubittake

Back to the fight

Metal Sonic decided to use the full power of both Chaos Emeralds to give more power to its attack, overwhelming the princess.

"This is bad!" – Tails said concerned.

"Come on Serena! You can do better than this, I know it! Tails and I are here for you! Show that faker a thing or two!" – Sonic encouraged the princess.

Deatta toki-no natsukashii

Manazashi wasurenai


An image of all the Sailor Senshi, Chibiusa, her family, friends, and Mamoru popped on her head. She was willing to give it everything for them.

"You worthless brat… I'LL PUT YOU TO SLEEP ALONG WITH THAT MEDDLING HEDGEHOG FOR GOOD!" – Metal Sonic intensified the energy beam, giving the princess a lot of trouble to maintain her composure.

"Everyone… lend me your strength…! Please!

Ikusenman-no hoshi-kara anata-o mitsukerareru

Guuzen mo chansu-ni kaeru ikikata-ga suki-yo

Suddenly, transparent figures of four beautiful young women with similar outfits to Sailor Moon's first transformation rested their hands on the Moon Rod, giving up their power to it. Sonic and Tails could see them as well.





Four glows of blue, red, green and orange color respectively coming from the tiaras of the Inner Senshi where placed on Serena's chest where the Silver Crystal rested, giving more power to the Moon Rod. There was a time when Metal Sonic's attack didn't keep advancing.

Fushigi-na kiseki kurosushite

Nando-mo meguri-au

"WHAT THE...?! WHERE SHE GOT SO MUCH POWER?!" - said a desperate and indignant Metal Sonic.

"MOON CRYSTAL POWER!" - the crescent moon on Serena's forehead shone intensely. The Moon Rod then absorbed Metal Sonic's attack, plus gathering a lot of pink energy; all of its was released as an energy beam of the same color with an 6ft radio directed to Metal Sonic. He summoned his barrier before getting caught on the reaction, but the shield slowly torn apart until it finally shared to pieces, so Metal received the full-frontal impact.

Seiza-no matataki kazoe uranau koi-no yukue

Onaji kuni-ni umareta-no Mirakuru-romansu

Shinjite-iru-no mirakuru-romansu

"NO...! THIS CAN'T BE! ¡GGGGRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" - he shouted in pain while slowly disappearing within the princess' attack, illuminating the night with that pink glow, until it finally subsided. The residents of Spagonia caught sight for this.

(End of the OST)

The fighting had finally come to and end, at least for now, since the three heroes knew that this was just beginning of their journey, definitely a wild start. Princess Serenity eventually reverted to her Sailor Moon form, feeling completely exhausted she closed her eyes about to faint and hitting the ground… If not for Sonic that caught her on his arms, despite his wounds.

"Serena! Serena!" – Sonic said concerned fearing the worst once again, Tails also felt the same way.

Little by little, the Sailor Senshi re-opened her eyes facing the hedgehog drawing a warm smile to let him know that she was alright – "Sonic… I'm fine, just a little tired" – she said calming the hedgehog, who grinned the same way Serena did.

"You know, you got a lot of things to explain Sailor Moon" – he said in a serious tone, worrying Serena because Sonic and Tails might start doubting her or consider her an enemy – "Seriously, why didn't you tell us you were capable of doing amazing stuff like that?!"

Sailor Moon kinda blushed due to this comment and dished out any negative thoughts the boys could have of her – "Well… Is not like I do that kind of stuff really often" – she said keeping her smile.

"That was incredible! You actually outmatched Metal Sonic! We could barely defend ourselves against him!" – Tails said praising the Sailor Senshi.

"Actually, I got a little help…" – she said gazing at the full moon, which was shining greatly.

"You mean those girls with outfits like yours?" – Tails asked.

"You could see them?" – the Sailor asked back, both Sonic and Tails nodded.

"I dare to say they're more than just friends, aren't they?" – Sonic said.

"That's right, they are Sailors like me, and… they're like my sisters" – Sailor Moon said with melancholy, but happiness as well, since she has already realized that she's not and will never be alone.

"You know, the moon is shining a lot tonight, I suppose that's you're doing isn't it?" – Sonic asked the blondie while both of them kept a warm smile – "Seems they don't call you Sailor Moon for nothing"

"The Queen was right, wherever I go the moon watches over me, doesn't matter if this isn't the same planet Earth, the same Moon, the same universe… A universe where the Sailor Senshis don't exist… but, even so… Heroes will always remain, just like the moonlight… The Moonlight of His World"

The three of them started to laugh slightly, but then Sonic complained about his wounds.

"Oh no! Sonic!" – Tails and Sailor Moon said worried for the hedgehog.

"It's ok, just a few punches, nothing to worry about" – Sonic tried his best keep his cool attitude to calm his friends.

"Don't say that! It's…! It's my fault this happened…" – she said feeling her eyes getting watered.

"Oh, come on! Don't tell me you're so easy to blame yourself? You didn't cause anything of this, in fact, you saved us the butt to me and Tails! We're used to stuff like this, we would eventually have to confront Eggman or Metal Sonic in due time, if was just a fortune you were here to lend us a hand, despite I told you it wasn't necessary" – Sonic said comforting the girl.

"Well, is just… I've always left my friends sacrifice themselves for me, and…"

"You feel it must be you the one who does it, right?" – Sonic said, catching the attention of the Sailor – "Let me give you a tip: A hero will always try his best to save everyone around him or her, and itself too, because that hero will be needed for future fights, so if he or she sacrifices on the last battle, it won't be able to save nobody anymore when needed again, which is I why I can't afford to die because there's still brawls to be fought. Plus, you don't have to do it alone, you got your own teammates you can trust, right?"

"Sonic…" – everything the hedgehog just said had an impact on Serena, because how many times she has thought of sacrificing herself to save others? If she had done it even once, then she wouldn't be available when a newer enemy had appeared. Thus, she really hated when others would suffer because of her lack of strength, but she assimilated she had to do everything all alone, then realized she wasn't trusting her friends, neither in herself. Even Sonic, before proposing her to fight for the two of them, he said they should face danger together.

"Come on Serena, you don't have to do EVERYTHING on your own, you have those girls you consider your sisters, your boyfriend, and you got us too!" – Tails said referring to him and Sonic.

"Guys… Thank you!" – Sailor Moon said crying, but these tears were of happiness – "Even so, let me treat those wounds of you Sonic" – she said standing up after recovering a bit of her energy, then opened her transformation brooch.

"MOON HEALING!" – using the power of the Silver Crystal contained on the brooch, she immediately cured Sonic and Tails wounds, surprising them even more, but Serena was about to collapse again.

"Whoa!" – Sonic said catching the Sailor on his arms again – "Don't pass out on me yet! What did I just tell you?"

"N-No worries… I didn't use all the energy from the Silver Crystal, I saved a bit for me" – she said keeping her smile and calming the hedgehog.

"The Silver what?" - Sonic and Tails said in unison, they had no idea what the blondie was talking about - "You mean that jewel gave you the power to match the Chaos Emeralds Metal Sonic had…?" - the hedgehog asked.

"Wait… THE EMERALDS!" – all three heroes had completely forgot about them.

"Tails, do me a favor and watch over Serena for bit" – he said putting the Sailor gently on the floor and rushed to collect the emeralds. One minute later he came back with both Chaos Emeralds – "That makes two emeralds in our list, 5 more to go!"

"What will happen when we get all seven?" – Sailor Moon asked.

"We'll practically be able to travel across time and space, allowing us to return you to your world Serena" – Tails explained the blondie, giver her a ray of hope between darkness.

"Anyway, what where you saying about that crystal Serena?" – Sonic asked.

"Well, legend says that it's the most powerful object in the universe, at least in my universe, it's practically my life source and what gives me power, though is linked to my feelings" - Serena explained to her friends - "There will be no more secrets, I'll tell you everything, who I am and where do I come from, because I realized I can fully trust you guys, plus you deserve to know because you're already compromised. But I would prefer to do it tomorrow, I had enough for today…"

"No problem, but really, you don't have to tell us anything if you don't want to, we won't force you either"- Sonic said honesty.

"I imagine carrying a jewel containing incredible powers mustn't be that simple, so it's easy to understand your reasons for hiding your identity" - Tails said in the same way.

"Thank you so much for understanding me guys!" – Sailor Moon said happily, she really needed that.

"Alright, I don't know you guys, but we should decide where to head next" – the hedgehog.

"Well, the Tornado-2 must be badly damaged due to the attack of Metal Sonic, and trying to repair it at mid-night doesn't sound an attractive idea, considering everything we've been through today. I suggest we pass the night over Professor Pickle's place" – Tails suggested – "I just hope we don't bother him a lot"

"We saved the world from Dark Gaia, I suppose he won't have any inconvenient in returning the favor" – Sonic said.

"If that place has a comfortable bed and food, let's head immediately! I'm beat…" – the Sailor said feeling exhausted.

"Hehe, I'm with you on that one Moon" – Sonic responded with his usual energic tone as he prepared to lift up Sailor Moon once again.

"By the way Sonic, what happened with Metal Sonic?" – the fox asked.

"When I found the emeralds, there was no sigh left of him, perhaps he's gone forever… But who knows, that bolt brain has survived worst"

Hikawa Shrine

"Serena… Serena did it!" – the beautiful priestess said rising her voice.

"Yeah! She...! She did what?" – said Minako making everyone else go backsides.

"She…! Well, I don't exactly know what happened, all I saw on the vision from the Sacred Fire is that Serena was in her princess form struggling to hold her attack against the enemy, but she eventually outclassed it" – explained Rei.

"Seems our thoughts managed to reach her" – Makoto said smiling showing her happiness.

"But as long we don't find her, she will still be in danger, though she must have escaped somehow from the clutches of the enemy" – Luna said concerned.

"Did you see how it looked like?" – asked Amy.

"It's kinda hard to describe its features, but I assure you he looked like one of these robots" – Rei said.

"It must have been another one of that man abominations, if Serena escaped somehow, he must have tried to recapture her, but failed" – Artemis analyzed the situation.

"Given as it is, we have to find her quickly!" – Minako said desperately.

"But we don't know where to start looking yet! I keep tracking her signal on my computer, but she's no where to be found!" – said a concerned Amy.

"It's like if she's not on Earth anymore!" – Makoto said.

"I might consider the possibility, given we have met people from outer space pretending to be humans" – theorized Amy.

Before anyone else could say another thing, Rei noticed her communicator was ringing, so she proceeded to answer the call – "This is Mars, who is this?"

"Rei, it's me, Haruka" – said the Sailor of the Wind through the communicator – "Did you feel it too?"

"I felt lots of things, be more specific"

"The death and resurrection of Sailor Moon, perhaps?"

"Yeah, I did… How did you find out?" – the priestess asked.

"Michiru had a vision of Kitten on her princess form through the Neptune's Mirror, seems she managed to defeat one these robots, though it seemed to be one of greater caliber given the troubles it was causing to her" – Haruka said.

"At least she defeated it" – Rei said relieved.

"Right, but we still need to find Kitten right away, Setsuna has an idea of where could she be, we're heading to the Shrine immediately" – Haruka said.

"Understood, we'll be waiting for you guys, Mars out"

Professor Pickle's Lab

The three heroes were in the Professor's studio telling him everything that happened, about the arrival of Serena, the confrontation with Metal Sonic and the great pink glow that didn't go unnoticed by the population, all while enjoying a rich tea cup, along with the professor's famous cucumber sandwiches; Serena could easily eat ten since she was starving.

"I imagined that glow was your doing. Seriously, you guys can't stay out of trouble at least for 5 minutes" - the professor said ironically to our heroes, to which Tails and Serena laughed nervously.

"You know me Professor, I'm someone who likes hard emotions" - the hedgehog said with his usual tone.

"About right, it's been a long time since we fought a battle of that magnitude" - Tails replied to his friend's comment.

"Although it seems a greater one is about to take place, if that Doctor Eggman is seeking the Chaos Emeralds to carry out his plans, then you must find them before he does" - the professor replied.

"He wouldn't be trying to resurrect Dark Gaia again, right?" - the hedgehog asked.

"Dark Gaia? Who is that?" - Serena asked innocently.

"Dark Gaia is a creature that is found asleep at the most recondite of the Earth's core, Eggman used the power of the 7 Chaos Emeralds to revive it exactly a year ago, it represented a great threat to the planet's security, but Sonic used that same power to seal it again" - the Professor explained to the blondie - "No need to worry about that Sonic, it will take millions of years for Dark Gaia to regain its strength, so Eggman should be focusing on another project that involves the emeralds"

"I see, well no matter, we'll put a stop to Eggman as usual, that egghead won't know what hit him!" - Sonic said raising his fist towards the ceiling.

"You can count with me for that Sonic!" - Tails said enthusiastically.

"And with me too" - Serena said this time, surprising Sonic and Tails - "I've already made my mind, I'm going to fight, although I hate to do it, but there never seems to be another alternative, right?" - she said with a serious and sad face - "But you know guys, you reminded me that there will always be a reason to fight, and that's not bad at all, since we do it for the common good, to protect our loved ones, and I can't just stand doing nothing when I could make the difference" – said the blondie firmly and decided.

"I couldn't have said it better myself, it's good to have you in our team Sailor Moon" - said Sonic raising his thumb to the blondie again.

"Well guys, you must be exhausted, tomorrow we can continue with our conversation, you should get some rest alright. The problem is that I only have a guest room with one bed, and for someone of my age sleeping in the couch is not that pleasant, so how you guys will organize?" – the professor said.

"Leave the room for Serena, Tails can sleep in the couch, I'll go sleep to the rooftop" – Sonic said.

"What? Are you sure Sonic? I could make you a space in the room" - suggested the blondie.

"Nah! It's okay, I like to sleep outdoors anyway" - the hedgehog said.

"Very well, then I'll see you guys in the morning, you're in your home, good night" – the professor said as he retired to his room to rest.

"Man, what a day, I'll go to take a bath first, goodnight guys" – Serena said as she retired to the guest room.

"Good night Serena" – both answered.

After preparing all her stuff, he headed to the bathroom and proceed to fill the bathtub with hot water; she then started to undress and finally got into the tub. The warm sensation made her feel like in heaven, every part of her muscles relaxed instantly.

"The professor sure is a nice person, and too witty for his age, he wouldn't stop saying how perfect the cucumber sandwiches must be, and he seems both quite a relaxed and smart person, I wish Amy wouldn't stress herself so much just like the professor and Tails do" - However, the mere fact of remembering Amy reminded her all the Sailor Senshis, but if something good came from all this, it was that the prayer she made to her friends reached them, and gave her the strength she needed to defeat Metal Sonic, as it happened in her fight with Queen Beryl 4 years ago, fortunately there were no casualties to regret this time.

"Everyone... Mamo-chan... I don't know where I am or how I got here in the first place, but at least I know I'm not alone, I have two new and wonderful friends who care about me selflessly, and I have to help them in return since they already became important in my life, despite having only one day of meeting them, but I'm sure we'll be all together again, and maybe I can even introduce you to Sonic and Tails... Forgive me for making you go through a terrible anguish, even my parents, that twerp of Shingo, must be very worried because I haven't shown up at home, but I assure you don't have to fear for my safety, after all, the moon protects me" - the blondie thought to herself while she submerged a little more in the bathtub, she wasn't in a hurry of coming out, giving all the events she had to go through in a single day she wanted to calm her body and mind as much as she could.

Meanwhile, on the roof was our favorite hedgehog, who looked more serious than usual, he then clenched his right fist before hitting the wall next to him.

"DARN IT! I COULDN'T DO A THING!" – Sonic shouted trying to release all his frustration.

"Sonic…?" – Tails caught sight of this.

"Tails… I didn't see you there, buddy"

"Are you ok? You don't look like your usual self" – Tails said worried.

"Yeah, um…" – the hedgehog tried to keep his cool, but failed – "The truth is… I feel terrible, Serena almost perished in that battle, it should have been me who had to defeat Metal Sonic, clearly I couldn't be the hero today… But I'm glad she came through, I almost broke my promise…"

"Well, is you just like you said, a hero will always do its best to save everyone and itself, and you highlighted the importance of teamwork, that's how we've always been able to take on all the challenges Eggman and life itself had in store for us" – Tails said.

"I know that buddy, I've never believed I have reached the top just with my own strength, I have you guys to thank you for that" – Sonic said feeling better and grinning - "If Metal Sonic is still out there, I will be the one who asks him for a rematch next time, and I'll emerge victorious! But for now, our focus is to keep Serena safe" – he said decided – "Still, I don't understand how Metal Sonic got this powerful, he mentioned something about a program that let him adapt to my moves"

"An adaptability program…!" – Tails said catching the attention of the hedgehog – "Basically, Metal Sonic's system let him adapt quickly to his surroundings and circumstances, so as the battle progressed, he analyzed your data and the program calculated the necessary algorithms to counter your moves, thus increasing his strength and speed due to the response time. I'm surprised Eggman never came out with a program like that for his robots back then"

"That must be 'cuz Eggman didn't design it, Metal mentioned something about some women who made an experiment with his circuits" – Sonic said.

"Women you said?" – Tails said surprised – "That means Eggman is not alone in this!"

"Tell me about it, seems that Egghead got himself some new assistants, but what worries me is that he might come after Serena next" – Sonic said in a serious tone.

"What makes you think that?"

"Because Serena having a jewel just as strong as the Chaos Emeralds equals to Eggman obsessed with a new power source to exploit for his evil purposes" – Sonic explained.

"Yeah… that's pretty typical of Eggman. In that case, we got to move fast and collect the Chaos Emeralds to send Serena back to her world out of Eggman's reach" – Tails also said decided.

"Fast is my second name! But let's get some rest first, something tells from now on we'll need to be extra careful" – the hedgehog finished saying.

Eggman's Secret Base

"So… Metal Sonic disobeyed me again, and on top of that he didn't finish off Sonic when he could, perishing against the power of that girl" – Eggman said really disgusted – "Still, the good news is that he actually managed to defeat that blasted hedgehog, which means he's not invincible as he presumes, by making the necessary adjustments and taking side of caution we can get rid of Sonic forever and capture that girl, wouldn't you say so… Eudial?"

"That's right doctor, thanks to the data you lend me about this Sonic character and how Metal Sonic was built with the sole purpose of killing it, me and my sisters where able to design the adaptability program he needed to outclass that hedgehog, everything was going according to planned… until that stupid Sailor Moon appeared to ruin everything, as usual…"

"Seems we got a lot more in common, our despise towards our enemies… Still, remember I need the girl alive" – he said.

"Why can't we just take the Silver Crystal from her?" – she asked in confusion.

"Because the Crystal alone won't release its full potential by itself, except its user, which in this case will be that Sailor Moon girl, so… if we can control the user, we'll unlock its full power and keep it for ourselves" – he said grinning maniacally.

"I'm not a big fan of that plan, but least I'll have her face to face to pay her back the humiliation she made us go through back in our world" – she said grinning the same way.

"Back on topic, is the experiment ready?" – Eggman asked.

"Not yet doctor, but the Daimon Seed has already been planted, the estimated time to development is of 12 hours" - Eudial said.

"Though is just a prototype, keep working in the incubation time of these seeds, we need to produce as much as we can to build up our army" – the doctor said.

"Understood doctor, I retire to my labors" – Eudial said existing the room.

"Heh heh heh heh heh… It was a good thing I met these women, thanks to that I learned about the existence of a greater power source. Soon, when I get my hands on the Legendary Silver Crystal and the Chaos Emeralds, the absolute power will be all mine…! Not even Sonic or that Sailor Moon girl will stand in my way, I won't just control this planet, but the whole universe! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!" – he finished with his usual maniac laugh.

-To be continued-

Author's Note: For Thunder Dragon, Kaiser Dragon and Dragonfan…

You guys are apologized, thank you for understand me, hope you don't take it personally. Don't get me wrong, I love Sonic the Hedgehog, though I haven't played all the games due to my small spending power, also I'm not a big fan of comics, which is why I don't follow the archie comics, mostly because where I live, I didn't grow with stuff like that. Even so, I've got to give you credits, I didn't realized Sonic was THAT STRONG! I checked some Youtube videos explaining how powerful he is, and I was shocked!

Back with the story… did you like it? You loved it? You hated it? (NO GOD PLEASE NO!) So yeah, the Death Busters from Sailor Moon are back teaming up with Eggman, the Witches 5 want revenge! Also, you think Metal Sonic was overpowered in this fight? Perhaps a little, so I tried my best justify the increase in his power to the point of outmatching Sonic, which was necessary for the plot, and I wanted to give Sailor Moon some spotlight, hope you liked how everything resulted.

Now… The story will have a hiatus, since I need to re-organize my ideas, actually the Death Busters weren't in my first plans, but after reading some reviews and given in the anime the Witches are clearly scientists, I thought they were the perfect match for Eggman to team up with. I don't know how much time it will take, but I want to have at least 3 chapters ready for uploading once I'm done.

With that said, thank you for following the story so far! I hope I can finish it, since most of the StH & SM Crossovers I've read are being left unfinished, I don't wanna be part of that group! But for now… Ciao!