Dragon Ball Z: Dynasty

Written by: Feraligreater328

Edited by: StevenBodner

A/N: This is going to be a bit of a shorter one than the last few chapters. I know it bothers people a bit to get short chapters after a string of longer ones, but I have certain stories I want to tell between now and the Cell Games that, while important, don't all really add up to 10,000-word additions to the story. I hope, regardless of length, this chapter is one that you all find interesting. And, just to clarify, the Cell Games will start with Chapter 96.

A/N, Supplementary: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is a really good Netflix show and everyone should watch it. I just binged it for the third time and I absolutely adore it!

Chapter 91: Kami's Peace

On Kami's Lookout...

Kami stood on the edge of the Lookout; his gaze focused down on the Earth below. As he stood there, Mr. Popo stood behind him, slightly off to the side. The Guardian's attendant was silent and his face was sullen. "How quickly 300 years seem to go by..."

He sighed. "Is this what you felt when your time came, Lord Mara?"

Kami stared down at the various people of this planet of his. He saw several things that he didn't approve of, but he also observed the peaceful lives of a good many of his subjects. He saw children playing and roughhousing and elderly humans living out the twilights of their lives. It put his heart at ease to see so many people just living through their day. And then, once he got done observing them, Kami switched his attention to the one person in particular.

In a diner, somewhere in the middle of the countryside, Gine sat next to her husband and ate her breakfast. Kami hadn't known her that long, but the sight of her and the feeling of her spirit made him smile. Kami closed his eyes and bowed his head, viewing all of the Z-Fighters whether they walked the Earth or trained within the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Kami closed his eyes and enjoyed a small chuckle. "My dearest companions..."

The Guardian bowed his head, remembering the night before.

The previous night, at Goku's home...

Goku cried out in horror, jumping up and holding out Goten and Chika as shields. "Nope! Nope nope nope! Not a chance! Sorry Kami, I'm not becoming the Guardian of Earth!"

The two babies both cooed and babbled, trying to reach out and touch the aged Guardian. Goku continued. "I have more important things in my life, Kami! Kids and friends and training and-"

Kami's staff fell and bonked Goku on the top of his head. The Guardian rolled his eyes as Chika and Goten both giggled. "I'm not here to conscript you to take my place, Goku. I would never take you from these cherished, young ones..."

Kami reached out his hand and Chika and Goten each grabbed one of the Guardian's fingers. Kami continued. "I am here to request of you, both as my student and as my friend, if you would do me a favor that only you can do..."

Goku cocked his head. "Do you...want me to ask Chi-Chi if you can come to dinner? I don't think she'd mind~"

Kami sighed and rubbed his brow. "No, Goku..."

Goku nodded. "Okay, then. You're still welcome to stay though."

Kami couldn't help but smile. "Thank you. But...what I need from you is help..."

Goku scratched his head. "Help with what?"

Kami spoke plainly. "Help with...going home..."

Goku smiled. "Oh, is that all? You just want me to take you to Planet Namek?"

Kami flinched. "How did you know that's what I..."

Goku chuckled. Kami sighed and laughed. "Always one to know how people truly feel, aren't you?"

Goku put his hand on the Guardian's shoulder, holding Goten and Chika with his other arm. "We can go tomorrow, Kami. I'll just have to go visit King Kai and get his help finding the place. For now, though, you really should join us. If you aren't going to be the Guardian anymore, then you should enjoy life on Earth for at least a little bit..."

Kami looked towards Goku. "You...know what I am planning on doing, don't you?"

Goku nodded. "You did say that the Dragon Balls wouldn't be around anymore. That's a bit of a problem, but I'm sure we can work out what to do while we're on Namek. For now, just relax and have a meal with us..."

Kami sighed. "One last time?"

Goku nodded. "One last time."

And so, Kami joined his greatest student in having a meal with his family. A long night of enjoyment was had with Goku, Chi-Chi, Gohan, Chika, Goten, Suno, Eighter, Puar and even Future Goten. Kami got to have the experience of a loud, merry family meal.

Back on Kami's Lookout...

In an instant, Goku's presence returned to the Lookout. He sighed and chuckled, adjusting his orange and black jacket. "It took a little bit, but King Kai and I found where Planet Namek relocated to. That Porunga guy did a really good job of hiding them..."

Goku rubbed his finger under his nose. "But, now, I should be able to get us there with no issues."

Kami nodded, stepping towards Goku. "I am ready."

But then, as Kami reached out and gripped Goku's shoulder, another voice entered the discourse. "I am too."

Goku and Kami both turned to see Piccolo stalking up to them. The Namekian warrior's cape blew in the wind and he had a stern expression on his face. Goku smirked. "Feeling homesick, Piccolo?"

Piccolo shook his head. "Namek is my origin, not my home. I'm not feeling homesick, myself. But...the yearning to return is simmering within me. I suppose, in spite of what he said, Nail hasn't completely faded away..."

Goku smirked and held up his hand. "It's been a while since we've been out on an adventure together~"

Piccolo smirked back and strongly gripped Goku's hand, engaging in a manly handshake. "It certainly has."

Goku turned from Piccolo and back to Kami. "Are you ready to go, Kami?"

Kami firmly gripped Goku's shoulder. "It would be a lie to say that I am not a bit nervous, but I think-"

The Guardian caught sight of Mr. Popo out of the corner of his eye. He let go of Goku's shoulder. "One moment."

Kami walked out to his silent, longtime companion. He looked down at Mr. Popo and Mr. Popo looked up at him. The attendant's eyes were shimmering. And then, Kami handed Mr. Popo his staff. Mr. Popo gasped as he took hold out it, tears welling and starting to stream out. Finally, Kami wrapped his arms around Mr. Popo and pulled him into a tight hug. "Please, care for the next Guardian as much as you have card for me. And, more importantly, remember to care for yourself, old friend."

The Guardian released the hug and Mr. Popo fell to his knees, desperately weeping. Kami placed his hand on Goku's shoulder and then took in one last gaze of the Lookout. He nodded and closed his eyes. "I am ready, Goku."

Goku nodded and then pressed his fingers to his forehead. It took him a second to lock on, but he soon found Planet Namek. And then, in an instant, Goku, Kami, and Piccolo all disappeared.

In the newly rebuilt West City...

The Capsule Corp mothership landed into the pre-fabricated hole in the ground meant for it. As the ship slotted into the ground and locked in place, the West City Project officially reached completion, exceeding even Bulma's four-day timetable. The people of the proud city returned to their home; each having been granted a stipend to refurnish their reconstructed dwellings due to the charity of X.S. Cash, a colleague of Dr. Briefs.

Walking down the freshly paved streets, Suno, Puar, and Eighter were engaging in window-shopping. Bulma had personally given them an extra allotment of money to make Yamcha's apartment more comfortable for their stay. And so, upon seeing just how empty the former desert bandit's dwelling was, Suno decided to use her money to give it some more home-like touches. The red-head giggled as she looked at a cozy, den set. "What do you think, Puar? Do you think Yamcha would like that couch?"

Puar cheered. "I think he'd love it~"

Meanwhile, in the same shopping center, Future Trunks was on a mission of his own. With his pocket lined with the cash his grandfather had given him for all of his hard work, the teen of the future had something specific in mind he wanted to buy. Eventually, after nearly an hour of searching, Future Trunks' eyes fell upon the item he desired.

Future Trunks stood in front of the window and gripped his fist. "There we go..."

A knock on the window made Future Trunks jump and flinch. He looked up and saw a smile store clerk. She pointed down to what he was looking at with a saucy, knowing wink. Future Trunks pulled the money out of his pocket and nodded confidently. She grabbed the thing out of the jewelry case and motioned for him to come in, and he did so with a swaggering stride.

Meanwhile, at Capsule Corp...

In the gravity chamber, Vegeta didn't let up on the pressure he was putting Krillin through. At 100 times Earth's normal gravity, Krillin's body felt like it weighed nearly a ton. Even with all ki focused and his strength enhanced, the monk could barely manage to dodge Vegeta's attacks. And the ball of ki he was forced to hold between his palms wasn't helping. "Is all of this necessary, Vegeta?!"

Vegeta launched a kick that would have leveled Krillin through the wall had he not dodged. Vegeta sneered. "Of course, it's necessary! All of your attacks are effective, but you're abysmal when it comes to ki conservation! That damned disc of your burn's excess energy like a furnace!"

Krillin yelped. "I mean...maybe, but I came up with that move and everyone copied it! Don't I get some credit for that?!"

Vegeta lunged at him. "No!"

The Prince's arms were crossed over his chest, his bandaged palms hidden away. He stomped and made a dent in the floor. "If you can't maintain that simple sphere for another twenty minutes of assault from me, then you might as well not be here!"

Krillin yelped as another kick came flying at him. He sighed raggedly. "Do we at least get to take a break after this...?"

Vegeta snarled. "If you consider 10,000 weighted push-ups a break, then yes!"

Within Bulma's workshop...

Bulma and Future Bulma both sighed with relief and fatigue as they crashed into their chairs. Bulma's head hit the desk and she groaned. "That was nerve-wracking..."

Future Bulma tossed her scrub cap and her mask to the side, a weary smile on her face. "Yeah, but we did it~!"

Off to the side, laying on one of the worktables, was Android 18. The operation had been a complete success and, now, the Android was in a state of deep recovery. A medical machine slowly traced over the suture marks on her chest, repairing them as best they could with a stimulating, cell treatment. 18 had a peaceful look on her face for the first time in days: a result of both the lack of pain in her chest and the dozens of sedative doses that the Bulmas had to pump into her to keep her from lashing out and accidentally killing the two of them.

Bulma's eyes were half-lidded. But, before she could totally drift off, a loud crash shocked both her and Future Bulma.


Krillin screamed. "OW!"

Vegeta shouted. "Suck it up and stand the hell up, runt!"

Bulma tried to stand up. "Vegeta..."

But then, sheer fatigue made her crash back into her chair. "Ugh. I don't give a shit. If he's going to break the gravity chamber, then that's his problem. I'm...so tired..."

Future Bulma nodded. "That's fine. You just sit there and take a power nap. I'll start working on Android 16's new body in the meantime. Okay?"

Bulma was already fading. "Uh-huh..."

Another loud thud echoed out, but Bulma didn't even flinch. Future Bulma lowered her head and closed her eyes. "I... I kissed your Vegeta..."


Android 16 spoke up. "Scans show that Bulma has entered into the beginning stages of the sleep cycle."

Future Bulma sighed. "I know, 16. I know."

On Planet Namek, in the wilds...

In a flash, Goku, Kami, and Piccolo arrived onto Planet Namek. The three travelers' feet touched down onto the planet's surface and Kami stepped forward. The aged Namekian stared out over the horizon, at the blue grass and the green water, and at the expansive, green sky. He took in a deep breath of Namekian air and his aches and pains that came with age seemed to fade away. Kami smiled. "So, this...is Planet Namek? This is home?"

Goku smiled. "Are you enjoying it so far, Kami?"

Kami held his arms out and let the sunlight soak into his skin. "I feel invigorated, Goku..."

Piccolo stood off to the side, his arms crossed over his chest. As he and Goku stood there, watching Kami take it all in, Piccolo turned and looked into the distance behind them. "Someone's coming."

Goku and Kami both turned as well and, a few moments later, a Namekian warrior appeared in the sky above them. It was Talus, the lead warrior from Elder Tsuno's village. The warrior landed, a welcoming smile on his face. "I had thought it was you! Good sir Goku and the one whom Nail chose to bond with!"

Piccolo nodded at Talus. "Good to see you're doing well."

Goku smiled and waved. "Yo! How are things going for you?"

Talus stepped forward, adjusting his coat and offered the two warriors a handshake. Goku and Piccolo both accepted with a friendly smile. Talus chuckled. "All is well on Namek. We've had no hostile invaders since you were last here. Mighty Porunga picked quite the easy-going place to shift Planet Namek to."

Talus looked past Goku and Piccolo and saw Kami standing in the background. "Is that the Elder Namekian from Planet Earth? The one you informed us of?"

Piccolo nodded. "Yeah, that's him."

Talus cleared his throat. "May I... greet him?"

Goku moved out of the way. "I'm sure Kami wouldn't mind~"

Talus stepped past the two warriors and walked up to Kami, placing a gentle hand onto the Guardian's shoulder. Kami turned and his face lit up with surprise seeing a Namekian other than Piccolo for the first time in his life. Talus smiled and he began to speak to Kami. Kami flinched and then he began to speak back. As they stood there, talking back and forth, Goku cocked his head. "What the heck are they saying?"

Piccolo rolled his eyes. "They're speaking Namekian. Kami's telling Talus his life story, more or less..."

Goku and Piccolo stood by, watching as the two spoke. Eventually, Kami stopped talking and Talus nodded. Once they were done, Talus smiled. "Yes, I see. Well then, I suppose you have a lot to talk about with Grand Elder Tsuno and Grand Elder Moori. And I am positive they'll have a lot to talk about with you as well."

Piccolo looked confused. "Wait, Grand Elder Tsuno and Grand Elder Moori? There are two Grand Elders now?"

Talus nodded. "Indeed. That, as well, I am sure they will explain."

Planet Namek, Elder Moori's Village...

Goku, Piccolo, Kami, and Talus all touched down in the nearest Namekian settlement, the village belonging to Grand Elder Moori. As they landed, the three travelers were swarmed by the various Namekians living within the village. All of the locals were happy to see Goku and Piccolo again. And they were all genuinely fascinated by the presence of such a well-aged Namekian amongst them.

Kami seemed nervous and a tad overwhelmed, trying to answer the various questions of his fellow Namekians, but tripping up and losing his train of thought. Goku chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "Take it easy, guys. It's his first time he can remember being here..."

Piccolo watched Kami getting flustered with an indifferent scowl. But, as Kami began to regain his senses and talk to his fellow Namekians, a broad smile appeared on the Guardian's face. And this, as much as he wanted to hide it, made Piccolo smile as well.

"Ah, I see. So, this is what the commotion is all about~"

The three travelers turned to see Grand Elder Tsuno and Grand Elder Moori walking up to them. The two Elder Namekians both seemed in silent awe of this new Namekian that appeared to be even older than they were. Moori continued. "The Guardian of Earth, I presume? We were blessed to hear tell of you during the months that followed Frieza's defeat."

Tsuno smiled. "It is so nice to finally have you pay us a visit, brother."

Kami turned and walked up to the two Elders. They held out their hands and Kami held out his. The three of them stood there, staring at one another for a moment, and then Tsuno sighed. "You've missed so much in your life. It must have been quite privately harrowing, being held so close to people and yet so far from interaction with them..."

Moori grinned. "May we offer you a chance at such pleasures? We could use help with our normal choring routine, if you would be willing to lend a hand."

Kami was taken aback. As Guardian of Earth, no one had ever asked him to help with such hands-on matters before. He looked to Moori and Tsuno and then glanced back at the other Namekian, all of whom seemed happy to have him there. And then, Kami nodded. "I would be honored to assist in Namekian traditions~"

And so, the Guardian of Earth engaged in the mundane task of farm work for the first time in his life. Kami, accompanied by several younger and stronger Namekians, went out into the work fields and began to assist them in their tasks.

He helped to gather water, tended to the fields, removed pests from the Ajisa crops, and even took part in engaging with the local mystic traditions. It was a fulfilling day for Kami as he was fully absorbed into Namekian life by his long-lost kin.

Goku, meanwhile, engaged in sparring with several of the local Namekian warriors. One-by-one, they stepped into the circle of combat and faced off with the Super Saiyan, and one-by-one they were easily tossed aside.

Even Talus, whose strength has risen to the same level as the once mighty Captain Ginyu, was easily tossed to the ground and forced to submit to his opponent's strength. But, in spite of the overwhelming force in front of them, the Namekian warriors kept charging back into the ring and giving it their all against their friendly sparring partner.

Once that became old, however, Goku and Kami regrouped and went about playing with several, very young Namekians. The old Guardian and Goku both were having the time of their lives, making merry with the Namekian people. Still being a child at heart, Goku was able to get along with the kids exceptionally well. And, once he managed to break through his shell, Kami was able to do the same.

Piccolo, meanwhile, floated under the shade of a tree and meditated.

As time passed, however, a pair of Namekians walked back into the village. They had no clue what the commotion was about. As they made their way through the crowds of their kin, they looked around to see what everyone was so excited about.

And then, they made it into the center of the village and came upon quite a sight. Goku and Talus were arm-wrestling in the middle of the village, everyone cheering them on with an intense fervor. One of the two Namekian's eyes widened and he called out. "Goku!"

Goku flinched, turning towards the voice. And, at that moment, Talus slammed Goku's hand to the table. As everyone erupted for Talus' victory, Goku stood and walked over the source of the voice. Two young Namekians stood before him: one of them looking quite shy and the other looking very excited to see Goku. Goku cocked his head. "You look familiar..."

At that moment, Piccolo stepped up and placed his hand atop the boy's head. "Hey Dende. You've grown quite a bit~"

Goku smiled. "Oh yeah! Now I remember! You're the kid that Gohan made friends with! How have you been, Dende?"

Dende smiled. "I've been well. My brother Cargo and I have been training hard. We've just returned from a day's long quest to heighten our spiritual power so that we might take the next step in our Dragon Clan training."

He blushed. "I've, uh...I've managed to quintuple my spiritual power since the last time you were here..."

Goku smirked and gave Dende an affectionate pat on the head. "Good job! Always gotta keep up that training~"

At that moment, Kami and a group of farmers he was helping were carrying jugs of water into a storage building. But, hearing what Dende said shocked Kami and made him drop his jug. Moving quickly, Kami rushed over to the group and stared in awe at Dende. "Dragon Clan?! Y-You are a member of the Dragon Clan?!"

Dende and Cargo both flinched. They looked to this strange, elder Namekian with confusion and fascination, and then Dende nodded. "Y-Yes Elder, sir. We've both been practicing to become full-fledged Dragon Clansmen ever since the Dragon Clan was re-established under Grand Elder Moori..."

Moving past his shy nature, Cargo finally spoke. "N-Now that we've gone on our final spiritual expedition, the next step in our training would be to try and construct our own set of Dragon Balls..."

Kami was in awe. "S-So young and yet already able to produce Dragon Balls. M-My word. I was so much older than you before I even made the attempt..."

Dende and Cargo both cocked their heads. Dende spoke. "A-Are you a Dragon Clansman, Wise Elder?"

Kami swallowed a lump in his throat, glancing away. "I am unsure, honestly. I am able to make Dragon Balls, having done so on Earth. But I could not tell you whether I am actually a Dragon Clansman or not. The words simply...resonate with me, I suppose..."

Kami smiled. "But, regardless, I must praise you for having so much talent in spite of being so young. I would never presume the words of a stranger mean all that much, but you both have my respect for being such unique talents."

Dende chuckled. "Praise is praise. Thank you very much, Elder."

Cargo glanced away. "I-I thank you as well. But...I am not nearly as talented as my elder brother Dende is..."

Kami knelt down and placed his hand on Cargo's shoulder. "Nonsense, young man. You have a wealth of talents within you as well. I can see that~"

He smiled. "You simply must have faith in yourself and, one day, you will come to a time where your unique talents are allowed to shine."

Cargo half-shied away, but he nodded. "Y-Yes, Elder..."

As Kami gave praise and encouragement to Cargo, Dende walked up to Goku. "Excuse me, Goku, did you happen to bring Gohan with you?"

Goku frowned. "No, sorry. Gohan is helping his Mom take care of his new brother and sister..."

Dende smiled. "Gohan has a new pair of siblings?! That's so exciting!"

Goku smiled back. "Yeah! They're both great kids, I'd love for you to come and meet them~"

Dende chuckled. "I'd be happy to~"

Kami stood and turned to watch as Goku and Dende talked. The Guardian smiled, seeing Dende display such a warm and genuine connection with Goku and the rest of Goku's family. As he stood there, watching the two speak back and forth, Kami was joined by Grand Elder Tsuno and Grand Elder Moori. He looked at the both of them and saw that they both had smiles on their faces. Grand Elder Tsuno sighed. "The connection between Planet Earth and Planet Namek is strong, and not only because of the connection our people have made with people such as Goku..."

Grand Elder Moori continued. "It took us some time to be fully sure, but now we are positive of who you actually are. It is truly amazing that you have finally made it home after all of this time..."

Kami turned to Moori. "Pardon me...?"

Moori nodded. "You are a being split into two parts, but if we take into account the energy of both you and Piccolo, it is clear that you were once quite a powerful Namekian."

Kami reluctantly nodded. "Indeed, we were. And that is, honestly, my reason for coming to Planet Namek after all of this time. The Earth is in grave danger and my role as merely the Guardian of Earth is no longer effective in protecting it. For this hellish battle we will soon face, I was planning to re-merge with Piccolo in hopes that our might would be enough to combat the threat of Cell..."

He lowered his head in shame. "But, in order to do that, I need someone to maintain the Dragon Balls in my stead. My shameful, selfish reason for coming to this place was not to merely reconnect with the kin I have ignored for so long... but to be they lend me their aide in keeping my precious Earth safe..."

Grand Elder Tsuno and Grand Elder Moori's smiles both faded. Grand Elder Tsuno spoke very seriously. "This is a considerable request you are making..."

Goku and Dende both joined with the three elders, as did Piccolo and Cargo. Goku cocked his head. "Wow. What's going on over here? The mood feels off..."

A few moments of silence. And then, Grand Elder Moori spoke. "Before we comment any further on this request of yours, we must ask you to follow us."

Grand Elder Tsuno nodded. "We feel as if there is something you should observe first and foremost."

Across Planet Namek, the former home of Grand Elder Guru...

The door to Grand Elder Guru's former dwelling opened and, for the first time in a while, sunlight filled the room. Grand Elder Tsuno and Grand Elder Moori walked in first. And then, Dende, Cargo, Goku, Piccolo, and Kami all piled in behind them. Kami looked around. "This is where the former Grand Elder of the Namekian people once resided?"

The house itself was quite well-managed. Everything was kept clean and tidy, from the house itself to the two graves erected outside of the dwelling. Grand Elder Moori nodded and motioned at the door, making it start to close. "Indeed..."

Kami turned back and watched the door close, staring back at the two graves outside with a longing look on his face. Once the door was shut tight, the two Grand Elder's held out their hands. Their energy glowed on the tips of their fingers and a section of the floor moved, allowing a pedestal containing all seven Namekian Dragon Balls to rise up. Goku gasped. "Whoa..."

He reached out and was immediately shocked for his efforts. Yelping and retracting his hand, the Saiyan looked confused. Grand Elder Tsuno sighed. "Apologies, Goku. Ever since Frieza, we have been far more cautious with the Dragon Balls. What you just experienced was an ancient rune that draws from the power of the person attempting to breach it. The stronger you are, the harsher the shock."

Grand Elder Moori held out his hand and dispelled the rune. "The two of us have spent a long while studying all of the information contained within the Dragon Balls. Information that only a Grand Elder level Namekian is allowed to access. And, once we both finished, we pretty quickly came to the conclusion that no wicked being, such as Frieza, should be allowed access to the heritage of Planet Namek. No matter that cost..."

Goku rubbed his hand. "Yeah, a tool like the Dragon Balls is pretty useful. I'd hate to think what would happen if someone like Frieza ever got to actually use the things."

Grand Elder Tsuno nodded, looking a tad annoyed at Goku's choice of words. "Indeed. But the Dragon Balls are more than just a tool, Goku."

Grand Elder Moori picked up the One-Star Ball. "They are a codex of all of the history of Planet Namek. The sheer amount of knowledge they contain is worth more than any single wish..."

Tsuno picked up the Two-Star Ball. "The Dragon Balls serve as a sponge for the history and culture of the world they inhabit. They're like an infinite book that never runs out of room to write more..."

Moori nodded. "And, in addition to history, they keep track of and store the good karma and the bad karma of the planet they inhabit. If the karma on the planet stays positive and the orbs themselves stay shining and bright, then the Dragon Balls will continue to serve as a cherished source of hope for the people that live in harmony with them..."

Tsuno finished. "...but, if the karma of the planet turns negative and the orbs turn dull and crack, then the Dragon Balls will unleash a cataclysm so desperate that nothing would be all to survive it. They would unleash a curse that would set the very metrics of the planet they are on back to zero."

And, with that, both Elders applied their spiritual powers to the Dragon Balls in their grasps. The energy flowed into the mystical orbs and, in a flash, things began to project from the Dragon Balls and all around the room that the various onlookers were in.

Floating in the sky was all sorts of Namekian scripts. And, while Goku looked totally confused by all of it, Kami, Dende, Cargo, and even Piccolo stared at it was reverent silence. Everything in regards to the Namekian race was floating above. Expanses of history, bits of culture, folklore, and stories long-though-lost to time. Goku pouted. "Hey! No fair! I can't read it!"

He looked to all of the others, all of whom seemed fully immersed in what was going on above their heads. Goku nudged Kami. "Hey, Kami, what's it say...?"

Kami was only half paying attention to Goku. "A purpose for the Namekian people...an unknown duty for the sake of the Universe...Namek will be there to answer the call..."

Piccolo mumbled under his breath; his eyes wide. "Cell is...so small..."

Moori put down the One-Star Ball and grabbed the Four-Star Ball in its place. "That is enough prophecy for today. We could stand here for days upon years and take all of the information contained within these Balls in. But no, we are here to share something specific..."

Grand Elder Moori applied his energy to the Four-Star Ball and Grand Elder Tsuno began to shift through all of the information contained within. Eventually, Tsuno stopped on a section of the past focusing on three specific Namekians. As the three of them floated above, Dende, Cargo, and Kami all let loose a shocked gasp. Moori spoke. "You were curious as to why there are two Grand Elders now. Well, simply put, this is less of a new revelation for Planet Namek and more of a return to from regarding the traditions of old..."

Grand Elder Tsuno nodded. "Before the Great Cataclysm, the Namekian race was led by three clan leaders: the Elder of the Ajisa Clan, the Elder of the Dragon Clan, and the Elder of the Demon Clan. These three that you see before you are the three elders of the generation before the Great Cataclysm..."

Tsuno motioned to one that stepped forward. "The Elder of the Ajisa Clan: Lord Molluska. He is the man whom you all knew as Grand Elder Guru. It was his intervention that saved the Namekian race from the Great Cataclysm. By merging with all of his brethren, he was able to gain enough power the weather the storm of the Great Cataclysm, but at the cost of most of his newly acquired strength..."

Dende and Cargo both smiled warmly at the sight of Grand Elder Guru's noble face. Even in his youthful prime, they could tell it was him simply through the presence he exuded. Dende bowed his head in prayer. "Rest well, Grand Elder Guru. And... thank you."

Tsuno carried on, making the projection of another former Elder step forward. "This is the Elder of the Demon Clan: Lord Slug. He is the man who left Planet Namek and never returned..."

Goku cocked his head. "That one sure looks a lot less friendly than the other two..."

Tsuno nodded. "A very apt judgement. I can assure you of one thing, Goku..."

Goku turned to Tsuno. "Hm?"

Tsuno motioned to the projection. "If Lord Slug were on Planet Namek when Frieza arrived, the wicked devil would have never laid a finger on a single Dragon Ball. No Namekian warrior, even our friend Piccolo here, has ever exceeded the might that Lord Slug was recorded as having. Even you, Goku, might be forced to take knee at his strength, were he here..."

Piccolo spoke up. "So, what happened to him? He just vanished...?"

Moori spoke up. "There is no record of Lord Slug's whereabouts after his falling out with Lord Molluska. He simply left Planet Namek in the middle of the cataclysm and was never heard from again. Were he still alive today, Lord Slug would be well over 500 years old..."

Tsuno nodded and then motioned with his finger, making the final projection step forward. "And this is the Elder of the Dragon Clan: Lord Katas..."

Kami's eyes locked onto Katas and, immediately, tears began to well. Tsuno continued. "Lord Katas, much like Lord Slug, disagreed with the view that Lord Molluska took in regards to the disaster. History shows of a disagreement between the three, so close as to be called brothers, that caused a rift between them never to be mended."

Goku frowned. "This cataclysm thing sounds awful..."

Moori spoke. "It was the result of invaders just like Frieza. They came to Namek seeking everything from slaves, to land, to the Dragon Balls. As first, it was no issue for Lord Slug and the Demon Clan to repel these wicked invaders...but then the planet itself began to rage at their continued invasions..."

Tsuno frowned. "One could say that Slug was a hero. But even heroes are capable of becoming fatigued..."

Long ago, in Planet Namek's past...

Natural disasters raged across the torn and ravaged surface of Planet Namek. Black clouds filled the sky, the trees and grass were withered and dead, blizzards howled across the lands, volcanoes erupted, lightning carved hideous arcs through the sky, the ocean raged and the winds howled, and the very ground shook as the planet threw a massive tantrum.

As all of this happened, though, three voices were engaged in a heated argument. One of the voices spoke, soft but firm. "We should just leave! They can't attack us if we aren't here to be attacked! I have scouted out a planet and I am preparing a ship to-"

A fist slammed onto the table and Lord Katas flinched back. Lord Slug glared at him, practically foaming at the mouth. He gripped his massive fist so tightly that blood poured from his palm. "I refuse to leave! This is our damned planet and I will not have it taken like this! We should raise an army and go slaughter those foreign pigs!"

Lord Slug slammed his fist onto the table again, making it crack. "Even if Namek is doomed...letting them just get away with this would be pathetic. We should follow all of those bastards back to wherever it is they came from and kill one hundred of their miserable people for every Namekian life that they've ever-"

Lord Molluska cut in. "Both of you cease this anti-Namekian speech! This Planet is our home, we will not abandon it. Nor will we be raising an army to go out and act as warmongers. The rule of two-thirds vote still stands, so we will not enact either of these un-Namekian plans!"

The leader of the Ajisa Clan glared at his Demon Clan counterpart. "Am I understood, Slug?"

Molluska and Slug angrily snarled at one another. As they did, Katas spoke up. "But, Molluska-"

Lord Molluska cut Lord Katas off. "My mind is made up, Katas. As the leader of our people, I stand firm that Namek will survive this catastrophe. We will survive."

Lord Slug bared his fangs. "Foolish bastard. That thinking will be your undoing."

Molluska shot back. "Our only undoing would be letting a bloodthirsty savage like you decide how our people should act! If you want to be a universal conqueror, go and join the Race of Hades or the Saiyans on Planet Sadala where you belong! Your devilish desire to turn us into a race of vengeful killers will never be allowed to come to pass!"

Slug sneered. "Oh, I get it. You think that you're so much higher and mightier than the rest of us, eh?! With your displays of nobility and your constant talk of traditions?!"

Molluska snapped back. "Why do you think my tribe leads Namek and not you and your slovenly demon hoards?!"

Slug snarled and, without a second though, punched Molluska in the face and knocked him harshly to the ground. Molluska stood, his lip busted and his hand subtly trembling and aimed a blast right at Slug's chest. Before either could attack again, however, Katas leapt between the two. "Please! Please stop this!"

Molluska and Slug both flinched. Katas spoke desperately, with tears pouring down his face. "Please! The three of us have known each other for centuries. Can we not simply talk to one another as we did when we were children?!"

The two raging Grand Elders glared at one another, visible pain in their eyes. They both flashed back to their memories as children, running without a care in the Ajisa Fields. Slug gripped his fists. "We aren't kids anymore, Katas. We're adults who are meant to make adult decisions. And, as an adult...I will not stay here and watch what those bastards did to my beloved Namek unfold. You two can do whatever. But I will make them pay. We will not whimper into the night! Such is the Demon way! Such is the Namekian way!"

And then, raising the hood to his cloak, Lord Slug exited the building into the pouring rains. Molluska shook his head, looking both regretful and furious. "Bull-headed fool..."

Katas sighed. "I... I agree with him, Molluska..."

Molluska turned to Katas. Katas frowned. "I... I cannot risk extinction over foolish stubbornness, Molluska. I have to do something..."

Back in the present...

Everyone looked on in stunned silence after having witness the desperate fight between Molluska and Slug. Seeing two people who had apparently known each other for so long have such a tragic falling out was a heart-breaking thing to witness. Dende frowned. "And that was the last time Lord Slug was ever on Planet Namek?"

Grand Elder Moori nodded. "Indeed. And that is the reason there are only two Grand Elders, at the moment, rather than three. Lord Slug was the carrier of the Demon's Will of Namekian culture. Without him here to pass it on, neither the Demon Tribe nor its power can exist on Planet Namek. And, with us having no knowledge of Lord Slug's whereabouts...whether he is living or otherwise...we might never be able to recover that power for ourselves..."

Piccolo sneered. "What about me? King Piccolo has the power of a Demon Clansman and he's within me. Couldn't I grant some of that power back to Planet Namek?"

Elder Tsuno shook his head. "The source of your Demon Clansman connections is one of the bigger mysteries in all of this. But it would not be useful, regardless. You have Demon Clansman powers, but you do not have the Demon's Will. Only one Namekian can wield that, and he, Lord Slug, has been missing since the Great Cataclysm."

Goku frowned. "Man, that sucks. Why couldn't he just listen to his friend and stick around?"

Moori sighed. "It's hard to say whether his leaving was the wrong choice or not. On one hand, he did abandon his people. On the other hand, as much as I hate to say it, it is hard to say that Lord Molluska's course of action was the correct one. He was, after all, the only Namekian left alive on Planet Namek at one point..."

Goku flinched. "Yeesh. The cataclysm was that bad?!"

Moori nodded. "This building we are currently standing in, atop this high, rocky spire, was once at sea level. The Great Cataclysm shredded Planet Namek down to less than a third of its original size before Lord Molluska put a stop to it..."

Cargo shivered. "S-Scary..."

Elder Tsuno nodded. "Yes. Truly a harrowing time for Planet Namek. But it must be said, Slug was not the only one to go against Molluska's desires..."

In Planet Namek's past...

Molluska raced through the blackened, storming sky with a look of horror on his face. As he sped toward the smoking peak on the high mountain in the distance, Molluska remembered what his fellow Namekians had told him. Katas and his son had taken off, Katas saying that he would not allow the Cataclysm to be the end of the Namekian race.

Molluska landed and called out. "Katas!"

The damage to the mountain top was a sight to behold. Lightning had struck and the entire area was scorched black. Molluska shielded his face as the rain began to drive even harder. "Damn it, Katas..."

However, in spite of the destruction, there was no sign of any ship wreckage. Molluska looked up to the sky and saw a hole sealing itself up in the clouds above. He sighed. "Well...I guess the both of you got your wish..."

But, as he started to walk away, Molluska's attention was grabbed by a weak voice. "M-Molluska...is that you?"

Molluska stopped and turn to his side. It took him a moment, but eventually he noticed that part of the blackened ground was raised up in the shape of a body. Running over, Molluska lifted the shape up and found it to be Katas, burned to a crisp. The Elder of the Ajisa Clan was horrified, shouting over the sound of the pouring rain. "Katas! What happened?! I thought you had managed to escape! Where is your son?!"

Katas coughed, his entire body stiff and near motionless. "I... I was going to go with him. But...but I could not. I could not bring myself to leave you here, all alone. M-My son will live on and, even if we were all to die...the Namekian race will live on with him..."

Molluska was taken aback. "YOU SENT YOUR SON INTO SPACE ALL BY HIMSELF?!"

Katas coughed and shuddered. Molluska lowered his head. "H-How could you be so cruel, Katas?! He was just a boy! And you sent him out into that cruel universe all by himself. H-How could you...?"

Katas smiled. "It's alright, Molluska. I promise you. You know that we of the Dragon Clan can...see visions of the future yet to come if we...focus our energies enough..."

His eyes began to shut. "I've seen it, Molluska. One day...my boy will return home..."

And then, Katas reached up and pressed his palm to Molluska's cheek. In an instant, the Dragon's Will flowed from within Katas and into Molluska. And then, Katas went limp and died.

Lord Molluska, the only Grand Elder left on Planet Namek, held his dead friend close and tears flowed from his eyes, his weeping drowned out by the Great Cataclysm.

Back in the present...

Tears flowed down Kami's cheeks as the projections from the Dragon Ball faded. Overcome with a sense of sorrow and grief, the Guardian fell to his knees and began to sob. Grand Elder Moori and Grand Elder Tsuno returned the Dragon Balls to their place on the pedestal as Goku, Dende, and Cargo attempted to comfort Kami.

Elder Moori sighed. "The stark truth of the matter is thus: The Great Cataclysm nearly swallowed Namek whole. The only way to save it was for Lord Molluska to merge with the rest of the remaining Namekians. From there, he was able to stop the source of the Cataclysm at the cost of his own strength."

Elder Tsuno nodded. "But, even after that, our dear Grand Elder Guru lived the rest of his days in sorrow. We never knew before we took his position after he had passed, but the rest of his entire life was spent with two great sorrows. He eternally mourned the loss of his precious brothers. And he despaired over the fate of Katas' long-lost son."

The two Elders turned to Kami. Elder Tsuno nodded. "But, at the very end of his life, one of Grand Elder Guru's eternal regrets was lifted from his shoulders. Right before the end, he was able to learn the fate of the lost son of Namek, and he was able to pass with levity in his heart."

Elder Moori smiled. "As Lord Katas himself once said, the Dragon Clan is able to see visions of the future, should they focus hard enough. And, ever since I was granted the Dragon's Will be Tsuno, I have been focusing very hard. As a result of that, we have been expecting you to return soon..."

Elder Moori offered a hand down to Kami. Elder Tsuno did so as well. "We beckon you to wipe your tears, Son of Katas. You are home, once again."

Kami looked up, taking the elders' hands and being helped to his feet. After taking a moment to collect himself, the Guardian wiped the tears from his face. The two Elders spoke in unison. "We welcome you back to Planet Namek, Guardian of Earth Sumari."

The sensation of hearing his own name, one which he had long forgotten, shook Kami to his very core. He clenched his hand to his chest and looked to the floor. "Sumari...my name..."

Tears began to fall from the old Namekian's eyes, pattering against the floor and puddling up. "I have a name. I... I have a name..."

In spite of the tears, it was clear that Kami was bursting with joy. Goku smiled wide. Dende and Cargo both seemed happy as well, giving Kami a welcoming hug. And even Piccolo, who tried to be indifferent off to the side, couldn't help but feel Kami's relief resonating in his heart.

Back in Moori's Village...

Soon enough, the travelers all returned to the sight of Moori's Village, as they got closer and closer to the dwellings, Kami finally spoke up again. "After you showed me such care, I hate to bring this up, but..."

Moori held up his hand. "As I said, my abilities of foresight have allowed us to prepare for many an inevitability. And, given the radiating malice coming from the direction of Earth, I would say that our worst hopes have come to pass. Luckily, I and a member of my Dragon Clan have been working out a solution. Isn't that right, Dende?"

Goku, Piccolo, Kami, and Cargo all flinched in shock. They turned to Dende and the Namekian nodded. "Yes sir, Grand Elder Moori."

Piccolo was amazed. "You, Dende...?"

Goku smiled. "That's amazing! Gohan and Krillin will be so excited to have you on Earth!"

Dende smiled. "I've been training extra hard, since Grand Elder Moori had his vision. I've even been skipping rest periods in order to master my skills as a Dragon Clansman."

The young Namekian reached into his coat and pulled out a single, crystal orb with no stars inside of it. "I was able to make a blank Dragon Ball and encode it with my spiritual powers and everything!"

Kami was stunned. "Y-You have...you have been preparing for this...?"

Dende nodded. "Of course! You all, my friends from Earth, came to Namek's aid in hour darkest hour. If I could return that kindness in any way, it would be the highest honor!"

Kami knelt down and he and Dende looked one another in the eye. Kami bowed his head. "Young man, are you sure that you wish to become the Guardian of the Earth? It is quite the task. Danger seems drawn to it like a magnet..."

Dende smiled and nodded. "Danger is just fine. Because, in spite of that danger, I want to protect the people on Earth that are precious to me and I want to make those that I don't yet know precious to me as well!"

Kami closed his eyes and smiled warmly. "What a fine, young Guardian. Earth is in good hands..."

And then, Kami pressed his hand to Dende's chest. The God symbol on Kami's robes disappeared and then reappeared over Dende's chest. Dende smiled. Kami gently gripped his hand. "Now, if I may...I would like to share my centuries of experience with you. I will not be giving you the answers on how to do the job, I will simply be imparting experience so that you might come to your own conclusions..."

Dende nodded and closed his eyes. "Yes sir."

Kami closed his eyes as well and, with a burst of psychic power, he gave all of his experiences to Dende. Meeting the former Guardian, Mara. Entering the Room of Spirit and Time. Popo training the young Sumari in mediation and combat. The Guardian showing young Sumari the world up close with possession of others to blend in. Mara letting the confused Namekian know not to disturb the nature flow of events. Sumari purging his evil essence, but despairing at his creation of King Piccolo. Sumari, officially succeeding the former Guardian. The powers of deity leaving Mara and the serene smile she gave as she passed on her knowledge and death officially claimed her. The Namekian, taking up the name Kami, creating the Dragon Balls and constantly battling his evil half. King Piccolo constantly taunting Kami, telling him he is a fool to care about this strange world as he will never truly belong to it. And Kami truly accepting the hardy nature of humanity when Master Mutaito sacrificed himself to rid the world of King Piccolo.

And then, more modern memories flooded in. Memories of Goku and his friends. The defeat and death of King Piccolo. The defeat of Piccolo Junior. And even Kami wanting to sacrifice himself, but being stopped by Goku.

Dende opened his eyes and saw Kami, Mara, and countless other Guardians behind the two of them. All at once, they all seemed to grab his hand with a gentle smile. "We're all counting on you to protect the Earth, Dende..."

And then, swallowing a lump in his throat, Dende nodded. "I will! I, Dende, swear that I will shepherd humanity forward as the new Guardian of the Earth!"

Elder Tsuno, Elder Moori, and Piccolo all smiled for their fellow Namekian. Goku chuckled and picked Dende up. "Way to go, Dende!"

Elder Moori raised his fist into the air. "I'd say this calls for a celebration! Let us head back to the village and let the others know of Dende's new duty!"

Everyone started towards the village, their spirits boosted even more. It was a truly momentous occasion. Everyone except for Cargo. Watching as the others marched towards the village, Cargo's shoulders slumped. He looked to his big brother Dende, laughing alongside Goku, and his voice cracked. "You're leaving...?"

Some time passes...

Although the sun never really set on Namek, it was clear that the Namekians had partied well into their evening. In celebration of their brother Sumari's return, and in celebration of Dende's appointment as Earth's New Guardian, they celebrated to their heart's content. Dende called out as his fellow Namekians tossed him into the air. "I'm so sorry to have to leave all of you, and I promise I'll stay in touch! But the Earth needs my help!"

As the Namekians and Goku had the time of their lives, making merry and celebrating, Kami took one final look. He imprinted that moment onto his heart. And then, he specifically looked to Goku and adopted a small smile. "Thank you for everything, my friend."

Kami stepped behind one of the Namekian homes and found, hiding in the shadows, his younger counterpart. Piccolo glanced over at Kami and Kami nodded it him. Unlike the usual interaction between the two, this one was oddly lacking in anger or fury. Piccolo spoke to his older half. "Are you ready? Nothing else you want to do before we do this? This is your last chance, you know..."

Kami smiled, bowing his head and pressing his hand where the symbol of God used to be. "I am ready, Piccolo. I have not a single regret left in my life."

Piccolo smirked. "Are you sure about that, Sumari? You don't want just a few more days to laze around...?"

Kami chuckled. "That would technically be your name as well, you know~ Sumari Junior~"

Piccolo narrowed his eyes with a smirk. "Don't push your luck. It's not too late for me to spend the next few days beating you senseless, old man."

Kami sighed with a smile. "We both know that we do not have the time for that. Duty calls, even when we don't want it to. You being strong enough to help stop Cell is more important than any new experiences I could think to try..."

Piccolo shrugged, standing up straight and walking over to Kami. "If you say so..."

As Piccolo pressed his hand to Kami's chest, the old Guardian smiled. "I know you don't want to hear it from me, but I do have to say just one more time...I am proud of the man you have become. You have far exceeded anything that myself or King Piccolo ever could have..."

Piccolo smiled, closing his eyes. "What do you expect to get out of me with that compliment? That I like you? Or are you looking for an apology for the way I've acted towards you my entire life...?"

Kami shook his head. "I would expect neither from the Proud, Demon King."

Piccolo nodded. "Good."

The two of them took one last look at each other. And then, Kami spoke one last time. "I have asked many people to do this, but I will ask you as well. Please, keep the Earth safe and defended in my stead."

Piccolo smiled as Kami began to glow. "Count on it."

And then, as the party among the people of Namek carried on the foreground, a flash of light went off, and the being known as Kami, the Namekian Sumari, was no more.