JokeStar note- soooooo i done goofed and honestly i don't like the first chapter as it was a utter catastrophe so this a simple re-write of the first chapter except more thought-out rather then all blown in one load don't worry chapter 2 is coming soon also more thought out then even this re-write.

RWBY is owned by Rooster teeth and the late Monty Oum and any gun is owned by it's respective franchise

8 months before initiation-Arc family farm

The day Jaune Arc got his acceptance letter from Beacon was a strange day for the Arc family afterall they didn't know the contents of the letter. Thus they only saw Jaune constantly flipping moods from happy, sad, guilty, angry, determined and Jaune's mom, Morgan, was pretty sure she saw hungry in there somewhere.

Jaune himself was going through a dilemma since while he knew that he should be estatic about going to Beacon and surely he was it was just that he didn't plan this far ahead. He thought no matter how good the flamboyant red-haired guy said he was the great Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy the most prestigous school in Vale, would see through false transcripts like air. Now Jaune didn't know what to do.

Eventually the Arc family (excluding the Father,and Saphron) got bored of Jaune and continued on with there day continuing their chores around the farm. The farm itself wasn't anything special just like the Arc's wanted it was simply a large white two story house with 6 rooms and a typical red barn a good 14 yards between them to the right, behind the house though was the armoury where all of the Arc family weapons where kept.

Jaune then in a sudden moment of clarity realized something he didn't know jack shit about anything other then traditional guns.

"FUUUUUUUCCCCCKKK" Jaune screamed from his room. Suddenly he felt someone smacking him upside the back of his head.

"Language!" Jaune's second eldest sister Rouge said. Jaune silently wondered where she came from since he swore she was supposed to be honestly speaking anywhere else right now since she moved out 3 months ago! While he wondered this he also nodded his head robotically at Rouge's speech about about pride and honour to the Arc name.

"And that little Jauney is why we shouldn't swear at all ever." Rouge finally concluded. Jaune then sprung up suddenly from his sister induced slumber and began clapping and applauding his sister. Said sister then turned triumphantly, and then proceeded to stub her toe on the bed spewing out phrases that even I cannot repeat as I could never face my mother again.

Back to the matter at hand, chuckling at his siblings misfortune for a bit he had another epiphany(AN:Weird how many epiphany's he getting in one day, wonder whos doing that) he could just use what he knew which was traditional fire arms. Jaune knew alot about guns it was maybe one of the only things, in his opinion, that he was able to do right which was shoot at a target. This didn't mean that he thought he was some excellent shot who could shoot from 100miles away from him, well he could, but he was no Deadshot. As Jaune began the walk out of his room he quickly saw a reflection of himself. Now Jaune was many times called scraggly or a noodle, sometimes even by his own family to tease him, but this was far from the truth as Jaune Miles Arc had muscles they were just hidden from the world by his baggy hoodie and jeans. Farm chores and reluctant hunting trips with pops(the reluctancy from both sides) keeps you well in shape.

Jaune though, he knew that he had alot of catching up to do if his father, Lancelot Arc, was a testament to a Huntsman's strength. Jaune then hurried his speed towards the armoury where he spent the rest of the day testing the vast assortment of Arc weapons.

AN: so yea this is the rewrite of the first chapter sorry if you don't like it compared to the original but this feels more thought out rather then the other so tea i'll try my best to get the second chapter out as soon as possible. Also if you are expecting Arkos sorry to burst your bubble but ships like Arkos aren't exactly my cup of tea, but Arkos is everywhere so if you want Arkos then you won't need to look that far. Anyway see you next time JokeStar out