Review Next thing up soon. Sorry if this is a little on the short side or a little on the long side. Next thing up soon. This is Lord Dominator/Queen Tyr'ahnee/Princess Mandie/OC story. Review.

The club was loud and popping as the nervous wreck of a waiter slave moved through the crowd to bring the three titaness's their drinks. The green skinned woman with shark like teeth and a scrap of white hair across the side of her head gazed down at him in contempt before snatching the drinks and chuckling loudly as he darted away.

If there was one thing Lord Dominator, destroyer of galaxies loved it was making other people nervous and afraid. She chugged down half of her incredibly powerful alcoholic drink and tossed the other two to the other two queens of the galaxies. Well none of them were 'queens' per se. They were remorseless warriors and warlordess's who would destroy everything in their path and take what they wanted.

There was Queen Tyr'ahnee of Mars. Dark ebony skin that resembled a black hole or a starless sky. She had long luxurious legs and a nice powerful six pack, and extra long white hair that seemed to reflect all of the light in whatever room that she was in. She also had a cute little pink stripe that went right across her face which made it look like she was always blushing. But what most creatures with hot blood (And even a few with cold blood) notice first was that she had very large knockers. Her breasts were absolutely enormous, probably thanks to all of the zero gravity in space.

The second member of the trio of 'friends' was Princess Mandie. Married over a thousand times, and each time ending with her hunting down and brutually killing her betrothed. She was the shortest of the three women with powerful biceps and triceps, healthy legs and looked like an amazon warrior. She had bright green skin with large light purple hair and a pair of antanae on the top of her head. No one was sure what they were for as she had a pair of elf like ears directly below them. She was proud and powerful with a decent sized pair of hips and strong legs and a nice healthy pair of breasts. They were not as decently sized or as soft as Queen Tyr'ahnee's but they were still very impressive. Also her butt was large but not nearly as juicy as the butt of her friend...

Lord Dominator a neon green skined white haired pointy eared psychopath who destroyed entire solar systems for a laugh. She had a pair of hips and a nice juicy bouncy butt cheeks that could destroy anyone if they looked for too long. She was a monstorous force to be recokned with so not many people ever tried to reckon with her. In fact the only things that ever messed with her were a small orange hairy spoon thing and its space horse, and her ex boyfriend.

In fact that was what the three gorgeous vicious women were currently talking about. How much they absolutely hated their ex boyfriends and how all of them were complete and total scum.
"I am telling you! Worthless! They are all completely worthless as a gender! As a part of our species!" Mandie announced to the two taller women before crashing her fist onto the table and almost spilling their drinks, causing a few extra glasses that they had piled around to fall to the ground and shatter loudly causing the nearby tables to flinch in fear that the three gorgeous monsters might just snap and kill everyone in the entire club.

"I agree. They only have one thing on their mind. And let me tell you, it is not destroying stuff. God they are all such worthless pigs." Dominator said as she chugged down her drink and then snapped an enlarged pair of fingers for the servers to bring them some more. She wanted to get good and tipsy with her 'friends'.

"Bah as if either of you have anything to worry about. My faithful billed lover attempted to out do me in the bedroom. But I was undetered. You two might experience a bit of a problem within the realms of your lovemaking. But I assaure you that I have no problem with it." The noseless and mouthless martian said before picking up her drink and downing the entire thing without missing a beat.

Dominator and Mandie frowned before turning to each other and quirking an eyebrow while exchanging very annoyed expressions. They hated whenever Tyr'ahnee got all drunk, because she always thought that she was better then either of them. Then again she already thought that so it was not too much of a difference. Still it got annoying and exhausting sometimes trying to prove to the ebony skinned amazonian just how wrong she was half the time.

"Ha! Are you kidding me? I could run circles around you when it comes to screwing." Lord Dominator said flippantly and waved her gloved hand at the thought. Seriously she had a libido like no ones bussiness, she was more then confident enough in her lovemaking abilities. She could definitely fuck the oh so precious queen of mars under the table without even breaking a sweat.

"Both of you are far too reckless. I have taken many husbands to my bed and thrice as many lovers. I go whole heartedly, something that I doubt you two bimbos have ever done at all. I would be able to out screw the both of you with both of my hands tied behind my back." Mandie said casually as she examined her nails and the portion of her finger with the indentation of a wedding ring. She had had so many put on and taken off that it looked permanently weird.

The two other destroyers of the galaxy exchanged irked looks. Tyr'ahnee snickered before patting the shortest alien on the head before shaking her own head.

"Oh you silly little thing. I assaure you that I would break the two of you and whichever lover that you would be foolish enough to attempt to seduce."
"You know that could be a fun game." Dominator said with a feral shark like grin. "Let's find ourselves some sucker in this place and whoever manages to seduce him first is the winner!"

"And what would the winner win exactly?" Tyr'ahnee said quirking a dark eyebrow. Dominator waved the question off as she stood up and finished the other woman's drinks.

"We'll figure that out after I win. Probably something that has to do with a lot of slavery. Now let's go and get busy!" She said as the three women walked into the club to start up their hunt for the perfect mammal to attempt to seduce. Each one more determined then the last to get them in their clutches.

"Well that was a failure." Princess Mandie said chuckling to herself softly as Queen Tyr'ahnee came walking back rubbing her arm in embarassment before standing upright and snorting.
"As if you two fared any better. The population is weak and pathetic here. We have no other choice then to consede a draw and-"
"Nope. I am going to win this." Dominator said with a growl before looking around and pointing at a random guy in the crowd. "That one. We each go up, try our best and then we see who wins."

The two others looked at the alien that she pointed out. He appeared relatively anthropomorphic. Tall with a head full of hair and yellow eyes with slitted black pupils. He was taller then the three of them and dressed up. He looked vaguely nervous and uncomfortable, as if he did not know anyone there. The other two women nodded before the three harpies descended upon their prey.

"You!" A voice hollered beneath his eye sight, the man looked down in shock at the sight of a relatively tall woman standing at about chin level with him. She had fantastic looking hair and a pair of antanae. She also had a very sharp looking sword strapped to her back and looked like she belonged on a battlefield looking both horrifying and beautiful.
"Prepare to be taken out by me!" She said with a grin and fluttered her eyelashes at him and pouted her lips. The man took a sip of his drink and looked down at her questioningly.

"Is that a threat? Are you threatening me?"

"What? No! Foolish peasent! Have you no idea who or what I am!"
"The lady that's threatening me?" He said casaully trying his hardest not to laugh. She probably could totally kill him and he really didn't want to die tonight, but it was always funny to meet aliens that took everything so seriously. She growled in frustration before stomping away and grinding her teeth.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to stare in shock at the dark skinned goddess of beauty with a massive rack and long flowing silver hair that stood practically drapped across the bar before him.
"I can't say that I have ever met something such as you before." She said allauringly from a face that had no mouth. She was clearly talking though, it defintiely wasn't a psychic thing.
"Well I am the last of my kind soooooo..." This clearly threw the alien queen for a loop and she blushed a bright pink, or her stripe just took up more of her face, it was hard to tell. "Oh crap that was mean."

" momma don...oh no." She said humming to herself and backing away. The man watched her walk away and tried not to check her out. He wondered if he was hallucinating, after all this was just plain weird. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to face a third woman. This one bright green skin and all booty with a half shaved head.

Queen Tyr'ahnee and Princess Mandie watched as Lord Dominator stood up on her tiptoes and whispered into the man's ear. He listened for a little while before grinning like a moron and gesturing for the other two women to walk over he pointed to the bar and then to him. They walked a little faster, the two women hoping to get their drink on.

"Hey. Sorry about being rude earlier. Can I get you three anything?"
"How about your name first toots." Dominator said as she leaned against the other two women with a smug grin.
"Oh. It's Ronan."
"How did this impossibly crude and incouth women have possibly said anything that made you want to-"
"I said that he could sleep with the three of us. Thought it might be good for a laugh. Plus if he sucks in bed we can just murder him." Dominator said casually as she clicked a button on her armor and a beam of molten red light filled the entire club. Within a second the four found themselves teleported to a large imperial war space ship that was floating thousands of miles above the surface of the planet. Ready to destroy it if the mood took Dominator.

Ronan blinked in surprise as his eyes instantly got used to the bedroom that he found himself in with the three suddenly naked women. Princess Mandie gasped and slapped her hands over her exposed slightly off blue nipples and crossed her legs to hide her shaved pussy. The Martian queen stuck out a hip and leaned on it before glowering at the upstart war lord who was grinning and shrugging.

Martian women were typically unphased by nudity or their own sexuality. And since Queen Tyr'ahnee was the last of the martian women she could be as promiscious as she wanted to be. She had no problem with her pink nipples and pussy being shown to this outsider. She just wished that she had a bit of warning beforehand. Dominator chuckled at the joke, after all not everyone expected to loose their clothing during teleportation, but she thought that might just speed things up a bit.

Plus it was great to see people's reactions. The white nippled big bootied green elemental weilding alien found it hilarious. The bedroom was sort of a mess, with armor plate mail, swords, guns, and other weapons flung everywhere. IT resembled a surly teenage girls room with a lot more skeletons hanging from the high vaulted ceiling and small torture chambers to keep droids in. Also there was a massive stereo ready to pump out the tunes at any given moment. There was a massive bed big enough for thirty people to sleep comfortably. Weirdly enough it was very well made with fine linens folded neatly over each other.

"I must say Lord Dominator I found it strange that you actually took enough care of your possessions and personal hygenie to keep your bed tidy." Queen Tyr'ahnee said backhandedly as she examined the rest of the room.
"Well yeah, obviously. I'm not a wild animal you dork. I have some standards." Dominator said as she dropped her smile and frowned at the uptight Queen who never had to do a days worth of manual labor in her life.
"Fellow warriors? I believe that we will not need to kill this one and drop his dead corpse into the recesses of dark empty space." Mandie said as she gestured towards the now very naked Ronan. He wondered just where his drink and wallet had gone. He hoped that he was going to get them back.

The three women looked down at his cock in shock and amazement. It was huge, it was hung like a third leg or a trunk. His balls were the size of footballs and seemed to have a strange pattern to them. Just spiraling and hpynotizing. He was icnredibly cut, he had a strong core and large powerful biceps. They gazed at him in shock before Dominator turned around and walked very inivtingly towards her bed. She lay back down on it and spread her legs.

"My ship. My rules. My dick. You suck me off first." SHe said and gestured for him to begin. Ronan knew that this wasn't exactly the most romantic setting, stuck in an alien space ship with three gorgeous women that had just done to equivilant of kidnapping him...but they were also very beautiful...and he was very horny...

He began to walk forward before dropping to his knees and crawling to where her thighs waited, opened for him. Her lovely pussy was actually dripping a little which meant that he had a decent chance at getting her off once before he screws her. He gripped her thighs and spread them so that he could get his head in between them. She gasped as his tongue entered, then she gasped again as she realized that it was possibly the longest tongue that she had ever experienced. It reached right inside of her. Stirring her up, snaking deeper and deeper into her. She attempted to squeeze his head but could not move her legs. They were trapped in his grip.

Ronan began to lick the inside of her slowly sweetly sweating walls. They were dripping delicious juices down his throat, that burned where it touched. Lord Dominator attempted to make sense of what was happening. Somehow he was...actually getting her off! He gasped and pulled back for some air only to suddenly find a very firm butt stuck in his face and he was pushed over onto the bed. PRincess Mandie had been studying the faces that the Lord Dominator had been making, they looked different, and very pleased and surprised. Princess Mandie while she loved with every fiber of her being knew that most were too weak to keep up with her strength. She gasped as he gripped her butt cheeks and began to massage them slowly and teasingly. SHe gasped as he spanked one and slipped his tongue into her tight tight tight pussy. It was tighter then Dominator's but not as slippery, he would have to change that. He began to lick and slurp and tease it with every fiber of his being. Making her shiver in delight with his hands playing at her butt cheeks.

Queen Tyr'ahnee watched in fascination as his dick began to spasm and quake. She smelt something. Something odd coming from the alien that they had dragged into their little love off. She walked forwards and bent in half to sniff at his cock. That was where the enchanting smell was coming from. His big floppy dick. As she sniffed she stared in shock as it shot up. It looked huge flaccid. But erect and it was close to another leg! She paused and wondered if it would taste as good as it smelled. She leaned over and pressed a finger to it, it bounced a little but was the perfect mixture of firm and soft. She rubbed it with her hand and shivered as some of his pre began to leak out of the tip.

The queen could not hold herself back any longer and straddled his legs, her thighs on either side of the ridiculously large cock. She wrapped her tits around it and began to rub them up and down. Pressing her face into his massive dick and cuddling it like a stuffed animal. She moaned in happiness as it filled the space between her breasts. She rubbed her pussy against it, bouncing a little to get it even more excited, it rubbed right at her most intimate of areas and made her shiver and quake with delight. She began to breathe heavily and pant with the need to screw it.

She wanted this monsterously big cock inside of her, screwing her until she was a writhing howling mess that could not move. She knew that she had not had a good dicking for years. After all the original man that she fell in love with turned out to not want any of the good thing that she had. He was a prick and rude and awful to her. She deserved this.

She was practically crushing the dick between her massive fun pillows and began to moan and orgasm against it. Ronan moaned into Mandie and she began to bite her lip and twist her nipples in joy as his tongue began to really find her most sensitive of spots. She finally collapsed backwards with a big smile on her face. She wanted him to be inside of her...

Queen Tyr'ahnee gasped as Ronan sprung up, spun the two of them around and she found herself laid back on her back between the two other warriors of the cosmos's with their legs interweaved and their hands clasped together. They looked up at him with wide eyed shock as he aimed his dick up with Tyr'ahnee's entrance and began to slowly push himself in. She was cushioned between the other two women so she was not going to end up flying off of the bed, but her world was about to be rocked.

She screeched with joy as he stretched her and entered her pussy slowly and forcefully. His balls slapping against her bottom. Her breasts almost flew up and hit her in the face until a hand reached down and held them for her. Dominator and Mandie held her breasts in awe as they turned onto their sides and watched as the random stranger they picked up at the club screwed the queens brains out. The martian could not hold it in much longer and began to shriek. As her orgasm reached it's peak he pulled out and slapped his soaking wet dick into Mandie without a seconds worth of warning causing the Princess to shriek in joy and moan happily, she bit into the bed beneath her, her sharp teeth beginning to tear a hole in the fabric. She rubbed her thighs together before she could not even move anymore, her legs grew weak with every last thrust that he gave to her tight gorgeous pussy. Mandie was trying to talk, but her tongue and slack jaw were getting in the way.

She could only groan as her orgasm peaked and collapsed around her. Ronan pulled himself free with an audible pop and turned to a smirking Dominator. She knew that those two were light weights! But she was going to be the one to drain his balls! Thirty seconds after getting his entire shaft inside of her Dominator's eyes were bugging out and her legs were wrapped tightly around his waste as she screeched in joy and ballistic happiness. She gasped as she felt a bright warm feeling expand inside of her and then ooze out as she began to orgasm harshly and happily around his massive monster dick.

Ronan pulled himself from the final alien warrior queen and gripped his shaft. He stroked it quickly and rapidly moaning in joy as his own climax grew, he knew that he had to give himself blue balls. For the greater good and simple ethical reasons...but then they all began squirming and he felt a small petite foot rub his balls and suddenly he was moaning and shooting his load across the three gorgeous women who moaned and gasped and rubbed their large bouncy bountiful tits together tightly before humming and scooping up his tasty cum. He gulped and rubbed the back of his neck as they all lay in the gallons of his cum that had shot out.

"Hehehe...whoops?" He said awkwardly. Dominator blinked before frowning and looking around her room.
"Whoops? That's all you have to say? You stained my bed!" She said harshly. Ronan blinked in surprise before holding up his hands.
"I don't think that you-"A firey expolison cut him off and he suddenly found himself teleported to the surface of a barren moon still without his pants or his drink.

"Shit." Ronan said as he sat down and wondered just how much of his cum the three had ingested, and if he should worry about it. Probably not.

The three women stood up and Dominator sashayed to her closet to pull out a towel and wipe off as much as she could, still taking some to taste. It was strangely tangy.
"Do you have enough to share?" Queen Tyr'ahnee said with a sneer when Lord dominator tossed the used towel to a nearby rover. Dominator looked over her shoulder with a smirk.

"Just offer to lick her clean and I'm sure she'll do the same for you. And hurry up. The night is still young!"

Review. Next thing up soon. Sorry if this was a little on the short side or a little on the long side.