xoxoxoxox xoxoxoxox

Winter Maelstrom
By: Zelga Lim Li


She saw him by accident. But when she looked at his eyes, Naruto knew that she couldn't leave him behind.

Author's notes:
Technically inspired by Tsume Yuki's works. Hopefully she'll like it (if ever she sees this haha).

Also dedicated to RajMeeNa. Cheers!

So… Standard disclaimer applies. Nothing is earned in posting this story online.


Chapter 1

For what its worth, he knew that she is the most wonderful thing that came into his life.

Not that he deserves her per se.

Or that he looked for her in the midst of all the chaos happening in it.

Especially during the night he fell after a few days of evading Hydra and their new method of capturing him with another device that left a bitter taste in his mouth. The said tech truly incapacitated him - scaring him even - and rendered his body especially the metallic arm useless.

It took a few seconds upon her unexpected arrival when she looked at his horrified tear-streaked eyes, a sudden decision that comes with a ferocious tenacity that surprises him and the surrounding assailants when they felt a heavy feeling in the air as she intervened.

With a protective tilt of her gaze, she approaches him carefully and gave him an option to make a choice, she steadily held her hand and after a bit of hesitation from his part finally letting his body to stress its need to shut down allowing her to help him. The woman carried him to safety idly wondering how someone so small can carry 260 lbs. of pure muscle and a metallic arm.

It was a start of something small, nothing too significant - but it was a trust between two strangers that changes everything.

After that day, he promised to be honest with her. Everything he'd done, the lives he took... All the destruction and suffering he had caused.

Perhaps she knows about him more than Steve does. Or what he became after that fateful day.

And yet, just like he knew what that punk would do, she accepted him - faults and all. She even gave him a hug. A hug so warm that he couldn't stop himself from crying. All the hardships, the pain, and the loneliness he felt after becoming that thing.

"You are not a monster. They are. But if you want to see a real one, someone far more troublesome than some worthless piece of trash you knew, I can introduce you to Kurama. He is far more scarier than those Hydra scum." She said one day after telling her everything, wondering as to why she is wasting her time with someone like him. Not even wondering who this 'Kurama' is and how he can be far more terrifying than the Winter Soldier.

So she took it upon herself to remind him that he is still a human being. Not as that young man from Brooklyn who followed his best friend into a war he never wanted to be a part of. Not as the weapon Hydra forced him to be. But as a man trying to pick up the broken pieces of his own self. A man who may be out of time but vows to be a better person than he was before.

For her.

But then fate reminded him of an inescapable truth, that no matter what he do, Hydra will never let him go.

He also knew, deep in his heart, that he could never drag her into this mess. She is too good.

Too kind.

With a frantic look that he hid perfectly from her eyes, the Soldier promises to do whatever he can to protect her, regardless if it cost him his freedom. Even Bucky Barnes agrees.

Hoping that her face will remain in his memory after they try to take everything away from him again.

However, she never lets go of his hand.

And with a smile brighter than the sun or the colour of her hair, Naruto Uzumaki kisses him in the lips earning Bucky a blush and a bewildered look on the Soldiers face as she stood to her full height (he does admit that she looks bigger in life not because of her physical size), steps protectively in front of him and glows.

What happened after that remained seared into his mind.

And despite everything that occurred that day, she never lets his hand go.

"You are precious to me, James… That is why I'll never forgive these people for what they did to you… And if you just ask me to, I'll destroy all them and make them burn…"


When Steve came later that day after receiving a text from an unknown number, they came to investigate the aftermath of a battle near the location they knew where Bucky was last seen, he was surprised to see a young woman waiting for their arrival. At her feet lies Hydra's men tied like a sack of potatoes. Natasha subtlety maneuvered herself so that they can surround the stranger and prevent her from making a move if she turns out to be 'unfriendly'.

They do not know if the message came directly from her which makes her suspicious to an extent and what this action means to all parties involved. The blonde immediately noticed Natasha's move judging from the slight chuckle he heard from the mysterious woman.

"When he told me not to let my guard down, I was expecting one of you to attack first and then ask later..."

Stark reacted indignantly and was heard by everyone in the comm link with Sam and Clint's amused laughter in the background.

"State your purpose and what is your involvement with Hydra?" Steve frowned when she tilted her head in response as she took something from her pocket urging Steve to raise his shield and Natasha pulled her gun out of nowhere and pointed it towards the woman threateningly.

Nodding in satisfaction from their actions, she gave them an amusing smile and cautiously placed a phone with a folded piece of paper on top of the unconscious men.

"As much as I would like to chat and give my regards to everyone, I got places to be and a worried man to cuddle," Blushing slightly from her words after a few seconds of saying it out loud, the woman scratches her cheeks embarrassingly. "Er, what I mean is, well I, uh... Right," Coughing to hide her discomfort, the woman slightly raised her bandaged arms (wrappings extended up to the tip of her hands) with the pointer and middle fingers bent in an angle as she glances towards the Captain, giving him a few parting words that shook the man to his core.

"It may take a while, but he wants you to give him more time to sort things out," With an understanding gaze, she added lightly with a small smile, "I happen to know how worrisome best friends can be, but I promise not to leave him alone on this journey and prevent him from brooding too much. So if he got tired of me sticking into his business, I know how to find you."

Natasha acted a little too late and when the woman gave Steve a teasing wink and disappears in a yellow flash leaving in her wake a three-pronged kunai with strange markings on the handle.

Stark arrived a second later scanning the surrounding area muttering incoherently under his breath. Something about unknown entities or whatnot.

Sam approaches him hesitantly and looked at the weapon in Natasha's hand.


With a weary sigh, Steven Grant Rogers approaches the prisoners noticing their unconscious state and a few bullet wounds that isn't life-threatening. Taking the phone and folded parchment the unknown woman left behind, what he saw written in the paper surprises him once more earning a few worried looks from everyone.

Wanda glances at Pietro warningly preventing another snarky comment from her brother. They followed Vision dutifully to gather evidences that littered the entire warehouse.

"Steve?" Natasha prompted once more.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Steve ordered everyone to move out after securing the captives hiding the note Bucky wrote specifically for him.

A note that gave him a spark of hope that everything is going to be alright.

That Bucky will come home. Someday.


Bucky's letter…

I know this is some sort of payback for all the mothering I gave you in the past, especially when you're still tiny, sickly and scrawny. And I am not amused, you punk!

XXYouXX XXmayXX XXcontinueXX XXchasingXX XXHydraXX XXforXX XXallXX XXIXX XXcareXX XXandXX

Knowing that someone else got your back makes it a bit easier. However, Naru promises to keep an eye on you so that I'll know when you need someone who got your six.

Until then and for my own peace of mind - I don't want your annoying presence to bother me when I am still fixing myself - FOR GOD'S SAKE, STOP CHARGING HEAD FIRST INTO ANY SORT OF TROUBLE, YOU CRAZY PIECE OF SHIT!

So yeah.

And maybe I'll introduce you to her properly, XXwhenXX XXI'mXX XXreadyXX XXtoXX XXshareXX. XXOrXX if the time is right... And I have this gut feeling that you'll like her just as how I know my Ma and sisters would.

Until then, take care of yourself, punk.

Your old friend,

James Barnes


1 year later…

Anthony Edward Stark stared at these people while typing furiously on his Stark Phone as he mutters incoherently under his breath. Beside him, Virginia "Pepper" Potts sighed internally and tried to ignore his craziness as she quietly returned the amusing glance of the only female from the group of people that called in earlier that morning for a very important meeting.

"Using the information from the files you sent to my office last week, I was able to review and take note of your country's requests, Mr. Hata-…" Frowning a bit and re-checked her documents wondering if it is a typo or something (seriously, who still uses papers nowadays), Pepper added quickly, "I mean Mr. Kakashi Hatake. My apologies, I normally know how to…"

"No need to worry, Ms. Potts," Kakashi interjected as he chuckled amusingly when he steals another glance from the man in front of him as Tony flickers his eyes from him and the mask that covers the lower half of his face, his companions especially Hinata, to Kiba (who thankfully wears the clothes Naruto brought for them) and then returned back to Shino who is still (almost) mostly covered except for a small part of his face barring the goggles he now uses.

"We do follow the same traditional honorifics albeit differently. So no need to be formal and with that said, you can definitely call me by my first name, Kakashi," Naruto did advise him to keep it simple.

"Well if you insist, although I should expect you to call me Pepper then," The woman smiled warmly in response and gestured the other man who continues to ignore everyone else as he sips from the coffee Happy brought in earlier. "And this is Tony, although you may call him Anthony or Stark. Either one works fine." Sputtering, he gawks at her as she returns his gaze with a glare. Sulkily, the man-child pouted and crossed his arms morosely and finally focused on their meeting.

Truly, the world is vast and Naruto's months of travel (regardless of her clones' added help) may not be enough. However her newest companion and 'his' information albeit outdated is a big help.

Wondering how ink and scrolls are a rarity these days. He was also briefly introduced to the wonders of modern technology called a 'laptop'. If it was available at the time of his reign, he wouldn't have to worry about paperwork and should have fully used the capabilities of his secretary just like what these C.E.O.'s normally do.

As the meeting itself moves to more important matters at hand with Hinata explaining additional provisions from the agreement between Stark Industries and the Allied Forces (all Kages agrees that it is a better wording for the alliance rather than 5 separate entities or villages), he could still not picture the man before him as somewhat extraordinary.

Granted that there are two mechanized suits hovering protectively in the background for the redhead's safety while Mr. Stark himself has a suitcase situated by his feet that Kakashi thinks may contain some kind of weapons that the man can immediately call to his aid in the event of a possible skirmish.

Naruto herself is positive that this meeting is going to be a success as it is beneficial for both parties involved. However she did warn him about something else… What was it again?

"Okay, lady and gentlemen," Stark voiced out as he removes his sunglasses after a moments of silence when Pepper finally shuts the door to her office with her bodyguards standing over it diligently. "Let's be honest with ourselves and be mindful of what you say," Frowning, the man rubs his chin and added in a not so comforting manner as the suitcase itself transforms into another suit, "…or 'do' for that matter."

Kiba whistled appreciatively while his teammates remain unmoved at the unexpected addition to their company.

Perhaps he should have removed his mask to calm the man down. Not that Kurenai's team ever saw his face unlike his cute not-so-little-anymore students.

"So tell me, Hatake-san," The man himself knows how to keep his emotions in check but as a seasoned veteran and former Hokage, Kakashi knows where and how to look. "Why would I entrust my company's name and resources to people who is protecting a known fugitive?"

Hinata who'd grown to like the man himself (quirks and all) stood straighter as she prepares herself to defend Naruto's precious person (he got to admit, her list is starting to get longer and longer especially during her out-of-the-village stint. He can even bet his Icha-Icha collection that Team 7 now lies second to the man in question). Holding his hand up, Kakashi stopped her and looked directly at the man before them.

"I am definitely certain that you already know who we are, Mr. Stark," The 6th Fire Shadow started calmly. After all, this is the reason why he is here in the first place, "I can also assure you that we mean no harm. And that we strive to better understand the world outside the borders and build a steady relationship especially to certain individuals that my people believes are trustworthy with this particular endeavour." Stark raises one brow questioningly as Kakashi interjected in a serious tone. "Moving aside, I also know how people tends to blame something they can easily point their fingers into rather than the enemy who still hides in the shadows of men," Upon his nod, Shino approaches quietly and places a scroll in the middle of the conference table between the two older men. "And not once in my entire career as a shinobi that I blamed the weapon for the action of its wielder. You, among of all these people, should know that better than anyone else."

Eyeing the scroll, Tony remains silent but Kakashi can see the tension rolling within. With a tired sigh, he gestured everyone to take their leave as he stood and bowed slightly to their host. "Ah yes," Gesturing to the scroll while idly wondering why Naruto used this method of communication and if the man himself knows how to open it. "This scroll contains a letter addressed to you as a sign of good will from our Nanadaime Hokage," With a small smile, Kakashi explained knowing that the man will temporarily shift his focus from his own personal issue to another that is something far more challenging. "Well, if you can open it that is." If what he heard from the man is true, then this will be a good start.

Hinata smiled in response while Kiba snorted amusingly.

"This isn't a bomb or something that will blow up in my face, right?" Tony asks dubiously while poking the scroll with a pen.

"You do have a considerable amount of chakra for a civilian," Shino commented politely with a curious tilt of his head. His bugs do like the taste of Mr. Stark's chakra, "With that, you might be able to unseal this scroll."

"My chakra what now?" Tony drops his jaw in shock when the people disappears in clouds of smoke and leaves after the man in the mask gave him a parting wave. "Tch. How rude." The formation of the fingers is somewhat similar to what the unknown woman have used that day although hers is far more flashier.

"Tell me you got everything recorded, Friday?"

"Yes, boss." Tony's A.I. replied as he took the scroll thumbing the leaf insignia on the red seal. "I was also able to run a thorough scan of our guests and they do show signs of an unknown energy especially during the hand formation."

"Gamma radiation?"

"Negative." Interesting.

Perhaps he can deal with murderbot later on after he solves this particular puzzle.

"Alright then," Tony stood as Mark 5.2 opens up and he steps inside the armor while the windows in the room opens automatically for his departure. "Gather all the information you can find about this 'chakra' thingy. Oh and make sure to store it in my personal server." Iron Man smirked as he readied his thrusters to begin this new project.

"Fury can threw a fit for all I care, but these people came to me first. So I got to keep them for my own personal amusement." He suppose he can deal with Cap's bestie after a few considerations. And perhaps a round or two. That arm shouldn't be more sophisticated than his babies and if in case it is, dissecting it will be in his next agenda. By then, he can call it even. Maybe.

"If you say so, boss."

"Ugh! Since when did you became so cheeky, you brat?"

"I don't understand the question. Can you repeat it for me again, please?"

"Right. You are starting to sound like 'her'." With practiced ease, Iron Man flew out of his building after giving a few waves at the people on the street who saw his descent. "Well, whatever. Just make sure to remind Pepper of our dinner date later tonight."

"Sure thing boss."


6 months earlier...

It was a very peaceful place.

A place where he can finally be him, scars and all. A place that he doesn't need to pretend or hide.

The people themselves (mostly the shinobi ones) may know who he actually is and yet they look at him like he is always been a part of the village itself, a colleague from work that just came back from a very long mission. While the majority of the populace (the civilian ones) treated him like any other ninja they knew. They also looked at him without any fear. There is respect and a bit of admiration (much to her amusement). One would think that it was the arm or the mysterious air surrounding him. But after his arrival with Naruto dragging him here and there, Bucky might have guessed the why's.

"Naruto does have this ability, whoever she touches or the people who got to know her, becomes her friend. Eventually, their lives changes because of it," Kakashi said to him after he saw his gaze following Naruto as she frets over the older woman who she calls 'Baa-chan' after evading a scroll thrown right at her face. "I know she already told you everything. That it wasn't like this before." With a soft smile, the man glances at him from the corner of his eyes, "But you should know that she never gave up despite the struggles. That she kept moving forward, to achieve her dreams, to become what she is today."

He really liked this place. Here, he doesn't need to fight anymore. Naruto herself promised that no one will force him to fight or they will face her wrath if one ever thinks of asking it from him.

However he do know that if her life is in danger, the Soldier - no, Bucky Barnes himself - will fight tooth and nail (even shed a bit of blood) to keep her safe and protect her from harm.

Her best friend slash brother, Sasuke Uchiha, gave him an assessing look after they first met. Naruto reacted badly and defended him but the man shrugged her off with a wordless grunt and all hell breaks loose after that.

It was a normal occurrence according to her peers so the rest of Team 7 minus Kakashi-san (who is still the village's leader at the time) took it upon themselves to entertain him while Naruto is distracted. But he knew that wasn't the case when it comes these people and their protectiveness over her. He decided to tag along just to know what their opinions are about his presence in her life.

Oh yes, there are a few threats in between, and the other female member of the team (the paled eyed Hyuuga might have forcefully included herself in the process) promised that what these Hydra bastards had done will pale in comparison to what she plans ("Me and Sakura-chan," the heiress added politely) and will do to him in the event that he make Naruto cry.

Let us not forget the two village leaders and a few other assortments including a tailed bijuu residing inside of Naruto's seal (who has physically shown himself so that he can threaten his existence) and a ramen cook. There is also an academy teacher (the only other person aside from the young teen who keeps following Naruto around upon their arrival) that gave their blessing in regards to their relationship but still left a few parting words as well.

All in all, everything is going well. His life, although not perfect, is finally settling into place.

Perhaps he can invite Steve here one day. Naruto agrees to his idea as well.


3 months after that first glance…

She knew she had it coming but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. Kurama even agrees that it was her worst attempt ever.

She even felt bad (after one of the clones dispel with some memories particularly James' reaction when her captor manhandled her) for making him worry. Her clones might have saw a glimpse of the Soldier after their 'target' slapped her in the face.

Knowing the importance of this mission though, she promises to make up to him after everything is all sorted out.

So she immediately set to find the other victims and found 34 young women and little girls locked inside a large room by these bastards to be sold like some kind of merchandise.

Damn it! These slave traders must be stopped at all costs.

She also learned from one of the older women that there is one teenager that was separated from the rest because she is far too valuable.

"The girl is from Wakanda. We knew she is special, creating trinkets for the little ones..." A wordless plea that Naruto happily responded with a smile.

Finding the girl was easy. Convincing her was another matter. "Idiot, you are using a henge," Kurama muttered as Naruto mentally facepalmed herself and dispelled her illusion earning a jaw dropping reaction from the other girl. Before she can introduce herself, they were shot at and the blonde automatically created clones to distract them as she drags the girl to safety.

"How did you do that? It is an illusion, like a real one. Did my brother sent for you? Are these copies for real?" The girl questioned relentlessly not minding the commotion happening in front of her.

It didn't take long before her clones subdued their attackers but then one of the thugs tried to shoot while her back is turned. But the bullet was stopped by a metallic arm and a hard kick was returned right at the thug's chest. Her 'shield' was about to punch the man in the face giving the idiot a fatal blow but Naruto hastily stopped him. The bastard deserves the worst punishment ever but no need to sully her James' hands.

"Hey now, it's all right..." Giving him a once-over especially the arm (he rolled his eyes at her when she fingered the slight dent the bullet made), Naruto gave him a small smile and placed a hand on his chest to feel the racing beat of his heart. Now that she is close, it is starting to calm down.

"I knew the similarities are quite obvious," He noted gruffly and despite the emotions she sees in his eyes, he gently took her face and tucked her within his arms. "Heading headfirst into a fight..." With a shaky breathe, James releases his hold and looked at her. The blonde's hair tie breaks and a handful of hair fell down reaching past her waist (her hair is almost as long as her mom's which is so awesome). James took another scrunchie from one of his pockets and gave it to her. Muttering her thanks, Naruto smiled at him and quickly rebraided her hair.

"Sorry for worrying you," She admits that her action was a bit reckless. So for his peace of mind, she will try to limit any death defying stunts in the future. Kurama scoffed in response to her promise while she answered the fox back with a finger.

"Right. So are the both of you now okay or something? Or should I stand back and wait here...?" The girl shuffled slightly and glances between the two of them. But her eyes kept returning to the arm, frowning to herself.

Reminded that her work isn't done yet, Naruto hesitantly pulls herself away from James and gave him a comforting pat in the cheek. Another set of clones gave him a few ropes that they found in one of the boxes surrounding the room.

"They're here," One of the clones reported before dispelling. With a nod, Naruto took the girl's hand and led her out. James followed shortly after securing a few firearms in his person.

"What the hell happened here?" Thankfully the clones was able to tidy the trashes to one side of the hallway. Astounded, the girl looks around watching a battle zone. Good thing there isn't much blood. The teen may not be freaking out yet but Naruto knew it was only a matter of time. "Oh no, the others. I have too..."

"Relax," The blonde laughed and prevented the teen from running off. "I was brought into their room first so we started from there and took them to safety before I went to get you," Hearing the commotion down the hallway, Naruto peered slightly and saw a familiar man in a suit walking towards them. "Seems like the cavalry is here. You can go with them and this man will bring you back home. He is one of the good guys so..."

The girl tightened her hold and drags Naruto to a stop. "Something wrong, kid?"

"I thought I'd be able to rescue them on my own. I..."

Patting the girl's hair, Naruto kneeled and took her hand, "Well, I suppose you could have if we arrived a day later. But regardless of the circumstances, you were very brave back there." The girl giggled and turned to look back at James who were almost unnoticeable except that the shine of his metal arm still shows his current location.

"May I know your names?" She asks hesitantly as the girl plays with the beaded bracelet she wears (it does look fancy with various symbols etched on each bead), "I want to thank you properly, for saving me... and I-"


The girl turned and saw her caretaker slash bodyguard Mia with the man in the suit running towards her.

Happy to see her, Shuri waves back. Hopefully this 'excursion' didn't reach her family's ears. She still has much to do and going back won't allow her to prove anything. She turned to her saviour so that she can introduce her to Mia but what she saw was an empty hallway.

Disheartened as she never got to know their names, Shuri sighed sadly and accepted Mia's worrying embrace.

Hopefully, she would still get the chance to see those two before she goes back to Wakanda.

The curious side of her wanted to know how the blonde created clones to fight for her. And that illusion. Could she be one of those people her baba told them in one of his stories about the other civilization that is hidden from the eyes of the world? People that can use some form of energy and manipulate the elements.

And that arm. It doesn't feel right. However the man was able to utilize it. Like it was always a part of him all his life. No matter. An upgrade is in order. She will make sure of it. Better yet, use an appropriate metal that is far more durable than what these white people are so fond of using. Like Vibranium.

Glancing gloomily behind her one more time, Shuri lets Mia walk her out of that place. She will also need to inquire about the other victims, that they are returned to their own families accordingly. She might also offer financial assistance. So that they won't have to grab a knives edge to make ends meet.

She knew half of the older women came here voluntarily. To find jobs and earn something for their family. Not knowing that these people will only push them down further.

"I believe this is for you, miss." The agent held a peculiar shaped weapon towards her. She never noticed the weapon at her feet. It is a three-pronged blade with some form of writing on the handle.

Taking it carefully, mindful of the sharp edges, Shuri look questioningly at him. It was a different weapon from what she had used earlier. Was it some kind of teleportation device? "You are not going to take it in for evidence?"

The man smiled in response and gestured for his men (Shuri even saw a pretty lady talking in a walkie talkie) to finish the task of rounding up the traders. "As far as I know, we were called in and assisted by a brave young girl to rescue the victims of a very suspicious and illegal operation."

"I don't understand. How?" Frowning, Shuri tried to think further as to what everything means or is happening. "You mean to say that she is not taking the credit for all of this? Why?"

The agent shrugged in response and adjusted his earpiece. "I don't know the answer to that question as well. And I don't like not knowing things. But I learned to accept the fact that not everyone wants to be in the limelight like some people I used to know," With a nod, he gave her a pat on the shoulders as Mia opened the door of their car. Despite not seeing his eyes, Shuri knew he is observing her reaction.

"You must have made an impression," His gaze towards the blade, he chuckled and shook his head amusingly. "This kunai is given to people she likes the most. And don't be surprise if you see her popping in and out occasionally like she often does with my team."

"Oh!" Her smile widening, Shuri laughed happily and tackled the man in excitement. "I hope she brings her friend. That arm must be fixed. It doesn't suit him at all."

"What arm? Who are you referring to?" The man questions the girl alarmingly but Shuri was already lost to her thoughts, planning everything ahead. Mia, not noticing the conversation happening between her and the agent, started the car and drove off leaving his questions unanswered.

"Coulson, is everything OK?" Melinda asks while watching the car where Wakanda's princess left with. Thankfully, the older brother didn't come with them on this rescue mission. There are rumours surrounding that specific country. However, they currently have enough problems on their plate than deal with these people and questionable activities from certain individuals.

"Yeah. Just tired," Giving Agent May a small smile, Phil took his phone out and sent a message to a certain number as his agent led him back to the building. "Is everything taken care off?" Perhaps, he needed to talk to 'her' one more time, if she is willing.

Her help with these kind of missions is greatly appreciated. But he needs to know what to expect in the future as she keeps on evading his inquiries about her intentions and who this other companion is and what 'arm' the princess is referring to.

Hopefully, it isn't another problem. Fury himself is already giving him a difficult task of rebuilding S.H.I.E.L.D. and to look for surviving agents that still follow the ideals their predecessors believed in and what the said agency originally stood for.

Maybe, she can be the new face of that hope. The Captain himself might agree as he is preoccupied by another matter in his hands (knowing that Bucky Barnes is still alive gives Phil the chills in his stomach).


Present day…

Naruto stood before a large mirror and was absently watching her reflection. Currently, she's waiting in one of the rooms prepared for their entourage by the United Nations in New York City.

Bucky is with Sasuke and both are wearing their respective ANBU uniforms (and masks) while Kakashi-sensei and Gaara are accompanying her for this press conference that will be held in front of the entire world. It is time to tell the world of their presence. Just like Wakanda have done weeks before.

Gaara may be one of the leaders of the Allied Forces and will stand by her side as her closest friend aside from the teme (the rest of the Kages agrees that she is more appropriate to be the Allied Forces' representative since she's been here before and knows how the world outside the borders works). The United Nations graciously complied with their request upon Wakanda's recommendations.

Shuri and her brother T'Challa, the current King of Wakanda, along with some of the Dora Milaje (Okoye came and the blonde is happy seeing the General again) are present to support them on this endeavor.

Although they shouldn't have come because they just finished settling the issues within their kingdom (the cousin himself is one nasty piece of work and would rather trust an outsider than his own cousin, but further bloodshed was avoided with Konoha's - or rather Naruto's insistent assistance much to T'Chaka's resigned annoyance).

"Alright, everything is all set," Shuri exclaimed satisfyingly as she gave one final sweep on Naruto's robes.

For this event, Naruto wore the ceremonial Hokage red and white robes (although she prefers her orange jacket with black trimmings and the white coat much to Bucky's agreement). The Kage hat will be removed once she is introduced alongside Gaara. Kakashi himself is wearing his Jounin uniform - that lucky old man.

"I don't feel good. It's like my head is floating…" Naruto said out loud and Okoye's lips lifted slightly while the Princess sighed and giggled as she patted her gently in the cheek.

"Right. You do look pale and about to faint or something," Tapping her chin, the younger woman has this satisfied gleam in her eyes as she texted someone in her phone. "Okay, I just called for reinforcements. He should arrive in a few seconds," Pulling the blonde down to sit at the couch, Shuri took Naruto's hat off and gently placed it at the coffee table. "Alright, I just need you to breathe with me and stay calm."

"Doll, what's wrong?" Bucky removes his mask after hastily entering the room (he knew there are certain protocols for removing the mask without the approval of his commanding officer, but who would reprimand him if she is the one having the crisis with at the moment). Okoye left after motioning the Princess to give the two some privacy. Shuri pouted as she didn't want to leave but went along regardless.

"We have 15 minutes left. I'll inform the others just in case."

"Thanks, kid," Bucky called out and Shuri smiled in response as the teen gently closes the door muttering lightly that she is not a kid.

"Maybe I should have requested Gaara to do the speech and face everyone today. I heard that he is a good speaker especially at the war or so they told me…"

The blonde babbled on and Bucky immediately knew what's wrong. Knowing just the exact thing to keep her grounded, he kissed her breathless and felt her heart started to calm down until he can hear it's steady rhythm that he knew by memory even with his eyes closed. Besides, he never got the chance to kiss her after they left Konoha.

"Feeling better?"

"You are a bastard. Teme must've corrupted you by his very presence." Naruto sulked and poked him in the ribs. Laughing at her reaction, Bucky tucked a few loose strands of her hair behind the ear. With a peck on the nose, he stands up dragging her along. Eyeing her robes, he adjusted the collar and promptly fixed her hair.

"There is no one more suited to face the world but you, Naru," Cradling her face, Bucky places one more kiss on the corner of her lips. "You who explored each and every corner past the safety of the borders separating the elemental nations from the rest of the world," Another kiss placed this time on her cheek. "You who met all kinds of people, got to know them, live with them and changed their lives," This time he kissed her forehead letting her know of his emotions and his love for her, "Changed my life…" Smiling softly at him, Naruto cradled his own face.

"If in case we met under different circumstances, I'll still save you. You know that, right?"

"Yes. Yes you would."

"And as much as I love to see you all flustered up, you do have a conference to attend to, dobe," Sasuke drawled lazily as he scrutinizes the nails on his hand (the artificial arm he was gifted with is also covered in bandages just like Naruto's own). The display this two shows might be sickening to some extent (too sweet for his tastes) but it did put a smile on his face (happy that his best friend was able to find someone who cared for her more than life itself especially after all the hardships he had caused her) although he hid it perfectly from Naruto's annoyed stare.

"I am not asking for your opinion, you bastard!" She can now screech at him which means Bucky was able to calm her down. Good.

"All right you two, settle down." At times like this, he does misses Steve. Perhaps he and Naru can visit him later after the conference.

"Yes, whatever dobe."

"Shut up you teme!"

Naruto doesn't remember anything after their brief squabble but when they are led into a large hall filled with hundreds people from around the world including the press, she freezes once more. But his hand (the artificial one - modified by Hashirama's cells with bones made of Vibranium) squeezes hers gently, reminding her that he's there. That he got her back.

After King T'Challa introduces her, Naruto steadily walk towards the podium and removed her Kage hat showing her face for the first time to the entire world.

And with a quick glance behind her back giving a teasing wink towards Bucky who shook his head amusingly (she may not see his face because of the mask but she knew he is watching her every move), Naruto faces the world and told them a story.

Well not really a story of how she dreamed to be a Hokage.

But yeah. Something like that.


Author's other notes:
Can't stop this particular bunny. Now that it is done. I'm good to go. Time to focus on the others. Hopefully.

Oh and thanks for checking this out especially if you are plain curious or got nothing else to do. Anyways, I will greatly appreciate any reviews or constructive criticism.

Un-beta'ed so mistakes are mine. Tried the online checker thingy but since it is free - may still have some mistakes or whatever. So that's that.

xoxoxoxox xoxoxoxox