Relationships have their ups and downs, their hurdles in bumpy roads, but true love overcomes all. Nowhere is this seen more clearly than the relationship that formed between Avatar Korro and his girlfriend Asami Sato. Their bond formed over many trials and tribulations, but through it all, their eyes never strayed from one another, even when Asami liked that Mako guy. Truly, they were a match made in Spirit World. However, Asami had some doubts she kept hidden. She was none too fond of Korro always rushing off to fight and leaving Asami behind. Asami was no slouch in combat, her electric glove was a useful tool in fights. However, Asami wasn't a bender, and seemed more delicate than she actually was. What Korro never gave much thought to was that Asami was as smart and clever as Korro was strong and powerful, something he would do well to respect.

Asami paced in her bedroom at the Sato estate, a grand room with a large and comfortable bed and four posts on each of its corners. She wore a thin red robe, her slim figure and bust apparent to any who would care to look. "Where is he?" She muttered, annoyed by her boyfriend's timing. The Triple Threat Triads and Agni Kai Triads were fighting again, and Korro decided to work with Lin Beifong to finally take them down. Stomping out their territories was apparently not enough. However, Asami planned a romantic afternoon with her boyfriend, some nice food and love-making was prepared. When she offered to go help, Korro waved her off, saying he could handle it just fine. She brushed some of her wavy raven black hair behind her ear before tying it into her normal ponytail. She looked at herself in her mirror, her light green eyes scanning every inch of herself, taking special note of her normal makeup: her dark red lipstick and purple eye-shadow.. A clever grin formed on her lips as she heard Korro land outside her window.

Asami strolled over to her balcony and leaned on the railing, making sure her cleavage was showing and her nipples were poking the fabric. She looked over her boyfriend, wanting him on her bed. He was handsome and had a toned body, his tight blue tank top showing off his muscled form well enough. Asami was fond of his side ponytail and his short spiky brown hair in general. He wore blue pants and a pelt, with brown boots on his feet. Korro wore a blue and white band on his right arm, and dark blue bands on his forearms. "Are you going to make your girlfriend wait all day, Avatar?" She questioned in a soft and melodic tone. Korro looked up and blushed, dumbfounded by the girl's erotic display. He gathered his wits and grinned. "Not anymore." He declared. He ran up and formed a tornado of wind to propel him up, planting a soft kiss on Asami's lips. She returned the gesture, pulling him closer. She ended the kiss and stared into his blue eyes. "Now come inside, I want my boyfriend now." She bid him, taking his hand. Korro leaped off his tornado and landed beside Asami, eagerly following her into her bedroom.

Korro wrapped his arms around Asami's stomach and held her close to him. "Sorry I had to take off so quickly. These gangs really need to go down." The Avatar apologized, kissing Asami's cheek. The girl softly moaned, slowly grinding her ass against Korro's crotch and feeling him begin to harden. "I could help, you know? It'll make things easier." Asami suggested one final time. Korro shrugged. "I can handle it, and you won't be in any danger." The Avatar decided. The girl chuckled and turned around in her boyfriend's embrace. "I bet I can handle more than you can." She challenged, pushing her chest into him. Korro raised and eyebrow and smirked. "Is that so? You wanna bet on being stronger than me?" He playfully questioned. Asami nodded, trailing her fingertip down Korro's chest. "Give me twenty-four hours to make you admit that I'm stronger. If I win, you let me go with you to fight. If I lose, I'll stay behind, and even wear cute or sexy clothes for you when we get together." She proposed, giving him an amorous look. "Or nothing at all. What do you say, love?" She asked. Korro had rarely seen such a look from her, and it gave him pause. However, he had beaten the toughest opponents in the world, saved not only Republic City, but the entire world, and restored the balance. He chuckled and gave his girlfriend a confident smirk. "It's a deal, Asami. I can't wait to pick out some skimpy costumes for you to wear around here. Maybe even in your office while you work." He agreed, planning all sorts of fun things to do with her.

Satisfied that he agreed, Asami broke out of his embrace and lead him to the bed, having him sit on the edge. She turned around and slowly slipped out of her robe, exposing herself to him from behind. Despite having slept together numerous times, Korro was always taken by his girlfriend's beauty. She strolled over to a nearby desk, waving her hips side to side to keep Korro entertained. The clever girl picked up a glass perfume bottle filled with a transparent purple liquid, and slowly walked back to her boyfriend, giving him an eye-full of her attractive bust this time. She could clearly see him pitching a tent in his pants, eager for some loving. His eyes roamed her perfect body, toned as a fighter, soft and supple as a lover. Asami gave a small smile as she leaned over, pushing her breasts together to give Korro something to look at, as she brought up her perfume bottle. "Tell me what you think of the smell. It's new, and I have high hopes for it." She explained to an ignorant Avatar, before squeezing the bulb atomizer to release a mist of an odd but pleasant smelling spray near Korro's face. The Avatar inhaled it as he looked over his girlfriend's nude form. Unaware of the perfume's true nature, his eyes felt heavy, and a small push from Asami made him fall back into a deep sleep. Asami stood straight, proud of her efforts as Korro slumbered. Asami appraised her special perfume, designed to render anyone who inhaled it asleep in a matter of moments, a dangerous product her father designed but never implemented in time to use it before Korro and his team fought Amon and his forces.

Asami set about her work, moving quickly, but delicately, preparing her efforts to make Korro see just how strong his girlfriend was. When he woke from his drug-induced slumber, he found himself chained to Asami's bed, his arms and legs spread and bound to each of the posts, and completely naked. He was completely shocked by the turn of events as he looked up to Asami, who was equally nude and straddling his waist between her legs. She ran her hands over his stoned chest, a soft smile on her lips. "I hope you feel rested, because we're just getting started." She told him. Korro looked up towards his wrists to get a better idea of his situation, and found a metallic armband that he felt weaken him, relating it to chi blocking. Another device Asami's father failed to deliver on before Amon's forces were quelled. Korro grit his teeth, annoyed by Asami's actions. "You knocked me out and tied me up? Why?" He questioned. Asami smirked and began to gyrate her hips right above Korro's shaft, gaining a favorable reaction. "I thought we discussed this. Our bet? I'm going to win." She declared in a melodic tone, leaning down and giving Korro a kiss while pressing her chest against his. Korro couldn't argue much as Asami took his lips and began to rub his chest with her breasts, and slide her slit along his hardening member. She continued to tease him, feeling her own arousal building as her nectar began to flow on his erect member. She likewise felt him pulse and bulge with need. Satisfied with what she felt below, his large and erect cock at full mast, she pushed herself up and reached behind her, finding something fun sitting between his legs.

Past Korro's eager shaft was a silver-colored metal ring on the bed. With a grin, Asami slipped it onto his cock, pushing down while careful not to hurt him. The Avatar winced at the strange contact. "What did you put on me?" He questioned. Asami chuckled and slowly got off of him and went to a nearby nightstand, opening the drawer and taking the rest of her toys: a couple of nipple clamps and an egg vibrator with accompanying band. Korro was scared by what he saw. "What are you going to do...?" He questioned her. Asami grinned and set about her work, attaching the clamps to Korro's nipples, and strapping the egg vibrator to his bound cock. She flipped a small switch and watched it work, teasing her boyfriend, and making him unable to release. Leaving him to his woes, she slipped on her robe and left her room, having some work to catch up on to distract her while she waited for the right time to return.

Asami moved to her office within the Sato estate and busied herself on developing new machines for her company, her mind occasionally wandering to Korro, and how his struggles against her cuffs would only make matters worse, his arousal would continue to build and find no release. Just the thought make her excited. She would briefly pause to move a hand downward to part her robe and rub her warm and wet flower, finding a new side to herself in how much she enjoyed the thought of Korro frustrated and in need of release. Asami planned to give him that release, but not before winning their bet. Schematics would wait, Asami found a more useful purpose for her pen. She untied her robe and spread her legs, licking her pen to give it proper lubrication before running it along her flower, sighing in pleasure. Her other hand moved to one of her soft breasts as she began to pleasure herself.

After several hours of work and fun breaks, Asami returned to her room, her robe cast aside as she looked at her frustrated and troubled boyfriend, his face twisted in agony and his shaft ready to burst. Asami grinned and strolled over to the bed. Korro saw her, finding some energy and hope for release. "Get me out of this! Please!" He begged. Asami chuckled. "I'd love to, Korro. I want to feel you, taste you, be filled by you." She told him in a soft tone. "Right after you admit that I'm stronger, of course." She added. Korro looked exasperated. "Fine! You're stronger! Just let me go!" He cried. Satisfied at having won their bet, Asami removed the nipple clamps before carefully pulling off the ring and vibrator that bound Korro's shaft, feeling the heat and throbbing it gave off as she did. She saw some of his fluids begin to seep out. Korro sighed in relief, but was still unsatisfied. Asami fully intended to take care of that as she climbed on the bed and spread her legs over him, straddling his hips and lining up his throbbing shaft. Ready to satisfy them both, she slowly impaled herself on him, barely able to reach the end before he released his seed, a much-needed climax to fill her depths. Asami lost her strength for a moment and hilted herself on him, climaxing just a bit herself. Korro groaned in relief, still climaxing in his wicked girlfriend. Asami chuckled, not giving the Avatar much of a break as she rode him, moving her hips on and down on him. Korro expected nothing less, but felt too weak to complain much, and his member was still erect and ready for her.

Asami continued to move her hips, moaning in pleasure with her lover. Korro watched her heaving chest, transfixed by her beauty again, the very thing that got him into this mess. As much as he would have loved to move his hips up, he was bound perfectly by Asami's chains and cuffs. Asami leaned down and planted a kiss on Korro's lips, grinding her chest on his once again. Her juices continued to flow, soaking the Avatar's crotch as she moved. She was concerned about what he would to do her once released, and decided that would be a fun time for them both. The thoughts made her more excited, and she rode him faster and harder, feeling him throb once again. She was just as close to her climax, leaning back up and grabbing her breasts, kneading them and teasing her nipples, acts Korro enjoyed quite a bit. He did plan to give her a taste of her own medicine when she released him, and looked forward to it. With a few more thrusts, the two lovers climaxed together, their voices ringing out in the empty estate. Ecstasy shooting through her body, Asami laid down on Korro, moaning in bliss and contentment and she felt him fill her once again. Her only regret was that she didn't pin him sooner. She locked eyes with him and shared a loving expression before kissing him, feeling him get harder inside her again. Still sensitive from her climax, she removed the chi blocking band and waited for his counter.

Author's Notes: I've actually been meaning to write an Avatar story, and it took an anonymous commission to get me there. The plot, a genderbent Korra in bondage via Asami trying to one-up her/him came from the anonymous commissioner, and it's an interesting one. I had some fun with this story, and I hope you all did as well. Thank you for reading!