Chapter One:Prologue

Blood,Something that no human or animal can live without. Something that we never stop and appreciate because it only comes out if you get a serious injury. But some of you may wonder,"What goes on in a blood cell's life?"

Most of you may have never thought about it, but I sure would like to know the answer to this question and This is what this story is about. Hi, I'm the narrator of this story and I will tell you about the adventures of a particular blood cell and his allies. I will show you how he gets things done and-

"Alright Alright,let's get a move on and hurry up to the actual story and who this is really about,me!"

There he was,our overconfident,sarcastic protagonist,Bloody. It's really fascinating how our blood achieved this level of sentience even though he-

"What did i just say? We should hurry this up before we just add more and more pointless filler!" Bloody yelled,cutting me off

Alright, im sorry, I'm just trying to let the audience get to know you better!

"Well I'm pretty sure i can do an introduction myself, alright!"

Bloody said cockily

Alright, I guess just move onto the next chapter.

"That's more like it, now stay tuned audience, Imma tell you more about myself!"