Hello everyone. I hope you all have been well.

I've returned. I apologize for being gone for a long period of time, I've been doing a lot of thinking and re-imagining to create something new and enjoyable.

Note: I do not own anything related to Steven Universe. It belongs to it's rightful owner and creator that I completely respect. As well this is a AU story, so there will be a few changes along the line.

Please Enjoy.

Chapter 1: The Fight

"Kameron... Kameron... It's time to wake up sleepy head."

I mumbled and groaned a little before slowly opening my eyes and seeing a familiar sight looking down at me with a smile. "S-sis?"

"The one and only." She replied before lowering her face to mine. "Wanna have a little 'play time' with me?"

I felt my cheeks burning after she said that to me. However, she then softly kissed my left cheek before getting off of me and my bed. She stretched out her arms before turning her head back to me, "Hopefully that'll be enough to wake you. Now hurry up and get dressed." She added before walking out of my room and closing the door behind her.

Once the burning in my cheeks were fading I took in a deep breath before exhaling and getting up.

"I can't believe this girl is my sister."

After a few minutes of making my bed, getting dressed, and brushing my teeth I started heading downstairs. Once I reached the final step and started walking toward the kitchen I suddenly stopped once another familiar voice came out.


I was then tackled down to the floor. I grunted a little before up and catching another familiar sight.

"Good morning."

"Lil sis. You know I love you, but I think I'll get a concussion if you keep tackling me like this."

She then puffed her cheeks out at me before getting up and helping me up from the ground. I thanked her but she turned her face from me while crossing her arms and still having her cheeks puffed.

I smirked from the sight of this before placing a hand on her head and slowly rubbing it. Doing this she turned to look at me before smiling softly. Whenever she smiled it made me smile and her cuteness was definitely never wavered whenever she grinned.

I then stopped rubbing her head and started heading for the kitchen while she followed. Once there I noticed my dad, three brothers and my three other sisters sitting at the table. When I took my seat they all turned their attention to me almost instantly.

"Hi Kameron." My brother on the left greeted.

"Hey guys. How are your mornings?"

"Same as usual. We tend to ourselves, check up on the satellite radar for any abnormalities, and relax at home." My brother on the far left addressed.

Before I could reply my mom came up and served me some stacked pancakes while placing a kiss on my forehead. "How are you honey?"

"I'm feeling okay. How are you mom?" I asked.

"I'm fine. But I can't stay for long. Have a good day and be careful going to school, okay?"

I nodded before she kissed my cheek and started heading toward the door before opening it and closing it behind her.

After she was gone I started eating my breakfast. When I took the first bite I was instantly hooked in seconds, my mother's famous pancakes always took my breath away.

"Tell us Kameron. Is there anything going on at your school?" My dad asked.

I stopped eating before looking up to see him and swallowing my pancake piece. "Nothing in particular. Why?"

"Just asking is all. Once your done I can take you to school if you want?"

"Dad, it's only like a mile away. I'll get there faster on my bike. But thanks though."

He nodded to my answer before continuing to read his book.

Once the last pancake entered my stomach I got up and went toward the sink before washing it. As soon as that was taken care of I went over to the shoe rack and took out my sneakers before putting them on.

"Have a blessed day Kameron." My other sister called out.

"Thanks. See you guys after school." I replied after tying my shoes before grabbing my bookbag and heading out.

I grabbed my bike and helmet before getting on and starting pedaling myself out of my driveway and toward the road.

As I kept pedaling I couldn't help but smile from feeling the wind blowing through my face. The feeling was always amazing and welcoming, and was one of the best things to get living in Delmarva, aside from also living near a beach.

I've lived here for pretty much my entire life and something inside me tells me that today might be the day everything changes for me. I don't know why, just a gut feeling.

Up ahead came my school: Beach City High School. The architect was pretty big and wide; it was almost like an academy by the look of it. Good news for me was that it didn't have a dress code. I didn't mind wearing uniforms with blazers and looking smooth, but being yourself and wearing almost anything you want was the better choice in my opinion, and whoever chose that suggestion had the right angle to show for.

When I arrived I placed my bike onto the rack and locked it with a chain. Delmarva is a pretty nice place to live in, but you can never be too careful on who a person really is. Taking off my helmet I looked at the entrance of the school. "Well... Here we go."

Walking up to the doors I placed my hand on the handle before closing my eyes and sighing. I then reopened them and opened the doors before walking forward.

As I walked I started observing my piers. On the left were a trio of guys with their backs against the lockers and what looked like something in their mouth judging by their left cheeks inflated, plus the guy in the middle had on a pretty cool beanie. They all looked at me and showed me the peace sign which I returned while moving on.

Next were five girls who looked pretty and cute from their fashion selections. It looked like they were texting and saying the word 'like' in every sentence. When one of them noticed me they blew a kiss before waving their hand with a smile. I grinned slightly while returning it before quickly moving on with a soft chuckle.

Lastly were a group of kids wearing buttoned shirts, khakis, and square glasses. They were looking at what appeared to be comic books and snickering, possibly due to really getting into it or have gotten to an interesting section. When I walked by they didn't notice me, but I didn't mind as interrupting their reading would lead to a long conversation that I really didn't want to get into.

Finally up ahead I found my locker. When I got up to it I unlocked before opening it and placing my helmet inside. I then noticed the mirror I placed at the dead center on the wall and straighten up my hair a bit. I don't really care about my appearance that much, but a certain friend of said it didn't hear to look decent and nice. To be fair, she was right about that.

I then turned to the left and noticed my graffiti board. "Hello old friend. Let's see what today's gonna be about."

I pulled out one of my colored markers from the bottom of the door before erasing my previous drawing and hovered the marker near it. Hmm... well...I'm not so sure what I'm feeling today. If I was Steven he'd probably draw a star or lion. Maybe...this."

I then started drawing and stopped once I was finished before placing the marker back where it was. "Yep. Life is just one giant enigma."

Finishing up I closed my locker door before locking it back up and heading out for first period.

"C'mon baby, you know you're the only girl for me." A male voice said.

Hearing it up the corner I quickly walked up there before placing my back against the wall and peeking my head out to see what's going on. From what I could see there were three tall guys wearing blue leather jackets with ferocious lion head symbols at the center crowding around.

"We're done, Zac. I want to do with you anymore. Go back to that red head you've been cheating on me with for the past two weeks." A female voice said.

I hear a girl's voice but couldn't see her due to the guys blocking my view. Judging by that sentence, I think I I know what's going on.

"Listen to me. I dumped her and I want you back. I won't take 'no' for an answer." The blonde guy in the middle said before he approached the girl and grabbed her.

As I was watching this I quickly ducked my head back before closing my eyes. "This is none of your business. This is none of your business. Just walk away."

When I reopened my eyes I was about to turn and leave the scene. However there was a problem. My feet wouldn't move an inch. I then balled my fists and sighed, "I really hate you conscience."

"Hey! Leave her alone!" I called out as I came out of the corner.

The guys all turned their attention to me and I was able to look at the girl. She had black hair with a bang that covered her entire left eye, wore a Gothic/Punk styled outfit, and her right eye was light blue.

"Mine your own business Forest Head." The blonde asked.

"Then just leave her alone." I replied firmly.

The blonde released the girl from his grip before over to me. Once he got close he looked down upon me and I was now regretting the decision I just made.

"What's your deal Forest Head? Do you have any idea who you're messing with?"

"No. And I really don't care. People like you shouldn't be messing with others like that. How would you feel if you got picked on."

The two other guys whistled from my response while the blonde right in front of me glared before grabbing my shirt and pulling me off the ground.

"Wrong answer twerp. Zac Armstrong doesn't get picked on."

He then raised his fist and me and was about to land it right on me until it suddenly stopped due a nearby voice.

"Zachery Armstrong!"

We all looked out to see where it came from and noticed another girl. She was a brunette, had light brown eyes, wore a school uniform for some reason with white legging socks and dress shoes. She also had a firm expression with both hands on her waist.

"Put him down right now."

Zac looked back at me before pushing me towards the wall behind me, letting me go.

I grunted from impact before sliding down and sitting down on the floor.

"This isn't over twerp." He said before him and the other guys walked away from the area.

I then slowly got up and dusted off my clothes before turning my attention to the girls.

"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he?" The brunette asked.

"Yeah... I'm fine." I replied before looking at the other girl. "Are you okay?"

"Do I look like a damsel in distress to you?" She replied with annoyance in her voice.

I was a little taken back by her response before looking away.

"Next time stay out of other people's business." She said before walking away.

"Chloe." The brunette called out, making the other girl freeze in place. "He was only trying to help. There's nothing wrong with that. Also, what was going on here?"

The other girl remained quiet. At that moment I wanted to step up and say my two cents, but...as I opened my mouth...the words just wouldn't form.

"It's none of your business, sis. And you should know by now that that's not my name anymore." The girl said with her back turned before she continued to walk off.

The brunette sighed, "When will she learn to let it go and move on with herself?" She then turned her attention to me. "Hey, aren't you that guy who won the art competition last year?"

I widened my eyes from hearing that before turning to look at her. Wow, I haven't thought about that in a while. "Uh...yeah. I'm Kameron." I added while offering my head to her.

"Angela Parks. President of Student Council." She replied with a smile while taking my hand into hers. "And the damsel you rescued was my sister Chloe."

My eyes widened from that before our hands separated. "That was your sister?"

"Yeah. She goes by another name but I think it'll be best if she tells you instead of me." Angela replied. "Also, what happened to your hands?"

As soon as she asked that I immediately froze in place before looking at my hands covered in bandages. As I stared at them the memories started coming back. Memories...she could never understand.

I then gripped my hands while slowly placing them down and looking back at Angela who gained a worried and concerned expression. "I...I don't wanna talk about."

"Oh... well, be careful around Zac and his guys. He's someone you really don't want to mess with. Besides that I should go. Class starts in a few minutes and you should be heading off too."

I did just that. Turned around and started walking away without replying back.

As I walked I looked at my right arm, just the sight of it made me angry, but the one thing that mattered was to keep both hidden. Nobody in this school can ever find out... Nobody...

Later on lunch time approached and they were serving up one of my favorite foods: Chili Cheese Fries.

After getting my lunch I began walking through the cafeteria and searched for a table to sit until an empty slot appeared. Once I took my seat I began to dig in to the ever delicious taste of potatoes mixed with meat and dairy.

"Yo. Kameron." A voice called out.

I looked up and saw two familiar faces: Lars Barriga and Sadie Miller.

"Hey guys. What's up?" I asked.

"Mind if we sit with you?" Sadie replied.

I nodded as they took their seats in front of me. "So...did you hear about the rumors?" Lars asked.

I cocked an eyebrow after hearing that. "What rumors?"

"We heard that you stood up against Zac Armstrong. Did that really happen?"

"Yeah. This morning he was picking on this girl and I went up to stop it." I explained.

"You should probably consider transferring schools." Lars suggested.


"Why? Zac Armstrong is one of the toughest people in this school. He's head captain of the Beach City Lions. More importantly the last time somebody ever stood up to him...it didn't end very well." Sadie replied.

I was gonna ask what happened but instead I shut my mouth and took a sip from my milk. Before I was about to change the subject I looked at Lars and Sadie and noticed their frightened expressions. "Guys? What's wrong?"

They both pointed at me before I turned around and saw what they were pointing at.

"Listen up twerp. Afterschool. Stadium. We're picking up where we left off."

"Listen, I don't want to fight you." I replied while standing up.

Just then he grabbed my shirt and held me up again. "Too late. If you don't show, we will be coming for." He then pushed me down on the floor before he and his boys walked off.

As I sat myself up I could sigh before getting up from the floor.

"Are you alright?" Sadie asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied. "Okay Zac. You asked for it."

The final bell...

As soon as it rang I knew things were gonna go down. Sixth period ended and everybody was ready to go. As for me, it was a call card for something that couldn't be avoided.

I went straight to my locker and took out my helmet before looking at it. Just put it on and go... Go...and avoid this before it gets out of hand.

I gripped onto my helmet before placing it back and closing my locker.

"You know he's gonna kill you, right?" A female said.

I nearly jumped from hearing it before turning around. "Oh hey. I'm not too worried about that."

"You should. My ex knows exactly how to break somebody in half. It's kinda his second hobby."

I didn't know how to respond after hearing that. Zac Armstrong is her ex? How? How can a girl like her be with someone like him? Their polar opposites. But then again, I shouldn't judge what the heart wants, but at the same time it doesn't make any sense.

"Is that the only thing you wanted to warn me about?" I asked while crossing my arms.

"Listen. Thanks for savin' my ass and all, but I just want you to know that he literally will destroy you."

"I'm not too worried about that. I'm more concerned on what's gonna happen. But thanks for the warning Chloe."

As soon as I said that she glared at me. I uncrossed my arms before she went to me as our faces were now in close range. I'm almost afraid of getting a beat down from her instead of Zac.

"It's Chelsea." She firmly addressed.

I gulped as she distance herself from me. "Is...is that your new name?"

"Yes." She admitted. "Just get out of here. I'll convince Zac to take the load off of you."

I shook my head from that. "No. If he wants a fight, I'm giving him one, and I can't back down from this."

Chelsea's eyes widened from my response. She then sighed before walking away from me. I would go after her, but I'm sure we would only be dragging time and make Zac chase after me. I looked at my hands and balled them. Here I come Zac.

Outside I began walking toward the stadium. It was huge. Almost like a coliseum back in Rome. It's no wonder the Beach City Cats are so famous, we're giants.

As I entered inside my breath was taken away. Seriously, there were a large number of seats from left to right, the field was as big as a lake, and there were a large number of cat illustrations on the walls, railings, and near all exit doors.

Straight ahead I witnessed the person who challenged me alongside his boys. They were grinning while crossing their arms, thinking this wasn't gonna take to long to resolve and finish. Oh how wrong they were.

"Glad you made it." Zac greeted. "You know, most wimps chicken out on me or wet themselves. But you, you're definitely the first guy to really not give a crap and get it over with. I like that."

I walked over to them and made my way to the center of the field before stopping and placing my bag down against my leg.

"So punk. Are you ready to get your hands dirty?" The African American jock on the left asked while cracking his knuckles.

I remained silent.

"Aww. Got nothing to say now? Or are you afraid to see what Zac's gonna do to you?" The jock with a shaved haircut on the right asked.

"Listen to me. I don't want to do this at all. But you forced my hand, so if we're gonna do this I'll try and make sure the three of you won't get any critical injuries." I ensured before turning my body sideways and raising up my hands while balling them into fists.

Zac and his boys started laughing from my words. As soon as they were able to catch their breaths Zac cracked his neck. "Thanks for the joke twerp. And don't worry, the only person here who's gonna suffer from any critical injuries is you."

In a split second he dashed forward and threw a punch directly at my face. The impact pushed me down on the ground, but it wasn't over yet. "Mike. Daniel. Hold him up." Doing as he said, the other jocks quickly picked me up and held my arms. Zac threw numerous punches that ranged from my face, my cheek, and my stomach. I gawked, grunted, and groaned from everything thrown to me, but that all apart of the plan.

After the fifteenth punch landed at my stomach I gawked before Zac's boys released me as I fell face first to the ground. "Hmph. All bark and no bite." Zac said before he kicked me onto my back as I breathed heavily. "C'mon guys. He's learned his lesson."

I watched as they turned around and started walking away. "Wait!" I yelled out as I turned my over. "We're not done...Armstrong." I grunted while lifting my body up. God this was painful, especially after fifteen straight punches on me, but that didn't really get to me. It was rough, but not lethal.

Zac and his boys turned around and stared at me as I lifted my fists up. "Look at yourself, man. You can barely stand let alone put up a decent fight."

"That all you got...wuss?"

Getting angry from my comment, Zac walked over to me and threw another punch. However... I caught it by the wrist.

Shocked by my sudden move, Zac tried to release his hand from mine, but I wouldn't budge. I then hurled my other arm straight into his stomach, making him gawk before I launched an uppercut into his chin. This made him get launched into the air before he crashed back down on his back.

"Zac!" Mike and Daniel called out.

He grunted and groaned from my attack before slowly falling back down and closing his eyes. I then looked at Mike and Daniel as they were now pissed from me taking down their friend. Mike went up to punch me, but I squatted just as the punch got to me and kneed him hard in the gut, making him grunt before roundhouse kicking his head, causing him to spin before falling to the ground.

Last was Daniel. Just like the others and being a jackass, he began throwing punches at me. I moved my head left and right to avoid them, then by the third punch I grabbed it before counter punching his stomach. I then punched his stomach numerous times before kicking him straight forward, knocking him down and out.

I began breathing heavily while closing my eyes. I then fell to my knees before catching my breath. When I was able to get up I observed the area and turned from left to right, witnessing the damage that was dealt. Looking down at my hands and sighed before slowly walking over to my bag and picking it up before placing it on my back with only one strap.

I then started to walk slowly while exiting the stadium.

Take it slow. Just take it slow... and never turn back.

To Be Continued...

End of Chapter 1.

I hope you all liked this. Also some character names haven't been mentioned here because I didn't want to reveal anything just yet. As well this is only the beginning of what is to come in the end future.



Johnny Yong Bosch

Kameron's Sister#1

Karen Strassman

Kameron's Sister#2

Tara Strong

Kameron's Brother#1

Greg Abbey

Kameron's Brother#2

Tony Oliver

Kameron's Mother

Nicole Oliver

Kameron's Father

John Swasey

Kameron's Sister#3

Kari Wahlgren

Angela Parks

Mae Whitman

Chelsea 'Chloe' Parks

Ashly Burch

Zachery Armstrong

Joshua Lebar


I do not own these names.

This is cast of people who'll voice my OC's. This is all of them and the others will come so look out for that.