Red Manuel had his gun aimed at Skout, ready to shoot. "Now, say goodbye, spittoon gir—"

But just as he was about to pull the trigger, there was flurry of squeaking and flapping wings from above.

"What the—"

Skout and the Nomad ducked as what could only be described as a swarm of bats came pouring down from the roof of the cave, and straight towards Red.

"AAAH! Get them off, get them OFF! Stupid animals!"

But little did Red know: these animals were anything but stupid. These were actually very smart bats who had acquired an intense hatred for self-entitled pricks who talk in third person and deserve to have their Man Human Card revoked.

Finally, the bats let up and flew off into the cave, leaving Red covered in bat guano and small scratches.

"Wow," Skout said. "Those bats really helped out with your wardrobe. Now it matches your personality perfectly." The Nomad's shoulders shook with silent laughter at Skout's comment.

However, Red wasn't listening, as he was too busy trying not to touch his own clothes, which wasn't working out very well for him.

"Aw, shiiit!"