Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns the wonderful world of Harry Potter. I just own this fanfic, no copyright intended!
Author's note 1: This will be series of one-shots where Dolores Jane Umbridge receives what's coming to her for her abusive treatment toward Harry in his fifth year. Umbridge will always get the boot first at the start of every chapter before she gets her dues by a variety of girls who are outraged at 'the toad' for what she did to Harry and they plan to help Harry out in any way they can. For the time being, each chapter will have Harry paired with a different girl and one only, but later chapters may have two girls eventually helping Harry. Naturally heavy Umbridge bashing. Hope you enjoy! Rated T for now, may go up depending on the circumstances.
Umbridge's Bad Karma
Fanfic by Brockster550
Ch. 1
Hermione Granger
Dolores Jane Umbridge couldn't believe what had happened. She was dismissed from her job at the ministry after they found out what she did. She had been making students (mainly Harry Potter) write sentences with a blood quill as a weeks worth of detention punishments. As overconfident as she tried to act, Umbridge still received glares from most people. She was ordered to pack up her stuff as soon as possible and leave Hogwarts. While she was doing so, she heard the defence classroom door close and subsequently locked. Upon leaving the office and back out into the classroom, that door was also closed and locked. Umbridge realized it was Hermione Granger who was behind that and she was furious (the Gryffindor female glared at 'the toad' and had her arms crossed while her foot tapped the ground repeatedly).
"So," said Hermione. "Do you have anything to say for yourself, Toadie?"
"Hey," Umbridge blurted out. "You will respect me…"
"For your information, Toadie," snapped Hermione, pointing a finger at Umbridge. "Respect is earned, not given out like a box of sweets."
"Yeah, yeah," said Umbridge hastily. "What's a filthy mudblood such as yourself gonna do?"
"I'm glad you asked," said Hermione irritably. "But I'm gonna show you instead of tell you."
Umbridge was oblivious that calling Hermione that derogatory name was a mistake. The angry Gryffindor female whipped her wand out and used the swish and flick waving.
"Wingardium Leviosa!" chanted Hermione as she pointed her wand at the former undersecretary.
Hermione levitated Umbridge fifteen feet into the air. Once that was taken care of, Hermione twirled her wand around and around repeatedly, making Umbridge spin around like a top. Hermione twirled her wand faster and faster, intending to make 'the toad' as dizzy as possible. This appeared to be working as Umbridge's face was turning green (a clear sign that it was making her feel nauseated). Umbridge vomited all over her pink cardigan outfit, much to Hermione's amusement.
"Now that's what I call a stinky, smelly toad." said Hermione with a sneer.
She was far from finished because then she cast a charm to transfigure Umbridge into a pink toad. The next thing Hermione did was conjure an enclosure and put the toad into it, then sealing the top to ensure that Umbridge had no way of escaping. Hermione even conjured a pond with some lilly pads, then she forced the toad to hop from one lilly pad to the other. Umbridge was unaware that Hermione was even videotaping the ordeal so she could show the entire school once it was done. As hard as Umbridge tried to speak, she couldn't do so, all she could respond with was, 'ribbit ribbit.'
"Hermione," said a voice coming from an unlocked closet. "Is it ready?"
"Yes Harry, it is!" said Hermione.
Harry walked out of the closet he was hiding in and approached the enclosure holding Dolores Jane 'the toad' Umbridge. He was silently giggling and even more so when Hermione cast some charms to make the toad do a number of ridiculous tricks. One of the charms Hermione used was a hyper itchy charm, ensuring that the toad would rub itself on the ground like crazy. This only made the itching worse and the toad couldn't take it anymore. But Harry and Hermione didn't care, since the power-abusing witch had her chance to quit while she was still ahead.
"Well, well," sneered Harry at the toad. "Seems like the toad is unable to handle her little flea problem, or should I say, fly problem?"
"Yeah," said Hermione. "So what must we do now, Harry? Play a little toad pinball?"
"Yes Hermione," said Harry. "I think a little toad pinball will do wonders."
So another charm was cast and Umbridge (who was still in her toad form) found herself inside a see through pinball. Then Harry pulled back on the spring rod, but this pinball was controlled by magic. Harry and Hermione were laughing like crazy watching Umbridge in her toad form inside the pinball hitting different targets. This made Umbridge more and more dizzy and in some of the cases, the impact would temporarily stun her. Once that was done, Umbridge found herself changed back into her normal form and back in the classroom. Once her dizziness eased up, she glared at the Harry and Hermione (who were still laughing).
"Is that all you've got?" said the toad-like woman, wheezing not long after.
"Nope, we have one more surprise for you, Umbitch!" said Harry, directing a sneer at the former undersecretary.
Then Umbridge found herself having apparated onto a hospital bed. She saw Harry and Hermione in doctor outfits, getting ready for something.
"It's time we play a game called Operation!" said Harry with a mischievous grin.
"And we personally selected you as the first test patient!" said Hermione, giving Umbridge a mock wave with her hand.
She got out a pair of tweezers and began picking Umbridge with them. The toad like woman also found that occasionally her nose would light up in red, making her scream like a banshee. Once Harry and Hermione were done with their 'operation,' Umbridge found herself in some kind of candy land, confusing her.
"Now what?" demanded the toad-like woman.
"Oh, sorry, my mistake." said Hermione, sounding anything but.
"Yeah, we forgot one more thing," said Harry, even though he was still far from finished. "Now it's time to play Candyland." (Then he turned to Hermione) "You go first, Mione!"
"Why thank you, Harry!" said Hermione.
So she drew a giant card that had a red square on it. This forced Umbridge to move by one red square, which also 'allowed' her to go up the rainbow trail. Then Harry drew a card that had two orange squares, making Umbridge move by two orange squares. Hermione's second card drawn had two yellow squares, resulting in Umbridge moving by two yellow squares. This also caused Gramma Nut to toss four brick-hard peanut brittle cookies at Umbridge, stunning her temporarily. Harry's next card showed two blue squares, also compelling Umbridge into moving by two blue squares.
"Whoops," said Harry mockingly, as he looked at the spot Umbridge landed on. "Looks like you're lost in the lollipop woods!"
"I know my way around, I know I do." Umbridge claimed.
Hermione's next card has a red square.
"Can't go," said Hermione, faking sympathy. "Looks like you have to stay there until a blue card is drawn!"
But the red square card Hermione drew resulted in Princess Lollipop poking Umbridge in the stomach with a red lollipop. Harry and Hermione were giggling like crazy at the show they were watching. Harry drew a green square card that resulted in Princess Lollipop smearing Dolores with a green lollipop in a strong mint scent. The smell didn't do well for the former defence teacher, she had to close her nostrils shut. Hermione managed to draw a blue square card which freed Umbridge. Harry and Hermione kept taking turns a few more times until Hermione drew yet another red square card that caused Umbridge to land on the 'stuck in the molasses swamp' spot.
"Uh oh," said Hermione tauntingly. "You're stuck in the molasses swamp. Looks like you have to wait until a red card is drawn in order to leave that space."
When Harry drew the next card that wasn't red, Umbridge found that she was up to her ankles in the molasses. Harry and Hermione giggled even harder when every time they drew a card that wasn't red, the level of the molasses would go up some. When Harry finally drew a red square card, the molasses was already up to Umbridge's chest and when the level receded, Umbridge took several deep breaths (since the molasses level up to her chest had been pressing against her chest). Once Umbridge reached the finish, she was transported to some kind of void and holograms of Harry and Hermione appeared in front of her.
"Well now," said Hermione. "It's time for the final prank!"
"Guess what, toad?" taunted Harry.
"What?" demanded Umbridge.
The answer came when a countless number of conjured jigsaw puzzle pieces appeared. The puzzle pieces began rearranging themselves. Eventually the puzzle pieces were completely rearranged, which showed a chicken looking behind and mooning the former undersecretary (with the words 'Chicken Butt' at the top of the jigsaw puzzle), much to her shock and chagrin. The holograms of Harry and Hermione were laughing so hard that tears were flowing down their faces. Then Umbridge found herself back in the defence classroom, too humiliated to even move.
"So long, toadie," said Hermione in a mocking tone. "Now you'll think twice before messing with Harry again."
"And you'll also think twice before abusing your power again." said Harry with a sneer.
Then he and Hermione walked out of the classroom (but not before Hermione grabbed the video camera they used to record Umbridge's humiliating moments) and once the door was closed, they began holding hands as they headed to the Great Hall. Once they made it to the Great Hall, Hermione brought out the video camera.
"Harry and I have something to show you all!" she shouted to everybody.
"It's gonna be very entertaining!" stated Harry.
So Hermione conjured a video projector and enlarged it while Harry conjured a giant pull-down screen. Once they finished getting it all setup, Harry turned the projector on and the video began playing the embarrassing moments Umbridge dealt with. The Great Hall filled with laughter not even half a minute into the video. The teachers were also having the time of their lives since Umbridge was hated by almost everybody. Five minutes into the video, the former undersecretary barged into the Great Hall and saw many people laughing.
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" shouted Umbridge.
Everybody stopped laughing, looked at the toad of a woman and just started laughing again. Umbridge finally saw that the video was playing all the pranks pulled on her. The former undersecretary was so shocked and humiliated that she collapsed and died of a massive heart attack, much to the relief of almost everyone in the Great Hall. Once the show was over, Harry and Hermione walked outside and over to Harry's favourite spot by the Black Lake, hand in hand. Once they were at their intended spot, Harry gazed deeply into Hermione's chocolate-brown eyes while Hermione lifted Harry's full-moon glasses and gazed deeply into his emerald-green eyes. Both teens were smiling at the same time, then they started giggling.
"Wow, Mione," said Harry. "How did I ever get so lucky to have a girl like you?"
"And how did I get so lucky to have a handsome man such as yourself?" Hermione responded, then giving Harry a flirtatious purr.
The couple kissed each other on the lips. It was a wonderful way to celebrate Umbridge's permanent downfall. Now they (with the rest of the student body) can enjoy the rest of the school year without any worry. No more educational decrees, no more inquisitorial squad, no more lack of fun and freedom, and certainly no more blood quill. Harry was also happy to have his lifelong quidditch ban lifted since the wizarding sport was something he enjoyed. More importantly, he had his one and only Hermione with him, every step of the way.
The End!
Author's note 2: If any of you are interested, let me know in a review who you'd like to see Harry paired with in the next one-shot. The girl with the most votes will be the next one. If you have any prank suggestions in mind, don't hesitate to let me know as ideas are always appreciated!