Yes, hello! I am still alive! I know I haven't updated in a very long time, but I am trying to do better. In fact, I'm hoping to get the next chapter of Virus past the rough draft stage soon...ish? No promises, as life does keep getting in the way. Also, I am nearly all caught up on the Layton series! I got into it last year, and spent all summer playing through the prequels. Just two more cases in Mystery Room to go, and I will have beat them all! Anyway, here's a new story for you guys! Enjoy! c:

-Chapter One: Not Just a Cold-

He had been through worse. Much worse than a headache, and the occasional chill. Nothing a pain pill and some tea couldn't handle. That's how Hershel Layton initially brushed off what he thought was a simple head cold. He'd be over it in a day or two! Two days in, however, it became evident he was getting worse...

After a long day of lectures, tutoring certain students one-on-one, marking essay after essay, and now reading up on material for the next few lectures, he could barely keep his eyes open! The sudden fatigue took the professor by surprise, as normally it would take much more to wear him out so much. He still had so much work to do, but he just couldn't focus! His eyes squeezed shut as he rubbed his temples; whatever he was actually coming down with, he couldn't simply ignore it!

Hershel decided even a few minutes of rest wouldn't be a bad idea. He hoped, as he got up from his desk chair to lie down on the sofa, that he wouldn't be bothered for at least a short while. He drifted off to sleep for what felt like no more than ten minutes, when...

"...fessor? Professor!" the familiar voice of a certain young apprentice rang in right next to his ear. Just when he was finally relaxed, too!

"What is it, Luke?" the professor asked, as he sat up, unintentionally sounding more irritated than he actually was.

"Are...You feeling alright?" Luke questioned, clearly worried. "You don't look well at all." He wasn't wrong, as it was somewhat unusual for Layton to nap during the afternoon. Plus, he was rather pale, aside from his flushed cheeks.

"Ah, yes. I'm fine." the professor answered, not wanting the boy to stay worried. "Just a hard day that's all."

"You should probably lie back down, then." Luke suggested. As much as the professor appreciated the concern, he initially objected; after all, a gentleman never neglects his responsibilities! He still had so much to do! Alas, in the end fatigue won over, and he soon found himself dozing off once more. This time, he was asleep for what felt like no more than 5 minutes, when he was abruptly awoken again.

"Professor! Professor, wake up!" Emmy called out to him, as she shook his shoulders. Hershel frowned a little as he reluctantly opened his eyes; he could only hope it was truly important this time.

Turns out it was important, as a case Scotland Yard had been investigating for a bout a month (the exact details of which, the professor couldn't recall at that moment, since he wasn't all that involved for once) was on the verge of being resolved. However, there were still a few obstacles in the way, puzzle locks it seems, keeping the officers from their point of interest. If it weren't for the promise of puzzle solving, he would have instead been preoccupied by the slight sting at his abdomen.

The drive over there was unusually quiet, as was the professor when they arrived to what looked like an abandoned building of sorts. As the three got out of the car, Hershel suddenly grew lightheaded, forcing him to stop and try to regain his composure. It only lasted about a minute before he could continue on, though he kept a slow pace anyway, as a precaution.

Before too long, he was face to face with one of the puzzle locks, which all varied in difficulty, apparently. The officers only needed one to be solved, and they chose the most difficult of the lot! Wonderful! But at least it would keep the professor distracted from his symptoms for awhile. Almost immediately, he got set to solving the lock, managing to tune out his surroundings in the process. About three minutes passed when he was almost finished solving the puzzle. It was at this point that sweat beaded at his forehead, and his hands started to shake a little. He ignored it long enough to undo the lock.

"There you are, Inspector." He said, quieter than intended, as he slowly rose to his feet.

Grosky nodded his thanks, before turning to the other officers and instructed them not to leave any stone unturned. Within a few seconds, Layton, Grosky, Emmy, and Luke were the only four remaining outside the building. There was a brief silence before anyone spoke again.

"You got it from here then, Inspector?" Emmy asked, with a hint of skepticism on the inspector's abilities.

"Of course!" He confidently answered. "Thanks again."

With that, the trio started on their way back to the Laytonmobile, with Layton himself going last, lifting the brim of his hat before taking a few steps. Only for lightheadedness to catch up with him, this time upping the ante with the accompaniment of dizziness. His first move was to grab hold of the nearest sturdy object for support; he just couldn't fall. No, he wouldn't allow it! Although such a task was easier said than done when his surroundings had already begun spinning. His legs were practically lead by this point, thus moving proved difficult, but that didn't stop him from grabbing hold of some nearby crates, and the adjacent fence, while struggling to stay standing in spite of how weak his whole body was growing.

"Professor!" Luke shouted in distress at seeing his mentor in such a state. He, along with Emmy and Grosky, rushed to the professor's side. They seemed to be talking to him, though by then his head was swimming so much, every voice he heard was incoherent. He tried to voice as much, yet every word he uttered came out slurred. The next thing he knew, he was sitting in the passenger seat of his car, facing the outside. A few minutes passed before the dizziness finally left.

"Poor thing, you look awful!" Emmy said in concern.

"Blimey. I don't think I've ever seen you this ill, Layton!" Grosky remarked.

"You have a fever!" Luke cried out, after pressing his hand against the professor's forehead. "No wonder you almost fainted!"

Hershel cringed at how much attention this ailment was getting. After all, it could've just been a cold or the flu. Though he had to admit, he did feel rather horrible. He just wouldn't admit it aloud!

Despite his efforts to stay awake, Hershel must have nodded off not long after he and the others left, because the next time he opened his eyes, he could tall he was home. Once his vision was no longer blurry, it was evident he was lying down on his bed, only wearing his shirt, trousers, and socks. Curious as to whether he was alone, he sat up, slowly as to avoid triggering another dizzy spell as he did, just as Emmy was coming into the room.

"Ah, good! You're awake!" she said, as she sat at the edge of his bed. She held what looked like a thermometer in her right hand, while feeling his forehead with her left. "You're really burning up." she added with a tsk, before holding the thermometer to his mouth. "Say 'ahh'!"

"Ah!" Hershel opened his mouth just enough to let Emmy slide the thermometer under his tongue. It then beeped to indicate it had begun reading. Neither of them said much during this time, so Emmy took the opportunity to observe the ill gentleman in front of her. His skin was quite pale, aside from his flushed face; despite an obvious fever, he shivered uncontrollably to the point she just wanted to bundle him up in all the blankets they had! He seemed to have a bug bite or a rash near his bellybutton, as he absentmindedly scratched at an itch there. Lastly, his eyes were rather dull, and even now he struggled to keep them open, only perking up when the thermometer beeped off, and was carefully taken out of his mouth.

"How on earth were you still standing?" Emmy asked, nearly exclaiming, after seeing the results. "39.2 degrees." she added, knowing he was otherwise about to ask.

Hershel grimaced. Even he knew he wasn't going anywhere with a fever that high. While regaining his strength and lowering his fever were both important, he was anything but fond of the idea of dropping everything just because he was under the weather!

Either way, the night was rather peaceful, though the next morning was not. The stinging, painful itch near his navel was now an aching, burning pain that was twice as itchy. It was the last thing he wanted to wake up to! He struggled just to get up out of bed, and fumbled with his pj shirt trying to remove it. Once he was shirtless, he looked in the mirror, stunned to see a small, blistering, irritated rash.

"My word..." he whispered to himself, now certain his illness was indeed serious.

And there's chapter one! Never thought I'd actually get this story out there so soon, but even I surprise myself, sometimes! XD

There will be more where that came from. In the meantime, honest reviews please! c: