Author's Pre-Story Note
Hello, All!
If you're reading this, which means, I assume, that my summary or title caught your eye, I hope I won't disappoint you. I am putting quite a bit of effort into "The Rise of the Flame," which will be the first story in a series of fictions based on a "what if?" scenario about the family of Feanor, and will continue into the Third and Fourth Ages.
This is based mainly in the events leading to, during, and after the war waged by the Last Alliance of Elves and Men. I realize that most of the fiction in this particular category is based on the War of the Ring. If you think I should move this to the Silmarillion category, don't be afraid to tell me. My ego could use some deflating. If you haven't read the Silmarillion or the Unfinished Tales, worry not, I will make any past history clear.
Speaking of offense, there will be deviations from canon in this story. I will list them at the end, to show that I understand what I'm mucking about with. There will be deviations from canon in later stories, and I will mark them down as well. But I hope that you can forgive that, and give me your honest critiques of my story. Flame me, blast me, constructively criticize me, praise me if I deserve it, but response is very much appreciated. Oh, and the reason this fic is rated "R" will be for future goriness and intense action - no smut will you get from me. At least in this particular story...
Since much of my writing is inspired by music that I listen to - Bulgarian Women's Chorus, all the Xena Warrior Princess Soundtracks, the LOTR soundracks - I will include it if a particular passage in my tale seems to correspond with the movement.
I can promise you drama, mystery, action, gory scenes, humor, and yes, even a bit of incidental romance. And angst...oh, there's going to be angst...
If I haven't totally screwed up and scared you away from reading this story altogether, please turn to Chapter 1! If I have, then it was kind of you to read my rattlings, and you have my sympathy.
The Power of the Book