Quick Note: This is my second time writing a Midoriya having a quirk story. In this one, I am planning on having no OC's or perhaps only one or two in very minor roles, like they only show up for a paragraph or so. I also don't know how often I will be able to update this story, so sorry ahead of time.

In kindergarten, the teacher was letting the children have free time to play around, while she was talking to two men who came to fill out quirk registry forms for each of the children.

The teacher called students over one at a time, who spoke their name and the showed their quirk.

Bakugo and Midoriya were playing "Heroes", which consisted of Midoriya being the weak citizen and Bakugo was the hero… but it was a little twisted than what you'd expect.

It consisted mostly of Midoriya getting hurt and Bakugo laughing.

"Bakugo, can you come over here please?" the teacher asked, ready to get his Quirk Registry filled out.

One of the other kids walked up to Midoriya, "They are writing down our quirks on those papers. I am excited, are you?"

"Yeah! I'm going to be just like All Might!" Midoriya yelled out raising his fist into the air.

"Your quirk is cooler than mine Midoriya, you can push stuff away from you. All I can do is this" the kid said, pointing at the ground.

His shadow then started moving by itself, not doing the same actions as the kid was.

"Your quirk is cool too! It will get stronger as we all grow up."

"Midoriya" the teacher called.

Midoriya, happily ran over to the teacher and the people doing the quirk registry.

"Please tell these nice people your name, then show them your quirk" the teacher said as she squatted down next to Midoriya.

Midoriya nodded, "I am is Izuku Midoriya, and I'm going to be just like All Might!"

One person wrote down some stuff on a paper while the other one watched Midoriya with an intense gaze.

"Now show us your quirk…" they said in a monotonous voice.

Izuku held both of his hands out, aiming towards the pencil in the man's hand.

The man holding the pencil felt a light pressure on the pencil, but not enough to push it from his hand.

He loosened his grip some, then the pencil slowly started moving out of his hand, but after moving about an inch, it fell back into his hand, as Midoriya was exhausted.

"So is it wood control, or telekinesis?" The man with the pencil asked, uncertain.

"Midoriya here as the ability to repel objects" the teacher explained, as Midoriya was too visible tired to speak, "his limits are the object has to be only a pound or two at its heaviest, and he can only use his quirk in short time periods."

"Midoriya, are you able to push multiple objects at once?" the man with intense gaze asked.

Midoriya nodded, ran off for a moment, coming back with a pile of blocks that he arranged in towers around him.

He focused his quirk once more, the block towers started shaking gently, not enough to knock any of them over, but enough for the men to see.

The man with the intense gaze then said, "It's a quirk with a lot of possible uses, as long as you can train it, you can definitely be a hero in the future."

The man with the pencil then said as he wrote down, "Izuku Midoriya. Quirk: Repulsive Force."

Years later, a 14 year old Midoriya was standing in his room, tall block towers surrounding him.

He took a deep breath, and started focusing his quirk, the block towers shaking quickly back and forth.

He kept focusing pushing his power to its limits, pushing how long he would be able to sustain his quirk.

Over these years, he had been doing this kind of training all the time, pushing his body to 120% of its limits each day in order to train his quirk, but he gained very little progress.

Capping out at ten years old, his quirk's endurance kept growing, letting him using it for nearly 20 minutes before tiring out, but he still couldn't knock over the block towers.

He was only able to create at most five pounds of pressure when focused at a single point, but pushing out in all directions like this, he could barely get any pressure.

Midoriya's mother then yelled out, "Izuku, it's time to get ready for school. You can train more later. A good education is just as important as training your quirk."

She wanted to be supportive of Midoriya's dream to be a hero, but she knew the limits of his quirk, and that it would never grow any stronger beyond the point he was at. Her's never grew after a certain point, but she never told him. She didn't want to be the one to crush his dreams.

Midoriya ran out of his room, and out the door without grabbing anything to eat beforehand.

His mother sighed, he was so dedicated that he would forget to eat half the time, but when he did eat, it would be enough to feed a family with all the physical training he was putting himself through trying to grow stronger.

Later, Bakugo was trying to intimidate Midoriya into backing out of his application to U.A. claiming that with a useless quirk like his, Midoriya would have been better off quirkless.

Bakugo slapped his hand onto Midoriya's shoulder and it start smoldering, "Maybe you should try that quirk out against a villain, then you'll see exactly how useless it is Deku… maybe the villain will do you a favor and help you get to the next life, maybe then you'll get a better quirk."

Midoriya was wincing in pain, then started focusing his quirk into his shoulder, repelling Bakugo's hand ever so slightly.

"Not gonna work, loser!" Bakugo said pushing his hand down harder than Midoriya could repel, burning his shoulder even more before giving up.

Midoriya left the school, in his hands was a journal labelled, "Hero Analysis for the Future", Midoriya had taken meticulous notes on every hero he saw, hoping to learn ways that his quirk could be used even if he could make it any stronger.

That when a villain made of slime attacked Midoriya, trying to enter his body in order to hide.

Midoriya struggled, using his quirk at its maximum to keep the slime villain from going down his mouth.

"Let me in!" the slime was commanding Midoriya, but Midoriya kept pushing himself to hold back the slime villain.

The strain eventually became too much and Midoriya was starting to blackout.

When he woke up, he was being carried in the arms of All Might, towards a hospital.

It took Midoriya a moment to realize that he was in the arms of his hero, "ALL MIGHT!?" he yelled out in the most fanboy voice.

All Might suddenly stopped and set Midoriya down, "AH! YOU'RE ALL RIGHT, I WAS AFRAID THAT VILLAIN HAD HARMED YOU, NOT TO WORRY I TRAPPED HIM IN HERE" All Might said pulling out a water bottle with the slime villain in it, he slid the bottle back into his pocket, and then said, "WELL, I MUST BE OFF!"

All Might then turned to leap into the air, when Midoriya had leapt and grabbed his legs, "All Might, wait!"

All Might looked down at Midoriya wrapped around his legs, keeping him from leaving, "I REALLY MUST BE LEAVING, I HAVE HERO STUFF TO ATTEND TO!"

"I just have a question to ask you, and I also wanted to get your signature."


Midoriya let All Might go, and pulled out his journal to have All Might sign as he asked the question, "I wanted to know, can someone with a worthless quirk, or even someone without a quirk become a hero, like you. You see, my quirk lets me repel objects, but I can't push anything weighing more than five pounds when I focus it on a single object…" Midoriya kept talking keeping All Might stuck there until he timed out.

Once Midoriya finished talking and looked up, he noticed the skeleton like man in place of All Might, "AHHH ALL MIGHT!?"

"Not so loud, kid… I don't really want people to know about this form" he said as he sat on the grass next to the walkway the two of them were standing on, "About five years back, I got badly injured by a villain, I can on be a hero around three hours a day now" he said revealing his stomach, "What you were saying about useless quirks… no quirk is useless, some just seem that way until their use gets figured out. I'm sure you can be a hero… go ahead and show me your quirk, try pushing me with it."

Midoriya was stammering, his hero All Might was asking him to show him his quirk, Midoriya was so excited he was about to faint, but instead he focused and then placed his hands in front of them, and started using his quirk, All Might felt a sudden, but weak pressure, Midoriya was giving it his all, but All Might was able to be unaffected with minimal effort.

"Don't be afraid to put your all into it, kid" All Might said.

"This- is- my all…" Midoriya said in a strained voice.

"You weren't kidding when you said you could only push five pounds… can your quirk also work as a barrier around you, or is it only one direction like that?" All Might asked, curious about Midoriya's quirk.

"I can make it as a barrier, a single direction, or a direction from each hand" Midoriya explained.

"So if your quirk was able to push, say… a hundred pounds instead of five… how would you use it as a hero?"

Midoriya was quiet for a moment, he had been focused on training his quirk, and new techniques, that he hadn't thought about what he would do once his quirk was stronger, "I would use the single direction force as an attack, the barrier as a defense against villains. Then if it was ever a disaster, and people need rescuing, I would be able to use it to lift debris off of trapped people, or keep debris from falling and hitting them."

"Now say your quirk could push a thousand pounds?"

"I could use my quirk as a pillow if anyone fell off a building, repel a villain from a group of people."

"One last question for you kid, how focused can you make that force?" All Might then ripped a blank page from Midoriya's journal and held it up, "Try to make a hole in the page."

Midoriya put his hands together, but realized it would be too big of an area, so he made a finger gun and aimed at the paper, firing a surge of pressure at the page, punching a hole the size of his fingertip through it.

All Might looked at the hole and pondered for a few minutes, just how strong could this quirk become if he was the one to succeed him.

Then that thought fled, he wanted a kid who already had a powerful quirk, that way they would be able to defeat All for One in the future.

"Alright kid," All Might said as he stood up, he then held up two fingers and said, "I got two pieces of advice for you. The first being to practice using your quirk like you just did to fire a hole through the paper, the next being for you to learn how to use your quirk at different levels, from 1% to a hundred. If your quirk does grow any further, you don't want to accidentally use too much force."

All Might then waved and started walking off.

Midoriya had tears in his eyes and he nodded, "Thank you, I'll be a great hero, just like you!"

All Might stopped and turned his head, "You'll be better off as a police officer if you want to help people, they get a lot of crap because of us pro heros, but its a noble profession. Your quirk is better suited to that, a nonlethal version of a gun is what you just made with your fingers."

All Might then walked off, not realizing that the bottle he had holding the villain, had cracked from when Midoriya used his quirk on All Might, and the villain had escaped while the two of them were talking.

Midoriya fell to his knees and started crying, his hero, who always said that anyone could be a hero, had just crushed his dreams. Telling him, he couldn't be a pro-hero.

Midoriya, heard a scream that was cut off midway, and started walking in the direction of it, wiping his tears away, hoping to be able to see some heroes in action.

What he saw was a girl, trapped by the slime creature he had just been attacked by.

He saw what looked like earphone jacks, whipping around, trying to stab into the slime villain, but he would move his slime each time before it stabbed in.

Midoriya quickly looked around for a pro-hero to rescue her, but there was no one besides him in the area.

He started panicking not knowing what to do, if he ran after All Might, he could help the girl.

Then his eyes made contact with the girls, he could see her fear, he could remember the feeling she was going through.

When he realized what was happening he had already covered half the distance between himself and the slime villain.

His legs had been moving by themselves, and his hand was in the shape of a finger gun, firing off small blasts of pressure, distracting the slime villain.

"YOU'RE THAT KID FROM EARLIER!" Midoriya heard the slime villain said.

Then one of the earphone jacks stabbed into the slime villain and he started vibrating in agony.

"YOU LITTLE B-AHHHHH!" the slime villain yelled out dropping the girl.

The girl ran to besides Midoriya, and took up a fighting pose, "Thanks" she said bluntly, ready to defend against the slime villain.

"YOU PATHETIC KIDS" the slime villain said, ready to fight.

The slime villain leapt at the two of them, then All Might had appeared between the two of them, punching the slime villain, "FEAR NOT CHILDREN, FOR I AM HERE!"

All Might quickly trapped the slime villain into a new bottle that wasn't cracked, and by the time he had finished, there was already a bunch of people who had swarmed to see All Might, asking for autographs and pictures.

Midoriya had started walking off, when the girl from earlier had stopped him, "Hey… wait up for a moment…"

Midoriya turned and faced the girl, "Oh hey, are you alright?"

She nodded, "I just wanted to thank you. If you didn't run in, who knows what would have happened. Well anyways, thanks you'll make a good hero someday" she said plainly before walking off.

Midoriya smiled, the girl had said he would make a good hero. In his mind, he knew he couldn't be a hero with the quirk he had, but in his heart, he didn't want to give up his dream.

He smiled as he walked home, happy about what the girl had said, when All Might suddenly appeared, "I AM HERE"

"A-All Might?" Midoriya's voiced wavered.

All Might reverted back to his skinny form, "What's your name again, kid?" he asked as he coughed up blood.

"I-Izuku Midoriya" he gulped.

"Well, Midoriya, I was wrong about you, your quirk isn't suitable for police work at all" All Might said, crushing Midoriya's heart even more, "It's the quirk of a true hero!"

"W-What? But I can't do anything with it, I couldn't even defend myself against that slime villain."

"Yeah, but you rushed in to save that girl, tell me, what was going through your mind when that happened?"

"I don't know, I just- my legs were just moving without me thinking…"

All Might laughed, "Just what I thought… Young Midoriya, my quirk lets me stockpile power and pass it down to the next generation, and I have chosen you to be my successor. Young Midoriya, you too can be a hero."

Midoriya dropped to his knees and began crying, those words were the ones he had been waiting to hear his entire life.