Summary: What the formerly named Harry James Potter wants is simple, but sadly the Fate never agrees with him. As Harry accepting himself as the Master of Death he loses his hope for a simple life, but he should have known that being the Master of Death would mean boredom. He demands vacation, damn it! WARNING! MOD!Harry! Dimension!Hopping! Male!Slash!
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and Hunter X Hunter
[Not Beta-ed]
"The true master does not seek to run away from Death.
He accepts that he must die, and understands that there are far, far worse things in the living world than dying."
—Albus Dumbledore, on the Master of Death
• The Master of Death's Vacation: Hunter X Hunter •
Date: Unknown
Location: Death's office
Dimension: The Realm of Death
"I want a vacation."
"Vacation is an expensive thing we can't provide as you actually know, Master, that every day people die and we should sorting and handling everything so the order will maintain its balance." came the cloaked figure's reply blandly without stopping at his works, not even glanced to the petite form of it's Master who was standing with his hand folded.
Posture showed defiance and stubbornness, the formerly known as Harry Potter snapped as he voicing his refusal with slapping the table Death was working on loudly. Killing curse green eyes flashed angrily at his companion blatant ignoring.
"I don't care what will happen to the world as my mind will go crazy with all of this shit!"
"But Master," Death tilts his head a little, "your mind would heal itself and you will never be crazy or become a mindless fool."
Harry gritted his teeth, "Don't pull that on me! You know it will never work, Death."
"Shame, you were so cute and innocent back then, Master."
"Do not try to change the subject!"
"However you already know the answer, Master." Forcing himself to stay calm, Harry Potter called his magic to the stacks of papers on Death's desk and setting it's on fire. As the blue flame dancing on the Death's desk, he finally looks up to the raven-haired man, "You know it was a futile attempt, Master, as the paperwork cannot be destroyed."
He roared, "I demand vacation, damn it!"
Death sighed heavily.
"As you know, Master, even if I gave you permission to leave, there are only two methods that available to use."
"I don't care. Don't beat around the bush, just send me out already." closing his eyes as if pained, Death gave a resigned breath.
"Alright then, I'll send you right away." snapping his fingers, a vortex appeared and swallowing the Master of Death right away, right now.
"What a headache." as Death massaging his throbbing head his mouth curved up a little, "At least I'm trying to warn you."
"Have a Great Adventure, Master."
• The Master of Death •
His eyes opened slowly. Blinking a few times, Harry tried to adjust his eye-sight. Looking around, he realized that he was somewhat in a hotel room, a really luxurious one.
Dragging his feet to the expensive-looking carpet, Harry walking to the room he was assumed to be the bathroom. Staring at the pair of Killing-curse green - he did almost forget the color. Taking his appearance slowly as his eyebrow furrowed. Noting the lack of his lighting bolt-scar.
'This is not my body.'
His hand tracing his soft wavy dark hair that hanging loosely past his shoulder, almost reached his chest, he'd remember his own hair was short before.
No response.
'Death! You'd better get your ass fucking here before I do that myself!'
A dark hooded figure slowly appearing in front of him with a scythe on his back.
'What. Did. You. Do?'
I grant you your vacation's time, Master.
Suffocating air poured out of his body as killing-curse green gleaming dangerously.
'Do not play with me, Death.'
Why, Master, I would never do that. It's simply your impatient that makes this inconvenient to you. Death gave him a fake sigh. If you just listen to me a little.
Realizing he can't give a rebuke for that statement even if he knew Death was doing it on purpose, Harry only can pinch his nose-bridge in a defeated manner.
'Alright then, just tell me what should I do to get back to my own body.'
Well, it's not that hard, Master. You just had to kill this body, and then your body will be forming back in the Realm of Death. It's simple as that.
'I sense a 'but' in there.'
But, Harry dead-panned, don't you think it will be a waste of your vacation's time, Master? After all, after you came back to our realm your vacation will down to zero for this one hundred years slot.
Face-palmed, Harry sighed. He really had no choice besides using what he had now because he only gets 1 vacation time for every one hundred years in the Realm of Death. Talk for overworking.
Smirking inside, Death offered information. This body belonged to Hadrian Black. And now is yours, Master.
Gesturing his master to sit down, Death continued, this Universe had no magic. And instead of magic, they had Nen or you can call it Mind Force.
It is a technique that allows a living being to use and manipulate their own life energy (known as aura). A person capable of utilizing Nen is colloquially referred to as a "Nen user", while those who cannot go by the name of "non-users". Because one can craft a great variety of para-psychological abilities through Nen, it is considered a dangerous power that is kept hidden from the public at large to maintain balance in society.
Aura is the life energy produced by all living bodies vital for survival. Aura from all parts of the body has a tendency to flow together, producing one mass of energy.
Since every living being emits aura subconsciously, learning to sense aura is a useful skill for those tracking living things or hunting non-living things infused with aura. An experienced user of Nen can judge the location and relative strength of their opponents by reading the output of their aura. On the other hand, skilled Nen users can also regulate the flow of their aura so they appear to be beginners or regular individuals.
'Basically, it was almost similar to magic.'
Yes. There are many principles to Nen though, but I believe Hadrian has already mastered his. Therefore, I can transfer his memories and you will get to use it instead of magic.
'So I can't use my magic here?'
Don't be ridiculous, Master. Of course, you can use magic you are my Master after all. I just want you to have fun and as Nen is your new toy now, it is considered as fun, isn't it, Master?
Harry groaned, 'Fine, just be done with it.' he lamented. Death only nodded as he lifting his hand to touch the center of his Master forehead.
Looking at the body slumped into unconsciousness, Death cackling with glee.
• The Master of Death •
A feeling of pounding headache was greeted the now named Hadrian Black when he regains his consciousness again. There is a mixed feeling in Harry's heart regarding the memories of Hadrian Black. He didn't know what to think about him.
Hadrian Black was growing up in Meteor City. It was known as a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts. People who live there do not exist in any official records and the existence of the city itself is known to very few people. The inhabitants itself share remarkable bonds which have been described as "thinner than water, and yet thicker than blood", to the point they are ready to lay down their own lives for fellow denizens.
"We'll accept anything you leave here, but don't ever take anything away from us."
That phrase was implanted to their mindset in the early age. They follow it to a T and so it was for him as Hadrian Black was abandoned in that city and raised by one of the citizens. He takes that phrase to his heart as everyone who came from Meteor city shared a kinship and the real Hadrian Black would not hesitate to kill for anyone who he considered as his if they were harmed or worse, killed.
Hadrian Black is a seventeen years old teenager who would be considered as a doppelganger of Harry James Potter minus the length of hair, eyesight, the lack of lightning bolt scar, pale skin instead of tan and height differences.
Hadrian Black as a person is merciless. He believes that death was bliss and there is the worst thing in this world than death. Therefore, he doesn't hesitate to torture when necessary. He's also kind to people who dear to him. It was reserved to the citizen of Meteor city, especially to the one who raised him –now already deceased– his organization's members and second in command, also the leader – who he considered as a brother– of the thief group called The Phantom Troupe.
He doesn't look like it, but Hadrian Black actually was the head of a small infamous mercenary organization whose reside in the small part of Yorknew city. While he was not the one who taking care of the group, he was the one their loyalty placed upon. The Dark Hallows is different than many merchant groups it had any connection to another corporations and organizations as the Dark Hallows continuously providing investments to further their development.
The Dark Hallows members come from many different educational backgrounds. The outsider knows not, of their actual hometown nor the knowledge that they had any connection with the junkyard city. Hadrian first step after he left was to forging his own documentation. When many of the citizens of Meteor city who left never bothered to do that, Hadrian's own wants to help his city from the shadows and he'd provide selected people from Meteor city with identification as long as they'd agreed to work with him.
In life, everything is about perspective. Hadrian knows while he may think what they are doing is right it doesn't mean that it is right in someone else's eyes. There is no real good and bad, bad people are only such if you think them to be and good people are only such if you think them to be. So, for Hadrian, morality or other people's opinion doesn't really matter as long as he can reach his goal. He knows majority of people from Meteor city was screwed in the head, because no one, he reiterated, no one is one hundred percent good, every person had their own dark side whether it was a bit or few of them, or whether they act on it or tried to hide it with another façade.
Harry can understand that, Hell, he knows that feeling very well. After living in the Realm of Death for years, he stopped thinking about moral. It doesn't do him any good, especially when he was bored, a few of universe paying the price for it. So, when Harry got Hadrian's body, he was glad it matches his personality so well.
'My vacation might be fun this time.'
• The Master of Death •
Looking at the elder wood in his palm, Harry feels a bit perplexed. Even Hadrian's Nen power was connected to his title somehow and surely it talks about something, right? The coincidence is a bit ridiculous, isn't it? Or maybe it was the result of Death's meddling? But Death said he was already mastered his Nen, so it's definitely a ridiculous coincidence.
'Yes, a coincidence.' Harry nodded sagely before his eyes caught the elder wand melted, fusing into his hand as the cloak warped and absorbed into his body. Raising his left hand, a dark green gem stone with Deathly Hallow's symbol presence greeted him on his middle finger.
Throwing his hands above his head, Harry screamed, "I don't want to know anymore!" frustrated.
Blinked, Harry walking around searching for the source of that tune, stopping in front of a study desk, Harry Eyeing the rectangular thing he assumed as a hand-phone. Picking it up, Harry clicked at the message notification.
[From: Sephira
[The 287th Hunter exam will be held at Zaban city. I already registered your form.
So, you better get your ass over there before noon on January 7st.]
"Well, looks like I had no choice but to comply." After texting her –he assumed Sephira is a female– back, Harry browsed the information about Hunter Exam –he was glad that Hadrian installed internet provider in his hand-phone or he will become ballistic if he's not– noting there is still two weeks left before the exam start. Scrolling down, Harry reads the information.
[The Hunter Exam is a yearly event which an applicant must pass in order to become a Hunter, an elite member of humanity and a part of the Hunter Association. These exam consist of several tests and stages which can vary drastically. Thus far, 286 Hunter Exam have taken place. The Head of the Exam Commission is the Chairman of the Hunter Association themselves.]
'Right, it seems we had preparation to make.'
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