There is something that squeezes her heart whenever she hears him call that name. A tiny fist of despair and abandonment that she is well-versed off.

Sometimes, it is a whisper that he unconsciously says thinking that it is inaudible to everyone except for him.

Sometimes, it is a careless utterance, a sort of reflex that he was used to do whenever he is sharing a lighthearted story.

When he catches himself saying those first two syllables, his eyes will dim, lips in a thin line as if such name brings back too many sentimental memories that he wishes to redo.

But often times, he says it while he sleeps - when the night is quiet and the room is dark. C.C. will be awakened by his desperate voice only to find him reaching in the dark while calling for her name.

Nunnally. Light in the tongue, fluid in the ear.

Whenever C.C. tries that name, she thinks of butterflies in the meadow, of lavenders and the gentle waves of the sea. Three syllables that are both soft and hard on her tongue.

So it is a puzzle to her why such name that brings the spring in the fields could emit the forest's desolation to her master.

Silly, of course it is a puzzle for she doesn't know the other girl. Is she his sister? A friend? His betrothed?

C.C. frowns at the last thought. One thing for certain is that Nunnally's someone who is so special to Master that he longs for her even during the state of unconsciousness.

She had seen a photo (that's what they call the piece of paper with people on it, and which C.C. thinks is so magical and unreal to trap a memory in making it tangible forever) of Nunnally from Master's things when she was cleaning the room once. It was tucked in between the pages of a book and had the words, 'Nunnally, Summer 2012' written at the back of it.

She is beautiful. The kind of beauty that gives warmth in the morning and feels like a blanket during winter. Her long wavy brown hair reminds C.C. of the silk fabrics she was often commanded to buy from tradesmen - tradesmen who sometimes said harmful words to her, tradesmen from the farthest islands who thirsted for the skin of women, tradesmen whom she often ran away from when they thought that her hair was much prettier than their silk.

She likes Nunnally's smile. It is kind, it is sincere. And C.C. likes kind and sincere people. Sometimes, it is those you've never experienced in your life that you will like the most.

Her eyes were closed, something that C.C. is curious about. Perhaps, Nunnally was caught mid-blink? Had something in her eyes? Perhaps, the sun was too high and glaring in the sky that she couldn't keep her eyes wide open. It must be a good day. C.C. wants to see the color of her eyes.

In the photo, Nunnally sat on a chair with wheels and C.C. tilted and raised the photo to figure out why the former would sit on it. Ah! It must be easier than walking and faster than sprinting! Imagine doing the chores without standing and only wheeling from place to place. Surely, that would have made C.C.'s duties bearable. But then she worried being stuck in the mud just like wagons during heavy rains. She had shaken her head to get away from her childish fantasies. Maybe, there's a deeper reason why Nunnally sat on such furniture.

Viceroy. That's how the Black Knights refer to her and what was written on Mr. Tohdoh's papers. She remembered being proud to be able to read that word – trying how it sits on her lips for a few times. Though she isn't certain what exactly it means, it does sound very important and political (another word that C.C. is proud of learning) and again, C.C. had wondered how such a young girl like Nunnally became very important and very political. She cannot imagine herself holding immense power over people at that age. C.C. only dreamt of freedom from slavery, being able to eat delicious foods three times a day (four times would be pleasant, too), having a soft bed to lie on, nice dresses, and somehow a young kind man whom she will marry.

Nunnally must be very wise and courageous.

And Master wants to rescue her. Everyday, C.C. sees him wear a wary yet focused face since she came to this place, and not until Nunnally is back to him that he will relax. She has yet to see that expression on him so she prays for the mission to be successful every night.

For Master's happiness is her happiness, too.

Everything is burning.

The Black Knights' air units have all fallen from the sky like violent shooting stars. His commanders won't answer him. Rolo's team is unreachable. Around him is a sea of red and yellow hot tendrils. The Shinkiro is rendered paralyzed after getting hit by the Lancelot at its crucial part. Lelouch has no choice but to exit the knightmare and risk getting caught or worse, killed by the Britannian army… by Suzaku.

No, this is not the right time to hesitate, not the right time to worry for his own safety. Nunnally is somewhere in this building and he has to act now. Leaving the confines of Shinkiro, Lelouch abandons the fire behind him and heads to the burning building. Smoke in his eyes and throat, he struggles to make his way in as debris dangerously fall around him.

"Nunnally!" Lelouch coughs.

He sees a staircase, or what little left of it, and attempts to go to the higher floor but it is useless.

A scaffolding crashes infront of him effectively blocking his way.

Damn it! The first floor is almost burned through and in a matter of minutes, the upper floor will collapse burying him alive.

No. He has to find a way. There should be another way out of this manmade Hell. Think, Lelouch! You are the master of tricks, the expert of cheats! Trick your way out of this predicament and cheat death! He has to think, he has to think, he has to or else Nunnally will die.


What went wrong in the mission? This was never in their plan. All they have to do was fight a bunch of Britannians, engage Suzaku in a battle to keep him distant from Nunnally, save Kallen and have her fight on their side and retrieve Nunnally safely. SAFELY. But what the hell happened?

Lelouch can't accept this failure. He had lost sleep, lost weight to review their strategies over and over and over again so as to assure that failure is an impossibility. He provided the best equipment and units to the Black Knights, upgraded their knightmares and weapons. Not only twice did he orient them of the plan and tactics but he had explained it religiously, relentlessly in case they forget it.

When did it fall apart? They were winning. The Britannians were on the verge of retreating. They had immobilized Suzaku. Then why is he in this situation right now?

"Nunnally!" He steps on something hot and howls at the unexpected pain.

Where is everybody? Rolo's team should be here by now. They should be near. At this moment, he hoped that Rolo used his geass to finish the mission and escape safely. Right, Rolo is a smart boy. He would use it to his advantage.

Ah, goddamit, just let him use it to rescue Nunnally and Lelouch will postpone his plan to permanently dispose the boy for a while. Lelouch will even treat it as a debt he is willing to pay in whatever means.

Rolo, you are his hope right now.

Lelouch's eyes are beginning to tear up as the heat becomes unbearable. His chest is heavy as he inhales smoke and dust.

"Nunnally!" he shouts and immediately falls on his knees while coughing.

Someone, please help his sister. It doesn't matter whether he will come out of this building alive, just let Nunnally be safe. He cannot lose more people in his life. His mother, Euphy and Shirley. He cannot lose the most important person in his life. That's why... Please, somebody...

The crackle of flames messes with his thoughts, sending panic as he thinks of the fire's tendrils licking Nunnally's skin. If only C.C. is with him. His C.C. She would be able to get him out of this, guide him on what to do next. This would be one of the rare times he would be glad that she interrupted the plan and saved him. He needs her wisdom badly. Her immortality.

If only he didn't lose C.C., too.

" Can... hear me?"

So, he is hallucinating now, huh? Is this an effect of suffocation? How pathetic. Zero, the leader of the Black Knights, killer of the royals, will die of suffocation. Without a fight.

"Lelouch! Can you... me?"

The voice is in his ear. So near and familiar. What is this, his sight is blurring now, too. This is really the end. His so sorry, Nunnally.



"Yes, it's me. Stay with me, boya. Listen to my voice."

Confusion quickly awakens his dying senses as the witch encourages him to stay awake. C.C., this is his C.C., not the slave one.

"C.C., how - "

She cuts his weak question through his earpiece that he had totally forgotten about.

"Can you tell where you are?" she asks.

Rising on his knees, Lelouch squints so as to determine which part of the building he's at. Huh, so he was able to get this far. He is practically at the fountain area which is at the center of the ground floor. He tells this to C.C.

"The south exit is already unpassable. The east is on its way to collapse. The fire is strongest at the west wing. The fire exits are blocked. That means you have to escape using the north entrance."

"How did you know that there's a fire?"

"Enough of the questions, Lelouch. I'll guide you to your safety."

"How about Nunnally?"

She ignores him. "You memorized the blueprint, right?"

The blueprint? Oh, of course, he did memorize the blueprints of each building they were going to infiltrate. Panic and anxiety led him to forget about this fact and he wanted to hit his head for such an amateur mistake.

"Yes, I did," he answers while dodging a falling bulb infront of him.

"Good. Are you on your way back to the entrance now?"

"I am. But I have to find Nunnally fi – "

"Turn right to the lounge area. That is the shorter route towards the entrance."

The fire is indeed weaker in the lounge area. Lelouch can still see posts that are not yet completely burned and the smoke is not as thick as the one outside. Yet, it is as dangerous as the scorching hell in the fountain area. From his peripheral vision, he catches sight of a staircase scarce of flames. Without any second thought, he rushes to the stairs completely ignoring the unbearable heat of burning steels.

"Lelouch, where are you going? Why aren't you going outside?" C.C. calls.

How she knows what he is doing, he doesn't know. And he has no time to mull over such mundane thing now.

"Nunnally is up there! I have to save her!"

"Forget about Nunnally, think about yourself!"

He stops short.

What the hell? What. The. Fucking. Hell? Did he hear her right? Did she really just utter those words? C.C.? His most trusted accomplice? The one who promised him that wouldn't leave his side? C.C. who deeply knows how important Nunnally is to him?

"What did you say?" he asks in a low voice, inhaling the carbon surrounding him.

A pause. Then in an equally low voice, C.C. answers. "Save yourself, Lelouch. A lot of people need you."

"People? Or you for your wish?"


He thought they were done with this. He thought she had refused the idea of dying to end her immortality back in C's World. The feeling of betrayal washes over him numbing him from the heat of his blazing environment.

Because he is angry and frustrated – his fuels for his own fire of emotions engulfing him into a pit of raging turmoil.

With a mind of their own, his feet resume climbing, ignoring danger, recklessly facing tragedy.

For above all, Nunnally is his purpose.

"Lelouch, don't go up! The upper floors are almost completely burned! You have to get out of there!"

C.C.'s desperate pleas fall into deaf ears.

Up, up, up. Just a little more steps. Ah, he can see the second floor now. He's almost there. Just a little more...

"Nunnally is dead."

He halts.

"She died during the explosion." C.C.'s voice breaks, something totally out of her character. "The bomb was in the control room where she and her staffs were monitoring the battle. She's dead, Lelouch. You have no one else to save but yourself. So please..."

"Stop talking," he murmurs.

"Go down, Lelouch."

"Shut up! How can I believe a liar like you?! Nunnally is alive! She's alive!"

"Wake up, Lelouch! It's the truth!"

He dashes upwards. "No!"

"Lelouch, wake up! Wake up!"

"No! She's alive! I'm going to save her!"

"Wake up! Please wake up!"

"Master, please wake up! I beg you!"

His eyes crack open.


Everything is black.

It should be yellow, orange, red. Why is he seeing black?


He follows the voice. Green. Then there's the yellow in her tearful eyes.


Wiping her eyes in a way that resembles that of a child's manner, C.C. asks, "Are you alright, Master?"

Is he alright?

His chest heaves as his lungs desperately take in air. Cold sweat formed on his forehead, dangerously dripping down his temple. There are dark spots in his sight that make him dizzy and disoriented. His palms are sweaty, his feet frigid.

Is he alright?

No, he is far from alright.

The dream, or rather the nightmare feels so real that he can still feel the lingering fear that it left him.

And anger. The anger towards his accomplice is still there, fresh and driving.

All of a sudden, he is up, his right hand clasping C.C.'s left wrist so tightly that he can feel her bones.

"Master?" C.C. asks fearfully. He can feel her fast heartbeat on his fingers - as fast as his.

"You're lying."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're lying. You're a liar, C.C.! It's not true!"

She flinches. "I-I don't know what you're talking about, Master. Please, it hurts."

But he does not hear nor see her. He's still trapped in the flames of the nightmare, burning him with misery and terror. "She's not dead! Nunnally... My sister is not dead!"

At this, C.C.'s eyes widen, then eventually soften, and as she struggles to fight his grip, she places her hands on the sides of his face. Leaning forward, her forehead touches his and a tiny spark hits his skin.

"Close your eyes, Master. Listen to my voice."

It takes a moment for her words to sink in but Lelouch finally recognizes the girl infront of him and follows her words.

"Take a deep breath... Slowly breathe out."

He does and it is like drowning at first. His lungs are filled with water of confusion until he is washed on the shore of gradual clarity.

"Breathe in, breathe out... Nunnally is right infront of you. Alive."

There is only darkness at first. The kind that is not frightening but is curious and waiting. Then slowly, a face forms before him - two-eyes closed as if they are dreaming, a mouth soft at its edges smiling warmly at him, cheeks as red as fresh cherries. Her long chocolate tresses frame her small face like gentle ocean waves.

Before him appears the face that always reminds him of summer and butterflies and teddy bears.

"Nunnally?" he utters in disbelief.

"Yes, it is her. Tell her what you wanted to say, Master."

"I'm sorry," Lelouch says to the image of his sister. He wants to touch her, to finally unshed his dishonesties. He wants to ask if she is alright, if the Britannians are treating her right. Are they pressuring her? Is she happy? It had been so long since they were this near to each other and he badly wants to close the gap between them.

But he doesn't.

"I have to lie for a little longer. For your safety and future, I have to don this mask again... Nunnally, please wait for me."

He patiently waits for an answer, but the image remains mute. However, a small frown appears on Nunnally's lips as her head tilts sideways.

"I will not ask for forgiveness for all that I've been doing until now are sins that don't deserve mercy... But will you understand me? When you find out the truth, will I still be your brother?"

Nunnally reaches out to grab his hand but Lelouch steps back.

"Make a wish, Master."

A wish?

"You don't have to say it out loud. Just express what is in your heart right now."

Suddenly, a purple origami appears on his right hand. As he lifts it up between him and Nunnally, another figure appears beside her.

Suzaku Kururugi.

His best friend.

Then beside Lelouch, someone who is with him this whole time stands.


His witch.

His eyes roam around his companions and something aches in his chest.

He whispers to the origami and makes a wish.

They disappear and he is back to the present. Warmth envelopes his cheeks as C.C.'s palms keep them held. Slowly, he opens his eyes and what he sees first is their knees touching each other.

"Are you alright now?"

Releasing him, C.C. sits back and cradles her wrist against her chest.

Lelouch nods. "Thank you, but where did you learn to do that?"

"During that time when I slept in the stables, a horse would wake me up by nuzzling its forehead against mine whenever I had a nightmare," she smiles shyly and plays with her hair, "I must had been loud. Then, I'd think about what frightened me in my dreams and talk to them. So..." She looks down, a light blush teasing her skin, "So they wouldn't come back again. Oh, but Master didn't do that and I think you were amazing."

"And the wish?"

Her wide doe eyes illuminate the darkness of their room – looking at him as if the answer to his question is very much obvious. "Well, isn't it only right to fill your heart with hope after being terrified by fear?"

That morning, C.C. wakes up earlier than Lelouch letting the latter get back his lost sleep the night before.

Humming, she happily wipes the surfaces all the while thinking how nice it must feel to have a sibling.

So Nunnally is Master's sister. All of a sudden, most of her questions are answered and she is filled with admiration for Lelouch's immeasurable love for Nunnally.

Everything that he is doing, sleepless nights dedicated for planning, skipping meals because he is too immersed in a paper, the perpetual stern look on his face, all of these is for the sake of saving his younger sister.

Nunnally is so lucky to have him.

C.C. does not remember having a sibling. She can't even remember the faces of her parents. Her earliest memory is being passed down to different households as a slave.

But if she would have an older brother, she wishes for him to be as kind and loving as her master. Perhaps, if she had one, she wouldn't have ended up as a slave. She wouldn't have been so alone.

But if she did have one, she wouldn't have meet Master Lelouch.

C.C. shakes her head. This is too complicated for her to think in the early morning. Plus, what matters most is where she is right now and who she is with. The thought brings a small smile to her lips.

"You should have woken me up."

"Good morning, Master. Did you sleep well?" C.C. greets.

Lelouch rumples his hair as he yawns. "I did and it's thanks to you."

Hearing another gratitude directed to her is as foreign as imagining herself in a beautiful ballgown so she sputters a soft "You're welcome", and quickly thinks of another topic that would hopefully hide her embarrassment. "So Nunnally is your younger sister?"

Lelouch stops scratching his head leaving his hair disheveled and crosses his arms infront of him. "Yes, she's my younger sister."

"I heard that younger sisters are both a joy and a headache to have."

Lelouch chuckles and C.C. exhales in relief knowing that she didn't pry too much. "I'll agree to that."

She perks up. "Oh, I know! I can cook for her or sew her a dress or read a book together when she returns. Perhaps, I'll teach her the nightmare trick, too. And wash her clothes. We can play with Cheese-kun... also." C.C.'s voice falters upon noticing the unwavering gaze fixed on her. She must have said too much, must have offered less. "I will clean her bed... Wash her hair..."

"Being her friend is enough. Nunnally will like that."

"She will? I'll like that, too."

A large hand lands on top of her head. She squirms when Lelouch pats her head lightly, totally not expecting the action from him.

"Me, too," he says with a peaceful smile.

Looking up, she meets his grateful gaze with her surprised one until she comes to her senses and all she can think of is she will gain another friend in the future.

"Then I'll pray harder that your mission becomes successful so she will be home safe with you," utters C.C., and she reciprocates his smile with her assuring one. "And when that time comes, Master won't be alone in taking care of her anymore."

Happy birthday, Lelouch.