When hanyou's aren't childrenish

Disclaimer: don't own inu-yasha and co.

Author's notes: hey everyone, I'm back with the sequel: When hanyou's aren't childrenish! And let me tell you, I've been practicing and there are actually going to be fight scenes that don't involve the bad asses running away! ^_^ aren't I special, anyways, I'm not sure how good this one's going to be, compared to the original, but I hope you all like it anyway!

Chapter one- Trouble still brewing


Inu-yasha rested happily in his tree, the tree that he and Kagome had sat in when they'd confessed their love for one another, inu-yasha smiled, remembering the memory clearly.
After they'd done so they'd returned to the village and explained the situation to Kaede, and after much convincing to Kaede that Inu-yasha had been a child, and it had not been their son, Kaede filled in the holes for them.
When Inu-yasha had been shot by the purification arrows by Kikyo, Inu-yasha had been cleansed making him return to his normal form, the spell Naraku had used on Inu-yasha had been tainted with evil energy, reverting him back to his normal self.
He sniffed the air and his eyes snapped open at once. He reconigized that smell, he growled deep into his chest. He let the intoxicating smell carry him to the hut where Kagome was currently making:

"RAMEN!" Inu-yasha shouted as he bashed into the hut and dived towards the cup greedily, Kagome rolled her eyes and moved the ramen, causing Inu-yasha to slam into the wall.

"Honestly Inu-yasha, you may be an 'adult' but you're still acting like a child! The ramen isn't even ready yet, yet you come barging in like you own the place," Kagome sighed and eyed the hanyou wearily as he moped in his corner.

"Feh!" he snarled at the young woman who only turned away from him and gave the ramen to Shippou, "hey........i want the ramen! Ramen ramen ramen ramen ramen ramen ramen ramen ramen!"

"Shut up Inu-yasha, you're starting to annoy me," Sango said from her corner, her eyebrow ticked dangerously and Inu-yasha's mouth shut at once.

"Feh! I don't need ramen," he snarled then said to himself, "Did I just say that?"

The group rolled their eyes and major sweat dropping occurred. Inu-yasha laid down on his back and looked at the ceiling, allowing Kagome's gentle scent to let him drift into a pleasant sleep.


Inu-yasha was jolted out of his sleep when an ear splitting scream filled through the air. Inu-yasha jumped nearly three feet in the air and landed on Miroku, who'd also awoken rather abruptly.

"What in the seven hells was that?" Inu-yasha growled, hating to be knocked from his sleep, he looked around and paled, "where's Kagome?"

"She, Shippou, and Sango all went to the hot springs, why?" Inu-yasha shot him a look, "...you don't think?"

"Oh course I do jackass! Come on they might me in trouble!" Inu-yasha yelled, as he was half way out the door, the perverted monk following close behind.

Miroku caught up with Inu-yasha about three minutes later and looked highly amused by the surprised look on Inu-yasha's face. Miroku turned to see what he was looking at and paled too.

"Oh boy..." Miroku rubbed his temples and looked at the scene before him.

The mini Kagome and Sango looked up from their pile of clothes that were slipping down their shoulders, they both smiled and said in unison, "hewwo are you my friend?"


*evil music plays* HAHAHAH I have returned with a new story, it will probably suck, but I wanted to make up for the horrible ending to my first fan fic! Behold!