AN: So I know I'm probably late to the game for this fandom, but hey, better late than never.

Please read and review!

Also, this is one of two ideas I have for BMHA, don't know when I'll post that one, but please enjoy this one!

Unexpected Friends

"Move outta the way, first year!" A gruff voice demanded, before a large hand pushed Amelia out of the way, essentially knocking her down. She reached out with one hand to brace herself, and hopefully keep herself from making a fool of herself. Only for her hand to land wrong on the floor, over extending the tendon in her wrist. That hand bore the brunt of her weight landing on it, causing a small tear in the tendon, which was immediately felt. She yelped at the sudden pain, cradling her wrist as she stood up.

"Let me help you," a low voice spoke from beside her, a pale hand reaching out and grasping her elbow. She glanced at the person - another male student - and nodded in thanks as he helped to steady her. She made sure to keep her injured wrist close to her chest, holding it gently so as to not cause any more damage to it, and looked at her helper.

He was a head taller than her, slightly pale, with a head of wild purple hair. She noticed that he had this half-lidded look, with dark circles, and eyes the same shade as his hair. She couldn't tell if he was the same year as her, but that didn't matter at the moment.

What mattered was her wrist, which she was nearly 100 percent certain was sprained, and needed to be looked at.

"Are you okay?" He asked, gesturing to her wrist. He had noticed the way she was cradling it, how she winced slightly every time it moved.

"Yeah, I just need to have Recovery Girl take a look at this and I should be good to go. Thank you for helping me up," she gave him a smile, looking him in the eyes. He rubbed the back of his neck, looking away from the girl with the golden eyes.

"It was nothing, just wish I could've seen who shoved you." He glanced around the lunch room; no one else had made a move to help her, nor did anyone try to stop the person who did this. He made a sound of annoyance, before looking back at her. She was frowning, her not-quite-human eyes giving her the appearance of a kicked puppy.

"Fucking dick," she muttered softly, unaware that he heard her. He smirked; he probably wasn't meant to hear that, but years of hearing people whisper behind his back had made his hearing nearly bat-like. "Thanks again for helping me up..."

"Shinso Hitoshi."

"Amelia Ferox." She flashed him a bright smile before turning around to head to the nurse's office. He didn't know why, but his mouth decided to ask the question he was unsure of asking.

"Want me to go with?" She stopped and glanced at him, her eyes assessing him carefully before nodding, smiling at him again. He gave her a small grin in return, walking with her out of the room while some of her classmates looked on curiously. They were quiet as they walked out, Shinso shooting dark glares at anyone who tried to force their way past them, unaware that Amelia was doing the same thing with the added effect of her pupils being un-human.

Once they had left the deafening room, they were met with the silent hallways.

"What class are you in?" Amelia asked, breaking the silence and glancing up at him. He glanced down, noting that in order to talk to her he would have to look down significantly.

"1-C, General Studies. You?"

"1-A," she said, shrugging dismissively. He raised an eyebrow at that; shouldn't she be jumping for joy? She was in the hero's department, she was given a direct path to becoming a hero. Shouldn't he be annoyed with her?

"You don't sound that happy, being in the heroes course and all." He commented on. She smirked at him.

"I know I should be, and I know I am, it's just, everything is different from where I'm from so I'm still trying to get used to being here."

"Where are you from?" He inquired, directing them down the correct hallway.

"U.A Pacific. I'm surprised that it's not being talked about already, I applied to be a foreign exchange student here and was accepted."

"Oh wow, that's impressive." Shinso said, feeling a bit annoyed that she had simply applied and got in. He noticed her expression; it wasn't angry, but it wasn't overjoyed. That was weird.

"Not really, the principal said the only reason I was picked out of all the other applicants was because I can read, write, and speak Japanese fluently." He heard the hurt in her tone, and rubbed the back of his neck, unsure of what to say to make this awkwardness go away. Luckily, he didn't have to. "My teacher, however, doesn't seem to share the same opinion as his boss, so that kinda makes it better about why I got in."

"Huh," Shinso muttered, directing them down another hallway. It was silent as they walked, both letting their minds wander about the other. She was curious as to why he was helping her, when he could have easily just given her directions and go back to his lunch. He was curious as to why he was helping her. It wasn't like him to do something like this. But then again, it was something that a hero would do, and he wanted nothing more than to be a hero, so maybe that was why he was doing this. To show that he was a hero, despite what others thought.

Soon enough, they were standing in front of the Nurse's office, where hopefully Recovery Girl was and free for the moment. Amelia quickly knocked, hearing a loud 'come in', and opened the door. Shinso was about to turn around and leave, but a thought struck him.

'I never told her any of the directions, I just led her here. If I leave her now, she might not know how to get back to class before lunch is over.' He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, stepping inside with her. She didn't seem to mind, walking over to Recovery Girl and explaining why she was here.

"Did you happen to see who shoved you?" Recovery Girl asked, to which both of them shook their heads. "Tsk, behavior like that is unbecoming of a hero hopeful and tarnishes the image of the school." The older woman grumbled to herself about the whole affair, unaware that Amelia was trying to stifle her shit-eating grin. Shinso was beside himself in amusement. Who knew Recovery Girl could say such things, and about a student. She quickly healed Amelia, letting her know that it was a simple sprain and that she shouldn't put any unnecessary strain on it for the next few days. The two thanked her and quickly exited the room, making sure the door was closed firmly behind them before bursting into loud laughs.

"Oh wow, I never knew someone as small...and sweet looking like her...could have such a vast that!" Amelia said in between her laughs. Shinso nodded, wiping away a tear from his eye. They started walking back the way they came from, their laughs trickling down to soft giggles and chuckles.

"So Shinso, if you don't mind me asking, what's your quirk?" Amelia asked, eyes sparkling in amusement as she glance up at her companion. He gave her a small smile before looking away, her eyes reminding him too much of a cat's. And the fact that she didn't blink all that much wasn't helping either. He rubbed the back of his neck, looking down as he thought over how to tell her. He mentally sighed, deciding that the best way was just to be straightforward with her and see what happens.

"I can brainwash people by having them answer a question." He stated, looking away from her. He expected her to grow quiet, or to get angry, but even scared. Most girls were, when they learned what his quirk was, and he assumed she would be the same way.

Only, she wasn't. Instead of reacting negatively, she stopped walking and grabbed his arms, forcing him to turn and face her. Her golden eyes were brimming with amazement and something akin to respect.

"That. Is. Amazing!"


"Your quirk! Do you have any idea how useful and amazing it is!"

"Uh, wha-what do you mean?" He asked, eyes wide in shock and surprise.

"I was so worried I wouldn't find anyone here with a mental quirk, I mean it's rare, but it's not uncommon, but the fact that U.A. didn't have anyone, it was just so weird! U.A. Pacific was full of them, and I mean full of them! There was people with quirks just like your, emotional ones, touch based, there was even one girl with a scent based mental quirk - she could get people under her control if they smelled her scent, which I know that sounds weird, but she smelled like a fucking sugar cookie, so of course people would fall under her control easily, I know I did, but she was like the sweetest girl-"

"What did you mean, when you said it was useful?" Shinso asked, stopping her ramblings about mental quirks and her old classmates, though he was secretly pleased that he wasn't the only one with a villianous quirk out there. He watched as Amelia's cheeks turned a light pink as she scratched the back of her head in embarrassment, chuckling a little bit.

"Sorry, I was rambling wasn't I?" He smirked and leaned back against the wall, looking at her with a knowing glance. "Great. Oh, yeah, well if all it takes is for someone to answer a question for you to control them, then you could stop a hostage situation, or get a rampaging villain to stop causing damage to people's property, or stop someone suicidal from going through with it." She explained, staring him in the eyes, unnerving him with the way she held his gaze. His own eyes widened as her words struck a cord with him. Everything she had said was true, he knew that, but to hear someone else tell him that his quirk wasn't meant for a villian, that he could actually use it to do good, it made him feel something...something like hope...blossom in his chest.

" don't think it's a quirk meant for a villian?" He asked, voice wavering a little bit. She gave him a deadpan look, and it looked so weird when combined with her eyes, that he busted out laughing.

"Dude, what the fuck?" She asked him, raising an eyebrow and wondering if she had missed something. He raised his hand and started to shake his head, trying to reign his laughs back in.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just, it's just that everyone in my old middle school used to tell me that my quirk villianous, and most of them meant it. So, so to hear someone tell me that it can do heroic things and, and for them to mean it, well, it, it meant a lot to me." He said in between his laughs. He silently hoped that he hadn't offended Amelia in any way.

"I guess stupidity and ignorance is alive and well over here." She retorted, getting a shit-eating grin in return.

"So, since we're on the topic of quirks, what's yours Ferox-"

"Amelia, please. It's weird being called by my last name."

"Okay then, Amelia. What's your quirk?" Shinso asked, already going over every animal like quirk in his head that she could have, basing this assumption on her unusual eyes.

"I can shape shift."


"Don't believe me?" She asked, jutting her hip out and leaning forward to stab a finger at his chest. He put his hands up in a placating motion, smirking at how easy it was to ruffle her feathers.

"No, but shape shifting is just as rare as having a mental quirk." He stated, shrugging his shoulders. Amelia looked at him, a devious glint in her eyes as she leaned back, her smile spelling mischief. He suddenly didn't like that look on her.

"Watch this," was all she said before closing her eyes and then she wasn't there anymore. Shinso stood straight, blinking and looking around for where she could have gone, only to hear a loud meow near his feet. He looked down, and immediately dropped to his haunches, sitting on the balls of his feet as he stared at the golden eyed Siamese cat that sat in front of him, looking for intents and purposes, smug. Like the cat that got the cream. He slowly reach out with both hands, picking the cat up underneath it's front paws, getting an annoyed 'mrow' in response, and held it up in front of him. His eyes were wide in wonder as the cat - Amelia, he remembered - stretched a paw forward and bopped him on the nose.

"I think I'm in love."

"Hey Shouta! There's a student with a cat in the hallways, man!" Present Mic shouted, watching as his friend sat straight up in his yellow sleeping bag, looking like he'd risen from the dead.


"By Recovery Girl's office, oh yeah! It looked like a Siamese-" Aizawa was gone before he could finish his sentence, sleeping bag left forgotten in a pile by the door.

AN: Welp, here ya go, ya boy Shinso gets to meet Amelia, and immediately falls in love with her and they happily ever after!

Lol, yeah no, but if someone I knew could turn into my favorite animal right in front of me, I would probably think I was in love, too.

Please enjoy!