What Happened

Obi-Wan could tell by the way Anakin acted on Geonosis something was wrong with his Padawan. While Anakin is recovering from his fight with Count Dookoo, Obi-Wan goes to talk to Padme about What in the blazes happened on Tatooine?

What Happened

"This is silly, stupid, and unnecessary," Obi-Wan thought as he rode through the traffic on Coruscant. All he had to do was to wait for Anakin to wake up. However the doctor said the Anakin will be unconscious for several hours and then placed into a Barca tank. Obi-Wan thought the suspense would kill him. Also, he should be knowledgeable before his padawan woke up. So here he was driving to Padme Amidala's apartments, to ask a question. What in the blazes happened on Tatooine?

Obi-Wan set the speeder down outside on the apartment and jumped out. He looked up to notice a golden protocol droid coming up to him.

"Hello Sir what can I do for you?" asked the protocol droid the droid asked upon approach.

Obi-Wan was confused on where Padme had gotten a protocol droid. He was about to ask when the droid answered, "My name is C-3PO, I am the protocol droid. My last master, Master Owen Lars, gave me to Master Anakin as a gift on Tatooine. However, it seems a Jedi can not own property so I was given to Mistress Padme. This was not done in front of Master Lars I can assure you, that would be improper…"

"Yes, I see" Obi-Wan answered, mainly to stop the droid from babbling on. "Well I am here to speak to Senator Amidala. Will you tell her Master Kenobi is here?"

"Yes of course I can," C-3P0 said, and he disappeared through the doorway. He came back a moment later with Padme behind him. She was wearing her purple Senator gown, with her hair done up. She looked exactly the same way she had when the Jedi were assigned to her, when all this started.

"Obi-Wan, it's good to see you again! How are you feeling? How is Anakin?" Padme asked in a rush of questions.

Obi-Wan nodded, "Hello Senator. Yes, Anakin is doing fine. The surgery went well and he is resting comfortably." He paused and thought how to best phrase what to say next. "However, there is something troubling me and I think you can help."

"Of course anything," Padme answered, and she motioned for him to have a seat on the couch.

Once they were both comfortable, Obi-Wan took a deep breath and tried to phrase his next words carefully. "Well," he started. " Anakin instructions were quite clear that he was to stay on Naboo until told otherwise. However, when I contacted him to give him my message to the Jedi Council, he was on Tatooine. Since you were caught together on Geonosis, I assume you were both on Tatooine and I was wondering why."

Then it was Padme's turn to to take a deep breath. Afterwards she started, "Well, he had every intention staying Naboo to protect me. However, he was having a difficult time sleeping because of some dreams. He down played them of course, but it was obvious something was wrong. When I asked him, he said he was afraid for his mother's life. I suggested that he go to her, and I would come with him so he did not break his mandate."

Obi-Wan nodded slowly, "And is Shmi alright?"

"No," Padme wispeared with tears in her eyes. "She was captured by Tusken Raiders. Anakin went to rescue her, but she had already been killed. He brought home her body, and we buried her. After the funeral, we learned you had been captured and came to rescue you. I don't think he could lose both of his parents in the same day."

Obi-Wan blinked tears from his eyes as he realized the depths of his Padawan's pain. It now made perfect sense why Anakin would risk Padme's life to save Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan suddenly remembered Anakin's confession that night in the club while they were looking for the assassin, "You're the closest thing I have to a father."

Obi-Wan swallowed the lump in his throat and blinked the tears out of his eyes. No wonder Anakin was not himself on Geonosis. Obi-Wan expected Anakin to try and rescue him, but he knew something was wrong when his padawan got into an argument with him when Padme fell out of the gunship. Also, it explained Anakins threat to Count Dookoo before the fight, "Your going to pay for all the Jedi you killed today," thenhis charge full speed at instead of waiting. If Anakin had just buried his mother a few hours before then he would still be emotional. You do not get over loosing someone like that in a few hours. "Force," Obi-Wan thought to himself, "I'm not over burying Qui-Gon."

Now he knew, but what could he do about it. Obviously, Anakin needed help, but he was not going to get it professionally. Right when Anakin's training started, Obi-Wan asked Master Yoda if they needed someone to talk to Anakin about processing slavery, being away from his mother, and Qui-Gon's death. But Anakin hated it, and after a month of making no progress Obi-Wan let it go.

Now what were they going to do. Anakin was even more closed off and prideful. Explaining his trauma to a doctor would be pulling teeth, and get them no where. Then Obi-Wan had an idea. One that would keep Anakin safe and protect his pride, if Senator Amidala would be willing to cooperate.

"Padme," Obi-Wan said. "There is something I need to ask you, and I hope it does not offend you."

Padme looked confused, but then she said, "Okay."

"I'm going to talk to Anakin about this, and I am going to be there for him in anyway I can. But that will not be enough, I know it. He is not like other Jedi who can release things into the force, but he holds on to his pain. Also, Anakin is a prideful man which means that he will not tell me that he is suffering. Like today, I have to be observant and figure out something is wrong.

"However, Anakin is close to you, closer than he is to anyone. He has cared about you since he met you. Before all this started I was worried that he was getting too close, however now I am grateful for your connection. If he is going to let anyone help him with his grief, it's going to be you. I would like for him to escort you back to Naboo. This time instead of him watching you, I would like you to watch him. If anything happens, he stops eating, starts lashing out, stops sleeping all together, or anything at all happens, please contact me immediately."

Obi-Wan watched Padme's face to see how she would process this information. Obi-Wan waited for the girl who had just been threatened to say no. She had just been through an ordeal herself, and maybe did not want to covertly babysit a Jedi. Obi-Wan realized that if she said no, Anakin would have to be taken off the assignment. There is just no way he could go through all that and not have someone there to support him.

However, Padme nodded, looking at Obi-Wan with the strictness of Senator Amidala. She realized what Obi-Wan was getting at, that Anakin was either going to deal with his grief or get worse. Obi-Wan saw her decided to be there for him. He hoped she would give Anakin space to grieve but also comfort and a gentle reminder that he was only human. Anakin thought he was invincible, however he had just saw the most important person in his world tortured and killed, of course he could snap."Yes, I will look out for him, and if anything is wrong I'll tell you," Padme promised. "Not just this assignment, but always."

Obi-Wan smiled, and stood up. "Thank you Padme. Now if you excuse me I have to get back to the Temple. Anakin will wake up soon."

Padme saw him out, and waved at him when he zoomed upwards into traffic. On his way back to the temple, Obi-Wan felt a rush of relief. "Anakin will be alright. He will get over this." he thought. He was wrong.

d at Obi-Wan, "Of course. If there is anything I can't handle I will tell you immediately."

Obi-Wan nodded satisfied, "Thank you. Now I have to go," he stated while rising from his chair.

Padme saw him out to his speeder. Before he left, the Jedi turned to look back at the Senator. He still did not trust politicians, but he would trust this one, he decided, since she truly cared for Anakin. Obi-Wan got into his speeder and went back to his padawan knowing that somehow Anakin would be alright.