Disclaimer: I do not own Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid or Metal Gear Rising. All rights belong to Hideo Kojima and Konami.

Phantoms personal helicopter, Echo-5, was not that far away from Afghanistan now, so, he pulls out his iDroid and plays the recording of his mission briefing. Once played, the voice of Thunder Rogue was heard from the iDroid.

"Phantom, your next mission requires you to investigate the disappearance of Afghanistans finest military units in two locations. The first unit that disappeared was in the Mountain Relay Base. That will be the first location you visit before the next area. Look for any survivors at the Relay Base and extract them with the Fulton Recovery System if they can survive the trip. You'll find them in your helicopter. Make sure you take them with you." Rogues voice explained as Phantom looked around inside the helicopter for the Recovery System.

When he found them behind the pilots seat, he nodded his head and continued to listen to the briefing.

"The next location after the Mountain Relay Base is Da Smasei Laman. There was an entire squadron of Afghan soldiers stationed there. Strong, capable men that just suddenly disappeared. It wasn't long after that when we received messages from Afghanistan officials asking for our help to find them and find out where they are. None of them have reported in for the past 72 hours. The officials want to know if they abandoned their post or if something happened to them. I assured them that we would send one of our best to find them. Make sure to remember every little detail, Phantom, before you come back to make a full report. Find out what happened to both of the Afghanistan squadrons and report back here when you've finished. Good luck, Phantom."

The recording stopped and Rogues voice was no longer heard.

So, Phantom got up out of his seat, grabbed the Fulton Recovery System and put it inside his survival backpack before he sat back down.

"Phantom, we're coming up on the drop. Get ready." The pilot informed him as he looked out the helicopter window to see that they had now reached the mountain region of Afghanistan. "I'm obviously going to have to get to both sites on foot since I don't have a horse, so this might take a while." He thought with a shrug as he opened up the side door and strapped himself to the safety harness while the helicopter began its decent to the ground surface.

"Alright, Phantom, you're good to go. Be careful and radio me or home base if you need help." The pilot said as the helicopter stopped and hovered a few feet above the ground before Phantom unstrapped hisself and drop to the ground. "Alright, Echo, I'll keep that in mind. See you soon." He said while looking up at the helicopter as it ascended and flew away.

Phantom then brought out his iDroid and pressed one of the buttons to bring up the holographic map. "Alright, the Relay Base is to the Northeast. So, that's where I'll be heading." He said to himself as he began to jog towards his first destination.

30 minutes later...

Phantom followed the path of the road to the Relay Base only to stop when he came upon said base and pulled out his Int-Scope to look for any sign of movement or for any survivors.

He examined the base for 5 minutes to make sure he didn't miss anything, but the entire base seems to be completely deserted. "Well, I'm not going to find the survivors while sitting up here. Might as well make my way down and actually start looking." He thought as he put the Int-Scope away and proceeded to walk towards the base.

He made his way towards the entrance of the base and looked around him and up in the bases lookouts to see if there were any potential survivors, but everything seemed eerily quiet. He looked up at the sky to see that there were flocks of vultures flying around the base. And to him, that could only mean one thing... there were no survivors.

But he kept looking. He didn't want to assume too soon.

Phantom looked back and forth at every corner of the base and even the lower levels, but he still couldn't find a single survivor anyway. Not even a sign of a struggle or a fight that could've took place at the base.

Not even a single drop of blood.

This made Phantom feel very uneasy, but he pressed on and continued to make his way up the mountain to Da Smasei Laman.

25 minutes later...

After walking past two checkpoints leading up the the fort, Phantom came upon an entrance way to Da Smasei Laman, but the way in looked like it would collapse at any moment. And Phantom didn't trust it, so, he decided to do a little test.

He found a nearby rock and walked over to it to pick it up before throwing it inside the entrance way as hard as he could to make a loud sound. And it was indeed loud, the echo off the walls helped, but nothing had happened.

Phantom decided to wait a few moments to see if anything would happen after everything went quiet and still... nothing. But Phantom decided to do a little recon. He pulled out his iDroid to bring up the holographic map of the area and he could see that there was a path leading to the inside of the fort to the left, so, he made his way up that path to scope out any potential threats waiting for him in the fort and hopefully, survivors.

He came upon a cliff that had a clear view of the outside of the fort, so, he bent down to his knees before pulling out his Int-Scope to survey the area. And the area looked to be the same as the Relay Base.


Not one single patrol was seen on the outside of the fort. There were camps in the area, but no one was occupying them. The area had the same feel as the Relay Base, dead quiet, and just like before, it unnerved Phantom.

He surveyed the area for a few more minutes before he put the Int-Scope away and headed back to the entranceway leading to the fort. He walked through the tall and treacherous looking entrance way to the fort and eventually came upon the very area he just scoped out. And just like minutes ago, not one single patrol or survivor anywhere around the fort

He could yell and run around like a dumbass while knocking things over or blow the area up and he wouldn't have to worry about alerting the enemy, if there were any.

He decided to walk around and search for any survivors anyway because the mission compelled him to, but every area he's search had no trace of a survivor and it was just beginning to bug him.

Was Rogue given false intel, or is it another set up?

Phantom decided to raise Echo on the radio. "Echo, it's Phantom, you there?" He asked and waited a moment. "I'm here, Phantom, what's up?" The pilot asked. "Something's not right here, Echo. The Relay Base and Da Smasei Fort both seem to be completely deserted. There's not one single trace of a survivor or survivors anywhere." Phantom answered with an uneasy feeling.

"That's odd, but have you checked inside the fort yet? They could be in there." Echo responded making Phantom look up at the rocky fortress, but it didn't look very welcoming and it sent a chill down his spine for some reason. Then he answered. "No, I haven't checked yet. I'll check it out now and let you know what I find."

"Alright, Phantom. Be careful. Echo out." Echo said before cutting off the transmission.

Phantom continued to look at the fort and willed himself to head in, but something was telling him to not go in and that something was terribly wrong with this mission.

No survivors, no enemy patrols. It's just like the mansion in Germany all over again and it's only been a week! And Phantom was dreading what he would find inside. If he finds any survivors, he will help them, but if he finds something other than survivors, he's aborting the mission.

He readied his primary weapon "Lady Liberty" and checked to make sure that the magazine was loaded. He then did a quick weapons check for his 1911 and his sniper rifle, the "Venom Wave", once he saw everything was good to go he proceeded to walk towards the entrance of the fort, but his instincts were screaming at him to not go inside and abort the mission.

However, if he listens to his instincts and aborts the mission and leaves behind any potential survivors, Rogue will have his head and he could possibly be let go from Diamond Foxes.

He wanted to listen to his instincts and his gut, but he couldn't risk leaving anyone behind. So he continued to make his way inside the fort and began to search inside the "rooms" that were inside. And just like the Relay Base and outside of the fort, there was no one in sight, but he continued to make his way further inside the fort with his weapon ready.

As he continued his search, he began to smell something rotten and foul. So, he covered his nose and groaned in disgust. "Ugh! What the hell is that smell and where did it come from?" He wondered as he continued down further into the fort.

He eventually found his answer.

He came upon a wide cave area with water coming down from the top and at the bottom of the cave floor were dozens of bloody skeletons piled on top of each other with some meat and flesh hanging off of some places of their bodies.

Phantoms eyes widened and he gagged, but he didn't vomit. He turned away and held a hand to his mouth to keep from gagging or vomiting. "Ok... that settles it. I'm aborting the mission." He thought as he tried to raise Echo on the radio once again. "Echo, it's Phantom, do you read me?" He said, but the radio just crackled and he received no answer making him look up at the top of the cave. "I must be too far down. I need to head back to the surface." He whispered as he quickly turned around and made a beeline back to the surface.

But as he got closer to the entrance of the fortress, he could see some sort of mist or fog forming. "Is a sandstorm passing through? The iDroid didn't give me a heads up." He thought, but then he suddenly stopped and finally started to listen to his instincts. "Wait, this is just like..." He whispered.

Then he readied his weapon and tried his luck with the radio again. "Echo, this is Phantom, do you read me?" He asked, but received no response making him grit his teeth and steeled himself before he began to walk slowly outside to try the radio again.

"Hopefully, I'm just being paranoid and this is just a sandstorm." He thought as he walked outside the fortress, but as he examined the area around him, he could see that he wasn't in a sandstorm.

The Skulls were nearby. Or worse.

The Wendigos.

He cautiously looked around him as the yellowish mist surrounded him and blocked his field of vision.


Phantom tensed and quickly snapped to his left as he heard something fall from the mountainous area surrounding him, but he could not see any form of movement. However, Phantom didn't let his guard down. Because all around him he could feel someone or some THING watching his every move and it was making him uneasy. He never felt so defenseless as much as he did right now.

But then...


Phantom whipped around at the source of the sound, but his eyes widened as he saw what looked like a large hand coming towards him.

Then everything went black.

Meanwhile, with Echo...

"Phantom? Phantom, do you copy? Phantom, do you read?" Echo said into the radio trying to raise Phantom, but he wasn't getting a response. "Damn it, I've been trying to contact him for almost 15 minutes." He whispered under his breath before deciding to change the frequencies to contact the Motherbase. "Diamond Foxes Motherbase, this is Echo-5 do you copy?" He asked as he continued flying the mountain region of Afghanistan.

"We read you, Echo-5. Go ahead."

"Yeah, I've been trying to get into contact with Phantom for the past 15 minutes, going on 20 now, but I haven't been able to get a response. Do you think you can see if anyone at Motherbase can raise him? Because I'm still, as of this moment, unsuccessful." Echo answered as he continued to fly around to survey the mountains.

"Wait just a moment, Echo and we'll give it a try."

"Thank you."

Echo waited and continued to scope out any threats that may be heading towards Phantom, but he hasn't seen anything to report. Which was relieving, but Phantom not answering was still making him worried for the kid. It was like a repeat of the previous week in Germany where Phantom was out of contact for almost 12 hours in that mansion. And this was starting for feel eerily similar to that.

"Echo-5, this is Motherbase do you copy?"

"I read you, Motherbase. Have you contacted Phantom?" He asked.

"No, we haven't. We've tried multiple times to raise him on the radio, but he's not responding. Where was his last known location?"

"He was at Da Smasei Laman last I heard from him. Should I head back?" He asked.

"Yes, head back to Da Smasei Laman and see if he is in trouble."

"Roger that. Heading back now." Echo confirmed as he headed towards Da Smasei Laman.

As he got closer to Phantoms last known location, he could see a strange bubble cloud of smoke or dust in the distance and this instantly made him even more concerned. "Motherbase, this Echo-5 do you copy?" He said into the radio.

"Go ahead, Echo-5."

"There seems to be a strange cloud of smoke or dust surrounding the fort. The visibility is little to nonexistent and I can't seem to see where Phantoms location is. Please advise." He informed Motherbase as he circled around the dust cloud.

"Wait one moment, Echo-5."

"He doesn't have to wait long, cadet."

"Boss?" Echo asked with a surprised look on his face.

"That's right. Now, Echo-5, I want you to continue circling that cloud if you're not already and I want you to report everything you see when you get back to base. In the meantime, wait until Phantom tries to contact you again. Understood?"

"Y-Yes, Boss. Continuing to circle the dust cloud." He responded as he did as he was ordered and continued to circle the strange dust cloud.

Back with Phantom...

"Ugh... what the hell happened?" Phantom thought as his eyes opened and tried to move, but for some reason, he couldn't.

"What the hell?!" He shouted as he looked around to see that his entire body was being held upside down, but what was holding him up wasn't rope or paracord, it was a giant metal hand. "What the hell is holding me up? I can't see anything in this damned mist!" He thought angrily as he struggled to get loose, but he couldn't.

Then he began to hear clapping.

He stopped struggling and looked around him to find the source of the clapping until he saw a figure in the mist.

"Well, well, well, we meet again, Adam. Mi amigo." The figure said which made Phantom narrow his eyes to a glare. "I know that voice." He said with venom in his tone.

"Aw, Adam, you wound me, amigo. Saying that like it's such a bad thing." The figure said as it got closer and closer to reveal Ricardo Gomez. "You can stop calling me "amigo", Vulture. We are NOT friends. Do you get me?" Phantom said with malice as Vulture walked around him in a circle as the giant hand continued to hold him.

"Ah, but Adam, I would like to think we are friends. I mean, I saved you the trouble of having to go through such tedious tests and trials to get to where you are now. Hell, word around the block is that you're the new "Snake". If anything, you should be thanking me." Vulture said smugly as he continued to circle Phantoms defenseless form. "I don't have the right to use that codename because I haven't earned it! And you kidnapped my friends and Lynn and you turned them all into monsters, you son of a bitch! I had to kill Evan because of you! And you expect me to thank you?! Go fuck yourself!" He shouted making Vulture stop and turn his head to face him.

Then he quickly got up in his face and grabbed a fistful of his hair with an angry glare. "I did you a favor by removing any and ALL distractions that may have potentially deterred your progress. I expected that even YOU would've been a little grateful for some help from someone who got you to where you are now. A little thank you would be nice, you know!" Vulture shouted before roughly shoved Phantoms head away as he walked away a few steps and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Adam. Really. I just... I don't understand. I thought that THIS was what you wanted? You were the best in your ranks. You are the very definition of what and who Snake is supposed to be. I thought that you wanted to be the new Snake?" He said as he turned around to look at Phantom, who continued to glare at the man. "What is it that I'm not understanding?" He asked.

Phantom remained silent for a moment as he continued to burn a hole through the man with his glare. Then he decided to answer. "What you don't understand, "amigo", is that I wanted to EARN the title. I didn't want it to be given to me on a silver platter. I picked the name Phantom because I am what YOU created. You created your own Grim Reaper, Vulture. And even if it takes me the rest of my god forsaken life, I WILL kill you and that bitch for what you did to my friends. But most of all, for what you did to Lynn." Phantom answered through gritted teeth.

Vulture just glared back at Phantom with a smile before he chuckled. Then he made a motion with his hand as Phantom was suddenly dropped to the ground.

He quickly got back up and tried to point the Lady Liberty at him, but he disappeared.

"I look forward to our next meeting, Adam, but if you really want to get me next time, you'll have to survive some old friends of ours. I'm sure you remember them. The Wendigos." Vultures voice said in an echo around the area as the giant in the mist walked away. Presumably with Vulture.

Then Phantom saw 7 pairs of bright glowing orange eyes in the mist and instantly knew what was coming. So, he put the Lady Liberty away and pulled out the Venom Wave.

"Let's see how these bastards like it when they're pumped full of venom." He whispered to himself with malice as he loaded the venom rounds into the sniper rifle and readied himself for the coming threat.

"SSSNAKE..." The Wendigos all hissed.