I don't own Pokemon or the idea of this story which I got from Captain Buggles. I just own my OCs.

TMs will exist in this universe but instead of replacing older moves I will just add to the list like TM02 is still Razor Wind but Headbutt is TM57. I will put a list of TMs in this universe on my profile and I'll just make the HMs TMs as well.

Professor Oak, Delia Ketchum, Brock, and Misty were sitting at the kitchen table at the Ketchum's residence discussing the scenario that was Ash's battle against Ritchie when Brock brought up the fact the Ash's Charizard refuses to listen to him and Misty brought up the fact that a pair of Team Rocket agents got in the way before the match and that tired out Pidgeotto. Someone knocked on the door when Mimey opened the door and revealed that the one that knocked was a man with black hair and brown eyes that wore blue jeans, black and white sneakers, black finger less gloves, black shirt, red jacket, and a red and white cap who said, "I am Redwood Ketchum, can I come in." Mimey held up one finger and went to get Delia who was surprised to see him him back and said, "Don't expect me to be happy that you're back after all these years but come on in." Redwood was about to come in but he noticed a hot air balloon with a Meowth head shaped balloon floating about thirty feet away he noticed something red on the white shirts of the two humans but he wasn't close enough to tell what was the red on the shirts were but he came in and after Delia's scolded and welcomed him back at the table he saw Professor Oak and told him that his son Indigo was at the lab visiting his Pokemon and that he might change his party. Then the door knocked again it was a man that looked like Gary only older and asked if Professor Oak was here because according to Gary he was at Ketchum house and Delia let him in when Indigo saw Professor Oak he greeted his father. Lastly Redwood Ketchum asked them what's the problem and the told him what had happened and he commented with Team Rocket man it's bad enough that Indigo and I had to deal with them but you guys as well he then said to Brock and Misty that they looked like their father and mother respectively and mentioned that the Pewter City gym leader Flint used a Geodude and an Onix against him as well as the Cerulean City gym leader Rose using a Staryu and a Starmie against him. When Ash came down after a while they agreed to do something about Charizard so Redwood him to come outside when Ash did then they both sent out a Charizard they had a battle between their two Charizard and Redwood's Charizard defeated Ash's with Thunder Punch. Team Rocket did show up to cause trouble but Indigo's Aerodactyl blasted them off with Sky Attack and he and Redwood commented with what nuisances they are. Redwood then gave Ash a Pokemon egg while Indigo gave one to Gary. Lastly the Spearow that Ash angered attacked and revealed that it evolved into a Fearow and Indigo sent out an Omastar who defeated the Fearow with Ice Beam and then he threw a Great Ball and captured the Fearow. Redwood stated that Ash could use his ability to communicate with Aura but he wasn't sure if Charizard would listen.

While training for Johto Ash challenged by a guy named Raymond who sent out a Donphan thanks to his father he learned that Donphan was a Ground type so Ash sent put Bulbasaur who defeated the Armor Pokemon with Solar Beam, next he sent out a Machamp who fell to Squirtle's Bubble Beam, last Raymond got desperate and sent out three at once a Pinsir, a Venomoth, and a Golem who fell to Pikachu the former two fell to Thunderbolt and the latter fell to the newly learned Brick Break by TM105. Unknown to the group of five the battle was being watched by a camera on the neck of a Fearow. Whoever was watching the battle sen an invitation to the group which was delivered they replied yes. When they got to the harbor to New Island and was told that there was a major storm outside but three other trainers decided to brave the storm a boy flew on his Pidgeot, a bigger boy swam on his Gyarados, a girl did the same only on her Dewgong, two different girls swam on a Dhlemise and a Dragalge respectively, and a boy in olive green swam on an Avalugg with a boy in red hitching a ride, and sixteen others rode on a Braviary, Wailord, Golisopod, Bouffalant, Lanturn, Quagsire, Primarina, Hariyama, Slowbro; Carracosta; Empoleon; Walrein; Drifblim; Sharpedo; Drampa; and Swampert, while Indigo; Redwood; Ash; Brock; and Misty decided to swim on Omastar, Kabutops, Squirtle, Staryu, and Goldeen respectively while Team Rocket decided to sneak in while swimming on Weezing. Indigo and Redwood told them that they have some Pokemon that they didn't want to leave at Professor Oak's lab for good reasons stated Redwood except for full battles.

When they got there Indigo sent out Jynx, Moltres, Omastar, Articuno, Nidoking, and Aerodactyl. Redwood sent out Parasect, Zapdos, Kangaskhan, Gardevoir, Kabutops, and Flareon. Ash sent out Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Pidgeotto while Pikachu was already out of his Poké Ball. Brock sent out Geodude, Onix, Zubat, and Vulpix. While Misty sent out Goldeen, Staryu, and Psyduck to go along with Togepi. Meanwhile Team Rocket found a hidden laboratory and sent out Arbok, Weezing, Victreebel, and Lickitung to explore the other floors. When the quintet got to the sitting area they saw the twenty-three trainers that went ahead of. The twenty-three introduced their selves as Corey, Fergus, Neesha, Demeter, Akhlys, Hephaestus, Ouranos, Poseidon, Pan, Hera, Zeus, Gaia, Nymph, Heracles, Delphi, Ourea, Koios, Khione, Melinoe, Phobetor, Ladon, Xx, and Quartz plus they introduced their Pokemon. Corey's were Pidgeot, Venusaur, Sandslash, Gengar, Scyther, and Rhyhorn. Fergus' were Gyarados, Poliwrath, Vaporeon, Tentacruel, Golduck, and Seadra while Redwood was impressed with him for raising a powerful looking Gyarados. Neesha's were Wigglytuff, Blastoise, Ninetales, Dewgong, Rapidash, and Vileplume. Demeter's were Dhelmise, Tropius, Roserade, Leafeon, Ferrothorn, and Shiftry. Akhlys' were Dragalge, Toxapex, Skuntank, Beedrill, Salazzle, and Nidoqueen. Hephaestus' were Delphox, Camerupt, Pyroar, Arcanine, Heatmor, and Magcargo. Ouranos' were Braviary, Archeops, Mandibuzz, Xatu, Masquerain, and Emolga. Poseidon's were Shiny Wailord, Qwilfish, Gorebyss, Relicanth, Bruxish, and Araquanid. Pan's were Golisopod, Pinsir, Ariados, Shuckle, Beautifly, and Ribombee, Hera's were Bouffalant, Heliolisk, Dodrio, Porygon-Z, Blissey, and Lopunny. Zeus' were Electivire, Lanturn, Galvantula, Pom Pom Style Oricorio, Electrode, and Jolteon. Gaia's were Stunfisk, Quagsire, Diggersby, Mudsdale, Excadrill, and Sandy Cloak Wormadam, Nymph's were Primarina, Clefable, Sylveon, Aromatiesse, Whimsicott, and Klefki. Heracles' were Hariyama, Passimian, Toxicroak, Medicham, Lucario, and Kommo-o. Delphi's were Slowbro, Gallade, Sigilyph, Alakazam, Claydol, and Exeggutor. Ourea's were Carracosta, Lunatone, Carbink, Rampardos, Barbaracle, and Crustle. Koios' were Empoleon, Bastiodon, Klinklang, Bronzong, Escavalier, and Mawile. Khione's were Walrein, Crabominable, Glaceon, Cloyster, Beartic, and Cryogonal. Melinoe's were Drifblim, Shiny Palossand, Mimikyu, Shedinja, Chanelure, and Shiny Spiritomb. Phobetor's were Sharpedo, Absol, Bisharp, Umbreon, Hydreigon, and Drapion. Ladon's were Druddigon, Altaria, Drampa, Turtonator, Shiny Haxorus, and Tyrantrum. Xx's were Chesnaught, Aurorus, Golurk, Avalugg, Solrock, and Aegislash.

Quartz's were Marowak, Swampert, Dugtrio, Whiscash, Mamoswine, and West Sea Gastrodon. Then Mewtwo showed up and Corey tried to capture the Genetic Pokemon so he called for Rhyhorn to use Take Down but Mewtwo effortlessly stopped and blasted the Spikes Pokemon back without using a move. Then Meowth was cloned by the cloning machine but Team Rocket freed the Scratch Cat Pokemon while that was happening Mewtwo used his psychic powers to awaken his clones of Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise who went out of the laboratory with Mew following. Mewtwo's Venusaur defeated Bruteroot the Venusaur with Vine Whip, Blastoise defeated Shellshocker the Blastoise with Rapid Spin. While Ash's Charizard took two hits from the Flame Pokemon clone he still lost though. Then Mewtwo produced strange looking Poke Balls and captured Venusaur, Blastoise, and Charizard. Mewtwo also produced more of the strange Poke Balls and they captured almost all of the rest of the Pokémon. Running away, fighting then off, and returning them to their Poke Balls didn't work because Braviary, Pikachu, Moltres, Wigglytuff, Psyduck, Aerodactyl, Vulpix, Pidgeot, Bulbasaur, Zapdos, Squirtle, and Articuno were captured the only Pokemon to escape are Misty's Togepi and that is because she put the Spike Ball Pokemon in her bag and Ash went down into the cloning machine and freed Pikachu which also broke the machine which caused the originals to come out and Tentacruel humorously hugged Team Rocket. Ash and the originals then came in but Mewtwo blasted Ash with Confusion he also got sent flying but was saved by Mew but the New Species Pokemon was just wanting to play but Mewtwo popped Mew's bubble with Shadow Ball. Mew tried reasoning with Mewtwo but that proved to be fruitless. The originals and the clones went to go beat each other up and Neesha mentioned that nothing good can come out of this.

Ash's Pikachu was refusing to to fight his clone while the two Meowth were philosophizing. The Pokemon were collapsing in exhaustion but were getting back up then Ash got tired of this and he got caught in the middle of a pair of powerful blasts from Mewtwo and Mew and was turned to stone and Pkachu tried to shock him awake but the partially evolved Electric type Mouse Pokémon just exhausted himself. The other Pokémon saw this and were starting to cry as well. They couldn't bring Ash back the way he was so Ash was revived as an Ashley. Mewtwo asked Ashley to train him and she agreed and then the Genetic Pokémon summoned Dragonite and Fearow. Mew descided to go with her as well. The Genetic Pokemon that they could use a caring trainer. Redwood stated that he has a secret Pokémon as he grabbed an Ultra Ball out of his jacket and the Pokemon within is a major shocker as the contents is a Mewtwo. Indigo stated that the Mewtwo they first met was not the first one created but like that one Redwood's Mewtwo escaped but hid himself away in Cerulean Cave where Redwood caught him. Demeter, Akhlys, Hephaestus, Ouranos, Poseidon, Pan, Hera, Zeus, Gaia, Nymph, Heracles, Delphi, Ourea, Koios, Khione, Melinoe, Phobetor, and Ladon brought out different varieties of Poké Balls out came a Shaymin, Silvally holding a Poison Memory, Heatran, Tornadus, Volcanion, Genesect, Meloetta, Zeraora, Landorus, Diancie, Marshadow, Deoxys, Regirock, Magearna, Articuno, Hoopa, Darkrai, and Latios. She let Corey catch the Charizard and Ninetales, Neesha catch the Venusaur and Pidgeot, Fergus catch the Blastoise, Misty catch the Squirtle and Golduck, and Brock catch the Bulbasaur and Pidgeotto. then pulled 30 Poké Balls out of her backpack, stated the since she only has five Pokémon with her one of them would stay with her while the others would be sent to Professor Oak's laboratory, caught Mewtwo who stayed with him and caught the Geodude, Lickitung, Staryu, Vulpix, Scyther, Meowth, Goldeen, Rhyhorn, Zubat, Psyduck, Onix, Pikachu, Seadra, Dhelmise, Heatmor, Tropius, Relicanth, Druddigon, Emolga, Drampa, Stunfisk, Turtonator, Qwilfish, Pinsir, Carbink, Bruxish, and Oricorio. She noticed that she ran out of Poké Balls and Passimian, Solrock, Klefki, Shuckle, Mawile, Lunatone, Absol, Cryogonal, Mimikyu, Sigilyph, Bouffalant, Aerodactyl, Kangaskhan, Spiritomb, Toxicroak, Dragonite, Tentacruel, Fearow, Vaporeon, Sandslash, Gyarados, Wigglytuff, Dewgong, Nidoqueen, Vileplume, Weezing, Rapidash, Arbok, Ferrothorn, Dragalge, Leafeon, Toxapex, Shiftry, Dodrio, Skuntank, Delphox, Roserade, Camerupt, Braviary, Pyroar, Beedrill, Wailord, Salazzle, Archeops, Chandelure, Mandibuzz, Porygon-Z, Magcargo, Gengar, Xatu, Gorebyss, Masquerain, Diggersby, Araquanid, Blissey, Golisopod, Alakazam, Lopunny, Ariados, Heliolisk, Beautifly, Electivire, Aegislash, Jolteon, Golurk, Avalugg, Lanturn, Chesnaught, Electrode, Aurorus, Mudsdale, Ribombee, Marowak, Slowbro, Wormadam, Clefable, Quagsire, Whimsicott, Excadrill, Primarina, Exeggutor, Sylveon, Claydol, Aromatiesse, Carracosta, Gallade, Klinklang, Barbaracle, Crabominable, Rampardos, Bronzong, Crustle, Empoleon, Mamoswine, Escavalier, Victreebel, Gastrodon, Bastiodon, Arcanine, Walrein, Altaria, Glaceon, Drifblim, Cloyster, Shedinja, Hydreigon, Beartic, Umbreon, Palossand, Sharpedo, Haxorus, Swampert, Drapion, Poliwrath, Dugtrio, Omastar, Flareon, Kabutops, Gardevoir, Lucario, Tyrantrum, Medicham, Parasect, Hariyama, Jynx, Kommo-o, Nidoking, Bisharp, Victreebel, Galvantula, Mew, Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno were still uncaught so Indigo gave Ashley one hundred thirty-four Great Balls so Ash caught the remaining Pokémon then the group of twenty-eight returned their Pokemon and Team Rocket's Pokemon went back to the laboratory to go back to Jessie and James. While that was going on James was taking to Jessie and stated that they haven't really accomplished anything since they became Team Rocket agents while he likes the pay but he isn't really happy and Jessie stated she is the same as him.

Professor Oak was making notes on Ash's Kingler and Muk stating that he will do Ash's Tauros herd later. When his computer said 'Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchum has caught a new Pokemon a Geodude' 'Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchum has caught a new Pokémon a Lickitung' 'Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchum has caught a new Pokémon a Staryu' 'Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchum has caught a new Pokémon a Vulpix' 'Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchum has caught a new Pokemon a Scyther' 'Pokémon trainer Ashley Ketchum has caught a new Pokémon a Meowth' 'Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchum has caught a new Pokémon a Goldeen' 'Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchum has caught a new Pokémon a Rhyhorn' 'Pokémon trainer has caught a new Pokémon a Zubat' 'Pokemon trainer Ashley Ketchum has caught a new Pokémon a Onix' 'Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchum has caught a new Pokémon a Pikachu' 'Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchum has caught a new Pokémon a Seadra' 'Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchum has caught a new Pokémon a Dhelmise' Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchum has caught a new Pokemon a Heatmor' The computer the same thing for Tropius, Relicanth, Druddigon, Emolga, Drampa, Stunfisk, Turtonator, Qwilfish, Pinsir, Carbink, Bruxish, Oricorio, Passimian, Solrock, Klefki, Shuckle, Mawile, Absol, Lunatone, Cryogonal, Sigilyph, Bouffalant, Aerodactyl, Kangaskhan, Spiritomb, Toxicroak, Dragonite, Tentacruel, Fearow, Vaporeon, Sandslash, Gyarados, Wigglytuff, Dewgong, Nidoqueen, Vileplume, Weezing, Rapidash, Arbok, Ferrothorn, Dragalge, Leafeon, Toxapex, Shiftry, Dodrio, Skuntank, Delphox, Roserade, Camerupt, Beedrill, Pyroar, Wailord, Braviary, Salazzle, Archeops, Chandelure, Mandibuzz, Porygon-Z, Magcargo, Gengar, Xatu, Gorebyss, Masquerain, Diggersby, Araquanid, Blissey, Golisopod, Alakazam, Lopunny, Ariados, Beautifly, Electivire, Aegislash, Jolteon, Golurk, Avalugg, Lanturn, Chesnaught, Electrode, Aurorus, Mudsdale, Ribombee, Marowak, Slowbro, Wormadam, Clefable, Quagsire, Whimsicott, Excadrill, Primarina, Exeggutor, Sylveon, Claydol, Aromatiesse, Carracosta, Gallade, Klinklang, Barbaracle, Crabominable, Rampardos, Bronzong, Crustle, Empoleon, Mamoswine, Escavalier, Gastrodon, Bastiodon, Whiscash, Arcanine, Walrein, Altaria, Drifblim, Cloyster, Shedinja, Hydreigon, Beartic, Umbreon, Palossand, Sharpedo, Haxorus, Swampert, Drapion, Poliwrath, Dugtrio, Omastar, Flareon, Kabutops, Gardevoir, Lucario, Tyrantrum, Medicham, Parasect, Hariyama, Jynx, Kommo-o, Nidoking, Bisharp, Victreebel, Galvantula, Mew, Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno. If Professor Oak wasn't surprised by the foreign, Legendary, and Mythical Pokémon. He was definitely surprised about the Pokemon occupying the sixth slot in Ash's party.

Ashley's Pokémon: Bulbasaur, Staryu, Vulpix, Psyduck, Meowth, Geodude, Scyther, Rhyhorn, Squirtle, Zubat, Onix, Pidgeotto, Seadra, Pikachu X2, Tauros X24, Heatmor, Dhelmise, Bruxish, Kleki, Oricorio, Mawile, Emolga, Drampa, Sigilyph, Turtonator, Bruxish, Pinsir, Qwilfish, Shuckle, Absol, Solrock, Cryogonal, Lunatone, Spiritomb, Kangaskhan, Aerodactyl, Bouffalant, Stunfisk, Relicanth, Passimian, Carbink, Druddigon, Aerodactyl, Mimikyu, Bouffalant, Golisopod, Fearow, Wailord, Gardevoir, Swampert, Muk, Quagsire, Primeape, Whiscash, Gallade, Kingler, Nidoking, Slowbro, Nidoqueen, Gyarados, Alakazam, Tentacruel, Rapidash, Vaporeon, Jynx, Araquanid, Dragonite, Walrein, Vileplume, Beartic, Gastrodon, Ribombee, Dewgong, Umbreon, Cloyster, Arcanine, Sylveon, Mamoswine, Leafeon, Crabominable, Electrode, Glaceon, Toxicroak, Chandelure, Hariyama, Flareon, Medicham, Hydreigon, Wormadam, Archeops, Drapion, Omastar, Mudsdale, Kabutops, Salazzle, Marowak, Kommo-o, Dugtrio, Galvantula, Drifblim, Gastrodon, Braviary, Electivire, Mandibuzz, Palossand, Sharpedo, Golurk, Skuntank, Blissey, Weezing, Sandslash, Arbok, Delphox, Victreebel, Poliwrath, Gengar, Pyroar, Jolteon, Ariados, Heliolisk, Shedinja, Clefable, Ferrothorn, Wigglytuff, Dragalge, Galvantula, Chesnaught, Avalugg, Barbaracle, Dodrio, Aurorus, Beautifly, Lanturn, Aegislash, Primarina, Magcargo, Toxapex, Altaria, Crustle, Bisharp, Exeggutor, Bastiodon, Gorebyss, Ribombee, Porygon-Z, Excadrill, Carracosta, Bronzong, Parasect, Claydol, Beartic, Alakazam, Tyrantrum, Xatu, Klinklang, Rampardos, Escavalier, Whimsicott, Lopunny, Aromatiesse, Masquerain, Camerupt, Lucario, Diggersby, Charizard, Beedrill, Mew, Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno, Mewtwo