The Charity Auction
Tags: AU, Dominant Spencer, Submissive Derek, BDSM, Spencer is a Rossi
"Why did I agree to do this again?"
Penelope smirks, straightening Derek's tie. "Because you're soft-hearted and it's for charity." She lets the annoyed look her best friend sends her roll off her back. "If you'd get serious with someone, you wouldn't have to do this."
Derek winces. "Getting groped by handsy old ladies is better than being stuck in a relationship." The sudden sober expression on his usually teasing friend's face has dread heavy in his gut. Penelope is the only person who knows the details of his toxic past relationship with Carl. Stop. Don't think about him or the past. Live in the present.
"Not if you're with the right person."
The right person doesn't exist. Carl killed any hope he'd had of a happy, healthy relationship. Refusing to answer the quiet comment, Derek walks to his place. "I'm coming up. Wish me luck."
Penelope sighs with frustration but drops it. "Good luck."
Hearing his name, Derek pastes a charming grin on his face and struts out onto the runway. He's met with catcalls immediately as Jen tells the crowd about him. Proud of his body, he isn't shy about flexing and showing off his assets, generally playing it up for the bidders. It is for charity after all.
"Shall we start the bidding?"
At the roaring crowd, Derek grins. The bidding starts out fierce. He shakes his hips for the eager women, hiking up the price fast. Enjoying the screaming women scrambling for a night with him, Derek plays it up.
"One million."
A pin dropping could be heard in the stunned, silent room. Derek turns to the bidder in shock. A tall, slim man holds up his bidding paddle. The confidence in the man's eyes sends a fizzle of awareness through his body. Oh, God. Frantic, Derek searches the crowd for anyone willing to up the bid.
He spots Elizabeth Thielen, the eighty-year-old who won him last year, and winks at her.
With a grin, she lifts her paddle. "One million five."
"Two," the man counters.
"Two five."
Elizabeth offers Derek an apologetic smile and bows out.
"Going once, going twice…" Jen pauses. "Sold for three million! A new record!"
Derek's heart sinks.
"You may claim your prize at the end of the auction."
A forced grin on his face, Derek puts one foot in front of the other until he's backstage. He pushes past the happy faces and heads for the bathroom. Locked inside, he splashes cold water on his face. Something about the tall man has him trembling. He isn't like any of the men he's been with before. His eyes haunt him, as if he can see through the false walls Derek puts up and straight into his soul.
Staring at his reflection, Derek tamps down his fear. It's one night. You can do this. Charm him.
Penelope is waiting for him when he opens the door. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Three million! Can you believe?" The false disbelief doesn't fool her. Her comforting hand lays on his arm.
"Do you want-"
"Big dog, Derek Morgan!" Higgins interrupts. "Three million! Dude, you're the man!"
It takes everything he's got not to wince from the hard slaps on his back. Higgins is built like a linebacker and never learned to temper his strength, at least with other men. His enormous size dwarfs Derek's not so little form.
"You crushed the rest of us." Higgins nudges him, almost knocking Derek over. "And he's pretty, practically begging to bent over and fucked."
Penelope rolls her eyes, tact is not in Higgins's vocabulary.
Higgins is not wrong about how pretty the man is. The rest? He is way off. Pretty, androgynous even, does not make him an eager bottom. Only someone from his world would recognize the steel under the pretty, geeky facade. Men fall to their knees at his feet, not the other way around. Derek would bet his life on that and nothing terrifies him more. Keep your shit together. Derek takes a shaky breath, not hearing Penelope and Higgins's bickering. I can do this. Dread creeps in. He can't really see into my soul. He can't see my secrets. Throat dry with fear, Derek feels faint. One night.
Before he knows it, the auction is over and the bachelors and bachelorettes are hustled to the front to be claimed. Derek shoves his emotions down deep. Rolling his shoulders, he relaxes his body and steps into the playboy persona.
The man steps up to Jen and hands her a check.
"Look at all those zeros!" Jen giggles.
Amused by her shock, the man smiles. Perfect white teeth with sinfully pink lips. "All for a good cause." His gorgeous hazel eyes flick down at Jen's enormous belly.
"Yeah, I know. I'm about ready to pop. First child, a girl. My husband is driving me batty and I needed to get out of the house. He finally admitted I'd be safe here." Jen rolls her eyes. "As if I can't take care of myself. I can still beat his ass, pregnant or not."
The man laughs, not the fake but full of pure joy. "Fathers can be protective; they can be irrationally so. I imagine it would be hard to find a safer place than here."
Derek snorts, drawing their attention.
"Hey Jen. How are you doing, beautiful lady?" Derek takes her hand and kisses it.
Jen smacks his arm, blushing. "Charmer." Softened a bit by the pregnancy and the hormones that go with it, she's the first to admit she enjoys the compliments, especially when she's fast approaching her due date.
Derek bows gallantly at the man. With a slight hesitation, he holds his hand out. "I'm Derek and you are?"
Smooth skin slides against his rough calloused hand, sending electricity sparking through his body. The handshake is firm and confident.
"It's nice to meet you."
"Y-You as well." Get your shit together, Derek! The power Spencer exudes simply with his eyes and body language makes Derek's insides quiver with want. Clearing his throat, he smiles charmingly. "You going to give me your number, beautiful? We need to set up a night for us, you did pay millions for it."
Spencer's lips twitch in amusement and Derek's stomach drops. He knows that look. He knows. Charming him like he does everyone else isn't working. As he feared, Spencer sees right through him.
"Give me your number."
Derek rattles it off without fuss, watching Spencer put it in his phone. "Aren't you going to give me yours?"
"I will call you."
Spencer leans close. "You will wait for my call." Then he walks off.
Watching him leave without a backward glance, Derek knows he's fucked.
"You must have been successful, sir?"
Spencer nods with satisfaction. "Of course. Aren't I always?"
Burke snorts.
He's known Burke since he was five, when his mother met Dave and married him a few months later. Dave became the dad he had dreamed about; Burke became his grandfather and confidant.
Sliding into the backseat with grace, Burke closes the door behind him.
Several months of watching and waiting have been worth it. The Blue Eye Club is where he first spotted Derek Morgan. His wasn't the only eye drawn to Derek on the dance floor that night or the nights to follow. Derek loves to dance and it shows. Women. Men. It doesn't matter to Derek. He dances-and goes home-with both. Through his connections, Spencer found out Derek's name and the basics. Derek's got the physique of a firefighter. His muscular body, gorgeous face, and sexy smile have women and men dropping to his feet like flies. Spencer won't though; he'd rather have Derek fall to his knees in front of him.
Derek fools everyone else with his macho alpha act but Spencer sees what he's hiding. Spencer sensed the sub buried deep, hiding, the first night he saw him. He aims to draw Derek's true desires out of hiding. Slow and patient-like. Derek's going to deny and fight something-or more likely, someone-hurt Derek deeply and sent his true self into hiding. He could have had someone dig into his background to find out who but Spencer would rather the truth come from Derek's lips.
Spencer expects Derek will be difficult. He's ready though. He's done with flings and having fun. Spencer won't be happy until Derek is content and safe, kneeling at his feet. Derek needs him.
At home, Spencer changes out of his tailored suit into lounging pants and his favorite Doctor Who shirt. He pads out to the bar to get a drink to celebrate.
"You got him, I assume?"
"Dad." Dave's smile and hug fill him with love. "I did."
"Let's have a drink to celebrate then." His dad pours two fingers of his best whiskey. They clink glasses and sip in silence.
Spencer is the man he is today because of Dave. He will forever be grateful to his dad for taking him on after his mom died from uterine cancer. Lesser men would have dumped him in foster care. Not David Rossi. He gave his word to Diana he would raise Spencer as his own; Dave never goes back on his word.
"Revel in the victory but you haven't won the war yet," Dave cautions, "Having one night with him is not going to make him yours."
"I know." Don't get ahead of yourself. Spencer tempers his excitement with a jolt of realistic expectations. Purchasing Derek from the charity auction is step one. He has many steps to go before Derek is his. This is just the beginning.
I wasn't planning on posting this until I had a few chapters ready and it hasn't even been beta'd yet. But a special someone, you know who you are, BEGGED for me to post it. I couldn't refuse. Any mistakes will have to be corrected later.