They passed propriety long ago. Will Darcy propose?

Chapter Four

That evening they did not play cards. Mr. Darcy was writing to his sister, and Miss Bingley attempted to help. The subject of penmanship came up.

"Charles writes in the most careless way imaginable!" Miss Bingley exclaimed. "So very opposite of you, Mr. Darcy," she purred near his ear.

"Perhaps his style reflects his character," Elizabeth said, hoping to draw Miss Bingley's attention away from Darcy.

"Oh, yes!" Bingley cried. "My thoughts are very rapid."

"It is like you said this morning to the ladies," Darcy observed. "You are easily persuaded to be happy anywhere and follow a friend anywhere."

"What is wrong with easily accepting a friend's suggestion? Does affection between friends mean nothing?"

Darcy looked at Elizabeth. "Affection between friends means everything so long as the person makes their own choice and is not simply following the other around like a lost puppy."

Elizabeth understood he meant for her to be certain of her own choices with him. She slowly dipped her head.

"Charles a puppy! Miss Eliza, did you know that Mr. Darcy could tease so well?"

Elizabeth smiled as she gazed at him. "It was a surprise, but not an unwelcome one."

Bingley laughed. "Indeed, I enjoy seeing a lighter side to Darcy."

"Yes, your family is very fond of laughing, is it not?" Caroline smirked.

"Follies and whims do divert me," Elizabeth replied.

"Those are precisely what Mr. Darcy is without, though," Caroline insisted.

"I would hate to be the subject of someone whose first goal in life is a joke," he explained.

Elizabeth nodded her head as she walked closer to him. "I hope I never laugh at what is noble and just. I hope I never call good bad."

Darcy met her eyes and gave her a small smile.

"It would be impossible to call Mr. Darcy bad!" Caroline exclaimed. She would have continued, but Darcy interrupted.

"You give me too much credit. Each person has a potential for evil."

Elizabeth furrowed her brow. She did not expect him to say such a thing. "And what is yours, Mr. Darcy? Your pride or your vanity?"

"Vanity is a failing," he winked at her, believing she jested, "but pride can be controlled by an intelligent mind. No, I would say that I find it very hard to forgive those who have offended me." He glared at Caroline.

"So you hate everyone?"

"Only if you would say yours is to wilfully misunderstand." He enjoyed this exchange. It was like his previous conversation with Elizabeth. He could nearly feel her in his arms again.

She cocked her head at his words. They had already discussed this. Yes, she had willfully misunderstood him but did she now?

"Your examination of Mr. Darcy is complete, is it not?"

Elizabeth met Darcy's eyes, hoping to understand his last words. "I find he is a man without fault."

Miss Bingley grew uncomfortable with the way they stared at one another and released Elizabeth's arm. "Louisa, let us have some music. You do not mind if I wake Hurst, do you?"

"Of course not!" Her sister dutifully cried.

"Miss Eliza, we must have you exhibit as well!" Caroline called over her shoulder as she hastened to the pianoforte.

"Very well," she said with resignation and made her way to peruse the music books. Darcy's eyes were often on her. First Miss Bingley sang an Italian love song and Elizabeth blushed as she thought of Darcy holding her as the hero of the song did. Then Caroline varied the charm and played a fast Scottish tune.

"Do you not feel a very great inclination to dance?" Darcy whispered in her ear, causing Elizabeth to shudder.

"I did not think you liked dancing, Mr. Darcy," she replied without turning. His nearness built an incredible heat in her.

"I long for certain activities when I find the correct partner," he replied.

Elizabeth shook her head, commanding her body to calm. "No, sir, I cannot dance with you here. I would expose myself."

"No?" She shook her head.

"I cannot accept such a formal refusal."

"No, Fitzwilliam, I cannot dance with you."

He allowed the sound of her voice saying his name to fill a void in his heart. He longed to make her cry his name out in passion again. "Would it be so terrible for them to know?" he asked quietly.

"There is nothing public between us. I do not want it said that I came to Netherfield just to entrap you."

Darcy smiled at the thought. "I think I might like being the recipient of your arts," he said lowly.

"Please, Fitzwilliam," she whispered harshly. She saw Caroline looking at them closely. "You should call on my father when I return home."

"And say what, Elizabeth?" He intended to ask for her hand, but now she sounded as if she would want only a courtship.

Before she could reply Miss Bingley called her to the pianoforte. Elizabeth left Darcy's side with confusion growing in her heart. How could he be confused as what to say to her father? They must have a public courtship before an engagement. They spoke no more that evening and like the one before, Elizabeth fell asleep wondering if he would come to her.

Like the night before, she did not awake when he entered her chamber. In the morning, Elizabeth woke him with gentle kisses on his face.

"You look so beautiful in the morning!" she said.

"No, you are the beautiful one."

Their passions soon rose like their previous encounters. This time Darcy allowed Elizabeth to touch him for it was earlier in the morning. After spending into a handkerchief and tossing it in the fire, he nestled Elizabeth close under his chin.

She suppressed a yawn and asked him to tell her about his sister. "She sounds a little like my middle sister, Mary. Well, Mary enjoys the spotlight more than it sounds Miss Darcy does. Does she have any friends her age?" Hearing that she did not, Elizabeth frowned.

"You will have to meet her. She is only a few years your junior."

"Yes, she is my sister Lydia's age, from what Miss Bingley said."

"Georgiana could use an older sister," he said before kissing her deeply. They heard the hall clock chime and Darcy moaned. "I must leave."

Elizabeth slowly nodded her head and accompanied him to the door like the morning before. Neither one of them wanted to think about the time when she would leave Netherfield.

Later that morning, while Elizabeth was upstairs with Jane, Miss Bingley began abusing the Bennets. "Mrs. Bennet is without a doubt the most vulgar woman I have ever met!" Miss Bingley exclaimed as soon as Elizabeth left the room.

"She is very amiable if excitable," Bingley reasoned.

"Be serious, Charles. She intends to make you son-in-law. Do not be surprised if her daughter knows just how to trap you."

"Miss Bennet is far too kind for that!" Bingley cried in clear outrage.

"I believe the art of entrapping a man for a husband is a more fashionable pursuit, Miss Bingley." Darcy could tolerate her behavior no longer and stood to leave.

"You should be careful of Miss Eliza too, Mr. Darcy," she said.

Bingley scoffed. "Do you think every bachelor to be in danger from every single lady he meets or shares a house with for a few days?"

Mr. Hurst laughed. "I imagine Caroline's feathers are rumpled because Darcy here can't take his eyes off, Miss Elizabeth."

Darcy tensed. He had not thought others perceived his affection.

"Oh yes, I know what attracts Mr. Darcy. All men are weak to such arts."

Incensed, Darcy strode over to Miss Bingley and blatantly perused her body. "You have found me out," he said bitterly. "She attracts me as no other lady has. I have never seen another with such irresistible," he paused and looked down her body again before meeting her eyes, "eyes." He turned from her side, strode to the door and left without a backwards glance.

For Elizabeth, the morning passed similarly to the one before. She seldom left Jane's room until dinner time. Then she went upstairs to gather Jane, who felt well enough to come downstairs. Mr. Bingley immediately situated her next to the fire, and it made Elizabeth smile. She glanced at Darcy, but he seemed engrossed in his book. Miss Bingley repeatedly leaned forward and brushed her breasts against his arm while asking questions about her book, the second volume of his. Occasionally, she would meet Elizabeth's eyes and smirk. At length, Elizabeth gripped the needle in her hand so hard she thought it might break. Unexpectedly, Miss Bingley requested Elizabeth walk around the room with her.

"Might you join us, Mr. Darcy? You have two strong arms for us to lean on," she said with a smile Elizabeth felt was far too seductive. Elizabeth noticed he had closed his book to watch them.

"I could only be in your way," he coolly replied.

"What can you mean?" Miss Bingley insisted on knowing.

"You either have secret affairs to discuss or realize your figures appear to the greatest advantage as you walk. If the first I would be in the way and if the second, I can admire you much easier from the position here by the fire." He raised his eyebrows and looked at Elizabeth. She blushed, but he hoped they would walk closer. Memories of the outline of her figure in the sunlight the other day danced across his memory.

"What a shocking reply!" Caroline said although Elizabeth easily saw she was infinitely pleased with the praise. She attempted to not feel inferior to the elegant lady next to her. Their figures, countenances, and entire personalities were vastly different. How could Darcy truly prefer her? And if he did, why did Miss Bingley act as though she knew a secret?

Darcy only smirked, and Caroline soon gave up on gaining his attention. He seemed to take her previous words to heart and did not approach her for the rest of the evening.

Elizabeth still slept when Darcy entered her room. Like had the night before, he slipped under the counterpane and held her close to his chest. He was accustomed to the desire she awoke in him but now that was here at Netherfield, more feelings emerged. He missed her company during the day when she would tend to her sister. He thought about their future. Husbands and wives generally had their own tasks in the morning and did not come together again until dinner. Darcy did not know if he could bear going without Elizabeth for so many hours every day once they were finally united. Pemberley had a study for the mistress, but he thought to move a desk into his for her to work at. He would always welcome her presence. Elizabeth knew when he desired quiet. She might read or embroider while he worked.

He smiled at the image now in his head. Georgiana would finally have an appropriate female role model. Then, at night, after they gave themselves to their passions, he would hold her close each night. Just like this, he thought.

He awoke hours later to the sound of her moaning as his lips kissed her neck. In his sleep, he had already initiated love making.

"Mmmm, Fitzwilliam," Elizabeth said huskily.

His hand, which held her breast, began to knead the soft flesh. His mind sharpened as he considered what he most wanted to do.

"Sit up," he whispered in her ear.

She silently obeyed, and he reached the table at the side of the bed to light a candle. He needed to see her. Moving back to Elizabeth, he untied the drawstring of her nightgown's neckline. Hooking his finger underneath one edge he drew the sleeve down her arm exposing one pert breast. He continued on the other side.

Elizabeth's skin covered in goose bumps at Darcy's provocative touch. Of all the intimacies they had already shared, Darcy undressing her was the most intense. She blushed under his gaze.

Finally tearing his eyes away from the magnificent vision of her breasts, Darcy met Elizabeth's eyes. "You are exquisite."

Slowly and reverently he extended his hand to touch one piece of supple flesh before bestowing tender kisses. Then he returned the treatment to the other breast.

Elizabeth's head fell backwards at Darcy's ministrations. How could his touch always undo her? At one encounter, it was hard and full of need. At another soft and adoring. She smiled at the thought that she would be the happiest woman in the world to have such a man love her all of her days.

Darcy's kisses wandered to Elizabeth's shoulders and up her neck and face. He suckled her ear and delighted as Elizabeth reached out and clung to him. She whimpered, and he knew what she desired, but would not give it to her yet. Finally, he kissed her mouth. She returned the kiss fervently. She had allowed his exploration without reciprocation, which did not surprise him. As he returned to familiar touches, she showed her passion.

"Lizzy," he said breathlessly, "will you take the gown entirely off?"

Elizabeth's eyes flew open. She had never expected such a request. Her understanding of conjugal relations was mostly that the man would raise her gown and soon finish with little pleasure to the woman. As they had already shared so much more than that, Elizabeth decided it was only reasonable to fulfil his request.

She was nervous, afraid even. She felt anxious for his approval and concern over how far they would go this night. Layers of clothes had prevented nothing before. Surely, the removal of them entirely would mean consummation. As she stood and shimmied the fabric down her hips, she welcomed the thought.

Darcy stood to join her. It was then that she noticed he wore only a thin night shirt. She espied his robe dropped over the same chair as hers. He eyed her hungrily.

"So beautiful…so soft…exquisite," he said as he lightly trailed a hand down her back and bottom. He kissed the back of her shoulder and pushed her hair to one side as he kissed her back, making Elizabeth's knees go weak.

Standing behind her, he held her close, and she could feel his arousal against her. His arms wrapped around her waist, one travelled low to her curls, and the other up to a breast as he bent his head to kiss her throat. He moved them in a slow rotation. His shaft rubbing friction against her bottom. She reached an arm up to tangle her hands in his hair and arched her neck more.

Allowing his lips to leave her neck he turned her to face him once more. His hands gently touched down her arms, then from her shoulder, grazing a breast, past her waist and to her hips. They had continued that course several more times before he grabbed her bottom, pulled her close and squeezed.

Elizabeth jumped and giggled, causing Darcy to smile.

"I have wanted these in my hands since I first saw you walk away from me at the Assembly."

Elizabeth smiled. "Are you a rake, sir? Just when I was beginning to think of you as the best of gentlemen."

Dropping his head to kiss her shoulders down to the tops of her breast, he said between kisses, "Your first assessment was quite correct. I am no gentleman when it comes to you."

Her hands squeezed his shoulders in response to his touch, but she needed clarification. "If this is ungentlemanly behaviour, what do you with your other ladies then? Address them as madam?"

He ceased his ministrations. One hand reached up to cup her face, and the other brushed a lock of hair from her eyes. "There are and never have been any other ladies, Elizabeth. What we share is far beyond anything I have felt or desired before."

He leaned in for a tender kiss, but it soon turned passionate as Elizabeth desired to show her gratitude for being chosen by him. He pulled her as tight to him as he could manage without causing injury and still, it was not enough. He needed to show her his devotion. Scooping her into his arms, he brought her back to the bed.

"Beautiful, perfect, mine," he said between kisses as he trailed down her body.

Elizabeth's breath grew uneven, and she thought she would burst just from his kisses. As he neared her mound, she stiffened, and he continued down her legs. Then he rolled her onto her stomach and gave the treatment to her backside. After several minutes of lavishing his love there, he asked her to turn again. Starting with her lips, he began his descent again. This time when he reached her apex, he alternated between gentle touches and kisses.

"With my body, I thee worship," he said and Elizabeth recognized he was making a pledge to her.

"Beautiful, perfect," he said again and this time Elizabeth finished the words for him. "Yours," she said.

"Mine," he growled out as she parted her legs and Darcy teased a finger inside.

She was so close from his earlier touches and kisses; it only took a few strokes for the warm liquid to gush inside of her. Then, she felt Darcy's tongue lapping at her. Stroking her inside, he plunged as deep as he could. Flicking it over her pearl, made her lose all restraint. One, two, three more times and the pleasure ripped through her. She cried out, so loud Darcy covered her mouth with his hand. She lay limp and heaving, warring with herself to ask him to do that once more and wondering if she could survive having another moment of such intense pleasure.

Darcy pulled back from Elizabeth. Her fluid drenched his face, her scent covered him, and he had never been more aroused before. A deep, animal need to rip his night shirt off and plunge into her core filled him. As he began to lift the shirt, Elizabeth sleepily smiled and murmured, "I love you, Fitzwilliam." She then instantly fell asleep, and although Darcy's body needed attention, he would not disturb her slumber again. The pride he felt at her declaration replaced his need to claim her.

He smoothed the hair from her face and kissed her forehead. "I love you, darling."

Believing he might ravish her in her sleep, he attempted to put her gown on her as best he could before retrieving his robe and snuffing the light. If he stayed in her chambers this night, there would be nothing to do in the morning but go to Longbourn and confess everything. Elizabeth deserved more than that. Instead, he returned to his room. He had allowed himself memories of Elizabeth's pleasure at his touch and kisses before he sought his own release and oblivion in sleep.

Well, Elizabeth seems to think they're promised to one another and Darcy has said he loves her-even if she didn't hear him. But is he willing to marry her? Thanks for reading!