"What is magic? Focused deception. But deception meant to entertain."- Daniel. J. Atlas.

"Alright, what do we have today?" The FBI agency was a mess, agents were running around like headless chickens. "Four magicians were brought in this morning." Golden eyes looked over to the one-way mirrors at said people behind them.

"What'd they do? Saw an old woman in half?"

"No, they robbed a bank in Paris." The person spit out there coffee all over the speaker.

"You're kidding me, how in the hell did they get manage that?" The speaker took a paper towel and wiped his face off, eyes gleaming in annoyance.

"We don't know, that's where you come in Agent Wolfgang." The figure paused, donut half-way to their mouth. "Me? I'm just a rookie, shouldn't you use a more experienced agent?"

"You're the only one that isn't busy." Agent Wolfgang sighed in annoyance.

"Alright alright. I'll do it." Grabbing the folders he walked into the first room.

"Damn boss," He grumbled lowly as he sat down on the painfully hard seats. "Okay let's see here," Eyes looked up at the magician seated before him.

"I'm new at this so give me a break ." Agent Wolfgang said, putting aside the folder to gaze at the brown haired woman.

"How does a British citizen wind up all the way here to the USA and become a thief?"

"We aren't thieves sir, we're magicians."

"Okay, I get that. What I'd like to know is how the four of you robbed a bank all the way in Europe from Las Vegas." Hermione sat back in her chair, eyes betraying nothing as she stared at him.

"Magic." Was all she said. Agent Wolfgang sighed, eyes closed and head down. 'This is gonna take all day.'

"You have a lot of wrackspurts floating around you." Agent Wolfgang blinked and looked up from his papers. "What's a wrackspurt?" His next interrogation was with the mentalist of the group, Luna Lovegood.

"They're invisible creatures that fly around your head and float into your ears to cloud your thoughts." The woman seemed to be in a daze, her eyes looking everywhere but at him. Agent Wolfgang licked his lips and sighed.

"Have you been doing mentalism for long?"

"No, but I was always good at reading people."

"Really? Must be a nice skill to have, comes in handy right?" Luna hummed as she played with the cuffs, seeming not to pay attention to the man. Agent Wolfgang watched her for a second before she spoke.

"You're an interesting person , you haven't forced me to say anything in the last ten minutes we've been together." The man narrowed his eyes at the two-way mirror.

"No one should be forcing you to do anything you don't want to do, but in their defense you four did likely steal millions of dollars." Agent Wolfgang clicked his pen and wrote on the files. "Have you always liked doing mentalism? Not many take up the practice, seeing as it's hard for some."

Luna smiled at him before going off to explain her reasonings.

"You seem like an understanding guy," Agent Wolfgang rubbed his eyes in pain.

"Why is it that all four of you have been taken in by the FBI? It's cause you all robbed a bank that we can't prove without saying we believe in magic."

Neville merely watched as the man opened his eyes. " It was by magic."

"I get that whole part, and both of your friends pointed that out to me. But, my whole division won't believe that."

"I don't know what I can offer you."

"Could you throw me a bone? I don't wanna go out there and face my boss, he's an ass." He chuckled as the man groaned into his hands.

"We're magicians, figure it out yourself."

Agent Wolfgang sighed before moving on with his questioning. "So I get the three others of your group are joint acts, but what's your talent?" Neville puffed up his chest.

"I'm a sleight of hand kinda guy."

"Slippery hands? Cool, but what are you lot doing here in America? We don't get much tourism from England, especially magicians." He leaned foreword in his chair to look the other in the eye.

"Why is it that you four are in Las Vegas, nobodies that suddenly garnered attention of fanatics and skeptics? You got something to prove? Or is there a bigger picture." Neville merely shrugged, not at all concerned.

Agent Wolfgang sighed at his lack of response. "Any warning on our last guy? Should I be concerned."

The other just smiled, causing him to scowl. "Perfect."

"I can tell by the cocky look in your eye this whole questioning thing is a real joke to you." Agent Wolfgang intoned as he settled once more into the uncomfortable metal seats.

The man before him merely grinned before going back to shuffling the deck in his hands.

"So let's cut to the chase, several thousand people saw you and your friends rob a bank from Las Vegas, the question is how you did it while still being on that stage." Harry remained quiet, eyes shifting around the room.

Agent Wolfgang stared at him for a second before sighing tiredly.

'The boss should have given this job to someone else,' He thought before the other spoke up.

"Haven't we told the entire FBI that it was magic we did to rob them? What more could you want?" The mischievous look in his eyes made the agent twitch slightly.

"Yeah, my boss isn't gonna believe that nonsense so why not save yourself the trouble and tell me how you did it?" The two stared right at each other, neither backing down before Harry opened his mouth.


"You really suck at your job Agent."

"Gee thanks boss, you're a ray of sunshine today aren't you?" Agent Wolfgang intoned as he downed another steaming cup of coffee.

The older man merely rolled his eyes at the others behavior,

"Next time we'll get someone else to play good cop/ bad cop with you, but for now we can't keep these weirdos here any longer without arresting them."

Agent Wolfgang nodded once to show he heard the other, his mind elsewhere at the moment. The boss sighed at the other's lack of focus before walking away without a sound.

Once he was gone, Agent Wolfgang pulled out a notebook from his pocket and flipped to a new page.

A pencil followed soon after as he jotted down the events that happened merely hours ago to look over once he got home.

'I know the boss would hang me by my toes he knew I actually believed what the group told me, but I'm kinda curious.' He looked up from his notes to stare at where the four were being led out.

'Is magic really real?' Closing and stowing his book away the young rookie left the office to go to the nearest bar to ask an old friend a favour.

A.N/ So I'm randomly updating work that needs to be updated, be on the lookout for new chapters.