So I have returned to my Goddess series. It has been edited and changed some. However, the overall theme and subject matter is still the same. I find myself more pleased with this new beginning as it feels fuller and more complete now. I do hope you enjoy this new version of the story.

Please do read the tags. If you have read the former version of this story, then you should be familiar with how dark and tragic this story is.

Thank you for taking the time to read this note and my story.

— Sincerely,

Sammy L❤


Graphic Depiction of Violence



M/M & F/M

Alternate Universe, Gods & Goddesses

Magic, Mythical Creatures & Beings

Pirates, Dark, Tragedy, Happy Ending

Child Death, Mpreg, Hermaphrodites

Cannibalism, Other Warnings May Apply

Trigger Warnings

When the Earth was young and the universe already old; a race of beings was birthed upon a planet not unlike what Earth would one day become, many galaxies far away. They were a peaceful race. Living in harmony with one another and with nature. Their lives were long, their days filled with hard work. They were happy had had fruitful lives. But with time, as so many others before, their planet grew old and began to die. They fought valently to save it, but age and time were simply not things they could defeat.

So turning to their advancements in technology and space exploration, they built ships. With their home now in space, they watched the planet that birthed and raise them slowly wither away. Soon there would be nothing they could recognize as the place they once called home. Saddened, they forged on. Exploring further and further into their home galaxy. Until, they left it behind.

Year after year went by. Their knowledge of the cosmos came to surpass anything they had once hoped to learn. Then it happened! A little blue speck appeared before them. They came closer and closer. It was as planet. A planet that looked nearly identical too the one that birthed them. Could it be? Yessss.

This new planet was a wounderous one. It was far younger than their own had been when their race was born. It had similar atmosphere as their birth planet. Landing, they explored the planet, finding it to be perfect. Soon they began to build. High up on a mountain top, where one could not see for the clouds. Their new city was simple, just as the ones of their former planet. They kept the surrounding land as it was, using their dismantled ships yo build as well as the mountain itself. In honor of their birth planet, they called this new city, Mount Olympus.

After a time, they began to explore outside their own race. They mingled with the creatures birthed by their new home. At first it was just curiosity, but soon it grew to companionship and friendship. Then it was discovered that their own bodies were compatible with many of these wounderous creatures. Soon, children were born between these mingled species.

This continued for some time. Then the race of man came to be. It was the first species born of this planet to be anything like them. Man took a liking to them, just as all the other species had. However, man was able to tell the dfiffrences between themselves and this other race of beings. With knowledge of the other races' supior abilities, man began to worship this race of beings. And so began the time of the Gods.

Not truly wanting to be warshiped, the Gods tried to placate the humans and end the worshiping. But then came a fierce storm that swallowed the planet. Soon a new ice age came. The Gods used their abilities to keep and guid the humans. Without the Gods, the humans were sure to have perished. So the warships continued.

Seeing how much the humans loved and adored them, the Gods gave in. In return for warship; the Gods granted many humans their wishes, provided wisdom and protection. But not all humans were so simple. Many had grown to know greed and jealousy. Wanting power of their own, they would fake being Gods and manipulate the other humans. Distrust grew between the humans and Gods.

All too soon,a war was waged. The war was brutal and bloody. Many died on both sides. The very planet suffered. Soon the Gods withdrew from the battle and retreated into obscurity and became myth. Humans moved on and forgot about the Gods but for the stories told thorough out time. The horrible war became a mythical tale known as The Great Tiatan War.

Centuries passed. The world changed and evolved, as did the humans. Then one day, a man came across an ancient text not of human hand. He gathered others of similar mind and together, they haunted down all information they could find. These similar minds drew together to become a secret society bent on obtaining the Gods powers for their own. They infiltrated human societies. Preached faith and morals. Manipulating other people into believing what they wanted them too. Soon, the Gods found themselves being haunted down again.

Called witches, demons, devils and blasphemers; the Gods were tortured and killed by the desendants of people who'd once worshiped them. It was devastating. With these new threats, the leader of the Gods - the Goddess, a powerful being who surpassed all other Gods in abilities - was sent into hiding with her unborn child.

This is a rewrite / new version of The Little Goddess and The Dark Goddess, finder fan fiction by midnight Libra 89 / Sammy L❤