A/N: We reach the end. Thank you everyone for the support on this story.
The first section of the chapter handles my interpretations of the world's Spirit Bomb, and the rest is fluff central. Half of the chapter's events are in relatively quick succession of each other timeline wise. When they make a wish on the dragon balls, each scene afterward takes place at least a couple months apart from each other.
Tossed like a ragdoll, Vegeta landed heavy on his side. He heard Kakarot's sound of concern and pushed himself up to glare at his rival. The next second, he fired into the ground to throw himself to the side as Kid Buu charged at him.
"What's taking so long for the energy, Kakarot!? I can't do this all day."
"I can't." The stupid strong carrot replied. "It's not happening. I'm too tired to muster that much energy for long."
Buu grabbed him by the hair and blasted him in the face. Ouch. Vegeta dug his hands into the dirt to stop his momentum from ripping into his back as he skidded away. Forcing himself to stand, the Saiyan Prince growled in frustration. "I take back what I said about you, Kakarot. You. are. an. idiot."
"What'cha say about me?" The number one in the universe responded. As the words escaped his mouth, his ki sputtered to nothing and his transformation dropped. "Oh, no."
The fat Buu soon took Vegeta's place to try and hold his counterpart back. Vegeta allowed himself a couple moments of rest, his cheek pressed against the hard earth. If only there was a way to get backup energy since every one of them fighting reached the point of exhaustion ages ago.
'Wait a second,' Vegeta dragged himself up to his knees then managed to bring his feet up from under him. "Dende! Supreme Kai! I know you are watching this fight. I need you to do a favor for me."
An explosion went off behind him, and he hovered in the air to the next rock for cover. He despised seeking cover in the first place. "You better be listening. I need you to go to Namek and make a couple wishes on the dragon balls."
Kakarot lowered to the ground until he was able to rest his feet and talk to Vegeta in a normal voice. "What are you thinking Vegeta? Shouldn't we wait until we're done to wish people back? Do you want to get Gohan and the boys here to help?"
He faced his rival, arms crossed. It didn't matter that he was one stray hit away from ceasing to exist with his dead body, or that he may be wishing his family back into danger (okay, that mattered a little), or that he would have to put his pride aside in order to ask for help. "How many times have you saved the planet, Kakarot?"
"Uh, I dunno?"
He turned away. "It's their turn to save themselves this time."
Videl's eyes snapped open. She was lying on her back on the Lookout, with everyone collecting their bearings around her. What happened? The last thing she remembered while alive was the crunch of being eaten as a chocolate bar, and then she was in heaven for a bit, faithful that Gohan outlived her. Now? That was definitely Earth's sky above her. It was close, and the air was thin, so she was on the Lookout. What happened?
The teenager sat up and took inventory of her surroundings. Her master was up and had run toward his family. That was the consensus of everyone on the Lookout. Chi Chi was leaning into her father's arms, looking around for Goten. Bulma was searching for Trunks. Yamcha laughed and hugged Roshi, Puar and Oolong close. "We're alive!"
Most people here had been wished back to life before, and they took it into stride. That was not her. She wanted answers. Where was Gohan? Piccolo? The boys? Dende? Shouldn't they wish people back to life when they were present and able to reunite with their friends? What happened with Buu?
"People of Earth! Listen to me."
Bulma stopped, staring up at the sky. If she was not a couple feet away, Videl would not have heard the older woman whisper "Vegeta…"
"You were all slain by Buu, but the fight is not over yet. Right now, a warrior is fighting Majin Buu. We cannot beat him alone. I need everyone to raise their hands and offer their energy. It will tire you out. You must stand firm! You will be fine. Please, raise your hands."
That was Vegeta, all right. Videl was left more in the dark than before. The rest of her friends were fine not questioning it. Bulma beamed and rose both her arms in the air. "Here, Vegeta!"
Yamcha chuckled as he complied. "Did he seriously just say please?"
Krillin shook his head and followed after his friend. "Are you thinking what I think you are, Vegeta? When has this worked?"
Videl trusted everyone here, and there was a plan that she was not seeing. That was fine. She had to take some things by faith. Plus, she could see the seriousness of Vegeta of all people asking for help. Palms up, she felt her ki leaving her body, leaving enough to keep her breathing. She was uninjured, but it was like she was beaten by Spopovitch again. "What's he planning?" She asked Krillin.
Her teacher smirked. "A Spirit Bomb. Both Goku and Vegeta are fighting. They're trying to pull off a miracle against Buu." Giddiness took him over and caused his voice to rise. "It, um, hasn't worked in the past though. They must be desperate to try to get people to actively give all they have instead of a passive approach."
Videl collapsed to catch her breath. "Way to be a downer," she replied. Her eyes traveled up to the ki that disappeared in the atmosphere, to wherever the fight was taking place. In the distance, she felt another group of ki being freely given, including Gohan's. Energy flowed to her legs, and she leaped up and ran to the edge of the Lookout, heart racing.
"It's not enough. You need to give your energy now!"
Gohan stood next to Piccolo as he listened to Vegeta continue his plea. The Namekian snorted next to him. "He's not the best at asking nicely." He chuckled at his mentor's words.
"He is rather blunt."
Trunks growled in frustration and stood up. "They're not listening to Dad? What are they, idiots?" The child's eyes were hopeful when he was first revived, hearing his father's voice again. However, that quickly was eclipsed by his annoyance at people not realizing the seriousness of the situation and not respecting Vegeta. Goten nodded in agreement next to his friend, pouting.
"Let's help him." Gohan decided. He floated off the ground and spread out his awareness to detect the ki of the nearest settlement.
"Smart, kid." Piccolo joined him, and Trunks and Goten jumped at the opportunity.
Gohan led the way to the nearest village, making sure to stay slow enough with his newfound power for the rest to keep up. Trunks whooped and flew to his side. "I'm not letting you down, Dad!"
"Yeah!" Goten cheered. Both kids called out.
"Beat him up for us, Dad!"
Amusement trickled down his limbs. With their use of fusion the last day, they were more in sync than ever. He closed his eyes. 'Don't let us down, Dad. I know you can do it.'
Piccolo, Trunks, and Goten landed in the center of the village. They met zero success. People were scared of Piccolo (memories of King Piccolo must be ingrained in the older members), and none took the two boys seriously. Trunks yelled in frustration.
"Come on, we know the people fighting Buu! We can't let them die again!" Trunks' hands shook in frustration. Gohan was amazed that both Trunks and Goten had full faith their fathers were alive. Gohan knew Goku was, and he guessed Vegeta got his life back with everyone else. The confident and solemn demands from the children touched his heart, and his hand twitched when everyone was ignored them.
"Listen to us. We all did it and we are fine." Piccolo attempted to reason to the nervous townspeople.
What was wrong with them? He understood the nerves and distrust after the whole planet was wiped out, but he echoed Trunks' sentiment with not wanting to have his father die again. They had to do this. What they needed was a-
"That's it!" No one had seen him yet, so he had a couple seconds to figure this out. He surveyed the village and found what he needed. It would have to do… In the back of his mind, he heard Videl chiding him from stealing. It was fine; he would give the stuff back. His cheeks pink, he put on the makeshift cape, bandana and slipped on the sunglasses. He crossed his fingers and prayed this worked.
"Hello, citizens!" He deepened his voice as he lowered himself from the sky to a point of visibility. It was not Mr. Satan level of fame, but word started to spread over the last several months from Satan City.
People started to whisper to themselves, and a few pointed up at him. "Is that the Great Saiyaman? What is he doing around here?"
Trunks moaned, "Gohan, why?" Goten, meanwhile, clapped his hands excitedly.
Confident he had their attention, he continued. "This is not a drill. This is an emergency. There are fighters out there wanting to protect you. You will do a great service and all of you will be heroes if you offer your assistance."
He raised his hand in the air, willing his father to take more of his. He already felt rejuvenated, and his ki had deeper reserves than most on the planet. Almost as if it was hesitant, there was a brush against his consciousness of his father's familiar ki as it sucked away a bit more, little as it was. Gohan did not drop his smile for the people below.
Reassured, one by one hands rose to the sky.
Goku felt his tension mount as the largest ball of ki he had ever seen, or handled, failed to increase to a rapid amount above him. He watched Vegeta get the shit beat out of him, again, and so far only a handful besides their friends and family had bothered. This would be all right, but when he had to see his rival and friend nearly kill himself and beg for the help, or the good Buu attempt to jump in and offer assistance, his patience was as thin as wavers.
"Come on! We need help here." He immediately received mental retorts. 'Just great, I'm getting a worse reception than Vegeta.' He thought. The stress was killing him. He attempted again. "Please, we need your help. We got plenty of energy so far, yet it isn't enough to beat Buu. We need to unite as one! Pretty please?"
Tien glanced at Chaozu. He was able to find his friend again before the planet blew up. Nonetheless, the determined warrior was unsatisfied with the help he was able to provide. A part of being a good fighter was working with everything you had, even if it was not good enough. There had to be more he could do. His friend gave a resolute nod, and the triclops smiled.
He opened his palms up to the sky. "Here Goku, this is all the efforts of my training the last seven years."
"You can do it!" Chaozu's voice was softer, as he hovered high in the sky to add his.
Miles below the Lookout lived the guardians of Korin's Tower. Upa, now a grown man, shared a look with his father. "That's Goku. Goku is fighting Majin Buu." He remembered his childhood friend, going out of his way to correct the wrongs and bring his father back to life.
It had been years, yet he never forgot that relentless and pure spirit. He kept it as a standard to try to live up to, as much as he did from his father's lessons and presence. Ones that would have been lost if Goku did not give his friend that miracle.
"Indeed." Bora smiled. Together, they raised their hands, with the rest of the villagers following.
The park ranger had not expected the Majin Buu problem to affect him. When Babadi messaged the world through the weird telepathy, Seventeen was confident they would be safe until the problem resolved itself, likely due to the group of fighters that his sister joined. Sure, he worried about her but was equally confident she could take care of herself. They were not average humans, after all.
His family did not live in a populated area, far from it, so he cast the concerns of it bothering him aside. Why would the Majin want to attack somewhere with only a small number of casualties guaranteed? That sounded counterproductive to him.
Then Buu attacked earth all at once, and he had to throw up a barrier to protect his family. He buckled under the weight of the attack but was able to withstand it. With that immediate threat out of the way, he returned to his duties without breaking a sweat. Again, his livelihood was fine. Problem neutralized.
That was until the planet blew up.
Seventeen paused, eyes cast up toward the sky. He assumed the dragon balls were at work if he was back. "Is that Son Goku?" The park ranger chuckled. "Never thought I'll hear it. Why not?" He raised his hand, and with his other he pointed his gun at a couple poachers he intercepted. He jerked his head up to the heavens and raised an inquisitive eyebrow.
They mumbled in scared incoherent protests then complied.
Erasa sat on the grass outside school, comprehending the fact that she was not dead. Did she ever actually die? The last few days were such a blur she had no idea. Initially, she scoffed at the voices demanding energy from the sky. That sounded sketchy as hell. After a minute, she rolled over to face Sharpener.
"Hey, didn't Videl talk about Majin Buu on TV before he appeared?"
"Yeah, I don't know what she's gotten into." The other blonde replied. He sounded frustrated. "Hopefully, she was better off than us in- whatever happened."
Erasa placed her hands in front of her. Sweat made her hands clammy as she worried for her friend. She shook the stray thoughts out. "That's not what I mean. She said something about fighters going against Buu, and that there was nothing to worry about." Her eyes focused to the heavens, with a thoughtful frown on her face. "It didn't sound like she was purely referring to Mr. Satan. Do you think this was what she's talking about?"
"You mean we should listen to what they are saying?" Sharpener was incredulous. He sat up and gawked at her. "We don't know what's going on. This is all over our heads. Videl's not here to vouch for them."
She nodded. "Yeah, but Videl is smart, and she was right about this Majin Buu appearing. She's also reckless and would take the risk if she believed it would help whoever was fighting."
He pushed his hair back. "So, you're saying to go along with it?"
"It's worth a shot." Before she could stop herself, she thrust her arm up in the air and waited. A mental vacuum sucked up all her stamina, and her breath caught in her throat. She felt like she had run a marathon with Videl in one of those charity drives they did once. Otherwise, she couldn't detect anything else wrong with her physically. She grinned at Sharpener.
He shrugged and mimicked her actions.
Around the world, a few dozen more people made similar decisions to trust the faith of the champ's daughter, with her announcement earlier in the week, and offered their energy. However, it was not until the world champion added his own voice that the rest of the planet's inhabitants followed.
The wait was excruciating. No one said anything else after her dad made his plea to the planet, not him, Vegeta or Goku. As the minutes ticked by, they had nothing to go on besides their patience. Krillin was playing with Marron, with Eighteen at their sides. With all the crazy he gone through in his life, Videl supposed he had all the faith he needed in his friends. Yamcha was talking with Roshi and Oolong, laughing at something. They were about as calm. Bulma and Chi Chi were both staring up at the sky, as if in prayer, both concerned and hopeful.
A comfort brushed the end of her consciousness. Before she could register what it was, she was running to the edge of the Lookout as a few high power levels soared their way. Gohan touched the ground the second prior to her wrapping her arms around him and kissing him hard. The half-Saiyan hummed beneath her lips and hugged her back, lifting her off the ground.
A whoop sounded next to them, and Trunks and Goten rushed to their mothers. They were taken up in a hug, and Videl thought she heard them babbling about their dads fighting Buu. She paid them little mind. She pulled back and placed her hands on Gohan's chest, with a smile tugging at her lips. "You're alive."
He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "I am. But I was dead there for a minute. I think the planet exploded."
Her eyes widened. "What? Then what happened? How did everyone come back?" The questions rolled off her tongue. With the immediate threat gone, her curiosity at what happened rose.
"I'm guessing Vegeta restored the planet with the first wish. They must have used the Namekian dragon balls, if most of everyone here is back." She nodded and rested her cheek against his chest. Her eyes surveyed the group. Piccolo was speaking to Mr. Popo, both of them waiting for Dende. Marron had gravitated toward her friends, as Trunks and Goten talked about their encounter with Buu. Their mothers were ready to scold them for the easygoing tone, yet Bulma and Chi Chi were too relieved in seeing them.
There was no time to register the calm atmosphere as the presence of several new ki readings appeared at once. Everyone who could sense ki on the Lookout froze as they faced the direction of the new energy. Most were in a total surprise, although Gohan smiled warmly, not taken off guard at all. "Dad…" Videl glanced at him curiously. One, two, three, four… five? new people on the Lookout.
As the newcomers came into sight, everyone was wide-eyed in glee and shock.
The two Saiyans were indeed alive and well. Trunks and Goten were the first to react. Goten launched into his father's arms, hanging off his shoulders and giggling madly. Goku held him aloft and ruffled the kid's hair. "Hey, Goten. Looks like I get to see you again soon after all."
Trunks was calmer on the outside as he stopped at Vegeta's side. The child rubbed his cheeks and tried to compose himself. The Saiyan Prince smirked and held out his hand. The boy latched on, speechless.
The rest started to gather around the two. Piccolo approached Dende, yet he smiled over at the Saiyans and the gruff Namekian rolled his eyes. "I don't know how you do it, Goku. Either of you." His friend grinned and offered a thumbs up.
Gohan took her hand, and she joined them. She guessed Vegeta would be alive through the wish with the dragon balls, but that did not explain Goku. She shook her head. She could ask later. Vegeta and Bulma appeared to be sharing a silent conversation, with Trunks holding both his parents' hands tightly. The mischievous and confident gleam resurfaced in the boy's eyes. Goku had his arm around Chi Chi, holding Goten up with his other. He smiled at his oldest, "Good job out there, son."
Her boyfriend shook his head. "I'm sorry I left it to you."
Goku shrugged. "It's fine! I can't leave you guys alone when you need help."
"You're staying around then?"
Videl silently let go of Gohan's hand and left him with his family. She had her own to catch up with. She walked away from the group, knowing that her father came back with them. Opposite of what he was used to, Hercule Satan hung back, staring around the Lookout with awe and nervousness.
"Hey Daddy," she could not make her voice any louder than a whisper. He heard her anyway and hurried to hug her.
"Sweet pea! You're all right." She leaned into the embrace, deciding not to bring up the fact she died. She understood now how weird and unsettling that fact was whenever Krillin and the others brought it up.
"I am." She pulled back, eyes surveying the area. There was another ki that came in with them. It was familiar, but her brain refused to make the connection. When she spotted who it was her mind kicked into overdrive, and she was not surprised as to why.
Majin Buu stood there, in the first form she saw him in. The large pink alien seemed cheerful and was close to her father's side. She squeaked. "What?"
"Majin Buu!" The group split between those who got into the defensive and dropped back to regroup, and a couple who stepped forward, preparing for an offensive. Her father and Goku quickly jumped to his defense, as Buu bowed and formally apologized. Vegeta appeared pissed, for whatever truce they had decided was not accepted by the Saiyan Prince yet as he stood protectively by his family.
This was a whole level of weird for her. When they were done explaining, her father laughed uneasily. "We're getting a new housemate, Videl."
Out of the three Saiyan blackholes eating at the table, Gohan kept to eating his meal at a relatively normal rate. Both his brother and father were stuffing their faces. Chi Chi, while having an exasperated expression and likely calculating increased food costs, smiled fondly at her family. It felt so complete- and so bizarre. He poured more sauce on his rice, staring at his father from the corner of his eye.
"This is great, Chi! I missed your cooking so much." Goku paused long enough to compliment his wife's cooking and dived back in.
"Thank you, dear." Chi Chi picked up her napkin and wiped her mouth. "But you are setting bad table manners for your boys."
Gohan shook his head. Goku fit in with the dynamic at the dinner table effortlessly, like he had never been dead for the last seven years. However, that made him remember the absence stronger. Any second, he expected his father to disappear and this to be a weird happy dream brought on by the past.
Goten practically shook with energy, as he kicked his legs in front of him repeatedly. Gohan could tell because sitting across from him, his brother's foot kept skimming up against his knee. He should tell him to stop before he ended up with a bruise at the end of the night, but the young child was brimming with happiness that Gohan had no desire to dampen.
"What's on your mind, Gohan?" Goku placed his fifth bowl off to the side with the rest. For as naïve as Goku was sometimes, Gohan had to remember that as a trained fighter he was actually decent at reading people. One person who was better at it was Chi Chi, and Gohan was reminded why it was difficult to hide stuff from his parents.
"It's nothing." He continued on with his meal. His father hummed and must have decided to ask later, finishing his last plate.
It was not quite as soon a later as he expected. Gohan worked on his catchup homework, about a third of the way done to what he set himself for the night, and Goku had not come in to see him. This was fine. He had no idea what he would say to his father and appreciated the time to think. Besides, he could hear Goten playing with him outside, and sensed Goku and Chi Chi leaving to where he took Videl a couple times for the sunset (it was an idea he got off his mother).
Gohan was no better in a right mind to talk when he did hear the knock on his door. What could he say? He already apologized and they talked about the Cell Games already, but that always would be something he worried about. How about how he fought Buu, or what it was like growing up without his father in some of the most emotional years in his life? Anxieties that barreled through his brain, ones which he did not even know existed while his father was dead. That in itself made him feel guilty.
"Hey, son. Can I come in?"
"Go ahead." He couldn't hold it off forever. He yearned with all his heart to have everything reach a new standard of normal. That having Goku back would stop feeling like a weird miracle he could not comprehend.
He chuckled as his father came in prepared, carrying a chair from the dining room in one hand. The Saiyan sat down and rested his crossed arms on the back, eyes wide and curious. It was a look Goten gave him, and Gohan marveled the man's calm and childlike excitement. There were plenty of reasons the awkward teenager found it a blessing and curse to be in his father's shadow.
With that one expression, Gohan told himself he would make sure this conversation went well. Damn it, he had his father back. The sprinkle of hot emotions on his heart made his eyes sting.
"So, what's up?" Goku asked again.
"A lot to think about." He closed his book and focused fully on his dad. "I'm glad your back." He had to say that.
"Me too." The older man smiled. "What're you doing?"
"I'm finishing work for school. I fell behind while I trained for the tournament." He scribbled one more answer down. "And it helps clear my mind."
His father tilted his head to the side, thoughtful. "Chi will probably disagree with me, but you think too much."
Gohan rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Maybe."
"I mean, I find the most honest emotions come first thing and then you can get lost in your head trying to sort through it." Goku glanced upward, head still resting on his arms. "Like when I first decided to help you and get my life back. There were a lot of factors that I should have thought through more, but all I knew was that I wanted to help."
It was true that, on several things, his parents' advice will directly contradict each other. Nonetheless, the honesty from his father was welcome. "Thanks. I'll try to remember that." His voice came out stilted, and he was doing a fantastic job on not being awkward. Great going, Gohan.
There were a couple beats of silence. Goku took the moment to think, and when Gohan imagined they were both lost here, his father spoke up again. "Let's go fishing sometime soon, k?"
"Yeah, that sounds good."
"It can be the both of us, and I'll think that Goten would want to tag along as well."
"I've taken him a few times, at our old fishing spot." Gohan picked up his books and started to sort them on the shelves. Goku was awkward for a moment, his eyes following his son as he wrapped up his work.
"I should have taken you two."
Gohan smiled softly and returned to his seat, dropping his papers to one of the desk drawers. All the times missing his dad, being angry at his helplessness to change what happened and that Goku had chosen not to come back. Struggling with the loss when half his life was composed of that theme, until he came to terms with everything. It was hard to blame anyone but himself. "It's all right. The good thing is that we can now."
"I don't regret the decision to stay dead. But you know that feeling when you're being punched from behind and only know at the last second? It's like that. You feel silly for missing it when it's too late and for it being obvious."
Gohan thought about stalling on killing Cell, or falling in love, or being thrown off losing everyone to Buu. Yes, he understood the feeling. The pit in his stomach curled and then loosened at all those memories. Words failed to convey this, but Goku must have read his face because he flashed a grin.
"Yeah, like that!" He mellowed out. "So, there are things that I missed that I want to be able to see coming before they hit me again."
"I'm looking forward to it." Gohan had to say it eventually. He reasoned he did not have to say it again, but it encroached on his thoughts relentlessly. "Dad, I'm sorry."
Goku blinked, with his confusion clear. "What for?"
"For not keeping up with my training and your legacy. You made your decision after Cell with faith that I'll take care of anything that comes up. If I have, maybe I would've been able to manage Buu."
His father shrugged. "It wasn't what I would have done." Gohan smiled sheepishly. "But it's your life. I know Chi Chi is proud of how you managed as well."
Gohan wondered if his father rehearsed what he was going to say before coming in, or else if Chi Chi drilled him about it because it was all the things he hoped to hear. However, that was not really his style. Goku kept everything honest and simple.
"Thanks, Dad."
"No problem! And I can help you if you want to start training again. I'm sure Piccolo will be happy to join us. It'll be like the old days."
"The boys and Vegeta would want in too." Gohan's lips quirked upward. "We'll have to find a big enough area to if it's going to be so many of us."
Goku's eyes lit up. "Yeah. I'll have to have a one-on-one with Vegeta first now that we have the time." And that the Saiyan Prince, as far as Gohan could tell, no longer wished to actively kill his father. Goku was too casual and upbeat to mention that though.
"How did your last fight end anyway?" He asked out of morbid curiosity. He spent too much of his life in peril, and Videl's attitude for the truth must have rubbed off on him on top of that.
Goku rubbed the back of his head. "He kind of knocked me out from behind." A bemused sigh parted Gohan's lips. Yep, that sounded like his dad.
They chatted and caught up. Goku, who lived either with Grandpa Gohan or on his own as a child, and had a childhood of crazy adventures and martial arts training, was amazed and baffled with Gohan's teenage life at school. He was embarrassed when talking about how he got with Videl, but it was better if he explained it compared to anyone else.
"You guys found the dragon balls? I did think everyone got them fast after what happened." He nodded in response. Goku grinned. "No trouble?"
"Really? That's good."
Gohan thought back on all the times he had to find them. With the hell that was his first time… "It definitely wasn't Namek, that's for sure. Even if it was the same amount of time."
Goku stood up and picked up the chair again. "Chi Chi's probably waiting up for me. Night son."
"Night, Dad."
His father paused next to the door. "Do you know what happened with Buu? You weren't absorbed like the others."
He did a double take and then ducked his head. "I'm not really sure what it was." Gohan leaned back in his seat, averting his eyes away from his father. "I was in such a meditative state for so long with receiving my powerup that I was able to keep my head calm. When Buu tried to absorb me, I kept the same level of ki output. I was able to keep my mind, somewhat."
Gohan glanced up to see Goku keeping apt attention. After that, it was harder to remember what happened. He did not remember it so much as have an awareness that he was able to fight back. "Then I kept in that state-of-mind and had an opening to make it a two-way street when he tapped into my memories. I was able to get him to freeze up – I think – with it and allow memories to go through to throw him off." He shrugged and drilled his gaze into the floor. "Not sure how well I did." He had a singular focus to stop Buu and protect those close to him, which was the only clear thought going through his mind. All others connected back to that.
He looked up when Goku ruffled his hair. "I don't know what you're so worked up about not holding your own." His father smiled down at him. "I'm proud of you, son."
Trunks shoved a cookie in his mouth, staring out of the window. The whole mess with Buu ended a couple days ago, and life was almost back to normal. He had not talked much with his best friend, with Goten being busy catching up with his dad. The eight-year-old wished he could spend time with him, but he understood the other boy's need to be around his father. Trunks had almost lost his own.
He rubbed his eyes and yawned. Despite wanting to break the rules and stay up later than he should out of habit, Trunks concluded he really had nothing better to do than sleep. He wiped his face with a napkin then tossed it to the nearest trash bin once the crumbs were cleared. He got up from the chair and started to head to the bedrooms. It took a couple seconds for him to realize that he was walking in the direction of his parents' room. Huh. Well, there was no harm seeing them before he went to sleep. He placed a hand on his chest and quickened his pace.
His knuckles rapped on their door as he debated about why he was doing this. The reassurance will be nice, he supposed. Rustling came from the other side, and a second later Bulma answered the door. "Hey, Trunks." She already had her nightgown on and was drying her hair. He smiled and hugged her.
"Can I see Dad?" He asked once he pulled away a minute later. She ruffled his hair and walked passed him.
"After you, I need to ask Mom about something anyway." She disappeared down the hall.
Trunks stayed in the doorway for a second, unable to move. The moment ended with Vegeta's curt, "Trunks." The boy snapped out of his revere and stepped forward. The Saiyan Prince sat at the edge of the bed, in the same casual slacks that he wore to dinner. "What do you want?" His voice was calmer, but Trunks shuffled his feet, unsure of why he came in either.
So instead, the child simply went over and sat next to him. Vegeta did not move, watching his son curiously and wearily. Trunks took it as an okay sign and leaned against his father's short and sturdy form. Vegeta's ki rose, and the young boy found comfort in it. He missed it. So much.
Luckily for him, no tears fell. Silence covered the room until Trunks muttered softly. "I'm sorry."
"What?" The Saiyan was stunned by the statement. They were never a family that made much use of apologies.
Trunks stared down at his hands. The words would not come up again. He went on. "I wasn't able to stop Buu or save Mom," he picked at the hem of his shirt. He thought he got rid of the habit a couple years ago. "or help Gohan or anyone fight." He swallowed, trying to get the words to come back. No, even if he felt like he failed, he could not say sorry again. His eyes burned.
Vegeta sighed, low and heavy. Trunks flinched at the reaction and attempted to draw away. His father's arm wrapped around his shoulders, trapping him. "It's okay." His voice dampened with emotions, he placed a hand on Trunks' head. "And I am proud of you." Trunks smiled and closed his eyes, eventually falling sleep.
Two weeks went by since the Buu crisis passed. Videl was getting accustomed to having Majin Buu around the house- slowly, very slowly. He was kind, spending most of the time with her father as they played video games or watched old action movies. Videl imagined this was what her father would have been like if he had a roommate during college. It was odd, yet Mr. Satan was happy and Buu was calm to not destroy the house (on purpose, in any case.)
She left the two alone for the evening. She was in the Capsule Corp inside gardens, where she had first met several of the fighters that were present. She was next to Krillin as he watched his wife, a laugh escaping him with a cross of amusement and anxiety. Eighteen paced on the grass, muttering on the phone. Whatever it was, she was upset enough to not notice she left deep scuff marks in her wake.
"She's calling her brother. Apparently, he can't take the day off. She's been trying to get him to come over all week."
Eighteen gave up on her conversation and muttered into the phone, "You're such an idiot!" before she hung up. She stormed off to where Trunks was helping Marron climb a tree.
"I guess the world ending will make people want to ensure their friends and family are all right, especially after not being in contact for so long." Videl replied. Erasa had told her how her aunt had showed up at her parents' place out of the blue, close to tears with a large pie in tow.
A loud cheer came from the direction of the kids. Trunks jumped out of the tree and flew over to Goten as the Son family arrived. Marron jumped down to her mother's arms and then hurried after him. Videl waved to her boyfriend. Bulma stopped next to Chi Chi, her curious eyes scanning the area behind them.
"Where's Goku?"
"He's going to be late," Chi Chi growled, crossing her arms. The heiress rolled her eyes.
"I'll go ahead and tell Vegeta that he could eat all the food if he can't bother to show up on time."
The Saiyan Prince laughed in triumph. He was already eating a beef sandwich, leaning against the tree and watching the kids run across the grass.
Videl strolled over to Gohan and punched him lightly in the arm. "Hey, nerd. You look good."
"Hey Videl. How are you holding up?" He kept asking her that since it was odd to have such a previously volatile being in her home. She grinned and clung to his arm, resting her head on his shoulder.
"It's going good. Can you believe Buu is really good at Mario Kart?"
His response was interrupted as a call from across the room rang out. Tien arrived with Chaozu, and Yamcha – who was hanging around the buffet before Vegeta could eat it all – and Krillin ran over to greet their friend. Videl had not seen the former world champion since she had trained with him. She raised her hand in greeting then glanced out Gohan. "Well?"
He chuckled. "He better not get in a match with Goten and Trunks then. They both can be sore losers." She pulled him in the direction of the food, which was pointless as Gohan gravitated in that direction anyway. Vegeta intercepted them, growling threateningly.
"Back off, Kakabrat." Gohan grinned in response.
"Not happening."
As they passed Krillin and the others, Videl held back a couple feet, content to let the challenging, hungry Saiyans to their devices. She'll grab a snack under their noses no problem.
"I can't believe you tried your luck against Buu! That's crazy." Krillin spoke to Tien.
"You did too, buddy." Yamcha clapped a hand on his friend's back.
"Yeah, but I was turned into chocolate…"
Videl sighed. If she did not know them as well, she thought they assimilated to the life-ending events and accepted them already. As it was, they were tense but was still way too relaxed discussing it than she could believe.
Shaking her head, she continued on the food-collecting venture. She snuck a salad and some pork under the Saiyans' eyes. Vegeta smirked yet made no move to stop her. He addressed Gohan. "Kakarot better be here soon. He said he wanted to try the new gravity room. I may change my mind of allowing him in, but I will punch him in the face."
Videl chewed her food and studied the room around her. It was amazing how fast everything reverted back to normal, with a few noticeable changes. She tugged on Gohan's sleeve. "How's it like with your dad back?"
"It's great. Mom is in the process of putting him to work. It's a hard one though, as she has some leeway to give being happy he is around again."
They spent the next few minutes catching up over the last couple days. Gohan had caught up on his school work, and he spent the majority of the last afternoon training with his father.
"Hey, Videl!" Eighteen walked over. The blonde had one hand on her hip, and she narrowed her eyes. She had calmed down and now had her focus elsewhere, although a challenge remained in her eyes. "Your dad owes me zeni."
"He still owes me zeni. Don't let him forget." She clarified.
Videl was confused. Nodding in agreement, nonetheless, she affirmed. "No problem. I'll let him know."
The party continued. Videl was dozing, using her boyfriend's shoulder as a pillow, when Goku arrived. As soon as he did, Vegeta grabbed his arm and led him off to train.
"But food!" The younger Saiyan complained.
"I already ate it all, Kakarot!"
Videl felt Gohan chuckle next to her, the rise and fall of his chest the most comfortable sensation she could remember. The light pound of footsteps ran passed as the boys chased after their fathers to watch.
Today was a good day.
Videl watched her reflection, spinning around in her new outfit. "It's great, thank you!" The cape flapped half-heartedly, and the girl grinned widely. 'I'm such a nerd. Damn it, Gohan.'
Bulma chuckled, arms crossed, assessing her handiwork with satisfaction. "Thank you. You mentioned you may like it, and Gohan thought it'll be a good idea. How could I say no to a couple of lovebirds?"
The teenager blushed under her helmet. Her version of the Saiyaman suit was in light pastel colors and a matching design, with a few feminine touches, curtesy of the genius at Capsule Corp. Trunks hung back from the two females, with his young face stricken with betrayal. "I trusted you, Auntie."
She sent a playful glare at him. "Don't be like that." She straightened her posture and addressed Bulma. "Don't listen to him. It does look fantastic." Videl puffed out her chest. Yep, she was turning into Gohan and her father. Giggling, she tugged on the cape.
"I'm not. It's not my fault my kid has no sense in fashion."
Trunks hmphed and stalked off. "Later. I'm going off to train with Dad."
"He's out with Goku and Goten outside the city. You'll have to join them there." Bulma called after him. "And let them know not to be so close this time, else they freak everyone out again with earthquakes."
"Got it!"
After the child cleared out, the older woman faced Videl. "So, how do feel about this? This isn't what I imagined with partnership on the next step of your guys' relationship."
Videl created a ki ball in her hand. Light bounced off the walls and reflected off her face. "It feels right. I want to continue helping people in Satan City. And I never gave the nerd boy enough credit for the Saiyaman half of him. It'll be fun to try it out."
Bulma placed a hand on her shoulder. "You'll do good work out there."
With a cheeky twitch of her lips, Videl spun around once more. "The greatest."
Six months passed, and for how much his life uprooted, for the umpteenth time, Gohan found that it landed heavily back on track before smoothing out. It was an odd sensation, and one he could never be sure he would get used to. What happened with Buu was Videl's first world-altering event, and he could tell how difficult it was for his girlfriend to adjust. Those were events where anyone would have to take a step back and reevaluate their lives, and that was the case for stubborn young woman. That stubbornness led to having a hard time to get her to open up.
There were quiet moments that permitted a period of reflection. They would be walking down the street to get something to eat, and she would take his hand, seeking comfort, an uneasy smile on her face. Smiling back would typically do the trick, and later while he was on his third shake and she was on her first, she admitted to some nightmares she had.
The smooth ride they were on now granted time to study and approach things with caution, instead of being thrown into a disaster. He preferred it. Videl bounced back well, being back to her independent fire within a couple months.
With all the changes, the recovery period was peculiar for her to have Majin Buu living constantly in her house. That was what he assumed, seeing at first trepidation on her face and then eventually to befuddlement and amusement. Enough time had flown by, that they could use the dragon balls to clear the memories of who Majin Buu was from the world. Videl had called it too simple, but otherwise made no complaint. There was enough stress with an alien living in her house, one unable to go outside and explore, that she kept her mouth shut.
This was not his problem as they summoned Shenron; this time at the isolation of Kame House. Gohan had another consideration dancing around in his brain. Months ago, before Buu, when he and Videl first found the dragon balls, he promised that if anything else came up where they had to use them (he really should have not jinxed it), then the next time he would ensure that she got a wish. He told Krillin and his dad about it, and they both agreed it was a good idea.
He stood beside her, arms wrapped around her shoulders, chuckling as she gaped at Shenron. It was her second time, but the magical dragon was consistently intimidating and breathtaking. Mr. Satan had a bigger reaction. He was sputtering nonstop and appeared closed to fainting. Gohan pitied him, smiling.
"Go on, it's your wish." Goku pounded Hercule on the back, and the man faceplanted into the sand. "Oops."
"Are you sure this will work?" The current world champ asked hesitantly. "I…" He was speechless.
"Yup, you saw how the planet and the people came back, right?" Goku reached a hand out to help the other man up. "If you want I can do it."
"No, it's fine." He beheld Shenron with beads of sweat down his forehead. "I- I wish… that the people's memories of who Majin Buu is and what he looks like to be cleared, so my friend can go out if he wants."
Shenron's eyes glowed. "Your wish has been granted."
Gohan drew Videl closer and whispered in her ear. "The next one is yours."
"What?" Her voice was hushed.
"Next one." He rested his chin on her head.
She could not think of anything before, and she could not think of anything now. Her eyes traveled over to where her father stood talking to Goku and Krillin. A thought prodded the corners of her mind. As a child, she wrecked her mother's music box a couple years after she died.
"What's that?"
"Don't sneak up on me, Buu. It's something I got from my mother to play music, yet it doesn't work anymore."
"Why not?"
"I kinda wrecked it."
The Majin tried to repair it when she showed it to him a month ago. However, while he had healing powers, that did not go to fine-tuned instruments. She snatched it away before he could cause more damage. No one could fix it.
She leaned into Gohan's embrace. "I might have something."
Kibito Kai studied planet earth and the other worlds of the universe. After the rush of Buu, every day goods and evils were a steady, constant after thought. It was a nice break.
"You know what could happen…" Elder Kai bemoaned with a tinge of amusement.
"Don't you dare!" The younger Kai took the bait easily. "He won't wake up. It hasn't even been forty Earth years."
Elder Kai chuckled and pulled up his crystal ball. "Uh huh, don't you youngin' get too comfortable. It is bound to happen eventually."
Without her great detective skills, Videl could tell that Krillin was nervous. He sweated bullets behind her, even though she beckoned him to take the lead by now. "I don't see what you are worried about."
"I- um, I'm not worried about it." He granted himself some level of professionalism. His back straightened. "You don't have to do this."
She winked at him and brushed her hair back. While she started to grow it out again, she probably won't let it go to her original length. That was too hard to manage, and it got in the way with her Saiyaman helmet. "You've helped me so much; it's about time I return the favor."
His cheeks pink, he replied. "Thanks."
"You already got into the Academy, right? I'm just giving you a recommendation for when you can get a job." Videl pushed her master in front of her, laughing silently to herself. "I know most of the guys here. You'll fit in fine." She knocked on the wooden door when it became clear Krillin was overcome with nerves.
"You're right."
"Of' course I am." She heard the chief get up and approach the door on the other side. Videl rolled her eyes. "How many life-ending events have you been a part of?"
"Please don't bring that up." He groaned before the door opened.
"Good afternoon, Videl. What brings you over?" The chief of police beckoned the two of them inside, closing the door again after them. The click of the door seemed to jar something in her short companion, as he gritted his teeth and grinned nervously.
She placed her hands on Krillin's shoulders and pushed him forward. "This is Krillin. He's a new cadet at the Academy. I'm here to say keep your eye on him."
"That so?" He did not sound impressed. Videl imagined that the martial artist, with his short stature and anxious demeanor, gave little positive potential. She nodded.
"He's taught me a lot, and he was a finalist in last year's tournament before everything went to hell." She glanced down at him and squeezed her mentor's shoulder. "He's definitely honorable as well. I've seen him personally place his life before others." She remembered seeing Krillin make the split-second decision to face Buu. Her back stiffened at the memory and so did her resolve to help him.
Determination set on Krillin's face as he met the police chief's stare. The other man nodded, seeking affirmation. "You think you are ready for the police force, son?"
Krillin scratched his neck. "It won't be the craziest thing I've done."
"Very well, I wish you the best of luck and look forward to see you on in the future."
Krillin gave a stiff nod and bowed. "Thank you, sir."
Videl swiped a biscuit from the desk and broke it in half to share with her master. After swallowing a bite, she went on. "If you need another recommendation, Great Saiyaman will love to give one. Could probably share better stories."
"Videl…" Krillin curled his shoulders in embarrassment.
She patted his back as they left the office. "Take that as revenge for teasing us for so long."
"I have to flip your old assessment of me. You will be the one to make a great super villain." Laughter rose in her chest and her shoulders shook. She finished off the biscuit and brushed the crumbs off her hands.
"I try my best."
"Why couldn't you do this in a normal letter or when I actually applied for the job?" Krillin sighed. "What kind of circumstance would it make sense for a student to have better standing in order to recommend her teacher?" He rubbed a hand through his hair, thoroughly exasperated. He debated if he should shave again. Having hair was weird, and he had been out of retirement for a while.
Videl left the questions unanswered. Instead she took off running down the street. "Race you to doughnuts!"
The kitchen was quiet with the lack of Saiyans present. Goku and Gohan were outside, and while Videl had no idea what they were doing, she could guess it wasn't training since they kept their powers low. They soon disappeared from her max range of picking up ki. If she had to guess, she would say visiting Piccolo and the others at the Lookout. Goten wanted to go out with them, but Chi Chi made him finish his schoolwork. Videl picked up the scribble of a pen when she passed by his room.
Chi Chi took the freedom to work on dinner. Two roasts were in the oven, and a third was already done and resting on the counter. Three pots were on the stove, with an array of rice and stew inside. Videl's mouth started to water, and she avoided Chi Chi's eyes when they were on her.
"Go ahead. Just don't tell the boys I let you have any."
The experienced mother nodded as she chopped a row of vegetables. "Yes. How do you think I eat enough food with those three here? It's all right as long as it's only a little bit." She stepped up to the stove and grabbed a ladle for the stew. Checking its contents, she nodded. "This is done."
Videl grabbed a bowl and poured half the ladle in. "Thank you," She blew on a spoonful as she sat down. The flavor burst in her mouth, and she reminded herself to visit Gohan for his mother's cooking more. Not that she didn't visit at least four days a week already. "This is fantastic."
Chi Chi nodded primly. "I can give you all my recipes if you want. It'll be good for once you have kids of your own."
"What?" Videl squeaked.
Chi Chi hummed and checked to see how the roasts were doing. "You two graduated a while ago. Gohan is set in his new job, and Bulma says your application to help in Capsule Corps security department will go through any day now." She faced the younger woman with her arms crossed. "You two should get married. And I want grandbabies."
Her face steadily grew to match the tomatoes laid out on the side. Videl ate the rest of her soup slower and did not dignify the comment with a response. She and Gohan had talked about marriage once a month ago, but that was more or less a wistful conversation in passing. Erasa had brought it up, and Bulma, and Krillin. Even Vegeta laughed at her when he heard Bulma talk about it. She had not visited the couple for two weeks after that, not the least because Trunks would continuously tease her if he heard.
Yes, she wanted it. But everyone else could mind their own damn business.
Distracted, she did not finish the stew by the time Goten ran into the kitchen. The child's face was stricken with betrayal.
"Why does big sis get to eat before us?"
She hit her head on the table. He had not heard their conversation, at least.
The land was carved out from constant abuse and sparring matches that frequented it over the years. Gohan remembered coming here with Piccolo, his father, Goten and Trunks, and sometimes Vegeta. Rubble littered the ground, and a few steps caused puffs of dust to rise. A few rocks jutted out, either as smooth or jagged surfaces. Trees dotted the landscape, yet they were far away from the epicenter of the mangled clearing.
It was more of a disaster zone than a place for a date. Nonetheless, Gohan brought Videl here in the past. The boys would join them on occasion, invited or not. For this trip, he made sure his little brother and friend were preoccupied. In this case, Bulma lost a bet and had to treat the Saiyans to an all-you-can-eat buffet, and thus adding another place they were banned from on the list.
Gohan declined the invitation but asked Goten to sneak out some dessert for him. He promised Videl that they'll go out tonight. Besides, he had his own plans.
Videl giggled as she stepped on the dusty ground. A large rectangle rock was their destination, with a relatively smooth and clean surface. She still teased him. "Are you sure this is a good spot for a picnic?" He coughed and set the blanket down as she pointedly tapped her shoes to dispel some of the dust.
"We've eaten here before."
"Mhm. We've had snacks here before, not a full meal."
Gohan shrugged and tossed the capsule to the ground. Two large picnic baskets materialized. He opened one and pulled out a sandwich. "This is a snack for me."
She scoffed and dug around for her own food. "Why aren't you with your dad and the others then?"
He chewed his food slowly before he answered. "Because Mom's cooking is the best. Also, I have better self-control and rather not be banned from eating somewhere with the rest of them." He found the carton of juice and poured a couple cups. "Here you go."
"Thanks." She chugged half of it down and leaned back. The sun was high in the sky, yet it had started its dip across back down the horizon. She raised her hand and shielded her eyes as she looked out toward it. "How did Bulma lose her bet with Vegeta anyway?"
He finished off the first sandwich and grabbed another. "Didn't ask."
Rolling her eyes, she slapped his arm lightly. "You aren't the least bit curious?"
"With them? Not really. I'd rather be spared the details."
She groaned and fell back, keeping her glass upright in her hand. "Fair enough. I hope Trunks remembers my promise and is recording the restaurant's employees' reactions to the place being ruined."
Gohan took a couple seconds to let the words sink in. "I think you're spending too much time with the boys."
She stuck her tongue out at him. "My father is a world-class idiot sometimes; I like people making fools of themselves. Its not like I'm using it for blackmail."
He shook his head in mock despair. "You've been corrupted." She threw a rock at him; he dodged it easily.
They ate their meal at a slow pace. Videl found it amusing to throw grapes at him. He caught them no problem, without crushing them in his fists. She was impressed. It almost became a food fight when he tossed one back, and she was unable to catch it.
"Again!" She glared at the grape. "I can do it this time."
He returned to his food without complying. She tossed another at him; it bounced off his face and he caught it before it could hit the ground. "I rather not waste the food."
She huffed good-naturedly. "Fine. I would be able to catch it though."
Videl was packing the rest of her portion away when she noticed Gohan hesitating about something. The sun was almost to the horizon, and she had to squint at him. "What's up?"
Gohan rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, one hand behind his back. "Um, I've been thinking about the best way to do this. I might as well make the leap." He breathed heavily, a goofy grin on his face.
"Videl, will you marry me?"
A/N: The end! This wraps up my Chances AU. I debated before posting this story if I should keep to this and skip Buu altogether. Much of this chapter I've worked on and off for the last couple weeks when the rest of the story became heavy. Although there weren't any earth-shattering changes, I decided to keep the Buu Saga in because there were changes I wanted to play with. With the rest of the story now finished, it was fun to go back to fluff. A very long chapter of fluff, sheesh. I keep on surprising myself with these chapter lengths.
The reason for the length is simple. I wanted to fit everything in this chapter. I won't do anything else for this AU. Elder Kai mentioning Beerus was just him being a troll, and Videl helping Krillin become a cop was always the last note I planned to express on their student-teacher relationship. The latter would have become a one-shot in Moments if I never got around to finishing this story. They are notes that lead up to Super, but that's it. Videl and Gohan step back and cherish their family life, and I have no more story to add that will be unique compared to any future canon, with Super or GT.
I am ecstatic how a few of these scenes turned out, and others I could work on making better and go in circles forever. Ah well, so is any writer's folly.
Not sure how people will think on Videl using her wish to repair her mother's music box. As a personal note, it is awful knowing you accidently wrecked a piece of family history, especially from a family member that has passed. If I could make a wish on a magic dragon to fix what inspired that tidbit, I would have found the dragon balls and done it ages ago. Otherwise, nothing to note on any of the fluff. Wish I could have included more with the kids, yet nothing specific for them came to mind.
I plan to work on final edits in the future for this and Chances (nothing major, typos and silly errors like that). That'll be it though. I'm all wrapped up!
EDIT: Edits are done to a point where I'm happy with everything.
Thank you everyone who has read, followed, favorited and reviewed this story. Last Chance was nowhere near as ambitious as Chances, and I will judge it to my older work because I'm supposed to get better. Finishing this has set my mind to ease, and the final product I love for tying all the knots required. These three stories – Chances, Moments and Last Chance – encompassed most of my writing for the last year and has helped me tremendously. For anyone that has joined me in the journey, thank you.
You are all wonderful.
Peace :)
ValdieWhittaker123: Thank you! I do enjoy writing fluff. I feel content knowing I completed this, but a part of me will miss it.