The youth stood behind the counter trembled in fear. He was terrified of the enormous green monster who had stomped into the fast food restaurant and was demanding food off him. He knew he was supposed to serve him in order to get paid – but he was too frightened of this huge aggressive thing to give him what he demanded.


The Incredible Hulk glared at the young cashier as he repeated his order – for the umpteenth time. He had been stood here for fifteen minutes requesting his meal and was getting nothing out of this guy. What did a green giant have to do around here to get a bite to eat? Why was this teenager staring at him in such a frightened manner? Hadn't he ever served a monster before?


"Move aside, Junior. I'll handle this one."

The youth snapped out of his startled state, turning away from his scary-looking customer to face the one who had addressed him.

It was the manager of the restaurant. He was facing the Hulk with a stern look.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we cannot serve you."

The Hulk's eyes widened over what he had heard. He could barely believe his ears.


"It is not in our policy to serve to beings that are green." The manager pointed towards the restaurant's exit. "Now clear off!"

The humongous creature's eyes filled with rage. He was fuming over what this man had rudely told him. They wouldn't serve him just because he was green? There was no way he was going to stand for this!

With a deafening roar, the Hulk grabbed hold of the manager. A loud scream erupted from the man as he was flung through the air by the giant, landing in the deep fat fryer.

The young cashier gasped in terror before sprinting away from the Hulk out of the restaurant, making a mental note to himself to find a new job.

In all his rage, the Hulk began smashing up the restaurant, causing screams of terror from every customer inside. They ran away in fear as the angry green giant destroyed the whole restaurant. He threw chairs against the wall, pounding his big fists on the tables and stomped loud enough the entire ceiling to collapse.

By the time the Hulk was finished, the fast food restaurant was nothing more than a mess of debris. He marched grumpily away from the piles of bricks and clouds of dust, heading home to sulk over not being served his food.

Somewhere under the rubble, the manager was completely buried. He clenched his hands into fists fists as he realised what had happened to his restaurant – and who was responsible.

"I am so going to sue that big green slob!"