Author's Note:

Ooh! Look who remembered to update this fic! Lol! XD

Anyway, sorry for taking so long to update this. But here's an update! I hope 6k words worth of a chapter is enough compensation for my months worth of hiatus on this fic.

Fair warning: this chapter is definitely NSFW! Explicit smut scenes ahead! You're welcome!

Regina stared absentmindedly at the set of keys Mallory had given her the other day before she and Helen left to resume their lives back in Boston. Their last conversation still fresh in her mind.

"These are the keys to my cabin in Portland. I know you think your house is suitable enough for Emma's heat but it's better for you to be prepared. Since you mentioned she's only days away from her heat, I'll stockup the cabin on the way so you don't have to worry about everything."

Regina raised her eyebrows. "You didn't spend Helen's heat back there, did you?"

Mallory snorted. "Goodness, no. We didn't have enough time even if I wanted to." She slid the set of keys towards Regina. "Use it. It's the least I can do after... well... everything." She shrugged.

Regina looks solemnly at her friend, if she can still call her that. "You didn't have to do this. You didn't know."

Mallory shook her head. "Still. I had an inkling but I chose not to tell something. If I did..."

Regina reached out to gently grab the blonde's hand, giving it a firm squeeze. "Even if you did, there's nothing more we can do. My mother is set on ruining my life just to have her way with me. And I know, she did that to save me. To save both of us."

"I did love her," Mallory said in a broken whisper. "Your sister is the best thing that's ever happened to me." Tears started streaming down her cheeks.

Regina smiled at her with watery eyes. "I know. And I know she feels the same. She wouldn't do what she did if she didn't love you too."

"But I've been such a coward..."

Regina let out a shaky sigh. "We both are." Her mother is a force to be reckoned with. Losing her sister to her mother's hands was only proof that she never answers to anyone. Not even to her own flesh and blood.

They both stayed silent after that. The air is thick with sadness, regret, and loss. She can't even believe how ironic it was that both of them lost their first loves by the hands of her mother.

"Love is weakness," her mother had said while Regina held Danielle's lifeless body close to her chest, tears streaming down her cheeks. "You best remember that."

"I should get going," Mallory saud as she stood up from her seat, breaking the heavy silence between them.

"I'll see you out," Regina muttered as she too stood from her seat to lead the blonde to the door. "I'm glad to see you again, Mal. Truly," she said once they're walking out of the Town Hall.

The blonde alpha gave her a warm smile. "I am, too." She then became serious. "You should tell her. If you wanted a serious relationship with Emma, it's best if she knows about your past, or at least, some part of it."

That had Regina shaking her head vehemently, almost making her dizzy in the process. "The less she knows about my past, the better. And..." She hesitated.

Mallory sadly smiled at the alpha's hesitation. "Emma is a smart woman. She will notice your hesitation from miles away. And I can see she feels the same about you. You're in too deep for your feelings for her so it's best if you come clean to her. Starting with your real name."

Regina let out a shaky sigh as she crossed her arms against her chest. "Even if i wanted to, I don't know how."

"Mallory gently grasped the brunette's shoulders with a gentle squeeze. "You'll know when the timing is right. But for now focus on Emma's heat. She needs someone who will help her through it. I overheard her mother wanted to be there when her heat comes," she said with a smirk as she let go of Regina's shoulders.

Regina rolled her eyes. "She may be my friend but what she's doing to her daughter is really annoying."

The blonde nodded. "I even heard Helen said Mary Margaret was a little overbearing, exaggerating the little to emphasize her point." The alpha rolled her eyes. "Then, when Mary Margaret heard her comment, she gave my omega a threatening glare before storming out saying "that's what I am, so deal with it"."

Regina chuckled at that, not even denying Helen's comment on Emma's mother and a little surprised since Mary Margaret didn't even deny the comment. "I'm surprised she's alive to tell the tale."

Mallory just waved her off. "I was about to have a stand-off with her but Helen said it was just a playful banter and no harm done so I decided to let it go." She looked at her purse for her car keys. "Well, I'm off. I'll be stopping by the Swan household to pick Helen up then we'll be on our way." She looked at the brunette with a little hesitation but still went with the hug. "It was really nice seeing you again after all these years," she whispered.

Regina gave the blonde a small, fond smile when they separated. "Likewise, Mal. Hopefully this isn't the last?"

The alpha shook her head. "Not a chance. You have my number and I have yours. Don't disappear on me, us, again. Keep in touch, alright?" On Regina's nod, Mallory pulled the brunette for another hug. "Emma loves you. Give her, and yourself, a chance," she whispered against her ear before pulling away.

The ringing coming from her office line pulled Regina out from her memory. Picking the set of keys and placing them on her purse, she composed herself before answering the phone. She never got the chance to say hello when Mary Margaret's frantic voice filtered from the other line.

"Mary Margaret, would you please calm down? I couldn't understand a word you were saying," she exasperatedly said whilst massaging her temple.

"It's Emma! She's been in her room since this morning and hasn't come out! I heard her whimpering and groaning like she's in pain and she's been calling your name! I've tried knocking on her door but she's not responding!" Mary Margaret said in a panicked voice.

That made Regina stand up from her seat and gathered her things. "I'm on my way," she said and dropped the call. Wearing her coat on the way out she searched for her car keys. Thank goodness she decided to wear slacks to work. It's easier for her to move in case her presence is needed immediately.

She had a feeling the day before that Emma's heat was on its way. Her scent is stronger and sweeter that it made Regina excuse herself a handful of times just to get away from the blonde's presence, her throbbing cock not helping her in the situation. And the way Mary Margaret described the noise coming from Emma's room, she knows they are not because of pain.

Emma's heat is starting, and Regina is doomed.

Gripping the steering wheel tightly until her knuckles are white, Regina focused on her driving whilst gazing occasionally on the rearview mirror to make sure no one was following them, then to her passenger that's completely passed out on the backseat. She has a little bit of difficulty carrying the passed out omega out of the house and into her car because Mary Margaret just wouldn't shut up, saying she can take care of her own daughter during her heat. But the pixie cut brunette couldn't do anything because Regina's inner alpha has made its presence known and their only focus was to get Emma out of there so they can take care of the blonde omega properly. She halfheartedly apologized to Mary Margaret and promised to give the blonde back in one piece once her heat was over.

The scent blocker Helen so graciously lended to Emma before she left the town with Mallory was now wearing off and Emma's sweet and intoxicating scent is driving her crazy. It took every single amount of her self-control to stop herself from stopping the car on the side of the road and have her way with the blonde. Her bottom lip almost bled at how hard she was biting it as she focused on the road. According to the GPS they're only fifteen minutes away until they reach their destination.

Fifteen long, agonizing minutes until she's out of her misery.

"Donald Trump. Donald Trump," was her mantra as she took a turn into a path that she almost missed, wincing slightly whilst she drove on the dirt road. She then heard Emma whimpering her name as she buried herself deeper into Regina's throw blanket, her scent filling the entire car that had Regina almost rolling her eyes as she breathed in the sweet scent.

Almost there...

"R'gina…" Emma gasped in her sleep.

Regina whimpered in her seat at the sound of Emma's voice. Almost...

She let out a sigh of relief when Mallory's cabin came into view. Mallory sent her a series of photos of the cabin so she'll know what to expect when she decides to use the place.

Parking the Mercedes on the designated parking space, she quickly got out of the car then took several lungfuls of fresh air, the scent of the nearby lake somehow helped her calm down, but the strain on her boxer briefs didn't even eased down and now it's borderline painful.

She didn't even bother to take a small glance on the cabin's interior once she opened the door. Almost jogging back to the car, she opened the door on the backseat, her breath hitching at the smell of the omega in heat. Shaking her head she gathered the blonde into her arms then carried her towards the cabin.

Admitting to herself — and now to Mallory — that she loves the blonde was one thing. But having her like this with the carnal urge to claim the omega as her mate was another matter. Hell, she hasn't even asked the blonde to go out on a date yet and yet here they are, in Mallory's private lakeside cabin somewhere in Portland and she has this irresistible desire to take the young woman. Her cock straining painfully on her boxers is the proof of that.

Why must they do everything backwards?

"R'gina," Emma sobbed as Regina laid the blonde down on the bed.

"I'm here, darling," she husked out then brushed a stray hair away from her sweaty forehead. "I'm here."

"I n-need you."

"Shh, I know, sweetie. I'll help you through your heat, I promise."

Emma just whimpered as she burrowed her face on the pillow. Regina kissed her forehead before standing up. She needs to double-check everything before helping Emma out even though Mallory reassured her that everything is in order.

After her thorough inspection, she gathered all their baggage from the car then immediately walked back inside the cabin. She's just walked through the doorway of the front door when Emma's sweet scent of heat already flooded her senses. Regina felt herself letting out a purr as she walked back to the bedroom where the omega was settling in. The vision she saw when she entered rendered her frozen on the spot by the bedroom door.

There, standing by the end of the bed, was Emma only clad in her lace underwear as her back was on the door. She only turned around when she felt, and smelled, the alpha approaching. Regina could see from her spot that Emma's eyes had turned almost black and was blown wide with desire. Her arms were crossed around her chest so her bare breasts were hidden from the alpha's hungry view.

Regina did her best to stop herself from approaching the blonde rather aggressively even though her inner alpha was screaming at her to do just that. No, she has to have self-control so the both of them could finish this heat unscathed. She will not turn herself like the stereotype alphas when an omega is in heat. Emma deserves better than that. And given the incident a few months back, she doesn't want to add another thing that will relive the blonde's trauma.

Biting her bottom lip to the point it almost bled, Regina slowly entered the room with their bags then put them in inside the closet. She can feel Emma watching her every move and she did her best to stop herself from pouncing the blonde.

After putting everything away, the two of them stood there gazing at each other. Regina can see that the blonde is shaking and she knows it's not because of the temperature of the room. After a few moments of silence, Regina almost missed the words Emma had muttered.

"I don't know what to do."

Emma is still aware of what was happening in her surroundings, meaning she's not yet that deep under her heat. But soon enough she will be.

"Do you trust me, Emma?" Regina asked. She has to. She needs to hear the consent falling from those kissable pink lips before her heat consumes her.

"Y-yes," Emma answered with a shiver.

"Are you sure, Emma? I don't want you to regret this when everything is over," she insisted. Those expanse of creamy white skin is doing nothing to ease down her libido.

It took some time for the blonde to answer. Regina thought the omega had changed her mind but what she heard next had her silently releasing a sigh of relief.

"I do. I trust you." Emma bit her lip. "But... are you sure you want to do this?" she then asked, taking Regina off-guard.

"Oh, darling," Regina breathed out and approached the shaking omega, her hands cupping her flushed cheeks. "Stop over-thinking this. I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to," she assured her.

Emma looked intently in her eyes, obviously looking for lies and deceit. Seeing none, Emma nodded. She then leaned her sweat-soaked forehead on Regina's shoulder. She moaned when she inhaled deeply. "You smell so good."

Regina chuckled throatily at that. "Thank you, dear."Hugging the woman closer to her by the waist, she nuzzled her nose through curly blonde locks. "You feel so good yourself," she moaned.

"May I kiss you?" Emma breathily asked when she raised her head to look directly into Regina's eyes. The alpha shivered when she saw how blown wide and glassy those beautiful eyes were. This is it. There's no turning back now.

"You didn't need to ask," Regina husked. Before the omega can say anything, Regina claimed her thin pink lips with her own plump ones.

Her eyes rolled at the back of her head when the blonde's taste filled her mouth. It was nothing like she ever felt before. Her lips are so soft and she tasted so sweet Regina just might devour the omega whole. They were just kissing but hell, she might come just from the kiss and their mixed scents alone. It's been so long since she had been this intimate with someone. Since Danielle's death, she never looked anywhere else. Even in her rut, she managed to lock herself away from the outside world instead of looking for someone to help her through it. But now that she tasted Emma, she knew she would never have anyone else but the precious blonde in her arms. She's been holding herself back long enough. She needs to get through this fear so she can enjoy life she should have. She'll handle everything when the time comes.

She'll stop letting her fear come between her and her precious omega.

No matter how much Regina's inner alpha wanted to devour the omega whole, she managed to keep her kisses and touches light. Smoothing her hands around Emma's body until she reaches her lower back, Regina gently kneaded the blonde's soft skin, making Emma relax into her even more. When she's certain the blonde's well enough to be taken to the bed, Regina ran her hand down Emma's ass, squeezing gently that made the blonde thrust her hips and her grip on Regina's neck tighter, then lower until she reaches those toned thighs she loves so much, grasping them then unceremoniously lifted Emma like she doesn't weigh anything at all. Emma squealed suddenly at Regina's unexpected move that made them break the kiss. Regina only chuckled in amusement as she leaned in to run her lips and tongue on Emma's collarbone up to her neck. Emma can only wrap her legs around Regina's waist as she moaned when she felt that sinful tongue lapping her skin.

"R'gina," Emma whined as she unconsciously grinded her panty-clad core on Regina's still clothed groin, the sizable bulge on her slacks are unmistakable.

"I got you," Regina husked out as she gently nipped Emma's skin. With slow easy steps, she made their way towards the perfectly made bed and gently laid down her precious cargo. When Emma didn't let her go she delivered a series of kisses on her neck and shoulder, careful not to press down her entire weight.

"N-need you," Emma whimpered as she kept thrusting her hips on Regina's erection, the copious amount of wetness on her panties were seeping through Regina's slacks and shirt, the scent of arousal so strong it made them dizzy.

With great reluctance Regina stood up to remove her own clothing until she's down only on her lace bra and matching boxer briefs. Licking her lips she unceremoniously grasped Emma's panties and slid them down pale legs and threw it across the room. Her mouth salivated once she took a closer look at Emma's glistening cunt. It was so pink, wet, and swollen, ready for the plucking. Without wasting any more time, and with Emma's desperate pleas, she bent down and took a long swipe from her dripping entrance up to her protruding clit, moaning and almost growling at the sweet taste that coated her tongue.

Emma let out a loud shriek followed by a moan once Regina started lapping her up. Gripping short brunette locks she started rolling her hips in sync with Regina's ministrations, guiding her towards the spots that made her curl her toes. And when Regina continuously sucked her clit into her mouth whilst the tip of her tongue rapidly circled her sensitive bundle of nerves and a finger slowly circling in her entrance, Emma let out a keening wail of the alpha's name as she felt herself succumbing deep into her release.

Abandoning the oversensitive clit, Regina lapped up Emma's precious release and drank her in, moaning at the exquisite taste. Once she made sure she's clean, crawled up until she's on the panting blonde's view. With a soft smile, Regina reattaches her lips on pink ones, making Emma moan as she tasted herself on Regina's tongue and lips. The alpha slowly ran her hand up and down Emma's sides and hip before settling on the woman's slick and wet pussy. She played with her clit for a while before going down until the tip of her middle finger reached her entrance, moaning when she felt how drenched the woman was again. Holding Emma close, she slowly inserted her finger inside, growling how hot and wet her channel was. When Regina felt Emma huffed in frustration since a single digit wasn't giving her the pleasure she needs, she inserted another finger followed by another, making the omega sigh in content and moan in ecstasy, her hips rolling alongside Regina's thrusts. She laid on top of the writhing omega as she attaches her lips on her pulse point whilst thrusting her fingers in and out of the blonde's tight and oh so wet channel, their strong scents mingling together that it made Regina dizzy and slightly delirious.

Mary Margaret will surely have a field day when she smells Regina's scent all over her daughter. But Regina doesn't give a damn. She has the pixie-haired woman's consent from the moment Emma came into the picture so it's a little too late to take that back now. Besides, she has promised the alpha that she'll take really good care of Emma, and that's the promise she intends to keep.

But Regina knows she wouldn't be able to keep them from the dark for much longer, especially when Mallory said her mother is still looking for her. So once they get back to Storybrooke after Emma's heat, she'll come clean to them. She knows it's never going to be pretty once she reveals who she really is and what her past entails, but she hopes they will understand why she did it. For the past three years she had come to know and befriended the Swans, she knows deep down inside her that she could trust them. And, hopefully, Emma will still want to be with her, because she knows to herself that she won't be able to function properly if Emma decided to turn her back on her, especially now that she's moments away from claiming the omega.

Shaking those negative thoughts away, Regina focused herself back at the task in hand. She can feel how Emma squeeze and pull her fingers from within and she knows the omega is seconds away from her second orgasm of the day. Regina managed to stop herself from devouring the little omega the moment their lips met; she just couldn't enough of those lips and her fantasies and erotic dreams featuring the blonde was nothing compare to the real thing. It's driving Regina crazy and her painfully hard cock that's straining on her boxers wanted to come out and play was the proof of that.

"Emma…" Regina moaned breathlessly against the omega's ear before gently biting her earlobe. They are now both slick with sweat and their mixed scents that lingered in the air was enough to bring her to the edge.

The blonde let out a long moan then bucked her hips wildly when Regina brushed the tip of her finger on that rough patch of skin inside her. Her hand was now holding tightly on Regina's as the brunette drove her fingers deeper inside, feeling the strain on her wrist but she kept on going.

"Come on, darling," Regina softly growled against the omega's ear before licking it. "Give it to me. Come for me."

"O-oh! Gina!" Emma wailed breathlessly as she came, spurt after spurt of clear fluids came out of her pussy as her inner walls clamped tightly around Regina's fingers.

Regina groaned aloud at the sight then grinded herself sharply on Emma's thigh. A few more hard thrusts she came with a moan inside her boxers. She's too turned on and sensitive that she couldn't help herself. And seeing Emma came like that, well, she couldn't stop the dam from bursting open.

They are both panting and breathing heavily as they lay there in a tangle of limbs, both covered in sweat. Regina slowly pulled away her hand from Emma's still twitching cunt. The omega whined at the loss then suddenly mewled when Regina softly massaged her still shaking thighs.

They laid still for a few moments. When Regina's certain her legs will properly function when she puts them to use, she slowly untangles herself from Emma to get them something from the kitchen, grimacing when she feels the stickiness inside her boxers. But the blonde who firmly latched herself on her side made it impossible for her to stand up.

"Don't go," Emma whined as she held onto Regina tightly.

She kissed the woman's sweaty forehead softly. "I'll be right back, my darling. I just need to rehydrate us." She planted a soft but firm kiss on slightly swollen lips. "We're far from over," she promised.

Emma whined again but this time she let Regina go. When Regina stood up Emma then clutched the pillow her alpha used tightly against her chest. "Hurry up," she grumpily said, which made Regina chuckle.

Heading straight to the bathroom, Regina took off the remaining clothing on her body and took a small shower to clean herself up. Once done she just shrugged on a soft terry cloth robe and headed out to the kitchen. Once there, she took four bottles of water from the fridge and created a small platter of ham and cheese sandwiches. She's certain Emma hasn't eaten anything since her heat started and she didn't want Emma collapsing in the middle of their lovemaking because of hunger. She won't be able to forgive herself if she let that happen to her precious omega. And besides, she also needs sustenance for herself.

Satisfied, she put the plates and bottles in a tray and hurriedly but carefully made her way back to the bedroom. She groaned outright when she found Emma laid on her front with her ass up revealing her red and swollen pussy whilst her hand was busy playing with herself as she repeatedly moaned Regina's name. She can clearly see her desire running down those creamy thighs.

"Fuck. Emma," Regina softly growled as she deposited the tray unceremoniously on the bedside table, hastily removed her robe so her painfully hard cock is on display, and positioned herself behind the blonde. Grasping those enticing globes roughly, she inhaled Emma's sweet scent that made her cock twitch and mouth water all over again.

"Please," Emma moaned deliriously as she sought after that release she so desperately wanted. She rubbed her clit furiously as she neared over the edge. She squealed when she felt her hand being roughly pulled away from her aching clit and was sucked eagerly by that sinful mouth. And in a matter of seconds that same mouth let her fingers go and hungrily devoured her wet and swollen pussy to oblivion. "Oh, Regina!"

"Mine!" Regina growled as she pulled and turned the blonde over until she's laying on her back. She then repeatedly lapped Emma's pussy from her entrance up to her pulsating clit. She felt her eyes rolled at the back of her head when Emma's sweet essence once again coated her tongue. She will never get tired of tasting Emma, of holding her, of taking her like this. And she knows, deep down, she won't be able to live her future without Emma in it.

Inserting two fingers deep inside and sucking her sensitive bundle of nerves hard into her mouth, she felt and heard Emma give into her orgasm, her body shaking as she rode down her release. Regina helped her come down from her high with a few short thrusts of her fingers before slowly pulling them out then gently laid her omega down until her whole body was sagging down on the mattress. Regina continued to lick her lips as she looked down on Emma's still shaking form. She wanted to bury herself between those creamy thighs again but she refrains from doing so. They need to replenish their bodies if they want to last longer.

Wiping her lips using the back of her hand, Regina reached for a bottle of water, opening it up then taking large gulps. Some escaped at the corner of her mouth but she paid them no mind, letting those small droplets travel their way down her throat to the valley of her chest. After finishing the entire bottle, she opened another one and offered it to the still panting blonde.

"Here, Emma. Drink some," she said as she held the woman up in a sitting position.

"No," Emma whined as she rubbed her still sensitive and wet core on Regina's hardness, making the brunette let out a low groan. "N-need you… Inside me."

Regina has to breathe in even breaths when the blonde let out a strong wave of hormones to distract her and to have her way with the alpha. With a growl, she stopped the blonde's movements with a tight grip on her hips, splashing a few big drops of water on the bed.

"Emma," she warned in a low tone. She didn't want to do this but she has no other choice. The omega was way deep into her heat now to even care to drink or eat. But Regina wouldn't have that. If they only care to fuck each other's brains out until Emma's heat passes, they'll regret it for sure.

"Please," Emma cried as she held onto the woman's shoulder tightly, her fingernails leaving crescent shape marks on olive toned skin.

"Drink first," Regina rasped out when she felt the pleasurable pain on her shoulder. She then kissed the blonde's jaw softly before pressing the mouth of the bottle on chapped pink lips. "Then eat a few bites of the sandwich."

But Emma just shook her head again with a soft cry after taking a few sips of water, burying her head on sweaty brunette locks.

"Emma," Regina tsked as she reached for a slice of the sandwich after putting the bottle down. "Just a few bites, then we'll do whatever you want," she promised. That must've done the trick because Emma lifted her head up and deftly took the sandwich from Regina's hand. Regina's smile instantly became wider when small bites turned into big ones until the blonde was reaching for another one and devoured it as if it was her last meal. She took a slice of herself and ate her piece.

Soon enough their meal is gone, and just like what Regina had promised, she had let Emma do whatever she wanted to do with her. Her mind was surprisingly clear despite the cloud of lust surrounding her. It's as if her inner alpha understands that they had to be gentle to their precious omega, a mutual understanding between them to not let themselves be carried away too much because they know what the blonde had been through. Aside from that, the natural instinct to love and protect the blonde was a lot stronger than their lust. And despite Emma being so needy, her actions were soft and slow. But this is only the first day of her heat. Who knows what will happen next for the upcoming days.

Seating up at the head of the bed with a couple of pillows on her back to protect it from the wooden headboard, Regina groaned aloud when Emma's heat engulfed her hard cock as she slowly lowered herself down on Regina's entire length. The brunette gripped Emma's hips so tight she's certain Emma's skin is going to bruise.

"Fuck," Regina gritted out with her eyes tight shut when she was buried to the hilt. Emma's walls are so warm, tight, wet, and oh so soft, almost velvety like, and Regina wanted to stay buried inside for as long as she can. Emma felt so amazing that she almost came. "Oh, Emma."

Emma buried her face on Regina's neck as she panted heavily, her hands weaving through brunette locks and gripping them tightly. She can feel another orgasm coming and she's not even moving yet. "You feel so good inside me," she moaned out and bit Regina's skin gently near her pulse point.

"You feel so good wrapped around me," Regina hissed, taking deep breaths to stop herself from bucking her hips in a hard thrust. "Fuck."

What started in a small, slow thrust became hard and fast it made Regina dizzy. She did her best to control herself but the mixed scent of hormones and pheromones in the air, the feeling of Emma wrapped so good around her shaft, coupled with their moans, gasps, and groans was enough to make her lose control. So when Emma reached her climax yet again Regina unceremoniously turned them until the blonde was laying on her back on the bed whilst Regina was on top, thrusting hard into Emma's wet cunt.

"Regina!" Emma wailed as she came again, her walls clenching around Regina's cock that made the alpha let out a loud growl.

"Emma," Regina hissed, then leaned down to take a pebbled nipple into her mouth, sucking it harshly, Emma's encouraging gasps and moans spurring her on. She only purred when she felt hands knotting through her sweat-damped hair, grasping them tightly to the point she almost pulled them from her scalp. Regina only thrust faster, and she can feel Emma's inner walls fluttering around her again, a sign that she's reaching another climax.

Suddenly, Regina slowly stopped, much to Emma's disappointment.

"R'gina," Emma sobbed as she clawed Regina's back as she moved her pelvis to find that friction that could take her over the edge, leaving red lines on the brunette's olive-toned back.

Regina has to take a couple of deep breaths to calm herself, although she gave shallow thrusts to take Emma on the edge but not enough for her to topple over. The reason she receded was she felt the base of her cock swelling, a sign that her knot was making itself known. They are going too fast, and once Regina slipped that knot into Emma, there's no way for her to completely turn back now.

Resting her forehead on Emma's shoulder, she started thrusting again in an even rhythm. She did her best to not completely thrust herself fully so that Emma wouldn't feel her knot, but the way Emma was pulling her hard towards her body made the act completely pointless.

"Oh!" Emma gasped out when she felt Regina's swelling knot. "Oh, my…"

"We don't have to," Regina gritted out with her eyes shut, her movements slowing to a halt.

"No!" the blonde cried, grasping Regina's ass tightly then thrust her pelvis up to meet Regina's. "I want it."

Shit. Regina wanted to ask if she's certain but the omega was way too deep into her heart and all that matters to her now was her pleasure and Regina's knot.

She really should've asked Emma on a date first when she had the chance.

With a deep sigh, Regina started thrusting again, this time not even thinking of stopping. Emma wanted her knot, so she's giving it to her. They'll think about the consequences later.

Regina kept thrusting into Emma with a loud grunt, her knot reaching its limit. Emma was so wet and oh so soft she's certain she could slip in easily with a slight jolt of pain.

"Gimme," Emma panted as she wrapped her arms tightly around Regina's neck. "Give it to me. Pleasepleaseplease."

Regina is breathing fast now as she kept the fast pace of her thrusts, her knot bumping on Emma's entrance. She needs it, too. Need her knot inside her omega. Gonna have their pups. Oh, how beautiful it would be seeing Emma's belly round with their equally beautiful pups. With that in mind, Regina thrust further, her knot slowly slipping inside Emma, her balls tightening with her impending release.

She grunted when she felt Emma bite the skin on her pulse point hard as she came, her walls contracting tightly around Regina's cock that triggered Regina's own release. With one hard thrust, her knot slipped in with a soft pop, making her howl as she came, spurt after spurt of her cum painting Emma's still fluttering walls.

"Fuck!" Regina growled then bent down to also bite the sensitive skin on Emma's neck so hard she tasted blood. They both shuddered simultaneously as another set of waves crashed through them, triggering another set of earth-shattering release.

The bond is complete. They are officially mated for life.

From miles away, a woman who was busy washing the dishes suddenly stopped what she was doing when she felt the strong wave that passed through her.

With a shuddering sigh, Mary Margaret smiled followed by a chuckle. Shaking her head, she continued what she was doing earlier, accepting the fact that she couldn't do anything now.

"Did you felt that?" David asked from the doorway.

"Hmm," Mary Margaret hummed as she finished doing the dishes.

"Wow," David breathed with a sigh.

The pixie-haired woman just chuckled as she embraced her husband. "I trust her," she murmured as she nuzzled his neck with the tip of her nose.

"I know," David sighed as he hugged her closer. "I do, too." He kissed her temple. "But that doesn't mean I'm not giving Regina the "what are your intentions with my daughter" talk," he suddenly added, making his wife laugh wholeheartedly.

"Oh, I don't doubt that," she smirked, pulling her husband away from the doorway towards their bedroom.