Chapter Eleven

A week had passed since Ryko had seen her and this had him worried. He paced around his father's old room. Construction to rebuild Mdalcam was well underway. A knock at the door turned the large Sangheili to the sound. It opened a young elite stood eyes on the senior.

"What is it?" He asked.

"A visitor for you my lord." He seemed nervous which worried Ryko.

He nodded and placed the helmet he had been holding on his head. The sounds of a heated argument greeted him, filling the air, with poisoned words. The guard was arguing with a human female. "He is not receiving visitors and by the kaidons decree you are not allowed to be here." The woman was having none of this arms over her chest; eyes upturned, annoyed at the large alien.

"Sarah, what are you doing here?"

The young woman looked up at him. Her arms finally relaxed. A gentle hand was placed on Sarah's shoulder. Looking up she saw yellow eyes stare back. Compassioned filled pools of gold.

He took the hand off her shoulder, after giving it a gentle squeeze. "I see you have braved the harshness of my home."

She snorted at his haft true comment; face beaming with a grin. "By night, first time traveling by day so I didn't have to sneak in and get summarily executed." Sarah stepped back giving him personal space.

"You must be hungry, Sarah," Ryko noted her famished appearance.

The two walked into the dining hall, the first part to be redone, a morning meal has been prepared. All conversation ceased when Ryko stood at the table.

"Brothers, we have come a long way since the cowardly attack on the keep. I would like to think everyone who worked tirelessly for the past week. To a quick recovery and a prosperous future." He raised a cup in the air. Every Sangheili stood and raised theirs.

Sarah sat next to Ryko trying her best to avoid the gazes in her direction. Eating what, to her, looked like human food.

After the meal, Ryko took her to the side and sat to talk as the others left to resume other repairs on the keep.

"So, I will speak to him. He will not be pleased but I'm sure he will see that you can be helpful here."

She thought about it and sighed, leaning her head against his side. "What could I do? I've only worked with your people on one mission."

He sighed too and shook his head. "Hopefully I can change his mind and then we'll find something for you to do."

Sarah stood up and faced him. "I could start right now. Give him proof that I'm not a waste of space."

Ryko stood next to her. Mind made up. "Alright," He started to explain. "Go outside and find Ral. He has a scar across his face. Tell him that, by my word, I want you to help. Do as he request." He walked to the exit. "I'll be back soon."

Two hours later a phantom came in for a landing. Dropping off two passengers then taking to the skies once more. Sarah looked over her shoulder and sat down the crate of broken stone. She watched as Ral walked up to Thel and greeted him. They started to talk making her nervous. What more Ral kept pointing at her then off in another direction.

"Let me speak to her in private." Thel's statement caught Ryko off guard but he answered anyway. "Yes, sir."

Sarah stood straighter using the cloak to wipe her face clean and make herself more presentable.

"Yes-sir." She walked up to him trying to keep a neutral expression.

"I have been told you have been a good help with the cleanup effort." He began getting straight to the point.

Sarah shifted on her feet. She had helped even designated some spots for material that could be repurposed. But she allowed him to continue his speech.

"I will allow you to remain here, for now. Continue helping us and I will see you have a place in this keep." Thel turned around and returned to the two waiting Sangheili.

Later in the day, the sun was starting to set giving Sarah some relief. She sat for a moment to get a drink of water. When a figure approached her. It was Ral.

"I was asked to check on you." He said sitting down and taking a deep breath.

"I'm fine Ral. A bit to warm here for me but I'll manage."

"You will get used to it. I have no doubt."

The silence was a bit unnerving for Sarah. She turned to the Elite and cleared her throat.

"So…How is he doing?"

"He is doing fine. I will admit if you will please keep this between us. He needs to get away from here." He paused and looked around like they could have someone listening in. "Living in the same place your family was killed is not the best decision. He morns every night." He placed a hand on her shoulder startling Shara a bit. "I do not care how you two see each other, just find a way to get him out of here. I will get the place rebuilt in his stead."

Shara shook a bit then nodded. "O-okay, I'll do it Ral." The hold on her shoulder removed. She stood up and wrapped the cloak tighter around her frame.

"He is in his quarters." He called after her.

Sarah made her way into the keep and ascended the first stairs she came too. The room in question was at the end of the hall. On her toes, she crept towards the door.

Ryko sat on his bed looking through a crate of his father's old possessions. A few small items remained but the big ticket item was gone. A sword used when Ryko was young that was going to be given to him at his fathers passing. It was forged long before the Covenant and was used when lordship of the keep was passed down the line.

A soft knock alerted Ryko that someone wanted into his room. He moved the crate off the bed after replacing the items. Making sure it was well hidden from any further theft attempts.

"It is unlocked you may enter."

Shara pushed on the door straining to get the heavy wooden barrier to move. Being almost thrown forward when it moved on its own. She was caught by a his arm around her waist.

"Thanks, big guy." The woman breathed a sigh of relief and looked around the room. It had been turned upside down crates laid everywhere opened, contents dumped on the floor.

"What happened here?" She looked at him concerned.

"My father's sword is missing. I recovered it from his body but someone has taken it."

"Who and why would someone take it?"

"I do not know but blood will be spilled once I find them." Ryko paced around the space picking up loose items and cleaning up the mess he had made looking for the weapon.

Sarah helped him as she could but he seemed determined to do things himself. Waving her away with a dismissive hand. She sat in a chair waiting until Ryko finished and let himself take a moment to relax.

"I can help you look. I do owe you for helping me find a place here." She explained giving him no cause to argue.

"I would appreciate the assistance Sarah, but it is late."

"Do you have a place I can sleep?"

She looked around the large room seeing the one bed. He laid down looking at her. Moving the covers to allow space for both of them. Sarah climbed into the bed getting as comfortable as allowed.

"Just this night."

She had already nodded off against him. He sighed and rolled to look out the low window next to the bed. Both moons high in the sky casting their reflective light down on the surface of the planet.