Disclaimer: I don't own The 100.



(4 years later)

Bellamy tugged the collar of his shirt uncomfortably. How did Kane even found that stupid thing? A piece of clothing had never been so annoying. Well, maybe Clarke's stupid short shorts.

"Dude, chill." Murphy's voice pulled him out of his thoughts and he turned to his best friends with a frown.

"I'm chill." The other man rolled his eyes and snickered.

"Bellamy, in all the one hundred and thirty eight years that I've known you, you've never been chill. I'm guessing you won't start on your wedding day." The older Blake couldn't stop the smile that grew in his lips. His wedding day. He was going to marry the love of his life.

They didn't need it. They had talked about it and it was, in their point of view, just a formality. When Raven and Shaw did it, he and Clarke played their role of maid of honor and groomsmen, but agreed that it was something they wouldn't do. And Bellamy was happy with it. He loved his life with Clarke and they were essentially married, so there was no need to make a big deal out of it. That was until Abby and Kane decided to do it too.

His future mother-in-law had come to him and offered him the ring that Jake Griffin had once given to her. He accepted politely, but told her that they weren't considering getting married. She placed the ring in his hand with a smile. "Just in case." Bellamy nodded and shoved the object into his pocket. That should be it. He would keep it for a few days and then offer it to Clarke as birthday present or something. But days turned into weeks and weeks into months.

Suddenly he started imagining Clarke in a wedding dress, walking towards him while Bellamy waited on the aisle with Murphy, Miller and Jordan by his side. He tried to push those thoughts aside, but every day they grew stronger. And the offending object burning a hole in his pocket didn't help. Was he really considering it?

One day, three months ago, they were going over some expansion projects as their little community was getting bigger every day. Clarke had tied her hair in a messy bun and had a frown on her face as she tried figure out what to do. Bellamy just kept staring at her, wishing they were back in their bed enjoying a lazy day.

"Echo is having the baby soon. I think Maxi and her should have priority when we built the new cabins. They'll need more space." Bellamy nodded, distracted by her lips.

Echo coming back from her expedition a couple months ago in a relationship with a man named Maximoff had lifted a weight from his shoulders. The first time she had been back, he and Clarke had just started dating and the his ex-girlfriend had stared at him hard, before leaving again two days later. For a moment, Bellamy thought she would never forgive him for breaking her heart. But then, she came back happy, in love and pregnant, asking for his forgiveness and friendship. He willingly gave it to her.

"And Raven says she wants to add another room to her cabin. I think Shaw finally convinced her to have kids, you know? And O can't stop taking about how much she wants to move in with Murphy because she is tired of sharing with Madi, but she never sleeps at home anymore. We should really tell her that they already live together. And you know Madi, she keeps saying she is eighteen and that she need her space. I'm pretty sure she just wants to sneak in that boy from her medical training, Cole. I'm serious, Bell, those two will drive me insane, I -."

"Marry me." He blurted out. Clarke turned to him wide-eyed.

"What are you -" He moved, placing a knee on the floor and reaching to his pocket. Clarke mouth dropped open when he presented her with the ring.

"I love you. I want to make a big deal out if it. Marry me." She finally looked at him, her eyes shinning with tears.

"Are you serious? Because if this is a stupid prank, I swear -" He shook his head, a smile in his lips.

"No pranks. I'm serious. Please, let me be your husband." She beamed at him.

"Yes, Bell. I'll marry you." He grabbed her hand, grinning widely, and placed the ring on her finger. Clarke jumped into his waiting arms and kissed him sweetly.

Bellamy smiled fondly at the memory. He looked around, watching everyone starting to take their place at the audience. Of course, his wedding to Clarke could never be a simple thing. They were the leaders, everyone knew them, so, obviously, everyone wanted to be present at the moment.

Jordan and Murphy had made a wooden arch that was placed in the middle of the village, where, all those years ago, they had thrown their first party. Octavia, Madi and Raven had decorated it with white flowers, while Miller and Jackson had placed the chairs and Echo and Abby had coordinated the rest of the event. Bellamy's gaze travelled to the tables full of food and the boar that was already roasting over the fire and he couldn't stop his heart from swelling with gratefulness. Everyone had worked together to make their special day even more special.

Kane took his place in front of Bellamy to officiate the ceremony. Over the years, a mix between a grounder and skikru wedding had been born. Most of it had come from the films they would watch on the ark, but they had created something simple and beautiful. The older man smiled. "Ready, son?"

Realization dawned him. He quickly turned to Murphy. "Dude, I'm marrying Clarke. Today. Right now." His friend rolled his eyes and patted his shoulder. Miller and Jordan laughed behind him. "Do you want to make a quick exit?"

Bellamy frowned, confused. "No." Murphy smirked at him.

"So, let's make you Mr. Clarke Griffin, shall we?"

Madi appeared on the makeshift aisle holding a small bouquet. She had grown into a beautiful young woman. Her days as Heda long forgotten, she now helped her grandmother in the medical cabin full time and could be seen splitting her free time between her friends and her family. She was wearing a long and vibrant blue dress that Bellamy thought it matched her eyes perfectly. Her long brown hair was in a braid and was decorated with some cowbanes.

Raven was right behind her, wearing an identical dress and hairdo. Her baby bump was showing and she beamed at Shaw, that was in the front row. They were such a happy couple, very obvious with their affection. Bellamy was so proud his friend had found such a great man after everything that she went through. Raven still limped a bit, but over the years it got easier to deal with the pain.

Octavia was next and Bellamy could hear the sharp intake of breath next of him. He knew that his baby sister was the next to one get married. Not because it was obvious that Murphy totally in love with her, but because he had come to him a couple weeks ago to ask for his blessing. Oh, how Bellamy had made him sweat. His first instinct had to have told him no, but Murphy had proved to be worthy of Octavia. They weren't obvious about their feelings like Raven and Shaw, but they had their own subtle way of showing their affection. He couldn't just say no. Bellamy knew that, like him and Clarke, Murphy and Octavia were meant for each other.

Finally, Clarke appeared and Bellamy wondered if had forgotten how to breath. She was wearing a blue dress, so light that it was almost white. Her blonde hair was now so long it reached the middle of her back and someone had twisted two locks and tied them in the back adorned with two small hawthorns. Bellamy immediately remembered that's how she used her hair when they first met. She was holding a small bouquet in one hand and had her arms linked with her mother's.

She walked slowly towards him and, when she finally reached the arch, Abby stepped up to give him a small and tight hug, before handing him her daughter's hand.

"Hello." Clarke whispered, smiling shyly at him.

"Hi." He managed to reply.

She handed her bouquet to Octavia and they turned to Kane, who was watching them with a big smile.

"Good afternoon everyone." Echo's baby, Ronald, babbled in response, making everyone laugh. Kane cleared his throat. "We're gathered here today unite these two young souls in marriage. I got to be honest: I've been waiting for this for a long time." Bellamy grinned at the older man. "I've known Clarke and Bellamy for a while now and I can't think about a more perfect match. They've both grown into two amazing, brave, kind and smart adults. And I think we can all agree they are the most handsome couple." On his right, Miller whistled and Bellamy could hear Raven chuckle. "Now I believe you've written your own vows?"

"Great, another Bellamy's speech." He had to fight the urge to throw Murphy a nasty look and turned to Clarke, holding her small hands in his bigger ones.

"Bell, I know I'm not as good at this as you, but I'll try my best." Was everyone really making fun of him on his wedding day?

"When I first met you, all I could think about was what an ass you were. To be fair, you were pretty full of yourself and made my life a living hell." She chuckled at his unsure expression. "But then I met you. I really met you. And I found out that you're the most amazing human being I ever had the pleasure of having in my life. You're kind, you're brave, you're smart. You're everything I've ever dreamed and more." He fell some treacherous tears in his eyes, but he didn't made a move to wipe them, mesmerized by the way that Clarke's eyes shone with emotion. "Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if we had acted on our feelings earlier. Before Praimfraya, before Mount Weather, before we had the weight of the world on our shoulders. What would've happened? Would we have more time together? Would we still be here?" His breath caught on his throat. He had thought about it too, but never told her about it. It didn't matter. They were together now. "I'm glad we didn't, because we would've been lovers before we could really know each other, before we became best friends. You are my heart, Bellamy. You have been for a long time and you'll always be. I can't give it to you, because you've been taking care of it for a while now. I love you."

Unable to hold himself, Bellamy pulled forward and gave her a small peck. Kane coughed to grab their attention and Bellamy pulled away, giving him an apologetic. He then turned back to his bride.

"Clarke, if we are being honest, you were a stuck up princess when we first met." She rolled her eyes and he grinned. "And it scared the hell out of me how attracted I was to you." Clarke watched him curiously. He had never confessed that to her before. "You were so fierce and brilliant. I kept telling myself you were just an annoying know-it-all, but all I could think about was how beautiful you were. Inside and out." She ran her thumbs gently over his skin, urging him forward. "And, like you said, I'm glad we didn't act on our feelings sooner. I love our story. I love how we went from enemies, to co-leaders, to best friends, to soulmates. I love how you can understand me with just one look. I love how you can handle my rather complicated personality." Octavia snorted somewhere to their left. "I love how kindhearted, confident and daring you are. I love you look at me and see past through my mistakes. I love how you can turn a very bad day into and amazing one. I love how you scream at Murphy in one moment and the next one you're laughing with Raven. I love how you welcomed me and Octavia into your family. God, I just love you." She let escape a few tears, but kept smiling at him. "I spent most of my life thinking I would never find someone who would understand me and stay by my side. Until I met you. You're my other half, Clarke. My better half. I look forward to all the years we'll have together, because there's no one I would rather spend the rest of my life with. Thank you for giving me the honor of loving you."

Clarke moved forward, probably to kiss him, but Kane placed a hand on her elbow. "Not yet." He expected to hear laughter around them, but Kane's words were met with silence. Bellamy glanced around and saw their friends and family moved by his words. He gulped and turned to again.

"Do you, Clarke Griffin, promise to love and support Bellamy Blake for as long as you lives might be?"

"I do."

"Do you, Bellamy Blake, promise to love and support Clarke Griffin for as long as you lives might be?"

"I do."

Kane reached for their joint hands and tied a red worn out ribbon around them. "May you live surrounded by peace and love. May your love be strong and truthful. May your souls be united for eternity. And may your days be long on this earth or the other. I now pronounce you husband and wife" Kane looked up to them and beamed. "You may now kiss the bride." Bellamy didn't need to be told twice. He leaned down and captured his wife's lips. His wife. He loved the sound of that.

"ALL HAIL THE KIND AND THE QUEEN!" Bellamy moved to scold his best friend, but Clarke grabbed his arms.

"I like the sound of that." She mumbled against his lips and he couldn't hold back a smile.

"You do?"

"Yeah. Now that I'm their queen, I can go back to only being your princess."

(2 years later)

He couldn't wait to get home.

A few months ago, he had been convinced by Kane to take a trip to the ocean. The scouting teams had talked about it and had brought animals and plants, but the older man kept insisting that they should check it out. Clarke had volunteered to go, but Bellamy immediately shot that idea out. She was like a problem magnet. They couldn't go together, because one of them should stay in the village just in case something major happened. They had been at peace for almost ten years, but life taught them nothing is certain and that destiny is unpredictable.

That's how Bellamy ended in a two months trip. He refused the team Indra had put together for him and quickly recruited Murphy, Miller and Maximoff. Echo's husband was a request that Clarke made as he was experienced with the trip they were about to make. Miller had been his way to make Indra happy and he actually trusted the man. Murphy was his obvious choice. Bellamy couldn't take Clarke with him, so he took his second best option.

Murphy had whined and complained at first, but when they finally got out of the village, he confessed to Bellamy that he was actually happy to have some time off. He loved his wife to the death, but he needed some Murphy time. Bellamy rolled his eyes, but he silently agreed. He had raised Octavia. He knew how hard it was to keep up with her. But his brother-in-law was doing a great job with it.

When the village came into view, Bellamy started walking faster with Murphy closely behind. Eight weeks away from Clarke had been torture and he just couldn't wait to see her.

A figure came out of cabins and he smiled to his little sister. But Octavia just ran past him and jumped in the awaiting arms of her husband. Bellamy just stood there dumfounded while the couple exchanged kisses and whispered words.

Miller walked to him and clapped him on the shoulder. "Tough luck, Blake. I guess you are her number two. You've been for a long time." He give his friend a nasty look and turned back the couple.

"Hey, Octavia Blake, behave yourself. You're in public, baby sister." The woman let out a frustrated growl and turned her head to him, never letting go off her husband. Murphy just smirked at him.

"That Octavia Murphy for you mister. And I really think you should go and meet your wife, big brother." There was no strain in her voice, but her remark made him anxious.

"What do you mean?" Octavia wiggled her eyebrows and turned back to Murphy. Knowing she wouldn't tell him anything else, Bellamy ran home. It was late night and the streets were mostly empty, so he managed to dodge the few night owls that tried to strike a conversation.

He burst open the cabin door, scaring the three women inside. "Bell!"

Clarke was sitting on a chair by the fire. Madi was on the floor next to her and Abby was by the window. "What happened?" The women exchanged a confuse glance.

"What do you mean?"

"I was with O and she told me I should check on you. Her voice... Did something happen?" Clarke rolled her eyes.

"I'm fine, Bell."

"Are you? Really?" Abby moved from the window.

"C'mon Madi. Let's go have a sleepover." Madi giggled, standing up.

"Grandma, I'm too old for sleepovers."

"You'll always be young enough to have sleepovers with your grandma." Maddi rolled her eyes and gave Bellamy a quick hug.

"It's good to have you back, Bell." He hugged her back and smiled. "Even if I get kicked out of my own house, so you and Clarke can have loud sex." She whispered in his hear and he felt the bile rise in throat. Madi talking about sex was like Octavia talking about sex. Unatural.

Madi let go of him, laughing, and left with Abby. Shaking away his adopted daughter's words, Bellamy turned to Clarke. His wife fidgeted in her seat.

"What happened, princess?" Clarke sighted.

"It was nothing." He stared making Clarke rolled her eyes. "A few days after you left, I was helping Octavia in the fields and I fainted."

"What?" Hearing the panic in his voice, Clarke got up and placed a hand on his arm.

"I'm fine, Bell. It was just the heat." Bellamy opened his mouth to ask her more questions, but his wife beated him to it. "Yes, I got checked out. Yes, Mom and Jackson say everything is fine. Yes, I have been taking it easy. Actually, your sister put me on house arrest for about a week. Something about you saying I had to be in the same condition..." Bellamy smirked and dipped his head, kissing her softly on the lips.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Clarke nodded, her hands founding the back of his neck and pulling him down.

"I missed you." She mumbled between kisses making him smile against her lips.

"I missed you too. But I stink. I've walking since lunch and I need to take a shower." Clarke whimpered when he pulled away. Bellamy chuckled. "Why don't you go to bed? I'll join you soon."

He kissed again and then turned to the bathroom.

The day Raven had told them they would have running water, Bellamy almost cried with happiness. Toilets and showers were something he never thought he missed, but he did with all his heart. And he wasn't the only one. With the enthusiasm, Murphy had kissed the mechanic on the lips and proclaimed that she was the biggest hero of them all. Octavia was not amused by it and had made him beg for her forgiveness for a week.

Bellamy took his dirty clothes off and walked under the cold water, sighting with contentment. God, he missed this feeling. He loved having a place to call home, a wife to share the bed with, the feeling of belonging and love. He wondered if Sinclair, Raven's son, had gotten any bigger and if he would remember his uncle Bell.

"May I join you?" His snapped open and he turned, finding Clarke naked a few feet away. He swallowed and nodded.

Clarked joined him and hugged his back. Bellamy placed a hand over hers and sighted. Two months without her touch had been torture. "There is something else I need to tell you." Her voice was barely a whisper and he felt her lips moving against his skin making his body burn with need. "I'm pregnant." He opened his eyes again and quickly turned in her embrace.

"What?" She smiled softly.

"We're having a baby." He stared at her agape for a few minutes.

"How? I mean, I know how. I just thought -"

"Me too." They had wanted a child. They talked about it and they were ready. They had started trying after the wedding and for months nothing happened. Clarke believe the radiation during Praimfraya had destroyed her reproductive system behind repair and was too scared to prove it. She had cried for a week straight and felt guilty about not being able to give him a child. Bellamy had assured her that it didn't matter. They had Madi and they were happy. If it was meant to happen, it would happen. Months had passed and Clarke was still not able to get pregnant. They had let the matter drop, but it was still there: the dream of having a baby with the love of his life.

Bellamy pulled away and his brown orbs dropped to her belly. It was small, barely noticeable, but it was there. A tiny bump. The proof that a new life - his child - was growing inside her. Then, it dawned him. He and Clarke were having a baby. He dreamt about it like he dreamt about kissing her, making love to her, marrying her. Subconsciously, he kept picturing a small boy with dark brown hair and blue eyes and a little girl with blonde locks and as smart as her mother. And now, it was real.

He felt the tears welling up in his eyes and dropped to his knees. His hands caressed the smooth skin of her stomach, amazed by how it had changed in so little time. Without a second thought, Bellamy gently kissed the tiny bump. His moved to find Clarke watching him with wet eyes.

"Mum thinks I'm about 4 months along. It is the size of an avocado right now." Her voice was filled with emotion and the tears were now running down her face. Bellamy got up and kissed her fully on the lips, bringing their bodies together.

"Thank you." He whispered pulling away. Clarke smiled.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" He thought for a moment and then chuckled.

"You know what? I don't even care. It's our baby. As long as it's healthy, I'm happy." She beamed at him.

"I love you."

(12 years later)

It was the anual Landing Day. Twenty years ago they had started their life on this new Earth and Bellamy couldn't be more happy the way it turned out. He looked around and smiled while watching his family.

His older child had been a boy. At only 11 years old, it was obvious that Jake was a born leader like his parents. He was a miniature Bellamy, excepto for his blue eyes. He had inherited his mother's wit and his father's... Well, Clarke called it stubbornness, he called it confidence. He was quietly playing with Sinclair, Raven's 13 old boy, and Dawn, Echo's strong minded 9 years old girl.

Murphy loved to tease Bellamy how he and Echo never worked out because their children eventually would. He tried to ignore his friend, but Jake's and Dawn's strong bond could only be compared to his and Clarke's. Octavia would say from time to time how they would take their places as leaders of their community and Bellamy was finding hard to argue with her.

No one had talked about what would happen when Clarke and Bellamy officially resigned their places as leaders, but Jake was seen as their heir. The young prince. He surely had the personality to do it. He was always taking charge of the games the kids played and had a unique talent to defuse tensions when they arose between the youths.

Shaking this thoughts away, Bellamy searched for Wells, his 9 year old boy, that was his spitting image, with brown hair and eyes and a flair to get himself into problems. To his happiness, the boy was a few meters away playing tag with Finn, Raven's 9 year old and youngest son, Ronan, Echo and Max's youngest boy with the same age and Harper, Jordan's oldest daughter.

In the end, Jordan relationship with Linda didn't last, but he found his perfect match in Cordelia, a young woman that Bellamy knew from the Ark as she lived a few rooms down from him. The also had a young boy named Monty that looked too much like his grandfather and was sitting in a corner watching his older sister play while messing with some plants.

Near the water, being watched carefully by Echo, Raven and Clarke there were the youngest girls. Charlotte, his baby girl, that, for Bellamy happiness, had inherited her mother's looks. With only 7 years, she was already a brilliant girl with a love for science and medicine. She loved to go help her grandmother and asked a thousand questions a minute every time she was there.

Allie was Madi's only child for now. The young Heda had found her other half in Jimmy, a scout for Indra's team. While dating, the couple had been a pain in their ass. They would go out to explore on their own and wouldn't warn anyone. Eventually, Madi got pregnant and they calmed down. There had been a lot of fighting when they announced the name of their child, but Madi had explained that Allie was Becca's dream and Becca had tried her best. She wanted to give the woman some peace by raising her daughter the right way. And she was achieving her goal. At the age of five, Allie was sweet and innocent girl with bright blue eyes and dark red hair.

Then there was Maria, Jackson and Miller's adoptive daughter. Almost seven years agora, a sudden and deadly illness had swept through the village. Maria's biological father had been one of the casualties. A few months later, the girl was born and the mother had died during the birth. Jackson had helped with the labour and fell in love with the baby at first sight. Then he begged Miller for them to take her in. They knew it was the only way they could experience parenthood and, after asking Bellamy and Clarke's permission, the had officially adopted the little girl.

A noise behind him made Bellamy turn his head.

Murphy was walking to him looking flushed and carrying Emori, his 3 year old girl, asleep in his arms. Bellamy couldn't stop a smile. His youngest niece looked so much like Octavia. "Sorry we're late. The twins are having one of those days."

Bellamy looked for his youngest sister, who was arguing with her twin girls: Aurora and Amelia. Those girls were a storm. With only seven years, they had a wicked mind that reminded Bellamy of their father. They looked a lot like Octavia, the long dark hair and the olive skin, but they had deep blue eyes, like Murphy, always twinkling with mischief.

He could stop himself for chuckling. It served the couple well. They both had been a pain in their ass for a long time.

Lincoln, his oldest nephew and who was the spitting image of his father, was running towards Jake. Being the same age, the boy were inseparable and did everything together, but where Jake was confident and loud, Lincoln was shy and quiet.

"I swear to you. Those two girls are going to be the death of me." Bellamy laughed quietly, but a noise made him look down.

Augustus, his youngest son with only one year, was still sound asleep in his lap. He couldn't stop himself from sighting with love. Having a fourth child was expected and Clarke was a couple years over forty when she found out she was pregnant. It had been difficult months and an even harder labour, but his boy arrived to the world screaming and pink. With blonde locks and dark brown eyes, Augustus had a found a place in everyone's heart.

Bellamy took his eyes away from the sleeping toddler and stared at his wife. He had known Clarke for 152 years and she was as beautiful as the day they met. Feeling his eyes on her, his wife looked up and waved, smiling. Yeah, he was a lucky bastard.

Resting his head against the tree, Bellamy closed his eyes and enjoyed the warm sun light on his face. His mind took him back twenty years, to the day he found out his friends had sacrificed themselves. He thought about Monty's last words and how he had made good on his promise. He had taken care of Jordan and had been married to the love of his life for fourteen eyes. He lived.

Thank you, brother.

The End

Hi guys!

Is this real? Is this the end?

Thank you so much for all your love and support. I had a blast writing this story. I hope you guys loved this huge epilogue.

Now, go read my new fanfiction. It's called Seven Step Plan and it is a Bellarke story.

Don't forget to review :)

Love you,
