Here is the final entry in this 5+1 series brought to you by reciprocityfic, cranesinthe-sky, twriter12, avintagekiss24, blacklitchick and constablemichonnes. Please check our these lovely ladies works by finding them through our Favorite Authors link in our profile.

We're so sad that it has come to an end! All of us would like to thank youfor checking out our story and for your support along the way.

Stay tuned for the next Richonne Writing Network project coming soon!

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Please Enjoy!

(last note: please make sure check out msdoomandglooms AMAZING "Drink. Brew. Love" inspired art on her-| tumbler | twitter | Instagram. Thank you, MDG!)

Black Coffee by Constablemichonnes

It had been a miserable ride home from work after his most recent romantic failure, but Rick had started to come to terms with his sad fate. He can't say he didn't try, that's just the way it is sometimes. But as he laid in bed that night, tired in so many more ways than one, he vowed to move on. Once again, he would just try to avoid her. Block her eyes, her smile, her laugh, anything and everything about her out of his mind until she no longer kept him awake at night. In time he could recover, maybe find happiness elsewhere, and both of them could just continue on their separate paths.

And once again, he stuck to that plan for about a week.

It wasn't meant to be, he had told himself that at least a thousand times. Whether it be a remodeling, an old friend, a robbery, a rival, or his damn self, the universe just seemed to be working heavily against him. Yet those damn tickets stayed in his back pocket and here he was again, sitting in his car awestruck at the sight of her as she stood by the entrance to her café. She'd curled her locs again, the darker color contrasting well against her peach colored shirt.

He wasn't surprised to see the stream of people walking in as she greeted them. Her warmth combined with that bright smile he had come to love so much was so inviting to anyone who's met her. Once she joined her customers inside, he quickly switched his phone to silent and threw his walkie in the passenger seat. He could get trouble for that, but at this point he honestly did not care. One last deep breath, and he stepped out of his car and headed straight for the entrance.

"Rick," Michonne greeted him as she waved him over from the front counter, "it's been a little while."

"You know I couldn't stay away for long," he replied with smile and a nod. It was busier than usual today, the reason quickly found at the sight of the "Grand Re-Opening" banner, but the vibe was still as relaxing as always. Rick allowed the smooth sound of Jazz and scent of fresh brew and baked goods fill his senses as he made his way over to her.

"What'll you have today?" She asked, looking him in the eye as always.

"Just black coffee." I don't need any distractions, he thought.

"What flavor?"

"Surprise me."

Michonne raised a brow, playfully looking him up and down, "must have some serious business today."

"I do actually,"

"I'll get your drink right out then," she said and turned away to begin making it, her gaze on him lingering for a moment longer. Once she finished and came back, coffee in hand, she passed the cup to him, his heart racing as her hand delicately slid over his.

"You know the drill, your money's no good here," she stopped him as he reached for his wallet, "but if you don't mind, could you pay me in your time?"

"Actually, I'd like a few minutes with you too," Rick said with a wide smile, seeing his chance appear.

"It's nothing big," she said, her eyes turning down as she began to fiddle with her hands,

"Tomorrow's the last day for the Taste of Georgia. It's-"

"A food festival, yea."

"And I was wondering if you would like to go? You know," she gestured between the two of them, "with me?"

Did she just…? Rick sat there at a complete loss for words. "I'm sorry?"

Michonne sighed, biting the inside of her lip before bringing her face back up to stare him straight in the eyes. "Would you like to go with me?"

A long pause followed as he tried to force his words out amidst the growing awkwardness. Of all the ways he imagined this happening, he had never expected this. "Oh uh…yea, yea of course," he stuttered, "I would love to."

Leaning forward, he placed a hand on his forehead and found his verbal footing again. "I'm sorry it's just-" he laughed, "I was actually about to ask you out to the same place."

"Oh, that's such a relief," she breathed out, her hand on her chest, "for a while there I didn't think that you were interested."

Well that…was also unexpected. "Really?"

"Well I thought I was dropping hints, and you were always coming around, ordering different drinks each time, you asked if I had a boyfriend, but never asked me out. I started to think it was in my head."

She noticed that…, he thought, but recovered before he could get flustered again. "Guess I wasn't that subtle."

"I'm glad you weren't," she smiled at him, a soft yet sweet smile that filled him with a joy he hasn't felt in so long.

"I should get going," he said, standing up with his coffee. He refused to embarrass himself before their date even began. "I'll meet you here tomorrow then? Is around noon okay?"

"Noon's perfect. See you tomorrow," she replied, returning his wave with her own and watching as he went out the door and back towards the station. Later on she might tell him that he wasn't out of view when he started whooping and strutting to his car like he had won the lottery, but for now she'll keep it to herself.