Author's notes: I like to start out that I don't own, My Hero Academia, and I like to say that I completely lost track of this series because I've forgotten that the show existed, so please correct me if I'm wrong, and let me know what you think.

"I had a nice time guys," said a girl known as, Ashido, feeling joyous on this approaching evening to her female friends, the streetlights were all coming to life as night time dawned closer. The group of friends were all about to turn in for the night, when they said their goodbyes they all headed home, "alright see you all later *ribbit*," Tsuyu croaked and went on her way. Walking down the street all by herself Tsuyu had just spend quality time with her friends just chatting away about their day with school. On her way back home Tsuyu walked passed the park and saw that it was completely empty with some of the playground equipment slowly being moved by the wind.

Tsuyu followed the walkway of the park with her eyes seeing that the lights were just turning on, however as she followed the lamp posts a set of lights caught her eyes. There were two smaller lights that were low to the ground and were a different hue from the rest of the lights going from white, green, and blue, but then the pair blinked, and vanished into the woods. Tsuyu thought to herself that it was probably just a cat or a dog wandering by, but it felt that whatever it was, it was genuinely staring at her, but she shrugs it off and continues on- *huff*.

The hero in training snaps back round to the sound of some exhaling right onto the back of her neck, she saw that no one was there seeing nothing more than an empty street devoid of life, "Toru? is that you?" she called out, but there was no response. A few moments passed and there was still nothing, "... It must've been the wind *ribbit*," she concluded and hurried on home.

Walking through the front door her nose was immediately flooded with pleasant smells coming from the kitchen as if to welcome her, "I'm home," Tsuyu called out, "about time," her brother, Samidare, blurted out. Setting her bag down, Tsuyu walked into the kitchen and found her whole family sitting at the dinner table waiting patiently for her to come join them, "you're a little late young lady," her father stated firmly, "that doesn't matter, come eat," her mother countered and, Tsuyu sat down with her family. The table was filled with delicious food which was mostly pork, "how was school, Tsuyu?" he father asked, "oh, it's going well," she bluntly answered.

Picking up a plate, Tsuyu placed her mother's cooking onto her platter, and begun eating, but as they fed, Tsuyu's father, Ganma Asui, called for his children's attention, "kids, your mother and I are gonna be going away for a while on a business trip, so as usual, Tsuyu is in charge," Ganma informed them. "How long are you gonna be gone?" Tsuyu's sister, Satsuki asked, "only for a few days sweety," her mother stated, "so please be good and listen to your big sister please," their father asked, and the kids nodded and agreed to be on their best behavior.

After dinner the busy parents packed up their luggage and hugged and kissed their children goodbye, "behave all of you, be good to your sister," the adults told them and they walked out the door with their three kids waving goodbye as their parents' cab drove away.

Night time was now present and Tysus had just finished cleaning the dishes, when she placed the last plate back, she sees her brother on the dinner table doing his homework, while her little sister was in the living room drawing. Looking over her tiny shoulders the little sibling saw her older sister standing there, "hey, Tsu-chan, look what I drew," she got up to her feet with the paper she drew on in her hand and held to Tsuyu to see.

Tsuyu took the drawing from her sister's hand and saw that she drew a picture of herself standing on the grass on the right side of the paper, but on left there's a drawing of a boy standing in the middle of two trees. It was off because of who is this boy suppose to be, "who is that, Satsuki-chan?" Tsuyu asked pointing to the boy, "that's my friend, his name is Caleb, he lives in the woods," she answered straight forward. That last part surprised Tsuyu, "why does he live in the woods?" she asked.

Satsuki for a moment hesitant, but said, "... He dosen't have a home, and he's too afraid to come out," on saying that Tsuyu wasn't sure if this, Caleb, person is real, or Satsuki just made up an imaginary friend. However the picture of the boy seemed too detailed to be imaginary, "... When did you met, Caleb?" Tsuyu asked, "I met him on my way home from school, six days ago," she started, "we climb trees and play hide'n seek," she added.

Tsuyu wasn't sure what to think, for a boy just living in the woods all alone, was that him staring at Tsuyu earlier at the park, "why don't you invite him over sometimes?" Tsuyu offered, but her sister shook her head. "I already tied, but he doesn't want to leave the woods," Satsuki informed her. This puzzled Tsuyu hearing that a homeless child refuses to leave the proximity of the woods, or maybe it just her sister's overly active imagination. Tsuyu hands the drawing back to Satsuki and tells her and her brother to go to bed.

The next day Tsuyu dropped both her siblings off at their school and then made her way to her's which she now sits respectively at her desk with her classmates talking amongst themselves. As usual Izuku mumbled aloud, Tenya sat quietly taking notes, Katsuki believing he is higher than the rest of the class, and Minoru trying to come up of a way to perv on the girls, "hey, Tsu." Tsuyu snapped to her side and was met with Mina's smiling pink face, "hey, Tsu, the girls and I are gonna go shopping, wanna come?" she offered, "sorry Mina-chan, but I have to babysit my brother and sister," Tsuyu declined.

Right before the two can carry on their conversation their home room teacher Shota had just entered the classroom, "alright quiet down, class is starting," he ordered and everyone settled down. As Mr. Aizawa gave the students their lesson, Tsuyu's mind was elsewhere thinking of Satsuki's mysterious new friend, but nevertheless Tsuyu refocused back to her teacher.

After school Tsuyu was waiting outside of the front grate of her sister's school waiting patiently until finally she heard the school's bell rang out, the students of the elementary school ran out laughing and cheering. Tsuyu watched as the kids all run on home with their parents and finally she sees her sister come walking out, "hi Tsu-chan," her sister waved to her. The small sibling met up with her older sister and she asked her, "Tsu-chan, can we go to the park?" Satsuki asked, "well your brother doesn't get out for another hour'n a half, so O.K, *ribbit*."

The two sisters set off to the park, to kill the remaining time they had to wait for their brother to get out of school, and head on back home to get dinner ready. After arriving to their destination the atmosphere within the park feels different, it was more warm and welcoming rather than gloomy. The sky was clear and open, with the sun's rays shining down on them, and the wind brush gently with the leaves and grass, Satsuki ran around and tried to perform a cartwheel while Tsuyu sat on a bench near by watching closely as would a responsible mother would do. However as she observed her sister, but then Satsuki asked 'did you see it?' to nothing.

Satsuki asked whoever she was talking to if he or she saw her perform a cartwheel, she does it a second time, "there, did you see it this time?" she asked again, but no one answered. However Satsuki seems like the only one to hear the invisible friend, "what? you're looking away on purpose, haha," Satsuki exclaimed laughingly. While Tsuyu watched the stange display a group of three big boys came up on Satsuki, "hey weirdo," called out the largest boy who had rock like hands, "you talking to your fake friend, loser?" he scoffed.

Tsuyu saw her little sister getting picked on and so got up, Satsuki argued that her friend is very much real, but the bullies just laughed at her and then shoved her down to the ground. Seeing that the situation was escalating Tsuyu ran towards her sister's aid, but before the bullies can continue their assault on Satsuki the biggest kid was suddenly thrown to the ground. The boy tried to get back up, but was violently lifted into the air and was slammed repeatedly into trees and the ground, "AAAAHH! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" the boy panicked, "SOMEONE HELP ME! MAKE IT STOP!" he screamed in terror.

Tsuyu couldn't believe what she was seeing with the boy being thrown around and crashing into the environment around him, the other two boys stood their in horror as their biggest member was being attacked by some invisible force. When Tsuyu arrived she tried helping the boy by grabbing hold of his legs and trying to pull him back down to the ground, but was soon thrown around with him. She lost her grip and was sent flying across the field, seeing her big sister crash onto the grass head first, Satsuki then turned towards the woods, "CALEB! PLEASE STOP! DON'T HURT THEM!" she yelled. The boy dropped to the ground and he and his friends ran away screaming.

Tsuyu rose up from the ground after gathering her bearings, and saw that her sister was speaking to someone, "no I'm not mad at you, I just don't want you hurting others, so please don't cry we can still be friends," Satsuki reassured to whoever. Satsuki finished talking to her friend and ran to her sister's side, "Tsu-chan are you O.K?" Satsuki asked, seeing her sister a bit ruffled up, "Satsuki-chan we should go now," Tsuyu quickly told her. She grabs her arm and then quickly leaves the park feeling herself become frightful.

Both Tsuyu and Satsuki waited in front of their brother's school with Tsuyu picking off bits of grass still stuck in her hair, "Tsu-chan?" Satsuki called looking down to the floor as if she done something wrong, "Caleb, didn't mean it," she told her, "Stasuki-chan, I don't think I want you going to the park anymore," Tsuyu told her sister, "but-," "no buts, *ribbit* I don't want to hear about Caleb again," Tsuyu firmly stated, putting her foot down. Satsuki put on a guilty expression on her face and continued staring at the ground, "*sobb* ... He'll be all alone," she added sadly and the school bell rang.

It was a quiet walk home for all three of the Asui children which confused Samidare on why is that because when came out of his school he saw a sobbing little sister and a big sister with grass stuck in her hair, "O.K what happened? why is Satsuki crying? and why are you a mess?" the only son asked. Samidare's question was only answered by silence prompting him that it was serious and so he didn't ask again.

The siblings made it to there home and settled down, with Samidare heading to his room to relax for tomorrow is Saturday, "I'll be in my room if you need me," he informed his sisters and he closes the door. About an hour passes by and In the kitchen Tsuyu is getting dinner ready, she looks over to the living area and saw that her sister was just laying on the coach, with the T.V left on. Turning off the stove, she heads over to the living room and saw that Satsuki has fallen asleep, she laid there sound, but Tsuyu can feel that she was still sad. Tsuyu walked over to the T.V and saw that it was playing cartoons of yet another superhero and so she turns it off.

As the screen cuts to black, Tsuyu can see the reflection behind her, she sees the kitchen, her sleeping sister, and a boy standing right behind her. Tsuyu turns her head around and saw that nothing was there, she turned back to the T.V screen and back to her sister wondering if she was just imagining things now. Tsuyu soon shrugs it off thinking it was nothing, so she wakes up her sister, and calls her brother to come to dinner, after that Tsuyu sent her siblings to bed which they did without protest, Tsuyu stayed in the kitchen, and cleaned up. Scrubbing and rinsing the last dish Tsuyu hung her apron, and she went off to bed, but then there was a knock at the front door.

"Huh?... Someone at the door this late?" Tsuyu asked herself, she headed to door and peeped through the door's peep hole. Nothing, "*ribbit* probably just some kid," she thought, *riiiing* the house phone starts ringing. For once Tsuyu was startled when the phone rang out catching her off guard, she quickly picks it up before it woke up her siblings, "hello?" Tsuyu answers, there was a long pause, "... Hello Tsu-san, it's your mother," her mother greeted. Tsuyu let out a sigh of relief and puts a hand over her chest from her racing heart, "Hello mother, how is work? " Tsuyu replied, "oh, it's going well, your father and I are just checking up on you, so how is everything? are your brother and sister listening?" her mother asked.

She didn't want to tell her mother what has happened with the bully being thrown around in the air like a rag doll, so she'll just leave that part out, "oh, they're behaving quite fine, *ribbit* they're fast asleep right now," "that's great to hear sweetie, well you should go to bed now, goodnight," "goodnight." Tsuyu hung the phone, *riiiing* the phone rang again, "hello?" Tsuyu answered, "[... I said I was sorry...]," "what?" Tsuyu tried to ask, but the line dropped leaving only a long beep. The voice on the other line was speaking a different langue to what Tsuyu assumed was English, but who was it, she locked the door, locked all the windows, and pulled all the curtains.

Someone is watching them.