Before bringing everyone to his office, Ozpin pauses. With the condition Jaune was in, he herds everyone towards the dorms to get Yang, Blake, Weiss, Ren and Nora so that they could all know about the situation, and know about the world of Persona. Pyrrha and Ruby step inside their dorm and wake Blake and Yang up before dragging them out of the dorm room. Ozpin goes to knock on Team JWNR's door but Akira had put his Scroll up to the door, giving a sheepish smile before slipping inside. Yu followed him in and he knew he would probably be the best person to wake Weiss with the least amount of injury. Akira woke up Ren and Nora and the two bring the remaining three out into the hallway. The five that were woken from their sleep were very confused with the situation since Team AMMY, Pyrrha and Ruby were dressed, Jaune was nowhere to be seen, there was a silver haired stranger and Ozpin was there.

"Wait a minute... Lemme guess... Something bad happened and it has to do with that world.." Yang says, putting two and two together.

"You would be correct Miss Xiao Long. Everyone please follow me as we have many things to discuss," Ozpin says before walking off, the group of students and Mercury following.

"Ugh we have to explain yet again what's going on..." Minato groans.

"Well look on the bright side! It'll probably be the last time we have to explain it!" Minako chirps.

"Explain what exactly?" Weiss asks, looking at Team AMMY.

"Everything~" Akira says cheekily. He ducks a smack from Yu.

"Basically, a lot of things about us, Weiss. We.. haven't been completely truthful but we had our reason to keep it secret until now," Yu says.

"Where's Jaune?" Nora asks, curious as to where her leader was.

"He's... In a coma in the hospital wing," Pyrrha says.

"What?!" Weiss says. "Why the hell is he in a coma?!"

"All will be revealed in Ozpin's office," Yu says, placing a hand on Weiss's shoulder. The white haired female huffs but she waits. The journey to Ozpin's office was quick this time and soon enough everyone was seated on the floor of Ozpin's office.

"Hot chocolate anyone?" Ozpin asks as he walks over to where he kept his supplies. He looks over and sees Ruby, Blake and Nora raise their hands. With a nod, Ozpin makes hot chocolate for himself and the three girls. The suspense was creating tension in his office but he ignored it. Once the hot chocolate was ready, he brings it over to the three girls before sitting at desk. "So, before details of the night are revealed.. It's time we catch the rest of your friends up on the world of Persona."

"Persona? Isn't that what you call those creatures you summon..?" Ren asks, tilting his head.

"You are correct Ren! We actually don't know what our Semblances are and even if we did have them, we wouldn't be able to use them," Minako says.

"As it would attract even more attention suspicion your way..." Blake says.

"Precisely. Now we didn't lie when we told you about ourselves, we just didn't tell you the complete truth. We're from another world called Earth," Yu starts. Team AMMY begin explaining everything for the third time, fourth time for Minako, about their homeworld and the world of Persona. They then explained why they were here in Remnant, about the Lost Sea and how they saved Summer Rose. Ruby then piped in about how she too had a Persona before summoning Red Riding Hood.

"I... Also have one now," Pyrrha says. She summons Achilles before dismissing him. "And the reason I have a Persona has to do with why Jaune is in a coma.."

"Care to explain Minako? After all, you sent us a distress call," Akira says, looking at the female Fool. Minako looks down a little ashamed.

"So, Jaune overheard Pyrrha and Ruby talking about Persona and us. He confronted me about it and after telling him, I agreed to help him get strong.. And to try to help him get a Persona. I went along despite the danger, which I warned him about, as it was a great way to improve his fighting but also I did it as I was helping him try to win over either Pyrrha or Weiss," Minako starts.

"He did ask me out yesterday..." Weiss comments.

"Me as well," Pyrrha says. "That makes me wonder.. Did our rejections drive him to the necessary insanity..?"

"I'm guessing that was the case. He was getting really angry and aggressive when we went into the Lost Sea tonight. And well, eventually he snapped and turned into a Shadow. Mercury here came to my rescue, as suspicious as he is for lurking about. Eventually the rest of my team, Ruby and Pyrrha came to my aid," Minako says, sighing.

"I feel really bad even though it's not entirely my fault..." Weiss says, wincing a bit.

"Will Jaune receive a Persona when he awakens from his coma?" Blake asks.

"We're not sure but most likely not since Mom didn't," Ruby says, before drinking deeply from her mug.

"Onto a lighter subject, earlier you mentioned something about being the Fool Arcana and having something called a Wild Card ability. Do Ruby and Pyrrha have that Wild Card ability?" Ren asks.

"No. As far as we can tell, only the Fool, who is making their journey, are the only ones who have that ability," Yu answers.

"The rest of you have Arcana's connected to you though," Minato speaks up.

"Can we know what they are?" Blake asks.

"Strength, Hanged Man, Lovers, Justice, Empress, Hermit and Star," Akira says, pointing to the correct person.

"Jaune was Magician," Minako says.

"What about Mercury.. Who ever he is?" Weiss asks.

"Chariot. And hi, Mercury Black here," Mercury says, finally speaking up.

"Mind explaining why I've seen you lurking about? I've seen your silver hair multiple times in the Lost Sea now that I think about it," Minako questions.

"Yeaaaahh... About that.. Well basically, I have two partners, only one of which can use Persona. We're trying to figure out this whole Lost Sea business," Mercury says.

"Who are you working for?" Ozpin asks. Mercury clamps his mouth shut upon hearing Ozpin's question. He doesn't answer, causing Ozpin to narrow his eyes at the youth.

"Why did you save my sister?" Minato asks, turning his gaze upon Mercury. Those near Minato felt a shudder run down their spines.

"This is going to make me sound like an asshole but you Wild Cards need to stay alive," Mercury simply states. Minato goes to get up but Akira puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Let me handle this Minato-senpai," Akira hums out, switching from Satanael to Yoshitune. He had swapped Mada out for Yoshitune the other day for the sheer strength factor and boy was he glad that he did. He gets up and walks over to Mercury, who was leaning against a wall. The silver haired male watches the masked Wild Card carefully. Akira suddenly pushes his forearm into Mercury's throat and pins him to the wall, lifting him off the ground. Mercury had tried to move out of the way but the former Phantom Thief was faster. Mercury could still breathe but he was struggling at the sheer amount of strength that Akira was possessing. Akira then presses the barrel of his gun to Mercury's temple. "Let's have a chat shall we~?"

"What- what the hell are you doing?!" Mercury gasps out. A few of the others go to pulls Akira off of Mercury but Ozpin and the Fools shake their head.

"Just having a chat with you!" Akira says. Mercury lands a kick on Akira's shin, but Akira stayed strong, only grunting a bit. He presses the gun closer to the temple. "Now, I would suggest behaving."

"You won't do it so no, I'm not giving in to your scare tactics," Mercury spits out, kicking Akira again. Akira sighs and pulls back the gun, and presses it into Mercury's thigh. He pulls the trigger and since Mercury didn't have his Aura up as a protective shield, the bullet pierces his thigh, causing him to yelp out in pain.

"Think I'm messing around?" Akira growls out. Mercury HAD called his bluff but he needed to make Mercury think that he wasn't fucking around. He heard the gasps behind him. He was treating this like a hold up. Did he like using unnecessary violence? No, but if it was necessary, he would.

"Ok! I get it! You're serious! Let me down! Augh fuck that hurts!" Mercury says. Akira smirks and he releases Mercury, causing the silver haired teen to fall onto his ass. As Akira walks back over, Weiss storms up to him and slaps him across the cheek. Ruby and Pyrrha had conflicted looks upon their faces as they didn't want to believe that the messy haired team leader could be so cruel and merciless but they couldn't ignore the display they saw in front of them.


"He's fine and alive! Not my fault he was being an ass!" Akira defends. Before Weiss could slap him again, Yu pulls her back.

"Worry about morals later Weiss. We need information from Mercury and see? Minako-senpai is already at the works of healing him," Yu says. Weiss looks over as she hears the sound of shattering glass. She watches as a giant rainbow snake appears and after doing a semi-circle around Mercury, it disappears and the wound on Mercury's thigh was now healing, the bullet round being forced out.

"Now Mr. Black, will you please answer the questions we have for you?" Ozpin asks.

"Yeah... As long as you keep trigger happy away from me," Mercury glares. Akira just waves cheekily at Mercury.

"Well, let's start with some basics then, shall we?" Ozpin asks.

"Yeah," Mercury says. He wasn't happy about this at all. He was just following orders to keep the Wild Cards alive and now his pride was wounded by first getting shot in the leg and now having to betray Emerald and Cinder. "Get on with it..."

"Very well. So who do work with?"

"Two people. Cinder Fall, who's basically my boss, and Emerald Sustrai."

"Are either of them Persona Users like you?"

"Cinder is."

"What is your goal with the Lost Sea?"

"Figure out what the hell is at the bottom."

"Your mission involving Team AMMY?"

"Keeping them alive."


"Cinder wants to bring them to join our cause."

"What's your cause?"


"What is your cause Mr. Black?"

"I don't know the exact details, all I know that you're technically my enemy. Cinder has more knowledge."

"Is there someone above Cinder?"

"Uuuuhh someone named Salem I think?" Mercury answers after a moment, trying to remember if Cinder had mentioned someone above her. He did not notice the look that appeared briefly on Ozpin's face but Team AMMY had caught it.

"I see. Mr. Black, I'm going to have to ask that you join our ranks," Ozpin says, surprising the 11 students with his decision.

"What? Why the hell would I do that?!" Mercury asks.

"From what I know about your.. ultimate boss.. She does not take kindly to failure nor betrayal. So you would be safer with us but I do ask that you try to convince your partners to join us as well," Ozpin answers.

"I don't see that happening in the slightest but fine, I'll defect to your side," Mercury grumbles.

"Wonderful, now, I think it's about time that we all get some sleep," Ozpin says. "Mr. Black, you will come with me," the headmaster says. The 11 students head out towards the elevator after Ozpin gives them a dismissal. It was quiet until they were in the elevator, where Weiss rips into Akira, who in turn just remains calm and lets Weiss do her thing. He waits for her to finish her rant at him.

"Finished are we?" the mask wearing Fool asks.

"Explain yourself now!" Weiss scowls, glaring up at Akira.

"That was all for show. I wasn't actually going to shoot him in the head but he called my bluff. If I hadn't shot him in the thigh, he would not have cooperated with us. I did not like doing that but I did it anyways," the ravenette explains coolly. "I have morals. Besides, that was like the many hold ups I pulled in my world."

"You were... acting?" Weiss asks dumbfounded. Akira grins in response. Ruby and Pyrrha were glad to hear that they were right in their thoughts that Akira was not as cruel and merciless as he had previously acted with Mercury.

"Yup~" He chirps.

"It's why we stopped all of you," Minato says.

"That... Does make sense now that we think about it..." Ren hums out.

"That was AMAZING~!" Nora sings out. "Shame we have to go to sleep now though cause I'm all riled up and excited!"

"Nora, you're always excited," Yu comments as they all step out of the elevator. Since it was after hours, the 11 friends quiet down and quickly make their way back to their dorms for their much needed sleep. There was a silent agreement to visit Jaune when they could tomorrow. They all make their way into their dorms and get to bed, those who need to changing. It was going to be a very long day tomorrow.