Peter is quickly pushed into locker by a meaty forearm promptly after he leaves the classroom.

"Hey Penis, ready to go to your all so fantastic work place. Oh wait, that's right you know that no matter what you do everyone will find out tomorrow that you are nothing but a dirty liar. SI doesn't hire interns out of high school. Everyone knows that, so would you if you actually did apply." Flash spits into Peter's face. "No matter, it will all come up soon."

Flash releases Peter and stalks away like a cat who caught the canary.

Happy was sitting outside of the school when peter opened the door. He always picks up Peter when school gets out.

"Hey Happy" Peter morsley states.

"Hey Kid, What's wrong you aren't talking as much as you usually do?" Happy asks, worried something had happened again. It wouldn't be the first time Peter was bullied by that asshole kid Rash or something.

"No, no it's fine, I just want to get home and finish my report. My first simulation is today and me and Karen will test the feasibility of my experiment." Peter states in a saccharine tone.

Happy smiles seeing the kid try, and fail to pretend to be OK so he simply asks "Cool are you finally going to tell us what has you all but live in your lab for the last month or so?"

"Yeah I think that I might as get it over with now since this is my last day on earth." Peter dramatically states.

Happy laughs heartily, the kid was going to be OK.

"Alright then am I allowed to see you presentation to Tony? Or is it only for Scientists?" Happy asks.

"You want to see my work!?" Peter asks genuinely excited for the first time since the announcement. "Yeah, yeah you can come! That would be so cool…" Peter continues to ramble on about nothing and everything. Happy just ignores the chattering, not that he could keep up with his frantic and accelerated speech anyways.

It was nother 10 min before they reached the SI HQ, the tower looming above them as they drive down to the private underground parking lot. Happy wasn't sure the kid has taken a breath since he started talking, must be a spider thing.

"Kid we're here" Happy interrupts his story, he picked up that it was about a puppy that he had saved from a tree or some other idiotically heroic endeavour that he had done the night previous. Happy felt slightly bad for the look that came on Peter's face when he realized that he took up all his time to prepare for the presentation on his rambling.

"Kid you will be fine, just take your time and look Tony in the eye when you make the speech." Happy reassures "Though I wouldn't suggest imagining any of them naked though" Happy finishes his thought with mirth in his voice.

"Ewww, why did you say that" Peter said making a disgusted face. He didn't want to think of his parents that way.

It wouldn't be the first time since he thought of them as such, or even said it out loud though he didn't know about it. No one wanted to tell him just incase he stopped, and Tony and Pepper were more than happy of thinking of their 15 year old as their kid, or hearing about it. Happy had gotten the excited call with video included the first time it had happened to Tony, in fact with the gushing that had gone on about it he had nearly visited the nearest 24/7 dentist to be checked for cavities.

"Alright kid let's go see this big secret you told no one about. Did you really need to kick FRIDAY out of the lab though? Tony has been pouting since you did that" Happy states.

"Yeah I did because KAREN can do the same thing and I didn't need FRIDAY to keep checking in on me every 5 minutes. Tony made me mess up an experiment that took me 12 hours to set up because of FRIDAY" Peter whines.

"Why didn't you put FRI on Do Not Disturb?" Happy asks

"I Did" Peter slowly says with all the teenage angst Happy had ever heard from him.

"Oh" Happy continues to walk to the elevator, slightly annoyed he couldn't catch up with Downton Abbey, but at least the kid wasn't so sad or nervous.

"Oh, and Happy you won't need to take me to school tomorrow, I have a Field Trip" Peter tries to quickly sneek by him

"If you are going on a field trip I still need to drive you to the bus though?" Happy states as they get into the elevator, it starts moving with no prompt knowing where to go at this time.

"No we meet at the place instead, most kids get driven to school anyways so it really is no big deal" Peter says as the elevator stops moving to pick up a random scientist on the way up.

"Then I will drive you to that place then" Happy gives an ultimatum. It was different when he thought boss was making him pick up a super kid, he had no patience for his time being wasted. This was now a priority security risk. He needed to protect him… and also he might kinda sorta like the kid. Hey so sue him, it's hard to be angry at a brown haired puppy like Peter.

"..." Peter mumbles out

"Huh, what was that kid?" Happy looks puzzled

"You don't have to drive me because the field trip is to here… the intern floor." peter states pouting.

The only thing Tony hears when the elevator door opens in loud gauffing laughter. Happy is bent almost in two holding onto his stomach as though his innards were attempting to escape his body.

" You, snicker, have a field trip, loud inhalation, to your own house, and your floor with the interns you picked out to help you with your project?" Happy laughs out.

"The Interns you made sign a personal NDA for the project that you are presenting today?" Tony asks slightly annoyed as not being able to help out with Peter's first project. Hey he wonders what has his kid so busy and not spending time in Tony's personal lab like he did before the adoption, before May got hurt.

"Yeah, yeah I get it. Jeez guys I didn't mean to lock you guys out but I just had to finish this project before I could show it to you guys" Peter says as he goes over to give Tony a quick hug, something Tony still gets a little tense over. "We just need to call Pepper and we can go down."

" No need" Pepper yells as the elevator opens revealing her red hair in a high bun. "I am already ready"

The rest of the group shuffles over to the elevator as it move automatically down to Peter's lab. Alexa has nothing on FRIDAY, she is always listening and can take non verbal cues from previous conversation.

The doors open to the panic and mayhem surrounding Peter's person level. His Interns that he had picked… ok stole from the rest of SI, were running around with joyous looks upon their face. Happy to finally be able to tell someone about the amazing research that was being performed.

"HEY, let's get this moving along we are already 2 minutes late and I don't have time for your problems" Peter yells commanding the room. No one would believe that meek Penis Parker could be so commanding, let alone control an entire floor. "Secondly I will be visiting this floor tomorrow morning with my class as a field trip, all of you are to act like I am no one but a coworker. Is that clear?"

Everyone freezes their eyes wide at the implications of that statement. Someone in the back giggle manically.

"That means I will be your boss then doesn't it Peter" The Girl who giggled earlier. Her Name was Sarah, she was the Intern in charge of this project. Of course she would see this as a fun experience.

Peter just rolled his eyes as he has the interns follow him into the closed off and sterile lab. Graphs and monitors are everywhere, machines are beeping an a large nanobot is sitting on the holo-display, scaled up to see the minor details. Tony, Happy and Pepper just look around in awe. Tony's eyes narrow at the model of the nanobot. He could see his design in peters project but it was vastly different then the one he uses as his armor.

"Welcome to my project. I don't have a name for it yet, but we have nicknamed it AoI, Apple Of Idun. Using your design and nano manufacturing equipment the team and I have created a nano robot with learning capabilities able to repair any damage to the body with a single injection. With this we can effectively change the way healthcare works. Not only do the robots spread throughout the body and give a clear 3D scan of the body, but it will also search and help heal any damage it finds. Shown here is a simulation of the nano-injection." Peter states dramatically. "It can also use Spider-man's webs, all kinds, to help with anything from broken bones, a cut, or even heart disease" Peter chokes up a bit, his eyes watering.

Behind him shows a 3D model of a person receiving an injection of a woman who looks eerily close to May Parker. The nano's go straight for the heart and they wrap abound it in electro-webs as a few stay as a mini pacemaker. The rest go into the heart as they nano inject a compound that rapidly heals a small tear in the aorta. And before their eyes the heart then grows visible healthier.

"Too many people I know have heart problems and not just May. Though she helped me start this project, but you too Dad. I can't.." Peter tries to choke out as Pepper rushes forward with her eyes shimmering. Smothering him into her embrace. Tony looks a bit choked up himself.

"Oh, Baby it is perfect if this works it could change how people get surgery, it would be as simple as a doctor signing off on a routine injection when someone shows heart problem." Pepper sobs. Her father had died from a heart attack decades ago.

"No, no that's not the point" Peter says pushing himself out of her arms "I don't want someone to wait to get help, they could get it preemptively, like a vaccine. They wouldn't need to be hurt in the first place. I made it so it could run with lipids in the body or more energetically with a potassium IV Drip. All someone would have to do is get and injection with certain compounds for the nanobots to use as materials to make the webs, and that person could theoretically heal instantly. I used Extremis and combined it with a sample of DNA from Rogers for the Super soldier program, and with mi…, I mean Spider Man's DNA. It should give a small amount of Extremis to the body to create super healing, it might also reduce aging as seen by Rogers. He hasn't aged since he got out of the ice, hell he hasn't aged since the serum. That's why it's called Apple Of Idun, AoI will hopefully help everyone. I haven't put in the serum that would theoretically slow down aging. I thought I would let you decide on that. It might not be a commercial product, we wouldn't want people to get their hands on the formula now would we." Peter states, he holds up his hand to stop Tony from speaking up

"Yes I did not show anyone the complete formula for AoI, best kept only in my mind. It wouldn't work well without the Nano's anyways, of the rats we have tried both nano and serum vs either or and the best results and healthiest rat was the combination of the two. In Fact nano's by themselves we better then just the nanos." Peter was all but bouncing on his feet. He was so excited this might help a lot of people and even his aunt.

Everyone was dumbstruck by the genius of this kid, they had imagined that the project was going to be a small 'Kid' Project something that they would be proud of like parents ought to do, now Pepper was thinking of calling marketing, PR, hell a few scientists as well. This was huge and could revolutionize Stark Industries.