You know when HaruHaru Dangerous Interviews used to be really cool and show up in fanfics as a running gag kind of thing? WELL GUESS WHAT IT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW, SO PREPARE YOURSELF. What do you mean they were never cool-

Also I think the dead plot bunnies have turned into zombies and are currently digging themselves up from their graves so please pray for me and possibly get an exorcist on speed dial.


"Welcome everyone to today's Special Edition Haru Haru Interview! In this session, we will be interviewing the cast from the short television series A Dragon's Hoard! Well known popular actors and actresses were requested to be part of this interesting concept! Now let's welcome them on stage!" Haru stood and gestured to the entrance where several bright spotlights and cameras had been cued to zoom in.

Enthusiastic applause from the small seated studio audience burst forth as the individuals stepped through and waved politely before heading to the small sofa near the interview table and seating themselves. The triumphant music that had been playing slowly died down along with the applause.

"Best known for their acting roles in various well-received dramas such as Fantastical Lands, Demonic Rituals, and many others I'm sure the audience here has already watched, let's give it up once more for them!" Haru continued her perky spiel, flipping through her prepared stack of questions submitted by various fervent supporters, as the audience dutifully clapped once more.

"Now I'm sure everyone is curious as to why you guys decided to accept the animation role! So the first question is from Rokyuu of the Fukuoka prefecture who asks, 'What made you agree to do this short animation?' Well, your response?"

"It was all our manager's idea really! He said it would add to our versatility and ever expanding portfolio! And it did seem rather interesting." Colonello piped up from where he was seated.

Squeals from the fangirls in the back could be heard. Ever the obliging gentleman, Colonello turned to wink at them and shoot finger guns, turning squeals into even louder shrieks.

"Oooooh, I see! We've all heard about this manager of yours, he must be very talented to have picked out these series for you!" Haru nodded knowingly, turning to the entrance yet again, a wide playful grin appearing on her face.

"So that's why, let's take this rare opportunity to welcome him on stage too!" A stunned fluffy haired brunet was pushed out from behind the scenes by a smiling helper, still clutching a clipboard, and he nervously smiled and waved too. He did attempt to get back to the safety of back stage anonymity but to no avail, the audience loudly cheering him on to stay with the Arcobaleno.

Said group smirked at him as he stiffly seated himself on the edge of the sofa, wishing he could teleport and escape. "Ah, so nice of you to join us Tsuna." Renato tipped his hat at him, smirk still firmly on his face, and cup of steaming coffee in hand.

"So much for living a quiet life, Haru, you pretty much owe me your first born son for this." Tsuna groaned under his breath as the audience laughed at their antics.

"Now as a little hidden secret, it turns out the Arcobaleno manager, Tsunayoshi here is actually also quite the talented voice actor! He played the childlike role of Tsu in A Dragon's Hoard, and wouldn't you agree that was a great performance?" Haru hyped up the crowd as a flurry of shutter noises were heard from the enamoured fans. Tsuna just buried his face in his hands while Skull tried to get him to look at the crowd, poking him in the sides. Haru proceeded to ask a couple more questions from the submitted set and got generic responses.

Then she decided to spice things up and get them to draw their own characters from the show. Surprisingly, it turned out that Fon was actually quite the talented artist as he sketched himself in combat with a zombie, followed by Verde and his systematic design of himself in a giant robot blasting werewolves into outer space, and third came Tsuna with his rendition of his baby dragon form breathing fire onto some marshmallows.

"Wow! The animators really got your personalities spot on! Continuing on with the interview segment, what was your favourite portion of the series? And did you hang out with the other supporting voice actors after takes?"

This time, it was Viper's turn to contribute as they were nudged into answering by Luce. "Well, obviously not to be biased or anything but I would have to say when I got to bully Colonello about hoarding gold without my notice."

"Yes! That was hilarious, and also we had very busy schedules so it was hard to mingle much with the others but we all had a celebratory dinner together as a group after the series had aired with highly rave reviews." Lal followed up with a more diplomatic sounding answer.

"Um, my personal favorite was all the costume designs that were animated by our talented team." Luce put in her own two cents.

"Ha! No the best part was definitely being able to sneak baby photos of Tsuna over here when they were submitted as reference to animate his younger self." Skull burst out laughing as a younger Tsuna was flashed on screen. The on set camera panned towards said manager as he desperately tried to melt and disappear into the floor.

A buzzer sounded in the distance and that was the cue for Haru to swoop in and rescue Tsuna from his embarrassment.

"That's all the time we have today for the Arcobaleno! Tune in next time for the HaruHaru Interview where we invite talented basketball players, the Generation of Miracles to share their secrets in the sport! Thank you for watching!" Haru waved goodbye as the audience shouted their approval.

"Actually, just a little spoiler for everyone still seated here, we might be considering a season 2! Please show your support on Twitter and maybe a new season might be coming your way!" Skull beamed and flipped a thumbs up to the crowd who was originally leaving but instead got out their phones to tweet frantically.

"Never again you guys, never again. I'll never live this down." Tsuna still looked like his soul had drifted away and left his body behind as they were quickly ushered off the stage area to start cleaning the set.

How does this interview segment work? Is this actual canon? Am I hallucinating? Heckeronis if I know. I just thought it'd be a cute attempt but this just made me cringe internally, externally, and eternally. Hope you guys liked it anyway!

Now time for me to follow this particular Tsuna and go dig my own grave to die in. Away we go!

Thank you guys so much, love you guys so much, and go subscribe to pewdiepie if you haven't already lmao. Hope 2019 will be an even more awesome year for you readers still here!