So you know that story prompt about a small dragon and his single coin hoard on like tumblr or reddit? Well I got inspired by said prompt in a KHR fantasy AU style thing. DON'T SUE ME AMANO AKIRA PLS.

Having stepped into the designated area within the marketplace for foodstuffs, consumables, and other perishable goods, Renato scanned the area calmly, before making his way towards the seasonings for food and spell casting.

He picked up the large pouch of varied spices and herbs resting on the wooden table, weighing it with an appraising eye, before turning his gaze onto the shopkeeper in front of him, ready to haggle to the price he felt was most worth.

The experienced shopkeeper returned his gimlet eye with a benign, genial smile as he started the price off with 5 silver coins. "2 coins." Renato retorted, knowing 5 silver coins was already a pretty good deal but unwilling to let matters rest this easily.

Holding back a scoff, the shopkeeper was also unwilling to break his image as an easy-going and polite man, countered with 4 silver coins with an additional four-leafed clover thrown in as a good luck charm to boost one's ability to gain better fortunes and ensure smoother journeys as long as one had it.

Renato smirked at this, four leaf clovers were rare in these parts, so tipped his hat in acquiescence, collecting his merchandise and tucking the clover into his breast pocket.

He then reached into his coin purse, dropping a gold coin onto the shopkeeper's outstretched hand.

At this, the shopkeeper beamed and perked up. Finally he could pass on the extra something that had come attached with his loose change from another previous sneaky little customer, this cheapskate of a gunslinger probably deserved it anyway.

Staring bemused at the tiny brown dragon currently snoozing on his palm, surrounded by silver coins he had received in exchange for his gold coin, Renato had definitely not expected today to end up like this.

Poking the reptilian creature with a cautious finger, it sneezed once before blinking bleary eyes at its new home. Stretching its wings, and arching its back, eyes closed in pleasure, Renato moved to pluck the silver coin that was currently being held onto for dear life by the possessive animal.

It stiffened, hissed lightly at him before clutching the coin even tighter. Sighing, he turned his gaze back onto the shopkeeper who was smiling gleefully at him and his reaction and not even trying to hide it in the slightest.

"Oh that little dragon, I suppose you deserve an explanation. It goes everywhere with that silver coin you have over there. I'm not sure if it'll grow any larger than that honestly. Take good care of it alright? It was a great pleasure doing business with you." With that, the shopkeeper turned his attentions back to his other browsing customers.

Honestly he had his work cut out for him but at least he had experience working with reptiles.

Coaxing Leon out from under his hat was easily done. Introducing the two reptiles was also rather amusing, watching them flick their tongues at each other in greeting, the dragon letting out a pleased chirp, silver coin still firmly in its grasp.

As he looked doubtfully into his coin pouch, he held it out to the dragon, who stared back up at him in confusion. Sighing heavily, he moved to perch the dragon on the brim of his hat.

"Little thing better not scorch my hat. It was a present from a beloved acquaintance. Better find a way to cast a spell and fireproof it somehow." He muttered to himself as the dragon proceeded to fall back asleep, curled up around the coin.

"HAHAHAHAHA! DON'T TELL ME THE GREAT GUNSLINGER RENATO WAS BESTED BY A MERE SHOPKEEPER! THIS IS THE GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE." Colonello burst out laughing, thumping the desk wildly in the room, once Renato had explained his situation and how the dragon had come into his possession.

They were a group of eight, ranging from various roles like jester to mage to assassin. Quickly making a name for themselves as the Arcobaleno, they were currently out doing various quests that village heads had given to them in exchange for rare supplies such as armour or spell-casting ingredients.

The eight had arranged to meet at a local inn in town to rest for the night after everyone had gathered their own supplies.

Peering curiously at the now awakened beast from his boisterous laughter, Colonello picked the dragon off of Renato's hat, pulling at the coin more forcefully and receiving a chomp to the finger for his efforts.

"OW!" He tried shaking it off in surprise but all he succeeded in accomplishing was making Renato smirk even harder.

"Come now Colonello, you know that was uncalled for." Luce , the supportive class soothsayer, chastised the man, gently tickling the dragon and placing it kindly on her palm. Stroking the back spines of the dragon made it purr as it wrapped his tail around her wrist like a fancy bracelet.

"Such an adorable creature definitely deserves a cute name. How about Tsu?" Small trails of smoke left its nostrils as it snorted in happiness.

Verde, the ever enterprising alchemist looked up from his books to chip in with his two cents worth, "Perhaps if you ever get bored of it Renato, pass it to me, I'd be glad to study how a dragon this small could possibly exist."

"Mou, I call dibs too. It could grow in time and gain a bigger hoard. I'd like that to be mine if that ever happens." Viper mused from a corner of the room, shrouded by his hood.

"It could be our mascot!" Skull declared proudly, hands crossed behind his head. "We're bound to be more recognizable if people hear we have a dragon in our midst!"

"A dragon this small? Don't make me laugh Skull." Lal Mirch stopped looking out the window, scanning the surroundings for any suspicious activity, to give Skull a scornful glance.

"Ah but dragons are known to precede wealth and good fortune." Fon adjusted his sleeves coolly, also wanting to contribute to the conversation in his own way of course.

"I guess that settles it then, we're keeping this dragon for the moment." Renato interjected, tired of all this speculation and amusement at his expense, and wanting nothing more than to settle in for the night.

And thus began the story and legendary feats of the Arcobaleno plus one small dragon.

"WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS DRAGON IS THE LONG LOST PRINCE OF THE DRACONIAN KINGDOM?!" Skull couldn't help but blurt out in horror at the revelation.

"Were you unaware that prince dragonlings have a much slower growth rate than average?" Giotto deigned to share in the most imperious tone, whipping his tail around in a frenzy as Tsu ran in mad circles around him happily.

"I THOUGHT DRAGONS WERE MOSTLY EXTINCT CREATURES!" Skull added in complete mortification.

"Hmph, foolish mortals, I could roast you where you stand." The older dragon bent down to stare Skull right in the eye. Everyone tensed, ready to draw weapons at a moment's notice as they prepared themselves for an impending battle. "However, it seems that the prince wishes to continue travelling with you lot. Make sure to take better care of him, I'll be checking in frequently now that I know he's still alive."

Tsu, the now newly crowned dragon prince bounded up onto Renato's shoulder with a flap of his wings, letting out a pleased "Tsuuuuuu".

Creating a large gust of wind, the larger golden dragon took off into the sky, becoming but a small dot on the horizon.

"You have some explaining to do you little scamp." Renato picked the dragon up by the neck as he tried to look as innocent and meek as possible.

"Mou, being a crown prince dragon increased his value even more. We could probably start charging to them on all of the expenses and damages he's caused us." Everyone couldn't help but stare in disbelief at the audacity of the callous mage.

Well until Giotto dropped by to inspect his prince's wellbeing, they had no way of checking for sure. And as for Tsu, well all he did was sneeze up a ball of fire in Renato's face. Thank god he had paid Viper to fireproof his hat before.

~.~.~THE END~.~.~

I must be mad lmao, completely bonkers. Gimme yo feedback hehe or roast me, idm, flames can keep Tsu warm af. PEACE OUT YO.