Fran's A/N: Ok so after discussing with nonsense for a while, and giving her candy she finally accepted to officially co-write. All the previously posted chapters will be taken down and rewritten. We finished working on this chapter earlier [well, more like nonsense going crazy and me laughing] so here it is. If you read the previous version, you would see that some things were added. This fic is still dedicated to Perpetual Nonsense since she hadn't stopped nagging me about it so yeah.

This is not your traditional Fleurmione. Hermione won't be a Gryffindor but a Ravenclaw. AU, which means no triwizard, no Voldemort. This is just a peaceful time where people could actually be "happy" without fighting magical stuff. Although magic is part of everything as well. It won't look like a Fleurmione but it will be, trust me.

Perpetual Nonsense A/N: Aye! It's your girl Perpetual Nonsense invading your screens with another fic! I am very thrilled that Fran let me be a part of this; I was originally just supposed to put my two cents in every now and then, but the more we talked and brainstormed the more we realized it would be fun to make this co-written, hence why it was started over lol I'm very excited to dabble a bit in the dark arts, pun intended, and I do so hope you all enjoy this new fic that originated from Fran's brilliant black soul!

Fran A/N #2: It takes one to know one, besides my soul is not that black, lol. Oh yeah, the title is a song suggested by nonsense, it's not that we cried or anything XD.


Strike a Pose

1.- The night we met

Lord Huron

"And it's a wrap" a soft voice added before handing her camera to her assistant. All the athletes clapped politely and hugged the now blushing photographer. She was not used to the attention and that is why she strived at taking pictures. Being able to capture the perfect moment was an art that Hermione Granger knew perfectly well.

The brown-haired woman started taking pictures at Hogwarts. She was fascinated with the idea of how magical pictures captured moving moments while the stillness of the muggle way was a bit more difficult to handle and required more skill. Being the overachieving bookworm, Hermione studied anatomy and started sketching along with potions, charms and all the classes available at Hogwarts' curriculum.

When she saved enough galleons, the first thing she bought was her first magical camera and was so fascinated with the process of taking pictures that she tore it apart to see how it worked. After that, she understood all the steps of the process and used magic to assemble it back.

She still remembered the first photo she ever took; it was when her family was vacationing in the Caribbean the summer before she was to attend Hogwarts. They came upon a field of red Amaryllis and white clovers. An overwhelming feeling of longing for something she had no idea she yearned for washed over her and she was filled with this immense sadness and hopefulness at the same time; it was something she could never explain even to this day.

She had pulled out her camera with shaky hands and immortalized the moment, capturing the red and white flowers swaying in the wind in her lens. She still had the photo hanging on her wall in her flat in London with that same camera sitting below it as a memento of her humble beginnings.

During her second year at Hogwarts, she met the first-year Ginevra Weasley and it was hate at first sight. There was something that the young Hermione, being a Ravenclaw, disliked and that was how arrogant, annoying and opinionated the Gryffindors could be.

The day after the sorting, Hermione crashed against Ginny just outside the library when the former was rushing to give back some books before her next class. Of course, the Gryffindor acted rudely towards the Ravenclaw and pushed her aside to continue walking with her friends.

After midterms, the teachers assigned the best students to tutor the ones that had failed, and they would be assigned by the heads of the house. This time the professors decided on having a tutor and a student from different houses. And to Hermione's bad luck, she was assigned to help a Gryffindor, specifically Ginevra Weasley.

Madam Pince was about to kick them out of the library several times due to the pair's constant banter until one rainy evening where both girls called it a truce and actually made some progress and Ginevra realized that Hermione was not as bad as she had imagined.

Next time they saw each other, the redhead got to the library earlier and booked a private room, so they would study quietly. Seeing the sudden interest of the Gryffindor to stop arguing and finally get some studying done, Hermione's scowl disappeared and was replaced by a small smile. After that, both girls started getting along, became friends, and started hanging out.

In the end, Ginny passed all her exams, but she kept on studying with Hermione. They continued the same routine during the former's second and the latter's third year. It was not until the moment they had to go back home in the end of Hermione's fifth year that Ginny kissed her before joining her brother Ron and their family and they apparated away leaving a speechless Hermione behind.

That summer, they did not talk to each other until they got back to Hogwarts and the Ravenclaw avoided Ginny like the plague until a stormy afternoon when Gryffindor was playing against Ravenclaw that the accident happened. The same one they would laugh about years later.

Ginny took off her googles due to the heavy rain and was cleaning them when she saw Hermione talking animatedly with Luna Lovegood and completely ignoring her again. When her captain shouted to warn her, it was too late and a bludger hit her in the face, sending her tumbling off her broom to the cold wet ground.

Luckily, Luna warned Hermione and she cast a spell to stop Ginny's fall, but she was not quick enough and the youngest Weasley hit the ground with a sickening crack. The chaser ended up breaking her right arm and upon seeing the bone sticking out of her flesh she lost consciousness.

Three days later, Ginevra Weasley finally woke up to the sight of a sleeping Hermione on a nearby chair. The Ravenclaw had kept her company since the moment she was taken to the infirmary and never left her side unless she had to go to class, but right after finishing, she ran back and sat next to the injured redhead.

Ginevra cleared her throat and Hermione woke up startled. Without saying anything, she hugged the redhead and gave her a soft peck on the lips with a crimson face. They started dating the moment Ginny left the infirmary.

Soon, Hermione graduated while the Gryffindor started her last year so the Ravenclaw decided on getting a place in London to be near her girlfriend. Then she started studying art and magical photography.

A couple of weeks after Ginny's graduation, they moved in together. Being at talented as she was at Quidditch, the redhead was scouted and signed with the Holyhead Harpies and she helped her team to win the quidditch cup for five consecutive years. In the meantime, Hermione started working as a photographer for a renowned sports magazine.

After being together for five years, Ginny proposed to Hermione who accepted with happy tears and they made plans to marry next spring which was six months away. They had busy careers and Hermione was making a name for herself due to her original, artistic and gorgeous photos that became famous on both wizarding and muggle world.

A month before their wedding, the day they had been waiting for so long, the day they toiled over between extremely busy work schedules, but they were still able to plan it all the same with little disagreements along the way Hermione sat reading a paper with a cup of coffee in her hand when her soon to be wife walked in, shifting through the mail.

"Here's your bounty." Ginny grinned as she placed a loving kiss on her fiancée's temple, putting her mail in front of her.

Hermione smiled behind her cup of coffee as she placed down the paper to look through her mail; one piece in particular stood out to her, so she dug into it immediately. As her eyes scanned down the paper her amber eyes progressively grew wider and wider. "Ginny!"

"What is it?" Ginny asked with her head in the cupboard.

"I got it!"

"Got what?" Ginny asked absentmindedly.

"The photography gig I applied for!" Hermione jumped from her seat, pacing back and forth as she re-read the letter to confirm that this was not in fact a dream. "They want me to take the promotional photos of all the athletes for the next muggle Olympics!"

That statement seemed to finally catch Ginny's attention as she turned from the cupboard with green eyes almost as wide as her future wife's. "Really? That's fantastic!"

Hermione was absolutely beaming as she looked up to her fiancée brimming with pride. "This is going to change everything." the Ravenclaw was known well enough for her photography, but to be THE photographer doing the muggle Olympics would take her to the next level.

Ginny strode across the room, wrapping her arms around the brunette in a tight embrace. "I'm so happy for you love."

"There's one problem though..." Hermione spoke quietly, pulling away from her now concerned spouse.

"What is it?"

"It takes place during the Quidditch world cup." Hermione sighed. "I wouldn't be able to go see you play if I take this. I can't miss your-"

A stern look suddenly crossed Ginny's face as she held the Ravenclaw at arm's length. "Don't you dare say you're going to skip out on this opportunity just to come watch me win another world cup Hermione Weasley!"


"No buts!" Ginny interjected, a grin starting to slide across her face. "I won't have you miss one of the biggest opportunities of your life for quidditch. You have come to every match I've ever played, and I adore you for it, but it's your turn to chase your dream. I'll be home waiting for you to celebrate."

Hermione let out a sigh, a lopsided smile forming on her face filled with adoration at the red-heads statement. "How did I get so lucky?"

"I'm the lucky one." Ginny grinned. "When I'm too old to play my wife can take care of me with all the money she is going to rake in from her photos."

The Ravenclaw laughed as she hit the chaser playfully on the arm. "Gold-digger."

"Yeah, but you love me anyways."

"You're lucky you're cute." Hermione smiled as she gave her soon to be wife a kiss. "And did you call me Hermione Weasley?"

"I believe I did Mrs. Weasley." Ginny smirked. "It's got a nice ring to it."

Hermione just responded by pulling the Gryffindor in for another kiss. "It does."

Hermione was currently packing her camera and supplies away after the Olympic athletes thanked her. She didn't take much time to properly wrap her chords while her assistant watched her with an amused smile; this photoshoot was only supposed to be a week, but one week had turned into two and she had missed all of Ginny's matches.

She was hoping to wrap it up early so she could at least catch the final game but having to travel the muggle way for appearance purposes really put a damper on things. If she was lucky she would at least make it for the last little bit of the match later the next day, that is if she actually made the flight she was already late for.

"How about you go to the hotel and pack while I get the rest of the gear sorted here so we can actually make it in time for Ginny's match?" Tonks spoke with a playful smile as she took a camera from her boss' hands.

Hermione let out a grateful sigh. "Thank you so much Tonks. I would be completely lost without you."

Tonks waved off Hermione's gratitude as she packed away the camera. "Pish posh, I'm just doing my job, now go get your stuff together so we can make that flight!"

The Ravenclaw gave her assistant, who was much more a friend than anything, a hug before she ran off to her hotel room where she proceeded to stuff her clothing into her baggage alarmingly fast and in a completely unorganized fashion which was definitely out of character for her, but she was beyond excited to get back to her fiancée.

She was just zipping up the bag when her cellphone started ringing in her pocket and when she pulled it out she saw a number she didn't recognize. "Odd." Hermione spoke with a raised eyebrow as she hit decline and lugged her huge bag off of the bed and Tonks walked in.

"You ready to go?"

"More than ready." the photographer smiled as they headed out of the hotel and with a stroke of luck they made it to their flight without it taking off without them.

When they landed Hermione took her phone off of airplane mode only to see twenty missed calls from Ron, Harry, and Luna. She furrowed her brow and dialed Ron's number immediately; it wasn't like her friends to blow her phone up over nothing.

"Mione!?" Ron's frantic voice answered after only one ring. "Where in the bloody hell have you been!? We've been trying to get ahold of you for hours!"

"Ronald, calm down." Hermione sighed. "I was in the plane, I couldn't receive any calls."

"Mione, it's horrible..."

Hermione became even more confused by Ron's tone of voice. "Ron, are you crying? What is going on?"

"It's Ginny..."

The photographer felt her heart immediately sink into her stomach and dread fill her gut with those two simple words. "W-what?"

"She got knocked off her broom during practice; she was really high up and she hit her head pretty hard. She was in a coma-"

Hermione was now deathly pale as Ron rambled on. "Was...?"

"Hermione..." Ron sobbed out. "Ginny's dead."

Everything went in slow motion, people and objects became blurry, and Hermione could hear a faint ringing in her ears as the phone slipped from her fingers and went clattering down onto the ground.

"Mione?" Tonks frowned when she saw the shocked look on her friend's face. "Is everything okay?"

This couldn't be happening, there was no way. Hermione and Ginny were supposed to get married in two weeks, they were supposed to start their life together, have a bunch of kids, and die of old age not of an accident during quidditch practice. This was a joke; a horrible sick joke.

"Mione!" Tonks shook the brunette's shoulders to try to break her from whatever trance she was in. "What in the world is going on? You're scaring me!"

Hermione looked to her assistant, resembling a ghost as her lips trembled and tears filled her amber eyes. "Ginny's...dead."

Perpetual Nonsense A/N: Noooooo Ginny! ;-; Fran gagged at them being all cute together, but I was like calm down Fran, she dies lmao. Anyways, I know this was a short opener, but I would love to hear your guys' thoughts on this.

Fran's A/N: of course I was gagging especially after that "Hermione Weasley" thing ewww. I am glad that she is gone bwhahaha. Anyhow, here we go with our crazy project let us know your thoughts in a review. Nonsense will reply to all of you, well, both will.