~ The Girl Inside ~

Disclaimer: Don't own anything, don't sue. All my money goes for notebooks and textbooks anyway. Sheesh, I hate school.

WARNING: Not really. Just a tiny miny bit of little limy scene. You might not even notice it.

A/N: O...kay... most of you are *very* interested in Vegeta stealing pads ... he's not gonna like it...*grins*. And why did you think that he's an alien?! O_o'' Most of you supposed that he's a prince...well.. secret revealed...it wasn't much of a secret anyway. And he's got an elder brother too. I still can't think of a name though... -_-'' Will Tomato do? *snickers stupidly*... Okay, bet you all want to know what Veggie thinks, right? Hm... Oh, and I was asked if I think like my characters, you know have the same ideas (like what Bulma thinks of kissing). Well, no. They have their own life and style and thoughts. I'm merely writing about them. My opinion about things is very different from theirs.

This is to my sister, Dark Princess Bulma, Ishi Ban and all of you who reviewed this story, are reading it now and still remember what it is about. :D You guys are great!

* Chapter 6: Who's getting married?!




I knew that 'Bulma' is a girl's name. I just knew it! And how the heck can a pill change a girl into a boy?! And what if she's not really a girl but a boy?! Do I care? Does she/he care?! Who cares?! I just had that feeling when I first saw him...her... That boy wasn't normal...I knew it! It's just physical attraction. Yes, okay, what am I thinking?! Must keep cool. It's not like me to get confused with things. Make a list of things to do and keep calm. Concentrate.

1/ Must ask Bulma what the heck is going on! 2/ Must get closer to her. 3/ Hm... I think I forgot something... The pad. F*CK!!!

How am I going to get a pad?! They think I'm weird enough and now that. Oh, no. The woman's going to get it herself! I won't humiliate myself like that. But that way she won't answer my questions. I left her furious. Must think of a plan out of this shit. I'm calm. I'm so F*CKING calm! I'm a strategist. I know that I know a way out. I'll ask Kakkarot to get me one. No. Bad idea. Ask Chichi? No. Come on, they're not even on board! Ask ex- girlfriend? Definitely no. Steal it?... Stealing is baaaaaaaaaaaaaad.


"Okay, girls! Please calm down! Line ahead! First prize goes for the best quality pad. Everyone's got a chance!" I can't believe I'm doing this! I can't F*CKING believe I'm doing this!!! Bulma better appreciate it! Can you actually *believe* that I promised my boxers to the girl who has the best quality pads on the ship? And now I'm suffocating from tons of different perfume 'cause the girls decided they were bored and actually *agreed* to that stupid game?! I didn't even hope they would agree for Christ's sake! You believe this shit? Cause I don't. I'm f*cking dreaming and when I wake up I'm gonna beat that scrawny shit Bulma senseless till I get my satisfaction. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do. Oh, Jesus! I've got tons of pads! Sheesh! I didn't know ALL the girls bring such things with themselves! They don't know when to stop! Ah, I think this was the last one. Now, to the plan.

"So, now the jury will decide which one wins the first prize! If you could just wait for a while till I come back! Right! Just a minute!" I put the sack on my back and took to my heels before they could say 'Vegetayousneakybastardcomebackhere'. I'm a genius.

I got down to the place where I last left Bulma only to find her comfortably chatting with Yamcha. Even my calmness's got a limit. Mind you, I'm a very calm person. I always keep cool and never shout and know a way out. I'm not going to fly into a rage.

"BULMA YOU CRAZY BITCH WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" this is calm. They turned to me on the verge of screaming (I don't have an idea why, I was being caaalm) but Bulma was the first to pull herself together. Yep, that woman had some balls. Literally. Wouldn't it tick you off if you knew that a girl you know was once a boy and maybe knows all the secrets of male society while you still can't get the females' thinking? But I'm not going to change my sex just to know that. Wait. Bulma's opening her big mouth. That means bad things are going to follow.

"Vegeta? Oh, sweety, can't you be more SILENT so that you don't scare people SHITLESS?! You know, I was having a perfect conversation here with Yamcha who saved my situation and you just come here like a ...bla bla bla...bla bla bla...yadda yadda.."

After a few moments of listening to her shouting your ears go out on a strike. And I think my brain made a short-circuit. Since *when* is Yamcha so close to her? What does she mean by 'saving the situation'? The situation with her PMS? That would mean he knows that she is a she. Heck, she's still shouting!

"SHUT UP! LISTEN TO ME! ANSWER!" that were the three orders I liked giving the best. It worked because she shut her mouth and gaped at me. Yamcha was looking like a man accidently found himself here and wanting to vanish the fastest way possible. Mission accomplished. I draged Bulma to the other corner of the store-room so we could get some privacy. "Would you explain to me what's going on here? Why were you talking to him? Weren't you supposed to be hiding?" I whispered holding her by the shoulders. It wasn't as if she could escape from the ship anyway.

"Why is it that you're always calm when you're talking to others and you're always angry with me?" she whispered back. My eye didn't twitch right now.

"Maybe because I'm not too fond of people who lie to me. What do *you* think?" I shot a glance at Yamcha who was standing awkwardly in the middle of the room waiting for our little talk to end. "Now are you going to answer my questions?"

"Look, I was waiting here for you to come back. And you weren't coming back. So I started to worry if you were even thinking of coming back. And that's when Yamcha came here and asked if I had a problem. Of course I told him to go away but then he said that he knew I was a girl and if I have a problem to tell him. And when he saw the blood he thought that you did something to me, you know what, and I told him what happened so he found me what I needed and even got me some clothes. He isn't the jerk I thought he is, you know? Vegeta, are you listening? Hey!"

Wait a second...What...?! He knew? Already? And I came back here with a sack of pads for nothing? Wonderful. I don't have anything else to add. "Good." Why am I feeling so fucked up? It's not a big deal anyway. "Return this to the girls in the hall and give them some of my boxers." She looked at me big-eyed. It's not a request you hear every day, now is it? Okay, I'm going somewhere quiet to lick the wound she made on my dignity. Yamcha's gonna die painfully. I went out before she knew what happened.

^*^*^(It wouldn't be me if I didn't put some angst in it, would it?)

B: Cool. You just love to torture me, don't you?

EA: Come on, it was you who offended him!

*B & EA look at Vegeta who's sulking at the far end of the room ignoring them.*

B: Crybaby.

*EA slaps Bulma around with a stinky trout.*

*B goes to Vegeta and hugs him*: Oh, poor baby, did I huwt you? I'm sowwy.

V: F*** off b****!

EA: Now that's more likely. Hey, where's Yamcha? Did somebody see him? Vegeta?...

V: Look in the fridge.

EA: It's too small for the whole of him.

V: Precisely.

B: Don't tell me you...

*All look at the bloody axe in the corner.*

EA: Bulma, call the psychiatrist. It's too late for the ambulance.


I'm not going to complain. I'll just go back to the academy and go on with my life. I'm used to this. It's strengthening my nerves. I'm hated by everyone. I'm not trusted. And it's alright. I don't want to be loved by these idiots anyway. Even she didn't trust me. 'So I started to worry if you were even thinking of coming back.' If that's so, if even she doesn't trust me then let them all go to hell. I don't care. I'm fine alone. I've always been alone because I'm not my brother.


Returning to the academy didn't change anything between me and Bulma. I was still angry with her and she still didn't have a clue why. I hate people who get the point too slowly. Everything else was the same. At the day we went back there she received a small package with her pills and a new credit card. The woman was so happy that she nearly broke her leg while jumping on the stairs. And guess who caught her. Yamcha. They seem very comfortable together. And talking about him... we soon figured out that Kakkarot knew Bulma's secret as well. It's not much of a secret now anyway. I just can't get it why they didn't say a thing for so long. And it's still foggy to me why the heck Bulma wants to be a boy. But I guess it's not my business. And I'm still thinking about her too much. Gotta stop that. Maybe a cigarette will be a good thing to calm my nerves.

Right now we've got P.E. and I'm sitting under the trees looking at the field where the guys are playing football. As usual I'm not playing. Neither is Bulma. She couldn't qualify for the team because she was just playing like a girl. Figures. Back to the cigarette. I don't really care if I get cancer, there will be nobody crying over my tomb. Even if there are people on my funeral they will be either paid or just too loyal to my family.

Tokiyama is the loser we all know and the Math teacher was the bitch she used to be. I'm not even interesed in grating on their nervers anymore. This shit just doesn't hold the meaning it used to hold. Nothing does. I'm not even living. I'm just...here. Okay, I'm one hell of a depressed guy. I just managed to lit the cigarette when a slender hand took it from my mouth and a foot stamped upon it. It doesn't need a lot of brains to guess who it might be.

"Smoking is bad for your health, Vegeta." It's Bulma. Of course she's in her boy's form. How many people do you know who can change forms? It's really...weird.

"You're bad for my health, go away." I answer coldly. It's not that I don't want to see her as him. It's simply annoying seeing her at all. She makes me feel guilty like all women do. They're always right and men're always wrong. Just because men used to control women in the past doesn't mean it's their turn now, does it? ... Does it?... Whatever. But it certainly doesn't mean women can change into men whenever they want, dammit! It's not natural.

I nearly fell on my back when a pair of blue eyes looked into mine from a very close distance. That was creepy. "Why are you angry with me?" I don't like that tone. Psychologists use this tone when they try to make you believe that your mother's bed-time stories drove you to steal from a lingerie store. It's supposed to be a calm voice but it makes me go nuts!

"Why don't you figure it out yourself? You're the genius!" I tried to get up and leave but she prevented that by hugging my neck. Now even if I went away she would stay attached to me. So I didn't move but waited for her to talk which she would certainly do.

"How am I going to apologize if you don't tell me? Come on, don't be such a baby!" she said calmly in my ear. If she thinks that I like people talking into my ear she's wrong. I pushed her away a little.

"Look-" I was just going to tell her to leave me alone when she kissed me. And she even doesn't know how to do that. Less when she's a boy. What's the big deal in kissing anyway? There are much more mature and pleasant things you could do with that body. The kiss is just the beginning of it all. Women know fully well that all men want from them is sex. So why the tenderness?

I broke the kiss and gave her neck a little more attention while unbottoning her shirt and pushing her to the ground. My hand caressed her chest and that's when fresh news came to headquarters. A boy. I was going to make it with a boy. Screw my luck.

"Crap." I looked at her to find her grinning like the idiot she was. A small finger traced all the way from my collarbone to the navel. "What were you going to do?" Bulma asked innocently. Her face made my mouth twitch into the littlest of smiles.

"I was going to get my apology." I answered sincerely. And I meant that.

"So, I'm forgiven then?" she's hopeless. I give up on her brain.

"NO cause I didn't get any apology. Got that?"

"Yeah, whatever. You know why I love being a boy?" There she goes again rambling about shit I don't give a damn about. And what was that 'whatever'? That's my trademark. And I mean what is mine is MINE. Only *I* can use it to finish a conversation. It shows my nature 'like I give a damn about that'. What is she doing stealing it from me?

"When we got back here and I was left with only a few of these things and when I received the pills, oh, it was heaven. Right when I turned into a boy all my troubles vanished. It's cool to know that you're not bleeding from below. You guys are so lucky and you don't even know it! Well, it feels strange when your chest is not occupied but it's so much lighter and when you run it feels very aerodynamic. It's still weird though. Hey, are you alive? Talk to me!" She finally noticed. Really, how long can a woman talk to herself?

"You can't always be a boy. Face it." my part of the conversation. Very long as usual. It's supposed to mean that she's not forgiven yet. But of course she can't get the point. Or maybe she doesn't want to. When you have a problem it's best if you forget about it. Well, I'm not a problem that could be forgotten so easily.

"I know, but my father could invent something more effective."

"You want to stay a male forever?"

"Well...that way I won't have to marry Yamcha."


I lost it somewhere. WHAT?! "Why don't you start your mysterious little story from the beginning? I would appreciate it greatly!"

"Wow, you're being kind? That's not good."

"No. Believe me. It's not."

I sat before her with my eyes set on hers and ready to listen carefully for the first time in my life. This is getting interesting. This girl has a lot of secrets from me and now I'm gonna learn about them all.


Okay, let me see if I got that right. Bulma is the prince-ss of some little discriminant country and just to keep the throne to the family, her insane scientist dad who's also the king of said country thinks up these freaky pills that turn her into a boy. Just wait till feminists learn about that! And on top of this shit she has to marry her 7th or so cousin Yamcha so she could keep her country when she gets crowned. Let's not even get started on her sad childhood. Come on! I mean it would have killed me if I had to turn to a girl to keep *my* country. Anyway, I think the worst part is Yamcha. Whoever wants to marry *him*! Every anti-worst-ever-husband radar would go nuts around him! He and Bulma? Yamcha and MY girl? That's so not gonna happen! They don't even sound good in the same sentence!

Right before I could say something about the matter a loud KABOOM cut me off. Now that's an interruption! Since we were an all boys academy nobody was screaming but most of the guys were shocked. Some of them seemed very happy though because the classes were put off. A few moments later we saw that it was the dorm that was on fire. I really hope they don't put that on me like the incident in Tora. That would be expensive. I looked around and saw that Bulma was already running towards the dorm and screaming death metal-like. I soon realized why. The room that exploded was ours. In this moment it looked more like a hole in the building. Some of the closest rooms to it were on fire as well. Don't we have luck or what?! However, the reason for Bulma's sudden outburst wasn't the room but what was in it, namely the pills. Her luck sucks. What worries me more is that they will have to put us in different places, separated.

Next question is who did that?


A/N: Sorry to those who thought that Goku and Yamcha will learn about Bulma in another way. But it was originally like that. Anyways, I'll give the details in the next chapter when it's Bulma's POV. And I know this chapter is extremely short but it just looked finished. What else could I write? So I'll let the rest to Bulma next time. I swear I originally intended to write this extra long but it's just my luck to finish it in this place. Oh, and can you believe the story actually has a plot?

You wanna know something? Since this chapter is so short I'm gonna add extra stuff. Not my rambling of course. When I write this I usually have an idea what I'm gonna write but then Bulma and Vegeta just take the things in their hands and the story goes in a different direction. It's never like how I want it. They're just so self-willed! They never do what *I* say! Especially Vegeta. He's the worst. Let me show you how it *had* to be here before they decided to leave the script and improvise...


(I'm not using POVs here.)

Vegeta goes to Bulma finding her talking to Yamcha. Throws the bag with pads on the ground and gets Bulma's attention. Bulma comes near him and explains that Yamcha is her future husband.

Vegeta: You're kiddin' me!

The next moment after Vegeta read the script he throws it on Yamcha and shouts.

Vegeta shouting: No f*cking way I'm staying calm and all. No!! I'll shout. And God knows how I'll shout!

Bulma (to the audience): He's so difficult! (to him) Come here, baby, you know you're my only one.

Vegeta stops foaming at the mouth after hearing Bulma's melodic voice. (Bulma: That's right, I have a melodic voice or the author suffers!/ Author treating a bad bump on the head after calling Bulma's voice high-pitched and unbearable./ Bulma hitting author once again: Watch it!)

Vegeta burns down the script and writes another one. Then gives it to the author.

Vegeta: What do you think now?

Author: Apart from bad grammar?

Vegeta growls.

Author: Whatever. Do what you want. I'll only sit and watch. I'm sick of thinking!

Vegeta grins and advances towards Bulma.

Author: I didn't mean THAT! It's still early.

Vegeta: It's always early for you! When will it be the right time?!

Author: Well, first Bulma has to turn at least 21 and then you have to marry and-

Bulma: Don't I have a saying in the matter?!

Yamcha dramatically: We're only pawns in the hands of fate. (Fate=Author)

All stare at him: Yamcha, shut up.


Okay, I'm going now. Next part will be sooner than this one. I hope. (Audience loading guns: We hope too!) O_o