
Rated: T/M-ish

Chapter Summary: Connor's human girlfriend wants to interface with him and Connor does his best to do as she wishes even if he finds out he's increasingly self-conscious without the barrier of his synthetic skin.

After seeing the Connor-centric trailer that showed him without his artificial skin, I couldn't get this idea out of my mind.

Oh, and as always, you can read this as Connor x Reader or your own Female OC if you like. The picture included is my OC but ignore it if you prefer. ;-p


"...Connor?" her voice was sleepy and nearly muted from where it brushed against the hallow of his throat. The barest sensation it caused flickered along the surface of his skin had the RK800 stirring out of his near stasis; pausing his background diagnostic to answer.

"Yes?" he voiced against the shell of her ear; arms tightening around her middle to reassure her he was listening as she further tangled her naked legs with his own.

His girlfriend remained silent for a beat before clarifying, "I was just wondering…I've watched Markus and North touch hands without their skin on when they're being affectionate; anyway, they seem to do it mostly when they kiss so I'm wondering, is that like some form of intimacy for Androids? Like sex?"

Connor couldn't help but chuckle, "What we partook in only nine minutes prior is sex - interfacing is quite different."

It was so blunt, she couldn't help but blush and bury her nose further into his collarbone.

"Well then, enlighten me. How is interfacing different?" she asked, reluctantly pulling back from the comfortable position in order to peer up at his face.

Connor smiled affectionately at the determined set of her brow before answering, "Interfacing is intended as sharing information between Androids; a sort of data transfer or download of certain databases, memories, or archives. It's a helpful tool especially in investigations to get the information transferred with as little interference as possible - and it's immediate unlike other means."

Quirking her brow, she asked, "…but that doesn't make sense. Why would Markus and North need to do that now? They've been together for so long I doubt they need exchange information so purpose would interfacing serve for them?"

Connor paused at the truth in her statement, the lines on his forehead becoming more prominent as he pondered momentarily before deciding upon the best way to answer her question.

"You have a point in regards to the beneficial aspects of interfacing. From what I understand, I believe when Markus and North interface, they're sharing memories and…emotions, feelings, which is a fairly new feature that went untapped before deviancy existed. Becoming a deviant has opened many new opportunities in that regard to programming and its abilities Androids can share. I guess you can describe it as another way in which they communicate their affection for each other."

"...but you said it wasn't sex... Can Androids have sex with each other?"

She shivered slightly at how Connor's chest actually vibrated slightly when he let out a sudden chuckle; his arms tightening around her as he nestled his face against her halo of hair nesting on their shared pillow.

"If I am able to have sexual intercourse with a human, it is possible for Androids to do so as well if both parties were given the proper functioning parts necessary for copulation."

"...But the way you say it, it makes it sound like interfacing is…more intense - or even better than sex? Knowing someone completely inside and out, sharing memories and experiences through a single touch…that sounds incredible."

"I suppose that could be true," Connor agreed, "Sex is merely a physical act of intimacy whereas interfacing is, I guess you could say, emotional, would fit as a description. Does that make sense to you?"

Biting her lip, she grew quiet while mulling over all Connor had told her. "Yeah…Kinda." she shrugged.

The room grew silent. Only the sound of her soft breaths against his throat, slight whirring from Connor's spinning LED and the pound of his thirium pump against her cheek could be heard for a moment until her voice broke the momentary haze.

"...Connor, can you…interface with me?"

The RK800 pulled back slightly before peering down at his girlfriend; a curious slant to his brow was all it took to inform him that she was indeed being serious regarding her question. An immediate 'no' was at the tip of his tongue but he bit it down when he seen the flash of hope in her eyes and knew he needed to work around it.

"You're not an Android." he decided upon.

"...I know that, but…" blue eyes roamed his face for a moment as it appeared she was trying to come up with something to say. "But, I want to try it…"

"Nothing would happen other than you witnessing my synthetic skin peeling back from my hand. You wouldn't receive any information, all you would feel is perhaps a slightly tingle or warmth against my palm."

Not to be deterred, her mouth set itself in a firm line; eyes scanning idly over his face for a few tense seconds before she spoke again.

"Okay…If you can't interface with me…can I at least see you without your skin?"

Connor's brows lifted at her sudden new request.

"What purpose would that serve?" he asked with an amused tilt of his lips.

His girlfriend shrugged, "When Androids interface, they peel back their skin to touch each other - without a barrier so to speak. Maybe it'll be enough if I just touch you without yours and hey, I'm already as naked as I can possibly get so I'm already halfway there." she chuckled sensually while running a hand down his chest, thumb gently caressing his nipple.

"I'm not wearing clothes either," Connor pointed out and she smiled as blood heated her cheeks. His propensity to state the obvious was so damn endearing - and he looked great naked but that was besides the point.

"I can see that, but…" her voice tapered off as her eyes lowered to where she was lazily making designs in his skin by connecting the dots with the freckles scattered across his chest.

"But what?"

Eyes meeting his again, she replied, "I want to see you Connor…without this." Lifting her hand up from it's idle tracing, she slipped her hand down his arm until she was intertwining their fingers.

"I don't understand," Connor admitted, "Is my appearance not pleasing to you?"

"Connor, that's not it, you know I think you're incredibly handsome. All I want is to be closer to you - as close as I can be even if I'll never be able to interface with you." she whispered, hand squeezing his once before letting go and resting on the spot right above his thirium pump. "That's all..."

The RK800 stared at her for a long time, eyes roving over her face as he processed her request. The LED on his temple pressed against the pillow was unknowingly (for her knowledge) spinning yellow than a frantic red.

After a devastatingly brief moment of hesitation, Connor lifted his hand from where it was previously resting comfortably on her flared hip.

Steadily lifting it palm out and open just how she'd seen Markus and North do on various occasions in the past. She glanced at Connor's face looking for any hint of unwillingness or uncertainty but she found none. Which was surprising for some reason because, as far as she knew, Connor had never been without his synthetic skin (other than his hand or arm), so she partly wondered if his hesitance over her request bothered him more than he would willingly admit…

Not wanting to hesitate though, she raised her hand and gingerly pressed her palm against his; the coolness of his skin combined with the softness of the artificial skin was such a wonderful contrast she could never get enough of.

"Are you ready?" Connor asked.

"...are you?" she answered with another question.

For the first time she could ever recall, Connor suddenly looked…apprehensive but the flicker of that emotion in his eyes was gone as quickly as it came.

Every bright red error message possible flashed behind Connor's eyes in that moment. He knew internally there was absolutely nothing amiss with his systems but with these concerning blackened edges flashing in his vision, the slight electrical misfiring in his simulated nerves, and the frantic beating of his thirium pump could be described as a human's panic attack.

It was ridiculous really; for there was still a big difference between deviants and humans. Androids still felt no physical pain although it was becoming harder to ignore emotional turmoil and his own conflicting doubts. He knew for certain that he felt pleasure, that was definite given his and his girlfriend's active sexual activity, but there was still a fine line between programming anomalies and human mental disorders.

Yet as Connor pressed his hand to the incredibly warm skin of his girlfriend's palm, there was this innate sense of fear he could not control or simply explain away.

Perhaps it was because he was so eager to please this one single human more than any of the others - including Hank. This beautiful human woman who he'd been utterly entranced with the moment they met, the one he, over the course of their romantic relationship, would admit that he may possibly fallen in love with. But for some unexplained reason, he was scared of the possibility of her opinion of him changing, if her views of him were altered or most frightening, if she didn't want him anymore, once she witnessed him for what he truly was.

An Android without the artificial flesh that allowed him to blend into any crowd; the only indicator he was anything other than human was the LED in his temple. The synthetic skin he'd grown to identify with, see daily in the mirror as he got dressed for work, the one in the photograph on his new identification card. The same skin she happily planted kisses on, embraced frequently and was sexually intimate with…

but now, she wanted to see him without that barrier.

To genuinely see him as nothing more than his white and gray plastic body; a barcode printed on his cheekbone, serial number and Cyberlife logo embedded into the plastic on his forehead. The human woman who accepted him for who he was and didn't seem to care that he wasn't human but it still didn't change the uncertainty pulsating throughout every frame of his hardware.

Connor had never been ashamed for being an Android before his deviancy. He was in fact incredibly proud to be the most advanced Prototype Cyberlife created - an RK800. That machine Connor was made to be - who knew who and what he was - merely designed to accomplish a specific and highly important task. At various times throughout his short life, there were moments where he longed for that past persona instead of who he was now. A deviant still learning to process all of these new emotions and feelings that were brought out of him by the overwhelming fact that he was indeed alive.

Nevertheless, even as he felt entirely uncomfortable with her request, Connor never wanted to disappoint her - and he wouldn't dare start now.

With that thought, he allowed his synthetic skin to start its removal process…

Connor's palm began glowing a warm bluish hue beneath uncharacteristic warm skin, it tingled slightly as his flesh began pulling back; the texture of his skin changing drastically with its removal. Soft synthetic skin with a slight give was now hard plastic. Not deterred in the least, she pressed her hand more firmly to his, staring at his face; watching in rapt attention as pale freckled skin gave way to shiny white plastic right before her very eyes. A gentle blue light scattering over his skin, slowly pulling away the flesh and hair in its illuminated wake to reveal who he was underneath that barrier.

If she didn't see it happening right before her eyes, she would have hardly believed it.

Face and everything the same as it was slowly revealed to her. Entirely different yet exactly the same; a contradiction she was scarcely aware existed as the last vestiges of his freckled skin disappeared in a flicker and scattering of bright blue. Skin pulling away from his face, than neck down his chest to where his arms were already bared to her. The man that went to bed with her, who she made love to, who was once all pale freckled skin and tousled brown hair was now stark white with sections of gray.

Not even aware she had been holding her breath as she looked at Connor as if for the first time.

The RK800's mouth and brow ridge twitched slightly under her examination; doing everything in his power to control his overstimulated processors as her eyes roamed over every single centimeter of his body. He silently awaited her rejection or even disgust at seeing him in such a state, he barely recalled what his appearance reflected without his skin, and frankly, didn't care to. So uncomfortable at her scrutiny and silence that passed by more slowly than what was plausible, he was tempted to reactivate his synthetic skin - but then she moved.

Palm still pressed to his, she intertwined their fingers, grasping his plastic hand lightly before she let go to further explored him through touch. Running her fingers ever so gently up his arms to clasp at his elbow and down his stomach and hips to press at the round joint. Fingers and palm skirting down and up in an almost sensuous dance along his body before rising back up until reaching her final destination. Licking her bottom lip, she slid her palm over his cheek and stared at his face; Connor's beautiful face. Sans skin, hair, eyebrows, freckles and moles, all she had come to love about him, but as she witnessed him now without it - she realized none of that mattered…

None of that was what made Connor - Connor.

This RK800 Android…this man, was Connor.

Swallowing back a sudden lump of emotion clogging her throat, she smiled openly at him. Dainty hands gently cupped his face, thumbs skirting over the incredible smooth plastic underneath warm fingertips. Tips of her digits tenderly running over those small black identifying marks under his eyes and on his temples, along the seam of gray plates on the sides of his face and down the rectangle section on the curve of his dimpled chin. All the beautiful features she'd noticed since they met were still there regardless of the synthetic skin that used to cover them.

She laid there, simply staring in rapture of him, touching him; enjoying the sensation of his plastic body. Entangling her legs further, pressing her toes on the top of his feet as her hands cupped the back of his smooth head and neck and Connor downright shivered at the languid touch.

Finally, she drew her eyes away from scanning his face and finally met that familiar chestnut gaze. Connor was still staring openly at her to read her reaction and it was only now she saw the undeniable anxiety in his eyes. The slight twitch of his lips and the barest hints of a red light scattered on the sides of the pillow the only indicators of the storm brewing deep inside of him.

Lips in a determined slant, she was desperate to put whatever fears he had to rest.

"… You're so fucking beautiful, Connor…" she whispered with pure conviction.

Not giving him a change to react, she gently grasping his cheeks, index slipping behind his ear before she closed her eyes and kissed his white mouth. The cold, completely smooth surface of his lips and the barest hints of warmth emitting from between them had her toes curling into the sheets that pooled around their tangled legs.

At the sensation of her mouth on his, a temperature change fluctuated instantly in his chest; a physical alteration and emotion he felt so sporadically over time but never had it been more powerful than right now. How she looked at him with curiosity and eager fascination; to see him for what he truly was under the synthetic skin and not seeming to care in the least. Kissing him, holding him and touching him in the way in only she could; lips pleasant and soft from where they pressed hungrily against his own.

All of the errors that flitted around the edges of his vision slowly faded with the press of her mouth; LED that spun a harsh red changed from a timid yellow to the calm blue within a matter of seconds. Eyes closed, the RK800 melted into her, slipping his arms tightly around her waist and smiling as he eagerly kissed her back.

I'm SO fucking tempted to add another chapter to this where they get it on without his synthetic skin on...let me know if I should. XD