Different Loving – Sequel of Home Again
Dedication – For the ones who love more than one heart in diverse ways… This one is for you…
Disclaimer – This is not really a stand alone story, but could be read on it's own if you understand Emma shrinks and grows in three day cycles: adult, teen, six year old due to a side effect of a spell Gold wrote that Regina cast with Emma's permission. She lives with Regina, they are a family with a purely platonic relationship when she is an adult and more of a parent child one when she is small. The relationship Emma has had with her parents had been rocky at best in the past, but is continuously healing and getting better. Even so, I strongly recommend you read the first two parts of their journey: The Do Over and Home Again before this.
I own nothing, but my own ideas. Romance between DragonQueen ship only with mentions of RedBeauty. Though the adult version of Emma is implied, this work will focus most on the shifts of her little counter parts. Work will contain other themes of the following – family feels with angst, healing from the past, defining family, undertones of authority/obedience dynamics. There will be some spanking implied and occurring of a minor.
Have issues with any of the above-no problem-Don't like = don't read. Otherwise, I encourage reviews, questions, and constructive feedback as it helps me better my craft as a writer.
Chapter 1: "Cake is the answer no matter the question."
Summary: In which little Emma wants her cake and to eat it too...
: One Month After Home Again… :
Six year old Emma Swan Mills twirled in her yellow chiffon and silk dress. Little fingers ran the length of the empire waist bodice and happily fluffed the big tutu skirt ending at the top of her matching ballet flats. Wonder Woman action figure clutched in other hand flew in a swooping arch high over head as she played. A coronet of red rosebuds framed over bright green eyes and brighter still did they beam when the music she had been waiting for all day started. Tucking Wonder Woman into her basket of rose petals she was directed to the start of the long grassy path. She took a deep breath before taking a step to begin the procession to the altar near the crest of the high meadow overlooking the seascape of the town.
Chin up she smiled at family and friends seated on either side where she walked, dropping delicate handfuls of yellow petals with every other practiced step. Catching David and Neal's eyes as she passed Emma gave a toothy grin and wave before refocusing on the brunettes waiting at the altar. Red encouraging smile came from her Mama proud as can be and Emma stood up straighter in stride. As maids of honor Regina stood off to the side next to Mal and Snow with one bride anxious in wait.
Ruby, beautifully sharp in a tailored red and white pant suit, gave a wolfish grin to the women and Granny, then to little swan. Grateful friends could have a special role in their big day. As Emma neared in approach everyone stood for the other bride clad in a creamy yellow knee length belted dress and heels. Small hands cradled a bouquet of matching roses and keen blue eyes only for the redhead long waiting.
The first of March was the first of many for the reunited couple since Gold's departure a month ago. They hadn't wanted to waste another moment apart, time precious to reunite and hearts more than ready to own their truth to each other. Asking their friends and family to witness their celebration of choice and to honor the commitment they were ready to make further solidified the happiness of their reunion. Honeymoon to Europe planned for the next month. First stop on their journey of seeing the world together as one, but both agreed they had a lifetime ahead to travel and Storybrooke was home, the roots there needed as an anchor for what they were to each other.
Emma watched her friends join hands as her Mama's hands came to rest on her shoulders. Automatically Emma reached up to rest hers on top as a new one joined on her left shoulder covering both. Looking up, little green caught a shared smile between Dragon and Queen, wondering then, how far off another wedding might be and what the future had in store for them all.
Resting her cheek on Mal's hand, Emma felt the willing warmth there. More and more she wanted the Dragon to be a daily occurrence in their life. The last month a mix of dates for her Mama, with casual outings for all of them and long weekends together had been a tease of possibility. The history and foundation was long there, and Emma knew Regina's heart by heart as she suspected Mal did, if not in a different way. Not one to rush, but also not one to linger long over a decision, she knew her Mama had been thoroughly invested in making sure each move on the board toward a future was the right one for all involved.
Emma finally squirmed, little body anxious to move from a long period of stillness and adult voices. A gentle squeeze from royal above stilled her feet for a few minutes more, quiet redirection and remembering the promise of cake after the ceremony was enough to keep her six year old mind where it needed to be.
"By the power vested in me by the state of Maine…" Granny trailed off, clearing her throat. "Actually it was more like the internet, Google technically—"
"Granny, just get to the good part." Ruby rolled her eyes affectionately and found amused blue ones in the next moment as she lifted the small veil pinned in chestnut curls.
"You both may kiss the bride and you better make it a good one." Tearing up the old wolf grinned.
Belle's hands cupped soft cheeks, tasting her true love for the first time as wife and wife. Long and deep told the story of once upon a time past and the next chapter awaiting them.
The air exploded with clapping and whistles within falling confetti; one little pair of hands clapped the hardest with bouncing feet around the happy couple. Emma hugged the newlyweds before beginning her bouncing circles again. "You gots to feed each other cake now!"
Laughing Ruby nodded and bopped a small nose as she and Belle began to move toward the refreshments. "So we do little swan and you need some cake for all your hard work too."
Agreeing Emma paused, eyes sweeping over the table before finding her Mama's. "I wanna cake like that." Pointing to the three tiered red velvet and lemon frosting confection Granny had made for the occasion.
Regina stepped over with Mal's arm around her waist, taking a small hand up as people began to mingle about. "We can certainly think about that, but your birthday is a ways off yet baby."
Blonde curls shook and she looked pointedly between the two women. "Not for my birthday, at your wedding one day Mama."
Two sets of heels froze as blue and brown met briefly before joining on an impish green pair. Licking lips Regina was not sure what to say or not to say to that. Emma waited expectantly as music began to waft around them and the celebration portion of the wedding began.
Sensing her Queen needed a moment and understanding what the idea of a wedding meant to Regina, Mal slipped around to the other side of Emma, pointing to the cake once more that was being cut and served. "Better taste it first to be sure darling. Will you go save us a place in line?"
Easily redirected with food, especially sweets, Regina watched her little one dart off in answer to the long table full of tasty treats. A deep breath re-centered her and hand found Mal's in comfort. Feeling the need to explain her lack of ready response, a throat worked to speak. "I cannot promise…" Squeezing hard, she leaned heavily against her Dragon. "Once was more than enough for me."
"Regina, I know." Soft and reminding that no further explanation was necessary and felt the shorter woman ease at that.
Mal understood the complexity there, and of a past best left buried between Queen and the long dead King. Never would she ask that ceremony of Regina and simply knew that when the time was right, no law or official paper would tell them who they loved and to whom they belonged. Dragons mated for life and that life was a very long one. The result always brought children as it had in her first experience. Forced mating never had a good outcome, but for the exception of her daughter, Lily, and she did not have the pleasure of raising her little dragon. She and Regina shared a history where neither was keen to recreate a ceremony that held a bitter meaning to both of them.
But there was more than just them to consider. Child Emma was now had no other reference for weddings other than they meant commitment between two people that loved each other. Teen might comprehend an alternative and the adult definitely would… Still, a conversation for another day, or three different days. Each part of Emma was truly a unique entity, a completely separate person in thoughts and body, though unified within one mind. All required a different set of gloves when handling and yet all loved the same, deep and sensitive.
"Mama? Mal? Come on!" Small feet hopped losing patience in excitement as the head of the line came nearer.
Regina smiled at the innocent light waiting for them and hand in hand joined Emma with Dragon by her side. Cake, pictures and dancing followed long into the evening. Child's dance card full as she took turns with all her favorite adults. As the stars began to peek out against the night Emma tuckered out after a particularly exciting round of foot work from the last dance on top of her Mama's toes. Exhausted, Queen guided child out of the dwindling crowd to sit and girl seeing a warm open lap waiting made a nest on Mal. Sleep found little one in a wink as the party began to wind down.
They said their goodbyes and Regina bent to pick up Emma's discarded shoes and Wonder Woman as Mal followed carrying the child to Benz. Careful hands got little girl secured in car seat without waking. Once at the mansion the same hands carried Emma upstairs behind the Queen leading the way. In the lavender room women worked together undressing the child. Mal sat on the full sized bed with Emma propped up in her lap as Regina undid the tiny pearl buttons down the back of the fancy dress. Slipping silk from small shoulders and white ruffled socks from tired feet came next. Girl stirred as a light cotton night gown was pulled overhead and a warm conjured cloth wiped the last traces of frosting from a pink mouth. Laid to rest between cool sheets Emma was kissed and drifted off again as two sets of eyes watched overhead.
"She looks so peaceful." Thoughtful, Mal whispered as Regina turned on the swan light.
Soft red smile. "I'm surprised she dropped off so suddenly after all the sugar she consumed, but it has been a very full day." Taking Dragon's hand again as her mind drifted back to Emma's words before cake. "Thank you for helping with her, now and at the wedding."
"I enjoy every moment Regina. You both are important to me." Recalling the shared meal and dance with sprinkled moments of joint laughter throughout the day. One that ended too soon for her taste, but late now, child in dreams and work waited for both of them in the morning. "I should let you get some rest." Knowing Queen was tired from the festivities and the days of prep leading up.
"Stay please." Not a question Regina began to lead Mal to the door, cracking it behind them and down the hall toward the master suite. Ready to share what she never did heels moved with certainty and a need to be filled.
Willing, Mal paused outside of the threshold, pulling Queen close by the waist. "Regina, are you sure?" Searching amber for more than one answer to many unsaid questions. Queen knew what this would mean and awakening the Dragon this way, what with the need she could smell wafting from her lover would only have one outcome.
Sharing space in sex for both dominant women was no easy feat. Naturally they each tried to possess the other and their exchange turned up fire in dance quickly, ending on rough embers yet always thoroughly satisfying for both of them.
Dragon was sure of her own emotions, call to seize the skin heating under her hands rising as did the only flame before her in the dark night. Called to bed from the woman telling was not a light invitation. They had known each other before, explored different curves in a magical realm and here in this one, but never in the Queen's bed. Sharing intimate space as such for the act of sex would be yet another layer peeled away from the heart she knew well. Not often but occasional, there were simply times Regina needed to submit and doing so in this bed spoke volumes of the trust being given over.
"With you, I am always sure." Tugging silk tie around Mal's neck loose playfully she gave her eyes to the tall blonde and consent to the burgundy lips engulfing her own.
Lifted and carried with ease into strong arms, Regina allowed Dragon to take the lead usually shared between them. Set carefully on the edge of the bed, her mouth was explored; a rewarding expedition. Familiar fingers slowly drew the back zipper of her red dress down, down, down to the crest of black lace panties hugging hips swelling from a tiny waist. Shivering as fingertips stroked skin to goose flesh, Queen bit her lip as eyes drifted closed in want. Mal trailed a refined cheek to an ear, nibbling before lips began whispering promises of the naughty spice and sweet finish to come…
A/N - Please Review!
Next time - A bit of school trouble ensues for Emma and she learns more about what Mal's role in her life means.