I looked back at Sans once again before we moved from the wall and walked up to the group. Undyne was leaning over the short dinosaur. Katt seemed a little tipsy but still mostly sober. Papyrus though...he seemed as if he hadn't consumed a drop of alcohol all night. He was just as chipper and energetic as per usual.
"Hey guys. You're already done drinking? What time is it? Who won?" I asked sheepishly. Katt was glaring at me then pointed to Papyrus who posed as if he had conquered an enemy in battle, his chested puffed out and the red scarf he always wears waving in the breeze. I was surprised to hear this and it seemed Sans was as well from the expression on his face.
"By the way...what. is. that?" Katt asked accentuating each word, pointing to my hand. I looked down and remembered I still had my cigarette lit. I subconsciously hid it behind my back as if I were a child caught taking something I had no business touching. Papyrus' sockets grew as he smelled the smoke.
"MISS...MISS ROSETTA, ARE YOU...SMOKING?!" He stared at me as if he were scolding a child for being in the wrong. I couldn't look him in the eyes. How does he do that? Make me feel like I've kicked someone's puppy. I heard him huff as he stomped up to me. I backed up instinctively as he stood towering over me. He then reached for my hand, pulling it from behind my back to reveal the cigarette still held between my fingers. He plucked it from me, dropped it on the ground, and put it out with his boots. He then looked down at me, still holding my arm above my head, "MISS ROSETTA, DON'T YOU KNOW HOW BAD SMOKING IS FOR THE HUMAN BODY?" He paused a moment looking at my bare hands as he held my wrist in his bony hands. "YOU'RE FREEZING! DID YOU NOT FEEL COLD?" He gently released my wrist as I let it drop next to my side. He then reached his bony hands to touch my rosy cheeks and his sockets changed to looking sad. He stood up and removed his scarf from around his neck then attempted to wrap it around my own. "HERE, THIS SHOULD HELP WARM YOU UP. I UNDERSTAND HUMANS ARE AFFECTED BY COLD AND HOT TEMPERATURES. I WOULD HATE TO SEE YOU FALL ILL." I'm glad my cheeks were already red from the cold, so no one questioned why they became brighter. He then cupped one of his bony hands up to his mouth as he breathed into it then reached down and grabbed my hand. I was surprised to feel his bones were warm. He smiled kindly at me as he added, "THIS SHOULD HELP WARM YOU UP A LITTLE, RIGHT?" I just nodded slowly, trying not to blush more than I already was. I was soooo glad it was cold out tonight. It was hard to tell I was blushing due to my face already rosy from the cold. Sans surprised me when he grabbed my wrist closest to him and shoved my whole hand into his jacket pocket.
I stared at him stunned by his action also. He refused to look at me but just said nonchalantly, a slight blue dust on his cheek bones, "i keep forgettin' how ya humans are affected by the weather. this is a little better though...right?" I nodded again, my eyes still wide with surprise. 'I'm in a skelly sandwich!' A cough from someone brought me from my thoughts. The yellow dinosaur had a grin plastered on her face as she watched from the side lines. There was a familiar gleam in her eyes as she seemed transfixed on staring at me, Papyrus, and Sans...just scanning over the three of us bundled together. Each skeleton holding my hands and wearing Papyrus' scarf that almost swallowed me up from how huge it was, and her grin grew little by little. I actually got a chill down my spine from it. 'Why do I feel...I don't know...in danger...intimidated...not life threatening danger, more like...something I should be wary of. I'm not sure what this feeling is.' The yellow dinosaur spoke, breaking me from my thoughts.
"H-Hello, m-my name i-is Al-Alphys. Undyne keeps ta-talking about yo-you." She spoke reaching out her clawed hand. I smiled as I took it.
'That strong feeling before...was it just my nerves? She seems pretty sweet. No red flags appearing yet.' I thought as we shook hands, er, in her case claws. "My name's Rosetta. Nice to meet you Alphys. Undyne's told me so much about you also. I'm glad to have another fangirl around. Anime for life!" I responded gleefully, holding a thumbs up to her. Alphys blushed red as Undyne giggled drunkenly, a goofy smile on her face.
"Really? You like anime too? Have you watched Kissy Kissy Mew Mew yet? It's awesome!" Alphys spoke excitedly, not once stuttering.
'Wow, she didn't stutter? Maybe she only stutters when she's shy or nervous? I was definitely imagining that feeling coming from her. She's way too sweet! She's even an anime fan! Now if she was an Otaku, then I might be worried...but she doesn't seem the type. No red flags at all...besides, what could this sweet dinosaur possibly do?' I smiled as she waited for my response, "No, I haven't seen it yet. Me and Katt should have an anime night. It's been a long time since we binged on some good anime. You and Undyne should come over and we can make it an anime binge night. Have some snacks and good drinks. What do you say?" I asked happily. Her eyes sparkled with excitement.
"Yes! That would be great!" She looked at Undyne who continued to lean over her as a crutch then looked back at me, "Well, I wi-wish we had more ti-time to talk, b-but I have t-to get U-Undyne home."
'Wow, she's stuttering again...She really is so cute just like Undyne said. I was just being overly cautious earlier.' I thought to myself.
She smiled back as she began to lead, almost drag, Undyne to her car parked close by. It was a pretty blue, just like Undynes' skin. That's so cute! Alphys closed the passenger door after making sure Undyne had been safely strapped in. She pulled out of the parking space and stopped next to us. She didn't say anything, just stared at our group, that same familiar...gleam in her eyes. Katt watched as her eyes moved from Papyrus, to me, to Sans, and then repeating a time or two. A smile stretched across her snout as she whispered "I ship it." then drove off giggling. (RED FLAG, RED FLAG! DANGER, DANGER! OTAKU ALERT! OTAKU ALERT! WE HAVE A SHIPPER ON OUR HANDS!) An alarm went off in my head repeating those words.
"WHAT DOES...SHIP IT MEAN?" Papyrus asked confused. Katt and I, as big of anime fans as we were...understood exactly what it meant. Katt busted out laughing as I blushed furiously. When looking at Sans, his skull was lit up like a blue neon bulb.
'She's...she's a shipper?! That's what that terrifying feeling was! She's an Otaku! A Shipper of couples or...ones she believes to be couples...Otakus...are a force to be reckoned with! How did I not see it before? And she ships it?! Ships who? Katt and Papyrus? Sans?' I felt a pang in my chest at that thought. I placed my hand over my heart, a confused expression on my face. 'Why...did that bother me? That doesn't make sense...she could have been shipping them or me and Sans...or Papyrus...' I felt my heart flutter at that thought. My face began to heat up, thank the stars it was cold outside because my face was already flushed from that. I quickly shook my head to clear my thoughts, 'What is wrong with me? Why did my...you know what I'm over thinking this...it's her fault! She has to clarify this shit! Who was she shipping?! I'm so confused!' I thought as I became more flustered. Papyrus stared at my sister with a puzzled look on his face. Sans had pulled his hoodie over his skull and I could see a faint blue blush dusted on his skull. Alphys seemed happy with our reactions as she waved to us and drove off giving no further explanation. I could hear her cackling loudly as she drove away. Papyrus waved happily as they turned down the road, disappearing from sight. He then turned and looked back to Sans, who was still trying to hide in his hoodie, and myself, completely forgetting that my hand was still held by his in his jacket pocket. He put his hands on his hips as he huffed exaggeratedly.
"heh, sorry bro. we were just..." Sans spoke lazily, his blush finally gone.
"SANS! DON'T YOU DARE!" Papyrus cut in, irritation heard in his booming voice.
"chillin." Sans finished with a grin.
Papyrus threw his arms in the air groaning loudly. "I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU SANS! ENOUGH WITH THE PUNS! YOU ARE HEREBY BANNED FROM PUNS!" I couldn't help but laugh, the stress of meeting an Otaku melted away. Papyrus was so cute when he got upset like this. I heard Katt chuckling on the other side of him. "NO! MISS KATT! MISS ROSETTA! IF YOU LAUGH, IT WILL ONLY ENCOURAGE HIM!" Papyrus scolded us as he folded his arms.
"Sorry Paps. Maybe we should give Sans the...cold shoulder?" Katt giggled.
"NOOOO! NOT YOU TOO MISS KATT! I HAVE FAILED TO PROTECT YOU FROM HIS INFLUENCE!" Papyrus cried dramatically as he fell to his knees in defeat. I patted his shoulder as he mourned his defeat against the power of horrible puns. He turned his skull toward me as I smiled.
"Don't worry Papyrus. You have protected me a lot from Sans' puns, but I couldn't defeat them all." I giggled. "Puns are just too strong, but I know you will be there to help us defeat them! You're the coolest skeleton around!" Papyrus' cheek bones dusted orange as I smiled at him. He stood to his feet, once again towering over all of us as he began to walk, a huge smile on his face.
"YOU REALLY THINK I'M COOL?" Papyrus asked joyfully. I smiled at his naive self for not noticing the pun.
"The coolest." I giggled.
"ya, no one's cooler than you bro." Sans added, a cheeky grin on his face.
Katt chimed in, "You're the definition of cool Paps."His face beamed with pride.
"NYE HE HE! OF COURSE I AM! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS THE..." Papyrus froze as the sudden realization struck him. "DID YOU...ALL MAKE A PUN?! ALL OF YOU!?" He waived his arms around dramatically as he hollered. We all broke down laughing as Papyrus scolded us for our immaturity. He pinched the bridge of his nasal cavity as he groaned, "I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW IMMATURE YOU ARE ALL ACTING! SANS IS RUBBING OFF ON YOU BOTH!" He walked up to us, our bodies now laid out on the ground, trembling as our laughter had yet to die down. He suddenly picked me up startling me, my laughter immediately stopped. He placed me on his right hip as if holding a child, his arm securely wrapped around my waist. He then proceeded to pick up Katt, placing her on his back, her arms wrapped securely around his neck, and finally scooped his brother under his other arm and began walking, hauling all three of us with him. He didn't act strained at all for carrying two over weight women and his big boned brother.
I felt my fear rising from the pit of my stomach. My hands clenched into his shirt as I forced myself to push away my nerves. 'It's ok...you're not hurting him. He said...you're NOT heavy...even if that was a lie, but holding ALL three of us? I know he's gotta be struggling a little...' I thought as my chest began to tighten. 'Don't have a panic attack over this! It's...it's gonna be ok. Almost home...almost home...' I closed my eyes tightly and rested my head on his collar bone, my legs had already curled closer to my own body. Papyrus seemed to notice this as he turned my way and...kissed the top of my head as to comfort me. I looked up, my face flushed brightly.
"YOU'RE NOT HEAVY. AS I'VE SAID BEFORE, I QUITE ENJOY CARRYING YOU." He spoke in a softer tone but considered as a normal tone to me. "BETTER?" I nodded slowly and hid my face in the scarf he wrapped around my neck earlier. I felt my nerves slowly dissipate. Not truly gone, but not over powering me either.
'I wonder if maybe I still have alcohol in my system...I know he didn't mean anything by that...that...kiss...it was on top of my head...just to...to comfort me, ya. I'm way over thinking this! That whole, 'I ship it' from Alphys has my mind in the wrong place.' I thought to myself as I tried to will my blush away. I peeked from the scarf to see we were almost home. 'Damn, that was a fast trip. Papyrus' legs cut the journey almost in half!' I thought as I looked down at my own short stubby legs. When we reached our door Papyrus knelt down so Katt could jump down from his back and I stepped from his hip. Katt opened the door and we quickly entered to escape the cold breeze outside. Papyrus closed the door behind him and set his brother down once inside. We felt the comfortable warmth blanket over our bodies. I released a satisfied sigh as I felt myself slowly warm up. Luna was quick to greet us as her bell jingled from up stairs. She quickly began to greet everyone by criss-crossing between everyones' legs.
"Hey Luna, we're home. Would you guys like something hot to drink?" Katt asked as she was already heading to the kitchen, Luna following after her.
"NO THANK YOU MISS KATT. I AM FINE. WHAT ABOUT YOU SANS?" Papyrus asked his brother.
"nah, i'm good. unless ya got a bottle of ketchup 'round" Sans joked.
"SANS! YOU HAVE HAD TOO MUCH TO DRINK ALREADY! NO MORE KETCHUP!" Papyrus scolded. Sans just chuckled and shrugged his shoulders in defeat.
"I'll have a hot chocolate Katt." I called out.
"Ok, gotcha!" She replied. I kicked off my shoes at the door and headed to the longest sofa in the front room and sat in the middle of it. Before I leaned back I realized I was still wearing Papyrus' scarf. I quickly unwrapped it from my neck and folded it neatly.
"Thank you for the scarf Papyrus. It really is warm. I folded it and you can get it off the coffee table ok." I called out as I set it on the coffee table in front of the sofa. He smiled happily at me.
"NO PROBLEM MISS ROSETTA. I'M GLAD IT KEPT YOU WARM." He responded gleefully. I patted the cushion on my right for him to join me. He happily kicked off his boots and set them by our door then made his way to the sofa. He sat next to me, his face beaming with excitement. Sans walked over to the sofa and sat on the other side of me, laying back lazily crossing his arms behind his skull.
"You guys wanna watch a movie? Since it's getting close to Halloween, we could watch something scary...if that's ok." I asked feeling slightly shy after the question left my mouth. Papyrus looked at me, seeming a little uncomfortable about 'scary movies'. Sans, who was now lounging with his head resting back on his bony arms, opened one of his sockets and lazily stared at me.
He shrugged his shoulders and responded, "wha'cha got?" A big smile stretched on my face as I quickly stood up and moved to the movie shelf. I scanned over the top row of movies looking at the titles. Katt walked out from the kitchen with two cups of steaming hot chocolate and a bottle of ketchup under her arm, Luna still following her, meowing for attention. Sans immediately perked up. "aw, ya shouldn' have." He joked as he reached for the bottle.
Katt pulled it from his reach and responded, "Well, if that's how you feel, I'll put it back." She smirked as Sans gave her a competitive look. She busted out laughing as he swung for the bottle again, and again, she pulled it from his reach. She giggled as she teased him, holding the bottle behind her back. She jumped surprised when the bottle was swiped from her hands. She turned around to see the bottle engulfed in blue magic and floated to Sans whose eye socket was glowing the same blue colored magic. She had a look of puzzlement and surprise on her face. He chuckled cheekily as he happily popped the top and took a swig of the ketchup. Katt shuddered at how disgusting that was. Sans just winked at her and he took another gulp of the red sauce. She quickly turned away from him to set the two cups of hot coco on the coffee table.
"What are we watching?" Katt asked as she began to sip at her steaming drink. She sat in the love seat beside the sofa, laying long ways, propping her feet on the other arm of the sofa. Luna jumped up onto her and began to kneed at her stomach until she was comfortable and curled up into a purring fur ball. I finally pulled a movie from the shelf and held it up triumphantly.
"I found a good one! It's old but still awesome!" I announced. I bounced over to the TV and placed the disk in the DVD player. I pet Luna as I walked back to my seat between the guys. I turned on the TV and the pressed play as the move title appeared 'John Carpenters: The Thing'. I settled myself between the guys feeling nice and warm and safe from my over active imagination when I watch scary movies. A smile grew on both Katt's and my faces as the familiar heartbeat like intro music began, creating an ominous atmosphere. The familiar music made my heart flutter. That sounds weird when thinking that about a horror movie, but this movie was special, remembering watching this movie with our parents and brother was comforting. This was dads' favorite movie after all. I quickly pulled my feet from the floor and hugged my knees to my chest excited about the movie. I couldn't hide the smile on my face. At first Sans and Papyrus looked confused as to why I pulled my feet onto the sofa. Papyrus even looked around the floor to see what I was trying to avoid. I held back my giggles and rather not explain that I was afraid of the 'movie alien monster' would try to grab my feet. Sans actually seemed interested in the movie when he realized it was about an alien from space. Poor Papyrus' bones were rattling from his terrified trembling. I laid back into the sofa and leaned against Papyrus' bony arm. I grabbed his hand to comfort him. I felt his trembling slowly fade away. It was so late and I didn't realize how tired I was. My legs slipped from their position and bumped Sans legs. I tiredly pulled them back into place. "Sorry Sans." I softly apologized. I heard him chuckle as he grabbed my feet. I jumped slightly as the contact and swung my gaze to him. He smiled as he continued to lift my feet and laid them over his legs.
"it's alright. this is more comfortable anyways." Sans spoke as he held my legs in place over his lap. That sudden jolt of energy was quickly spent as the tiredness began to take over once again.
My eyes were half lidded as I smiled tiredly and responded, "Thanks...Sans. You're...comfy." My words word soft and almost slurred as if drunk off of sleep. I leaned back and felt Papyrus guide my head down onto his lap also. I looked up at him as he smiled down at me. I smiled again as Papyrus began to stroke my hair, his bony finger combing through my hair. 'Who is the world told him this secret of putting me to sleep?' I thought as exhaustion had almost completely taken over. "Thank...you...Papyrus. You're...so warm...and comfortable...you too...Sans." I took Papyrus' free arm in my tired state and pulled it to me, as if I were hugging a stuffed animal or pillow. I nuzzled my face against it as sleep began to take me. I felt Sans grab on of my hands and held it in his own, but I was far to gone to think about what I or they were doing. Sleep finally won as everything went dark and silent...except for a weird...throbbing or pulsating sound...sounded like more than one. It was so...calming...so peacefully and beautiful...what is that wonderful lulling sound? It sounds so close that I could reach out and touch it if I tried. It warms my soul whatever it is. I could listen to this sound all day long.