Hey everyone! I'm new to the FanFiction community and I wanted to try some writing because it's not something that I do that often. This is my VERY FIRST FANFIC. Reviews and tips are very much appreciated because I'm trying to get better at this. I hope you enjoy a little bit :/

Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia. It belongs to Kohei Horikoshi.

Chapter 1

It was the last period of the day. Mr. Aizawa was giving a lecture about who knows what. All that mattered was that they were about to be free to do whatever they wanted for the rest of the day. Everyone was on the edge of their seats, resisting the urge to stare at the clock. Any second now…

"Now, can anyone tell me what your first course of action would be against an armed villia-" Mr. Aizawa asked the class in his usual monotone voice before getting cut off by a loud and truly satisfying sound that all of U.A. knew all too well.

The ringing of the school bell sounded all throughout the school, notifying everyone that the school day had come to an end. Everyone in Class 1-A mentally celebrated, careful not to show too much enthusiasm in front of their intimidating teacher.

Aizawa let out a long sigh. If it was out of relief or frustration, no one knew, and no one DARED to ask either.

"We'll finish this tomorrow. Head back to the dorms. I expect for everyone to be at their best tomorrow." Aizawa sent a small glare at Mineta who shuddered in his seat from his teacher's obvious statement towards him. Aizawa grabbed his yellow sleeping bag and exited the room. As soon as he left, everyone returned to their usual perky attitudes.

"Man, I'm beat! That training today was extra intense!" Kaminari said to no one in particular.

"And training in the cold no less…" Jirou said, shivering as she remembered the experience.

It was currently December at the time and it was freezing cold pretty much every day. Plus the snow that was on the ground didn't make it any easier. Asui in particular has been taking training the hardest, considering her Frog-like characteristics mixed with the cold weather.

"Ugh, tell me about it. I thought that I'd turn into an ice cube out there." Hagakure said as she made a motion that looked like she was rubbing her hands up and down her arms. It was always hard to tell with her.

"Even so, heroes must learn how to overcome any challenge that is put in front of them. The cold weather is no different. This is just one step of many to becoming a hero." Yaoyorozu informed her classmates.

"She is correct. We must adapt to our surroundings and push past this icy obstacle in our path." Iida said while doing his usual robotic hand motions.

"Now. Let's start gathering our coats and making our way back to the dorms. We all must be indoors by curfew." Iida said while pointing towards the door of the classroom.

Everyone nodded in agreement, except for Bakugou who just let out a small grunt.

Even though they were training to be heroes, they all agreed that getting some time to relax everyday was something that they were thankful for. Considering what U.A. put them through, who wouldn't want to relax every now and then.

"Um..Iida? You do know that our curfew isn't until 11 pm...right?" Midoriya asked as he was being rushed out of the door.

While everyone was putting on their winter attire, which consisted of coats, wool hats, scarves, and other things, Uraraka noticed something outside of the window.

Tiny white flurries were slowly falling from the sky. They landed on a blanket of white that seemed to cover all of U.A. campus. Her eyes immediately lit up and were filled with wonder. A beaming smile appeared on her face as she watched outside of the window. Seeing as her birthday was in December, she has always loved the snow. Her mind was filled with memories of building snowmen and making snow angels with her parents as a child. She would always catch a cold afterward, but she truly loved every part of it.

"Hey guys, look! It's snowing!" Uraraka shouted to her classmates as she pointed at the window.

"Well that's just great, ribbit." Asui said in a clearly sarcastic tone. She could've been mistaken for Thirteen with how many layers she had on her.

Midoriya noticed Uraraka's beaming expression and a small blush appeared on his cheeks. Her face reminded him of a child on Christmas morning. With that thought in his mind, a small smile crept its way onto his face.

"Yes, and if we wait here any longer, who knows how heavier the snow could get. Let's make haste!" Iida said as he started jogging out the door and towards the dorms. Soon, everyone started following him with Midoriya bringing up the rear.

Saying it was "chilly" was a serious understatement. Everyone started making their way to the dorms and as quickly as possible. Most people were gathered around Todoroki, who was using his fire to warm up the people around him.

"You alright back there, Explosion Boy?" Kirishima asked with a smirk to Bakugou behind him.

"SHUT THE HELL UP, OF COURSE I AM! SOME PUNY SNOWFLAKES AREN'T GONNA AFFECT ME!" Bakugou yelled, obviously annoyed at Kirishima.

"I don't know, it looks like your shaking in your boots to me." Kaminari added to the teasing, while Kirishima was snickering next to him.

"ARE YOU TWO IDIOTS ACTUALLY TRYING TO DIE?!" Bakugou yelled as small explosions fired of in his hands.

Kirishima and Kaminari started laughing loudly as they ran faster while Bakugou chased them down the path.

Midoriya let out a nervous chuckle. "Probably not the best idea. Can't see that ending well for them." Midoriya said, wondering how badly Kacchan was gonna hurt them.

Then, Midoriya heard the faintest sound. At first he didn't think anything of it, but then he heard the noise again. It sounded like a weak whimper. Midoriya completely stopped in his tracks as the rest of his classmates continued to run to the dorms. He listened carefully, and once again he heard the whimper. His hero instincts immediately kicked in. To him, it sounded like a cry for help.

He frantically looked around the huge blanket of snow to figure out where the cry came from. He looked to his left, and in the distance, he sees a faint golden color that stands out from the surrounding white. He squints his eyes and notices that the golden color is….MOVING! Realizing what he's been looking at, his eyes widen and he starts running as fast as he can to the golden color in the distance, praying that he can make it there in time.

After what seemed like an eternity, the students of Class 1-A finally made it to the dorms. However, three of the students made it there before anyone else. Those students being: Kirishima, Kaminari, and Bakugou. Kirishima and Kaminari both had burn marks all over their bodies and their clothes were burnt and ripped to shreds. It didn't take a genius to figure out what happened.

"That's what you get for provoking him." Mina said in a sing-song tone. Kirishima and Kaminari just sighed in defeat. They figured that this would be the end result, but it was always fun to tease Bakugou. Bakugou was standing against the wall, not even a little guilty about what he did.

"Don't worry you two. I'll make you some new clothes." Yaoyorozu said as she took off her coat and started unbuttoning her top. The girls tried to convince her to at least go to a different room, which she complied with. This very much disappointed Mineta for obvious reasons. Sero had to tape him up when he tried to secretly sneak into the room. Yaoyorozu came out with two sets of clothes, each one including a new winter coat. Kirishima and Kaminari happily took the clothes and thanked her about a million times.

Suddenly, Uraraka noticed something different about the atmosphere. She looked around the room and came to the conclusion that...someone was missing. Izuku Midoriya. Immediately, she got worried.

"Hey! Where's Deku?!" Uraraka shouted so that everyone could hear. They all turned their heads to look at her with shocked expressions.

"He's not here? I thought he was right behind us!" Iida said as he started to get worried too.

"Crap! Don't tell me we left him behind out there!" Sero said as he had a slight sense of nervousness in his voice.

The doors flew open. Everyone immediately turned their attention to them. The doors appeared to be kicked open by someone. There stood Izuku Midoriya, but something was different about him. There was a sense of fearfulness in his eyes. He was shivering and snot was coming from his nose. He stood with just his short-sleeved uniform shirt on, with his uniform jacket, winter coat, and scarf held in his arms.

"WHERE'S TODOROKI?!" Midoriya yelled with demand in his voice. Everyone knew that this was something urgent. The person in question stepped forward quickly.

"Right here. What's wrong Midoriya?" Todoroki asked. Midoriya quickly ran up to him and kneeled down.

"I need you to warm this guy up for me." Midoriya said as he put his jacket, winter coat, and scarf on the floor. Todoroki was confused, but he kneeled down in front of Midoriya.

Midoriya unwrapped the clothes to reveal something that nobody expected. There laid a small puppy in the middle of the clothes. It was quietly crying and shaking severely. It's fur was a golden color, but it faded a bit from the frost all over its body. There was a collective gasp around the room from the sight, some shocked while others terrified.

"Please hurry!" Midoriya shouted, but not too loudly. He wanted to make sure that this puppy was safe. He had to be able to save the ones that he could reach, even if it's a dog.