One of the most basic commands there were to teach a pet, "Watch me." Owen instructed while standing across Milo's bed by the staircase. He had been struggling with training their pug. It seemed no one had told him that the breed wasn't quite obedient, on the contrary; it was extremely stubborn — guess that made all three of them have something in common.

Milo the pug had been living with Owen and Claire for a couple of weeks now. He had his head resting on his soft bed cushion, his two front paws resting over the edge. He couldn't be bothered by the man standing there.

"Hey! Eyes on me." Owen said firmly, putting two of his fingers out, trying to have the dog's attention on him.

Milo only wiggled the wrinkles in his forehead at the sound of his master's voice. At least that meant he wasn't deaf. His round dark eyes looking away from him, they looked distracted lost in his own world. The dog released some air through his nose - it almost sounded like a sigh, one out of boredom at that.

Owen had a few of his favorite treats in the front pocket of his cargo shorts. Milo had really tiny teeth, so they were the soft kind. His teeth were so small that a bite from him felt more like a pinch.

"Milo!" Owen kept insisting with no luck. He slowly reached for his pocket and took out his old clicker. Maybe the sound of it would catch the dog's attention? It worked on his raptors, so why wouldn't it work on a dog? So far nothing did, he had tried bribe him with treats which he figured was the key to his heart. The couple had learned by now that their adorable puppy had a big appetite.

The man clicked a few times, he could tell Milo was taking the sound since he shifted his ear. The sound was new to him and he was getting familiar, but nothing that could get his attention for longer than a second.

Owen's eyes finally saw some hope, watching Milo stand up and gasp anxiously. The puppy stepped out of his bed and started limping over to Owen.

That wasn't the command he had given him, but it was at least something... some sort of progress, he figured. Owen was proud his oh so hard work was starting to pay off.

Seconds later, the sound of Claire's heels were also audible to Owen's ear. She was finally home after a long day of work. Figured, the dog had just gotten close to Owen so he could greet his human mommy first.

The redhead smiled, "Hey, baby!" She greeted and walked over. She stopped just a couple of inches away from Owen whom already had his lips pursed ready for his usual kiss.

Claire went past him and kneeled down, making sure to hold Milo close while he wagged his butt and licked all her face thrilled to see her. Her arms holding him from his torso, helping him with his weight so he could get closer to her and show her with wet licks how much he had missed her.

She had learned by now that the panting and the excitement he was showing took a few minutes to settle down. It was the same after they went for a walk. Claire had also learned how to pick him up in her arms so his weight wouldn't get tiring too fast.

The redhead held the chubby puppy close to her chest and stood straight, finally paying attention to her boyfriend. "Hi" She finally leaned close to peck his lips, but Milo was not having it and stole those poked out lips licking them first himself.

"Hey, get your own girl." Owen lightly pushed the puppy's head away and kept his hand blocking him so he could greet his girlfriend.

"How was your day?" She smiled lovingly. "Did you get anything done with this little monster?" She wondered. She walked back to Milo's bed and set him down on it.

"Nope." He sighed defeated.

"Here you go, buddy." She made sure he was comfortable. "Did you give him his med?" Claire looked back, hopping Owen hadn't forgotten.

Milo had to take some pain killers for his leg. It was beyond explanation that his abnormal formation was very painful. After all, he had his femur head out of place. The couple had already arranged for him to have a surgery. Thanks to her Dinosaur Protection Group initiative, Claire had a few contacts and had managed to get a canine otologist, he had his surgery due next week.

"I did—remember to give it to him." Owen started, already anticipating the look the redhead was offering, "but he kept spitting it out!" He shrugged. It was hard to explain, but the dog was able to pull it out of his throat. It maybe had to do with the fact that he had a very short one.

Claire sighed and headed to the kitchen, Milo and Owen following. She found the prescription and taking one out, she managed to have the puppy take it. She smiled proudly and congratulated him with a soft kiss on the top of his head, "good boy!" She added.

"But I'm your favorite boy." Owen tried not to sound jealous, but he totally was feeling a little possessive, which made him feel stupid since this was about some puppy. A puppy that apparently wasn't even smart enough to learn his name.

Claire giggled and nodded. She slowly walked over and hugged her arms around his waist, "but are you a good boy or a b a d boy?" The redhead teased him, her lips rolling up his chin to meet his own.

"I'll be whatever you want me to be, doll." He grinned against her lips, his hands sliding around her waist and traveling down to her ass.

"I'm in the mood for you to be a very naughty boy." She pecked his lips a couple of times, her fingers now working on pulling his shirt over his head.

His strong hands cupped her butt cheeks and pulling her up, he sat her on the kitchen counter.

She chuckled and didn't lose time on trapping him around her legs. Her fingers curled around his shoulders and firmly pulled him over, Claire leaned down and gently, but soundly, kissed his lips.

Owen let his hands travel under her dress, caressing the inside of her warm thighs as their kiss grew intense. His lips traveling to her neck, the redhead tilted her head giving him access to it.

"Milo, no!" Claire had to pulled back after hearing the puppy chewing on something. They could swear he was half beaver, always chewing on wood or anything else really. Milo was in that phase where he needed to chew on everything.

Owen sighed. He was really into the moment and if he had learned anything in these past few weeks, was that it would take some time for her to bring that attention back to him.

The redhead offered an apologetic frown before she hopped off the counter. Owen just pushed his hair back, running his fingers through it and walked around the kitchen.

Claire had left to go bring some of the dog's toys, Milo's favorites were plush but those did nothing to ease that need to chew around on furniture or anything he set his attention on.

Meanwhile, the puppy kept chewing on the corner of the counter. He didn't know who that Milo Claire had talked to was, and he didn't care to find out.

"Come here, cockblocker." Owen picked him up, Milo immediately started licking his face. He loved human mommy's second favorite very much.

He walked out of the kitchen with the dog in his arms and set him down on his bed. He once again pulled the clicker out of the pocket of his shorts and used it to try get Milo's attention. The dog was not interested. He moved to the end of the stairs and waited for Claire to come back. His bad leg kept him from being able to jump on and off of things, like the couch or the bed. He also couldn't move on stairs.

Claire finally met them at the end of the staircase. She was back with a plastic bone that Milo seemed to like. She threw it onto his bed but the dog only followed it with his head.

The redhead tilted her head noticing Owen had the clicker with him and chuckled lightly.

"Don't laugh, it works with everything." He clicked it a little, giving Claire the opportunity to see that Milo didn't seem to care for it. "Except on weird dogs." Owen shrugged.

Claire rolled her eyes playfully and looked down to Milo, her attention fixed on him while he started chewing on the edge of the step.

Owen wrapped one arm around her waist and tenderly kissed her cheek before trailing his lips to her neck. He pulled her closer, trying to get her back into the mood.

Claire nibbled on her lower lip and tilted her head to his touch, but her eyes were still on Milo who had finally gone back to his bed and started chewing on his toy.

Owen sighed noticing Milo had stolen her attention and brought the clicker to his front, toward Claire and made it click a few times. "Eyes on me." He commanded, a playful smile on his lip.

"What did you just say?" He did get her to move eyes back to him, but they weren't looking at him the way they were back in the kitchen.

"So it does work." He tried to get out of this one. "I was starting to think it was broken." He chuckled nervously before leaning over and kissing her cheek.

Claire snatched the clicker out of his hand and headed to the door. She opened it and threw his stupid clicker out into the woods as far as she could, "Fetch!" She knew a few commands herself.

"Hey!" He thought that had been unnecessary. But, she was clearly mad and so would let her have it.

Owen met her by the door and tried close it but her hand was firmed against it, her whole weight fighting him to keep it opened. He leaned down to peck her lips but she turned her face away from him.

"OUT!" She used a second command.

"Claire, come on..." He hoped she wasn't serious.

"GET OUT, Owen."


"GET THE FUCK OUT." She pushed him from his chest until she managed to have him standing out of the door and slammed it against his face.

She didn't even bother locking it. Owen should know better than coming inside when she obviously didn't want to deal with him or see his face.

The redhead picked up her dog and headed upstairs back to their bedroom.